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Problems when installing software - Essay Example

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In essence, individuals and organizations all around the globe do their best to ensure that they install the best software for promoting respective…
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Problems when installing software
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PROBLEMS WHEN INSTALLING SOFTWARE P number: Module: Module deadline: It is vital to that software installation has been one of the most important subjects of concern all around the globe. In essence, individuals and organizations all around the globe do their best to ensure that they install the best software for promoting respective organization goals. The main aim behind this installation is to aid in streamlining respective day-to-day operations and promote success in ensuring that the best results are gained.

Although a successful software installation adds huge value to the operations of an organization, it is important to clarify the existence of a significant of problems that usually arise when it is installed or put into use in an organization (Ashdown & Easton 2001). In simple terms, the term software installation entails a process of bedding in a well-defined set of computer programs necessary for accomplishing a predefined set of tasks. In other words, this involves the act of making a particular computer application ready for use by adding its integrated components into a computer with an objective of reaping crucial functionalities.

One of the most common problems in installing a software in an organization is lack of full compatibility with the installer of the organization operating system. This problem arises in scenarios where poor requirements gathering process is done particularly on the operating system needs of the software. To be precise, the compatibility issue occurs in scenarios where the software is successfully installed but containing problems in implementing some crucial functionalities necessary for the daily organization operations.

This results into immense losses since sometimes the whole software can have to be uninstalled and never used in the organization (Faris 2006). Fear of the unknown by most employees in an organization offers another major problem in the newly installed software. Most employees usually fear that a new software installation can affect their reputations or remove the advantages enjoyed before. In this sense, employees can do their best to manipulate the software and rendering it non-functional or not working as per expectations.

To the organization, this usually results into a huge a problem since it renders all investments made for the software turn into complete losses (Rozanski & Woods 2011). It is important to note that hacker techniques all around the globe have under gone significant technological advancements. This includes the fact that they integrate Trojan horses into most organization software or business information systems. A Trojan horse is a harmful piece of software codes, which accompanies most harmless computer programs such as a software aimed for streamlining operations of an organization.

When the harmless software is being installed, the Trojan horse also automatically installs itself in the background (Bouchoux 2001). The main problem brought about by installing a Trojan infected software into an organization is as stipulated below. A Trojan horse can be programmed to capture all information contained in an organization computer and send it to a particular remote computer, owned by a hacker. The result of this is that it can lead several private organization data be exposed to an authorized user, who in turn, can alter or steal vital information.

Consequently, the newly installed software can be the main cause of an organization failure (Locke 2004). ReferencesAshdown, A & Easton, A 2001, Installing software. New York, Dorling Kindersley.Bouchoux, E 2001, Protecting your companys intellectual property: a practical guide to trademarks, copyrights, patents & trade secrets. New York, AMACOM.Faris, H 2006, Safe and sound software: creating an efficient and effective quality system for software medical device organizations. Milwaukee, Wis, ASQ Quality Press.

Locke, J 2004, Open source solutions for small business problems. Hingham, Mass, Charles River Media.Rozanski, N & Woods, E 2011, Software systems architecture: working with stakeholders using viewpoints and perspectives. Boston, Mass, Addison-Wesley.

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