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Information Technologys Role in Sew What - Essay Example

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The paper "Information Technology’s Role in Sew What" states that Sew What, Inc. owes its immense success to the effective utilization and embracing of information technology. If it were not for information technology, today the business will never have been known by numerous people globally…
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Information Technologys Role in Sew What
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i. During its onset in the market, information know-how contributed to its credibility and numerous people were able to recognize it besides the business’ products and services. Hence, gaining an enormous clientele pool interested in drapers and other products it produced.
ii. Owing to its intention to give the best of its products via technological know-how, clients were able to learn more about the business besides making contacts when needed.
iii. The business resulted in the idea of launching its website in other languages besides English, which augmented its popularity globally.
iv. Business’ website contained adequate and detailed information about its merchandise, which enabled both the corporation and its clientele to operate effectively.
v. Megan Duckett’s knowledge regarding the essence of technological know-how enabled the company to expand besides having effective operations (Murphy, 2006). This is evident in the way she embraced Dell’s operations into her business.
vi. Technological know-how has also yielded decreased operation and performance costs thus enhancing effectiveness.
It is irrefutable that if Megan Duckett intends to dominate and attain an enormous market share globally she has no alternative but to utilize technology effectively (Murphy, 2006). This entails ensuring the company has the capability of reinventing itself especially in monitoring what is new in the world of technology and implementing it, for effective service delivery. However, the business ought to consider the cost and effectiveness of the information technology before applying it. Assuming the position of management consultant, I will advise Megan Duckett to undertake the following:
i. She must ensure that all the business’ marketing assets are up to date, which entails training marketing personnel in all aspects of sales (Murphy, 2006). This is to ensure that the business is capable of containing the stiff competition evident in the market presently.
ii. Megan Duckett should also think of utilizing information technology, especially in production and sales, which will aid in proper control besides record keeping (Murphy, 2006).
iii. The business should take advantage of the current social sites (Orkut, Facebook, tweeter, etc) besides blogging. This will ensure more interactions between the people and the business management meant to know the reactions of its clientele.
iv. Additionally, Megan Duckett should utilize the feedback attained from the client and other people to improve the business strategies (Murphy, 2006).
v. Megan Duckett besides specializing in drapery making, should think of being a global provider of the same line materials to other corporations, which will yield an increased market share (Murphy, 2006).
Information technology usually enables small enterprises’ processes to become more efficient besides reducing production costs (Ismail & Mamat, 2012). Hence, utilize information know-how mainly for promoting itself besides expanding to reach other global clientele. It also enables small businesses to utilize effectively and in an economical way the available resources, which will yield more sales. Information technology implementation by a small business enables it to unveil weaknesses inherent in its processes (Ismail & Mamat, 2012). For illustration, a travel agency, this in most cases entails flights taking their clients to diverse regions and destinations. The illustrations depicting how travel agencies can utilize information technology entail:
i. This is via storing and management of information regarding their clients so that if there is any need they can contact them.
ii. Information know-how besides aiding the travel agency in unveiling its weaknesses, is also able in rectifying them in time meant to improve their services.
iii. Travel agencies can utilize information technology to advertise their services, especially regarding areas they usually ply and commute to attract more clients (Ismail & Mamat, 2012).
iv. Sometimes the corporation may decide to develop movies, slides, or other visual tools meant to attract clients. Read More
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