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Interface Design Examples Search based on Heuristics 4 Introduction A screenshot or screen grab refers to a way of taking pictures or snapshot of a computer screen (Christian, Para-1). Screenshot are very vital in various ways, first they may help to demonstrate things which might be difficult to explain to people by using mare words (Christian, Para-1).An efficient and effective screenshot should ensure that all the important details that need to be communicated are included. Enough contexts should be included so that viewers can be able to tell the part of interface they are viewing.
In this topic, an example of ten screenshots has been identified to shows how the ten heuristics may be applied. Screenshot on visibility of the system status The screenshot appears when one has logged in the spacewalk web interface. Some of the highlights that may be displayed on the screen which may help user to see what is going on include; postdate systems, release of recent errata and critical monitoring status among other highlights.Screenshot on match between system and the real world Yahoo mapThis screenshot help to map specimen for georeference obtained to other data base search (Shapley, Para-1).
This screenshot is efficient and effective because it uses language that users can understand (Shapley, Para-1). Additionally, it helps to conduct assessment by taking into consideration all the heuristic principles (Shapley, Para-1).Screenshot on user control and freedomAn example of this screenshot is the User Interface design and implementation which appears on the window XP when one presses the search button on the explorer tools bar. It allows the user to specify the kind of file he or she is searching for and in case the user makes a mistake he or she can Undo or redo.
Screenshot for consistency and standardsThis screenshot assist data entry screenshot or consistency management screenshot which provides a list of all the elements that may be applied during the modeling process. The assisted data mechanism in this screenshot can help a person to avoid errors when making entries by enhancing consistency compliance to set standards.Screenshot for error preventionThe screenshot alert users on the problem that might occur which may cause problems in the future. This problem may be illustrated on the diagram shown aboveScreenshot on prevention rather than recallIt help user to prevent inappropriate action rather than remembering the action that was supposed to be employed after the damage has occurred.
Screenshot on heuristic, flexibility and efficiency useAuthor: Steve, P-1In this screenshot both experienced and inexperienced users are allowed to conduct frequent activities without going through unnecessary procedures. Hence, making it more flexible and efficient to use.Screenshot on aesthetic and minimalist designThis screenshot allow the user to see one information display at a time.Only relevant information is includedin this design.Screenshot to help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errorThe above screenshot help users to recognize, diagnose and recover from errors.
The goggle above may alert the user by asking him or her. Did you mean this?Screenshot on help and documentationThe above screenshot help to enhance readability and inclusion of all the relevant information in the program that one is using.This screenshot may be available in microsoft spreadsheet,word and powerpoint.ConclusionTherefore, based on the above interface design examples, it can be scrutinized how various screenshots for each of the ten heuristic may be used to execute various operations.
Conclusively, it can be observed how screenshot are importance in explaining things which cannot be explained using mare words.Works Graphic Software. May 30th 2012.Retrieved ;<>on 6th November 2012.Shapley.R. “Defining the Ideal Interface”. Summer 2004.Retrived:
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