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Social and Professional Issues in Information Technology - Book Report/Review Example

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The paper "Social and Professional Issues in Information Technology" explores a tool used to share knowledge in the modern working environment. It enables one to capture information, display it, and save it as well as share it. This enables the application to connect various people with knowledge…
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Social and Professional Issues in Information Technology
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?Social and Professional Issues in Information Technology Social and Professional Issues in Information Technology Bloomfire According to Bloomfire (b) (2013), bloomfire application is a tool used to share knowledge in the modern working environment. It enables one to capture information, display it, and save as well as share it. This enables the application to connect various people with knowledge. The application has various usages as outlined hereby; creation and consumption of content (one can capture information and spread it to others for consumption), searching and browsing through its user interface, asking and answering questions by the team, finding and following experts in various trending subjects, and stashing of contents while offline (Bloomfire, 2013). Applications of bloomfire in a social technical realm that will be looked at are the social enterprise, content management, cloud services, and learning management. Bloomfire is in a spot between content management, collaboration, file sharing, learning management, and social business software (ElementCreative, 2013). It helps you capture, save, display, and share information, connecting people who have knowledge with those who need it. Bloomfire uncovers tribal knowledge that was earlier buried in emails and hallway conversations, enhancing better performance by a team (Bloomfire (a), 2013). Content management Description The application is capable of management through; searching and browsing of contents where one can view various types of contents like images, documents, videos or web links. One can also manage to find information from previous community postings like questions that were asked and answered. It is possible to view statistics on contributions in terms of who made them, when they did that, and best answers (Bloomfire, 2013). The application has filters that can sort contributions in various ways like types. A question platform /engine Competence The application supports various formats and types of contents. Multiple formats for a particular content are also available and are easy to use. This can enable a user to organize different types of contents to one meaningful object. Bloomfire is not specific to verticals; instead, it is flexible customization strategies to be used by most departments within an organization. To handle the needs of specific departments, the solution can be integrated with a third-party solution to provide a holistic and comprehensive view of all businesses. Contents in different categories Synergy In bloomfire, synergy gains between users in a community are well indicated in the collaboration mechanisms and the modes of communication. This is through the various ways of sharing information, retrieving information, asking questions and also answering questions. Analytics showing community communication (Burke et al., 2013) Defections Content management in this realm can to have offensive data being shared across the platform. Content creation is at the heart of information sharing since learning is disseminated through very effective content. Bloomfire simplifies content creation, aggregation, and dissemination through many features. The solution organizes and retrieves content through powerful filter and search features (Persaud, 2013). In essence, those who use can organize disparate pieces of content from many sources and platforms into one meaningful big picture. Social dilemma While Bloomfire is a good social media, there is a social dilemma regarding the management content. In Bloomfire, users can easily access and retrieve information (CrunchBase, 2013). This is not good for confidentiality of any solution in a company. While it is preferred, they become excellent tools to strengthen communities’ channels by encouraging conversations and discussions amongst employees. Although social networks enhance the distribution of information in a quick manner, in their very nature, they are unstructured and freewheeling. Discussions on social sharing networks often get involve and include content and references from multiple sources, both internal and external. For any Bloomfire solution to succeed, it must identify ways which can assimilate social networks with an organized and insightful structure in order to continue to provide the transparency worth for a meaningful social stream (Bloomfire Ambassador, 2013). Social enterprise In this realm, users in a community can ask questions and also support other users by answering to the questions (ACITY et al., 2012). This can be through texts, photos or videos. The users can also share information via email within the community. It is also possible to view profiles of other users, view their contributions and decide on whether or not to follow the contributions. Social Health Bloomfire integrates a unified social paradigm. Sharing knowledge as in the structures where knowledge and data are shared from multiple channels and sources into a cohesive whole and straddling multiple competencies (Kidd & Chen, 2008). For example, Bloomfire enables people to follow one another to form social connections. In addition, while hosting interactions, it enables users to upload and share files and documents across multiple teams and stakeholders. This leads to a niche; a mix of several technologies and features from enterprise software, social networking platforms, content management, learning management systems, and file-sharing systems. In short, it is a niche comprising of the Unified Social Knowledge. Legitimacy rules Traditional social solutions sought to achieve synergy by denying individual self-interest; the Bloomfire seems to be more positively focused on enabling legitimate rights. Following the change in the social lens, from users as selfish primitives that should be controlled and repressed like wild beasts, to users as citizens who can freely be offered kindness need only be kindled. In modern socio-technology, it is proposed to tap into the second world view (Tavani, 2004). Screenshots Figure 1: Screenshots Conclusions Bloomfire supports various formats and types of contents which are also available and are easy to use. It enables sharing knowledge and data from multiple channels and sources into a cohesive whole and straddling multiple competencies. Bloomfire provides a solution for modern social media better than the traditional solutions. Discussions on social sharing networks often get involve and include content and references from multiple sources, both internal and external. It enables a fast flow of information between users; say in a company, it employs can access and retrieve information easily. Recommendations While Bloomfire has brought changes in the social sector, there is need to build on the structure for it to be very effective. There is also need to assimilate social networks with an organized and insightful structure in order to provide the transparency and a meaningful social stream. Users ought to search for ways to make Bloomfire useful to their social collaboration. References ACITY, Meghanathan, N., Nagamalai, D., & Chaki, N. (2012). Advances in computing and information technology. Proceedings of the second International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY) July 13-15, 2012, Chennai, India. Berlin: Springer. Bloomfire (a) (2013). A knowledge sharing application for the modern workforce. Retrieved from Bloomfire (b) (2013). My bloomfire. Retrieved from bloomfire/id468462219?mt=8 Bloomfire Ambassador (2013). Update: New ‘series’ feature, ease of use and more. Retrieved from more/public Burke, P., Swartz, E., Carvanho, L., McMillan, L. & Benedict, K. (2013). Bloomfire Unites Cloud, Mobile, Social and Analytics in New Release of its Next Generation Knowledge Sharing Platform.New Jersey: Sys-Con Media Inc. CrunchBase (2013). Bloomfire. Retrieved from launches-bloomfire-mobile-app ElementCreative (2013). Element Launches Bloomfire Mobile App. Retrieved from Kidd, T. T., & Chen, I. (2008). Social information technology: Connecting society and cultural issues. Hershey: Information Science Reference. Persaud, K. (2013). Independent analyst review of bloomfire team knowledge sharing. Retrieved from Tavani, H. T. (2004). Ethics and technology: Ethical issues in an age of information and communication technology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Read More
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