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Ethical Decision-Making - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Ethical Decision-Making" discusses different situations concerning the information given by the help desk, ethical proposition such as privacy, manager's inaccuracy, application of Privacy, Accuracy, Property and Accessibility and Essex's dilemma. …
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Ethical Decision-Making
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Situation Answer to question It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that there is absolute certainty in the information given by the help desk. The dilemma the supervisor faces is whether to adhere to the manager’s order or to stick to privacy as an ethical requirement. Moreover, the competitive nature that surround business today compels companies to ensure data obtained or retrieved is accurate for informed decisions to be made. Inaccuracy consequently may lead to poor decision making which may be detrimental to the company. Even though, it may be unethical for the supervisor to crack into each of the help desk member’s account, he or she has to examine if the call to do so is justifiable. This is to ensure that the act does not harm both the privacy and property of the organization. The cause of cracking in this scenario is to obtain accurate correct data hence the supervisor in my conviction should adhere to the manager’s directive (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 The situation violates some ethical proposition such as privacy. However, if the members of the help desk gave inaccurate information then that too is unethical. These data influence decisions made by not only the manager but also the management of the firm (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 3 In case the data was found to be of poor quality then the cause of the error should be established. If the inaccuracy is intentional then the management of the firm should apply serious disciplinary actions to the members of the help desk (Ferrell, John and Linda 121).This is because the poor quality data may harm the operations of the firm to the extent of bringing it down to the doldrums. Answer to question 4 Application of PAPA PAPA is an acronym for Privacy, Accuracy, Property and Accessibility.These are four areas of ethical information where control of information is prudent. Privacy in reference to the above situation dictates that that the help desk avails requisite information for the supervisor or the manager. The supervisor cracking their system is a case of infringing privacy of the employees (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). As for accuracy, the members of the help desk should be held responsible for the provision of accurate information. The errors that emanate from the poor inaccurate data given have the potential leading into making biased decisions. When wrong decisions are made in organizations then in most cases the leadership is held liable. In this situation the manager directs the supervisor because he/she may be held accountable for the management leadership provided. The owner of the information is the company. The help desk members are able to own and access the information since the company provides them with the room to do so. However, while the supervisor accesses the various accounts of the members, it should be done carefully not to harm the members and client if any of the information involves their clients (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Situation 2 Answer to question 1 Essex is in a dilemma in this situation. Olsen is making personal calls concerning his sick child. In making personal calls when one is not in break does not commensurate with the ethics of the company. However, the life of the employee’s child needs intervention. Olsen should have informed Essex about the situation at hand. Making personal calls may be illegal and unethical act on Olsen but on moral grounds, he is responsible for the well being of the family. If I were Essex I would give Olsen some break to sort out the situation after which I would warn any employee contravening the rules and regulations. Moreover, I would put across to the other employees Olsen inclusive that in future pressing situations that require immediate attention of the employees especially when they are engaged should be reported to the management. In the business arena today the role of employees is highly regarded. When they are treated humanely then their performance is likely to skyrocket to the stratosphere.As Essex I would act in a humanly rational way (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 The utilitarian principle should guide decision making in this situation. On moral grounds the actions geared towards happiness of the troubled Olsen’s should be incorporated. He acted on moral grounds by being responsible for the sick child. Utilitarian provide clear channels of conflicts resolution when interests are coinciding and colliding. The conflict of interest is between the company (stipulates absolute attention while carrying out duties) and Olsen who has a sick child. Kant ethics stipulate that the determination of moral ethics is based on the intrinsic features and not the outcome (Pearlson and Carol 120).Looking after the sick child is a good action with good intentions which Kant argues that it inspires. The application of prima facie obligation would be prudent since it argued that utilitarian does not factor acts that are moral to the call of duty. Answer to question 3 Management practices that linear with behavior of organizations should be those that are conscious to the human rationality. These practices should marry all the ethical principles ranging from the utilitarian to prima facie obligations with clear conscious of the pros and cons. These practices should be flexible to situations for easier conflict resolution especially conflicts emanating from the interest of companies and its employees or stakeholders.Besides, there are some human rights that are inherently embedded to them that organizations have obligations to uphold (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 4 Normative theories of business ethics These theories provide the requisite requirement needed when making moral judgment. Some of these theories are consequentiality and non consequentiality, Kant’s theories, utilitarianism theory among others. The situation describe illuminate ethical dilemma between principles that are ethics oriented and normative priorities. In a bid to solve the situation that entails ethical conflict there must be an appeal to the theories to the constructs as well as evaluation of moral standards. For instant, Kant’s argument that actions with positive intentions