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Case Study 2: Cloud Computing - Essay Example

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Case Study 2: Cloud Computing Name: Institution: Case Study 2: Cloud Computing Question 1 Ericsson has benefited immensely by being able to exploit Amazon’s resources. Ericsson has gained support its global infrastructure. This infrastructure offers cost saving benefits since it instantly deploys fresh and automated applications and software updates (Gold, 2012)…
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Case Study 2: Cloud Computing
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Access to the cloud from anywhere is crucial for Ericsson since possessing hosting centres in diverse locations enhances the quality of the company’s services. Ericsson opted for Amazon web services since the latter provided the most inclusive public cloud on the RightScale. Question 2 The product is developed to ensure flexibility to ensure that functional, as well as protocol layers are easily addable. Amazon S3’s service optimizes benefits of scale while also transmitting benefits to developers.

S3 is designed as an Internet storage solution and offers straightforward web services interfaces applicable to the storage and retrieval of diverse quantities of data, regardless of the place or time (Gold, 2012). Reliability is guaranteed through the support of the Amazon S3 Level Agreement. S3 provides users access to highly reliable, fast, scalable and cheap infrastructure for data storage, which Amazon utilizes to manage its own network of websites globally. Like with most cloud services, S3 allows users to pay for what they utilize.

RightScale functions as the link between one’s cloud infrastructure and applications. . Features of RightScale enable users to examine and balance server deployments in a reliable and efficient manner. Since RightScale is portable, it provides flexibility and liberty to protect businesses. EC2 offers a comprehensive environment, consisting of a memory, processor and preconfigured software. Amazon EC2 offers developers effective tools to construct applications that can deter failure and differentiate themselves from standard failure cases.

EC2’s scalability occurs on a pay-as-you-go basis within a few minutes. This, therefore, minimizes the duration it takes to acquire and boot the serve to mere minutes (Anthes, 2010). This enables the user speedily scale capacity wither up or down according to the changes in computing needs. EC2 transforms the economies inherent in computing by enabling the user to pay only for the capacity utilized. Question 3 Could-based services encompass a myriad of security concerns, including regulatory compliance, data segregation, recovery and long-term viability.

The issue of regulatory compliance affects organizations since they are responsible for the integrity and security of their data. This means that organizations must ensure that their cloud vendors offer security certifications and external audits. The issue of data segregation occurs since most times, data and information from different organizations coexist within one cloud. Sometimes there is no clear segregation of this information. Numerous encryption techniques are needed to ensure the delineation of this information (Armbrust, 2010).

With regard to the issue of recovery, there is a need for vendors to provide specified plans of action

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