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Information Strategies - Coursework Example

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The paper "Information Strategies" highlights that feasibility study of capital investments in the organization is based on finical cost-benefit analysis, conducted by means of traditional capital investment appraisal techniques, most commonly used are payback period and accounting rate returns…
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Information Strategies
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?INFORMATION STRATEGY By Question Information and consultation are distinct, they are interrelated processes. Which include management sharing of information with employees and consultation of managers and employees in issues of mutual concern? However, there some challenges’ which employees and managers face in information strategy practice. The major one is managerial styles may be a problem. For example, if the managers are inexperienced in information sharing, have a paternalistic approach, have issues in sharing knowledge and decision making, or they operate within an inflexible hierarchical organization. They may be reluctant to the concept and benefits of consultation and communication. In contrast/consultation and information is likely to be effective in workplaces where the customs is based on an open administration style. Employment relationship behaviours history in the organization can also act as an enabler or an inhibitor to effective consultation and information. Organizations with a history with adversarial relations and those where there has been no tradition of employee participation experience the greatest barriers to shifting to a culture of employee participation. Where there are established relationships through trade unions and partnership working employees may be more open to the opportunities accessible by the directive to review consultation planning. Creating a mixed constituency committees, for example, combining trade union and non union employee’s legislative body may pose serious challenges in the information sharing practices. Practical challenges may come arise from an imbalance of legal rights, expertise, and support between the two groups. Detailed factors must be taken into deliberation when introducing planning tailored to geographically dispersed organizations and those in small organizations. The consultation and information needs to be the same in these organizations whether in large or single site organization. The challenges in a smaller organization revolve around the need to achieve the accurate balance among formality and informality in communication. Question 2 Successful enterprises are built on change; businesses operate in a dynamic environment where the response to changing markets may of benefit to evaluate in hours and days instead of months and years. So responsiveness and adaptability will be of great success. Agent based process administration systems combine the latest distributed computing technology with agent based techniques by providing an intelligent conservatory and alternative to workflow administration systems. The advantages associated with agent based process management include, intelligent decision making where management strategy and policy can be represented with a variety of perspectives. Explicit resource management represents the limitation and the value of resources to manage and support the business activities. Anticipation in this process plans the task and schedule available resource anticipation in the business management. APMS react to changing circumstances and have the capacity to generate alternative execution pathways in reacting to specific exceptions. APMS can distribute over multiple platforms across the organization activities using the latest computing technology which is full of open across the machines and operating systems. APMS presents an alternative technology to working flow systems. The major one they offer an alternative vision of how organizations can be planned and managed. The method takes the service oriented view of business procedure management, where coordinating and resourcing of actions to support an edge to edge business process by relating consultation and collaboration between customers and source agents. Question 3 Workflow management systems have centralized workflow engine unlike APMS which consist of independent systems that represents the respective concerns of various organization units involved the management process. An advantage of APMS is that dimensioning of organization process is brought online and incorporate with process enacted resulting in improved redeployment of increased flexibility and resources during exemption management. Unlike workflow management systems that have suitable execution of organization functions and well-organized use of assets. Sustainable organizations such as insurance companies innovate and adopt appropriate environmental friendly technologies to develop human and skill resources, to enhance productivity to remain competitive in the national and international levels. They should apply workplace practices on the reference of international labour standards referring to their rights and procedures of work and promote god labour management’s relations to raise productivity. Question 4 Members of the organization should foster the expansion of workplace training and learning through the utilization of high performance organizational practices that improve their skills. The organization should also offer job guidance with public and private training providers, through participation. Members should also recognize the realization of lifelong learning based on the open commitment by the organizational creating and investing to create the conditions which promote training and education at all levels. Organizations managements, strategic planners, and information systems managers are increasingly turning their attentions to opportunities for achieving spirited advantage through information technology. There, four areas of opportunities defined by different theories, for example the theories of Rockarts and Scott Morton, have distilled opportunity for IT to support competitive strategy which include: Question 5 Operational efficiency and functioning effectiveness Systems to improve operations are the habitual focus of information technology applications and central to support the internal strategy of the organization. , these systems can also sustain the competitive positions of the organization to the scope they may become more industrious which they can turn to their advantage. Basically following the organization leaders leads to competitive uniformity at best. Cooperative information systems Organizations can extend the operational efficiency and functional effectiveness beyond the boundaries of a single organization, generally the structure of multinational information systems. Competitive methods for using complex exploitation for suppliers or customers generally focus upon opportunities for better harmonization. Operations can be made more resourceful to the benefits of all the stakeholders. These can be achieved with information systems that couple functional areas; for example, merging the production planning systems of a firm with entry system of supplies to lower the quantity of account in procedures and the turnaround time for new orders. Product innovation with information technology IT is providing organizations with unique opportunities for products innovation; diverse organizations have built information technologies into the existing products to enhance their value. In insurance companies, the technology must be built by providing delivery and development pathway for brand new services on products. The innovation can serve an important method for evaluating the existing products to develop new ones and exclusive ones Creation of bargaining advantage against customers and suppliers Significant tactic for improving ones bargaining position relative to customers is to provide valuable and unique information and services that require dynamic changes to the organization customers, and thus makes migrating to a competitor more expensive. It creates a situation where every supplier is a customer of another supplier in unbroken value-added chain. Evaluation techniques Feasibility study of capital investments in today’s organization is mainly based on finical cost benefit analysis, conducted by means of traditional capital investment appraisal techniques, most commonly used are payback period and accounting rate returns. Therefore, use of payback period technique is most appropriate for organizations as it accepts too many short-lived projects and rejects too many long lived ones. This is where service delivery organizations (insurance) prefer the method do to quick results favoured. They ignore the gains generated by the reuse because there realized after the initial investment is compensated Question 6 Technological change choices A common perspective in changing management must dwell on the two processes in management shift, the first order, incremental change which involve adjusting in processes, but, not the fundamental change in strategy, where core values and corporate identity should be maintained the continuity of the organization (Ulrich, Goldsmith & Carter 2004). Second order, discontinuous change is a transformational and radical who alters the organization it core values, this entails not developing but transforming the nature of the organization. Therefore, the organization should choose to change the software to preserve the identity of the business. Reference list ULRICH, D., GOLDSMITH, M., & CARTER, L. (2004). Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change How the Best Companies Ensure Meaningful Change and Sustainable Leadership. Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons. Read More
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