irrespective of the outcomes are rational and ethical while in prima facie obligation incorporates that moral acts that are inherent to human’s needs are prioritized to the call of duty (Business Ethics 35). Screening the act on stockholder theory that entails maximization of the shareholder value then the act in unethical since Olsen is on duty but he makes personal call. Essex can act on that basis. However, on stakeholder theory, Olsen has a stake in the firm hence since the sick child is responsibly within his interest then its ethical that the institution should be considerate (Business Ethics 35). Finally on the scale of social contract theory, Olsen acted in a manner that benefits him as well as part of the society (Business Ethics 35). Situation 3 Answer to question 1 The legitimacy of Jane using the backup drive can be debated. She had acquired the software legitimately from the vendor with clear stipulated agreements. The new management of the acquired vendor is driven by egoism. They are selfless to their interest which is inconsideration we _sell_ If Jane continues using the software then her actions are driven by the good intentions of prosperity of the company she works for. She is within the moral boundaries of using the software that was obtained legally and ethically (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 The can still use the backup. The company will be within the moral of business ethics since the software was not obtained fraudulently. Organizations should not be driven by egoism. Jane’s action which consequently has resulted into the dilemma should be solved appropriately by application of the normative theories of solving conflicting interest. In this scenario moral principles and ethical values are conflicting. The company vendor is within their rights to ensure that the intellectual property values are upheld and that all the benefits accrued to it should be to that company. However, is also within the circumference of ethical and moral principle to utilize the software they had bought. Moreover, there were not stipulated agreements that limited Jane from backing up the software ((Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 3 Opinion The new company has revoked all the licenses on the use of the software. The legal framework has provided the company with the ammunitions to intrinsically own the software. Despite the action being immoral towards the other companies, through the legal backing, the company that bought the vendor’s firm is morally ethical as it is now the sole owner of the product. The arguments is based on the consequentialist theory which dictates that an action is morally wrong or right if its consequences are wrong or right respectively. It is for this reason that if the revoking licenses is to have competitive age over other companies then within that notion and though the company is rational to its existence and goals (Business Ethics 35). Situation 4 Answer to question 1 Through the Open ID Foundation, users are not subjected to repeated need to remember login in details. However, this subjects them tothreats ofprivacy in that any person using the some log in device can access information from the sites visited. Unscrupulous individuals can take advantage of the lack of privacy and retrieved critical information that may be detrimental to the user’s involvement in the site. The users many times reveal information about concerning them. In the event that someone else is privy to the information given rather than the intended persons then the rights to privacy is infringed (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 The owner of the data through the various sites subscribed to by the users can either be the user or the owner those various sites. The channels of distribution for these sites are owned by the companies managing the sites. Unauthorized users may interfere with data leading to skewness of information hence decision making maybe be affected. Answer to question 3 The access to data should be by the site company that the users subscribe to. In addition, the various users have access to the information they feed to the various site. The access should be controlled by providing test to the users logging in to ascertain that the person intending to log into those various websites are authentic owners to the respective portals logged into. The logging in details should not be made easier as per the open ID concept. The users should be tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that their log in details iswith them. However, in the event that a user or users forget those details then procedures on retrieval of the accounts or user portals should be spelt. These procedures should coincide with prior information given when signing in for the first time (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Situation 5 Answer to question 1 Installation of e-bolsters to monitor the activities to monitor employees has too side two sides of the coins in terms of consequences. On the positive side it enables companies to monitor if the data of these companies are secured with the employees. The privacy of the companies is secured by the control measure. In addition, employees with bad intensions (those who are likely break ethics of the companies) can be monitored since if not checkedsome of them may breach these rules for selfish purpose which may be catastrophic to the firms. Theory of prima facie obligations articulates that actions with good intension are ethical and morally right even if their repercussions negative (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). On the contrary, in utilitarianism the principle of utility dictates that an action can only be praised if they are rational and conscious to the well-being of human being. In a case that suggest otherwise then some blames can be levelled on the actions.Any course of action should be weighed on the scale of happiness of the employees. When the e-blaster is introduced by organizations then reduced activities on the employees may reduce if the employees realized that they are being stalked. Majority will have a feeling that their personal spaces are suffocated by the company. They may eventually carry out their duties with fear and skeptics (Business Ethics 35). The only conditions that electronic blustering of employees is applicable are when an employee has been terminated from discharging duties. The dismissed employee having lost a role in the company may be driven by the desire to revenge. The other condition where the concept may be applicable is a situation where the data that employees are privy to are not only crucial but also critical in the operations of the firm that if leaked or lands to unauthorized persons then the firms operations may stall. Despite all these, a control mechanism can be created where all information accessed by the employees, should be an ideal alternative. The techniques should be in a way that employees can only log into various sites using specific portals generated by the firms and are not tied to other activities off these employees (Business Ethics 35). Answer to question 2 Filtering Situation Five into the screens of normative theories then the principle illuminated in these theories are likely to either clash or coincide. Building a consensus maybe a hard nut to crack. For instant, if argument of ethics is based on consequentialist notion where moral rights are pegged on the consequences of the action. In this case if consequently the actions by the company impact negatively then the action is considered irrational. On the other hand, utilitarian concept is not in tandem with the above notion since it incorporates the feeling of humanity. All actions are that are human friendly are considered morally ethical. It is for this reason that it can be asserted that stalking an employee is ethically not acceptably.In Kant’s assertion on moral ethics, reinforces that ethical morals are tied to actions that do not contravene the universally accepted laws. If the actions contradict these laws then they are rendered unethical. Monitoring employees through e-blusters is an emerging trend that cannot be rendered universally accepted (Business Ethics 35). Situation 6 Answer to question 1 Googles approach to combination of information to user log in details has many dimensions to ethical viewpoints. The clients of google deserve their right to privacy. Using client’s particulars to monitor their behavior is unethical because these clients are not consented. Moreover, those who use google are impulsively and cunningly compelled into this concept without consciously knowing. This contravenes the rights to privacy which initially was upheld by the company. It therefore follows that the principles of google as a company doesn’t hold as much when the driving factor is competition with other companies as well as increase in the value of the shareholders. It is unethical for firms or organizations to contradict the moral principle. However on the basis of acting with the legal limits in provision of their services then Google Inc. is within the boundaries of the ethical standards. Besides, the combination this information has impacted positively to the wellbeing of humans in the society. The use these portals to regain and retrieve more information in a more synchronized form rather than when the desired information are scattered on different accounts (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 The reaction of the user to the approach of combination of information is highly unpredictable. The users in most occasions have benefited immensely to the approach. In addition, few complain have been labelled against the approach meaning it has been either consciously or unconsciously accepted. Answer to question 3 The main contrast between google act of combining user information centrally and UK system of combining all the necessary details in the identity card is that google intension is to widen its sphere of influence in the business arena while the UK system is not driven by desire to increase value in any aspect but to enhance security of its citizens. Besides, it helps in monitoring the rules embodied in the constitution of the United Kingdom. Answer to question 4 Application of normative theory Based on stockholders theory then the concept of combination of user’s information is just justifiable. The theory asserts that in a free market economy if actions promoted are beneficial to the society holistically then the involved company has moral obligations to act appropriately. It reinforce that in free market companies have the leverage of utilizing any available opportunity to gain competitive advantage over others hence it may at times restrict the common good of the society. It contradicts with philosophical point of view of the utility principle of utilitarianism where moral judgment is embedded on the on the perceived happiness of the human in the society. Moreover, it does not also coincide with the aspect of moral judgment attached to universal acceptance (Business 35). Besides stockholder theory, factoring in the social contract theory and stakeholder theory then the question the act is subjected to is whether society in broader perspective the society is affected or harmed. If socially it impacts negatively then it contradicts the social contract theory which entails morally acceptable acts that considered beneficial, In addition, the act is likely to violate the right to privacy hence unethical (Business Ethics 35). Situation 7 Answer to question 1 Based on the stockholder theory Spokeo services may be helpful for companies to determine the potential of employees. If an individual has significant influence in online activities then various company or firms can employ such individuals with the preemption that they can also influence not only changes but decision of these organizations. Online monitoring occasionally reveals the real character traits of persons that may not have manifested in the formal ways of recruitment. It is ethically for companies to employ persons with the correct desired requirements so long the basic rules such as privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility are adhered to. In most cases, information provided on personality of individuals based online activities are normally accurate (Ferrell, John and Linda 121). Answer to question 2 If women are to hire Spokeo to spy on their boyfriends on their behalf, the ethical implications are debatable. When an individual is insecure about his or her partner then the best way to ethically deal with the situation is to ask questions. Even though asking question may not be counterproductive but it’s ethical. People should treat each other in a way that they would like to be treated. Involving Spokeo services imply that there is no trust and honesty in the relationship. The privacy of the partner is infringed hence the act is unethical.If the result of surveillance is negative then it becomes embarrassing unto the woman’s side. Interestingly, the use of surveillance is unethical but productive in comparison to asking questions (Business Ethics 35). Work Cited Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective. Prentice Hall, 2009. Print. Ferrell, O C, John Fraedrich, and Linda Ferrell. Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases : 2009 Update. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Pearlson, Keri, and Carol S. Saunders.Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Print. Read More
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