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Online Booking System for Parking - Dissertation Example

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This dissertation "Online Booking System for Parking" remains the utilization of technology in achieving efficiency within parking zones. Technology has been identified as a method of increasing the delivery of services through improving the processes involved in delivering these services. 

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Online Booking System for Parking
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?Online Booking System for Parking Project plan Introduction Planning for this project aims at ensuring successful and timely completion of the project, from development to the implementation. The planning function remains essential in ensuring projects are implemented according to the outlined designs and required standards (Nielsen, 2007). The planning function seeks to ensure that project implementation maintains proposed methods, and effectively utilises the available resources. Planning ensures project success through providing guidelines for utilising the available resources available for the project. Effective utilisation of resources could be attributed to the overall success of projects and avoid instances of projects failing mid-way through. Poor project planning continues to be the greatest and common cause for project failures, in different kinds of projects. Regardless of the projects being undertaken, project planning always targets to ensure efficient and effective utilisation of available resources to enhance project implementation process. The project plan shall provide essential guidelines towards execution of the project. This shall involve providing information regarding resource allocation of the various resources. Through proper resource allocation, management of the resources shall become simplified to ensure successful project execution (Kerzner, 2003). Another planning element for the project shall be ensuring effective control of the allocated resources. Controlling ensures efficacy in the utilisation of the resources through eliminating wasteful resource usage during the project implementation. Through efficient controlling process, the resources allocated for the projects shall be able to complete the execution successfully and smoothly. Project planning ensures proper and efficient utilisation of the resources through control in the use of available resources. The controlling function of projects is bestowed upon project managers and their teams. These individuals ensure the project remains focused on delivering the required objectives while utilising the available resources in an economical way. Efficiency in utilisation of project resources remains a fundamental factor contributing towards successful completion of various projects. Most project failures remain attributed to resource wastage, which result in resource shortage, and ultimate project failure. Controlling of the movement and proper resource allocation remains a significant contributing factor towards project success. Project charter The project begins with identification of the various parking zones, which shall be included within the online booking platform. The project aims at identifying the upmarket zones with easy accessibility and whose demand for parking remains high during peak and off-peak durations. This shall be followed by an informed analysis of the available infrastructure and capacity of the identified zones. This analysis remains essential in identifying the necessary infrastructural amendments required by different zones to ensure proper functioning of the intended systems, when installed. Upmarket zones with small parking capacity can be considered for expansion to increase the parking space; hence achieve increased earnings from the parking sales. The project targets at utilising the parking lots with high capacity hence sustainability of the project implementation. The costs incurred in installing the system shall be recovered from the sales received following ticket sales. The project has various stakeholders being directly or indirectly involved within the project implementation. The most notable stakeholders can be identified as listed below. The local government authorities, who can be identified as the main financiers or sponsors of the project The project management team selected by the local authority. This team holds the overall responsibility of ensuring proper utilisation of project resources. Vehicle owners who shall be using the parking zones where the project shall be implemented. The main objective of the project remains the utilisation of technology in achieving efficiency within parking zones. Technology has been identified as a method of increasing the delivery of services through improving the processes involved in delivering these services. Many industries, within the economy, have continued to utilise technological advancements efficiently, in improving operations and service delivery to the general public. Though the main objective remains integration of technology into the parking system the project has other objectives, which must be achieved. These can be identified as enumerated below. Providing easier access to parking space through online booking Making the process of locating parking easier for visitors and residents, as well. Increasing the efficiency of the booking and payment systems for parking zones through reducing the time taken in locating and paying for the parking services. Management process The management process shall be performed by a selected project management team consisting of individuals with different capabilities. This will ensure diversity in the presentation of ideas aimed at improving the project’s overall performance. The project management process shall be implemented through ensuring efficient communication processes between the different stakeholders (Haughey, 2013). The overall project shall be fully financed through government agencies, which remain the major financiers for the project. During the project implementation process, the public shall be constantly updated on the current status of the project through public notices and billboards, within different city locations. The project shall not be undertaken concurrently in the various parking zones identified. This shall ensure availability of parking space during the upgrading process for various Parking zones. The zones under renovation and upgrading shall remain out-of-service to enhance quick completion of the implementation process. Working timelines, for different zones, shall be available from inception on the intended online platform to enable customers to access information regarding the process. These working timelines shall be developed following the amount of work required in completing the project in different parking zones. Priority shall be given to zones with little physical structural adjustments. Within the website, there shall be a bulletin board where updated information regarding the process shall be provided to the public. The local authorities shall oversee the overall utilisation of the project and ensure compliance with the required standards laid by the planners. They shall also have the responsibility of supervising contractors undertaking the implementation processes. As the main financiers of the project, the function of controlling resources shall be bestowed upon these authorities. These authorities shall also be charged with the capacity to officially open the completed projects in different parking zones. Project review The project seeks to create a platform where individuals can check for availability of parking spaces online and book within the same platforms. Traditionally, parking process has been characterised by manual processes of booking and the lengthy process of searching for available space, after parking. With increased technological advancements, however, automation has simplified the ticketing process and helped ease the process. Following the automation of the ticketing process, the other processes have been marked as requiring the implementation of technologically advanced systems. Concerns over the time taken in checking for space availability have contributed towards development of this project plan. The project aims at providing a technologically advanced method of checking availability of parking space at different parking within the country. Other than the location process for parking spaces, the project shall also seek to provide users with the capacity to book the available, once the space is located. Through providing an online booking platform created by this project, the process of searching for parking space shall become immensely simplified. Individuals within different locations can access the parking lot and check availability of parking through a website. The online services shall be created in a multiple platform which can ensure accessibility utilising different internet enabled devices, currently available within the markets. A low resolution website option shall be available for users with devices containing limited resolution capacity. Through this system, majority of internet enabled phones shall be able to access the website. This aims at increasing the number of people accessing the online information, as device capability limitations can restrict access to the information. This low resolution option remains essential in enabling many people to access the information and make bookings for space. The project aims at reaching many people to ensure maximum booking levels, and significantly increase the revenue collections from parking zones within various cities. Initial project shall be initiated in the capital city then move to other cities. Following the booking, the customer shall be required to select the method of payment they shall be using to purchase the parking space. The website shall have several available payment methods, ranging from online to payment at the point of sale. Various online methods of payment shall be enabled to reduce the congestion experienced at the ticketing areas when making parking payments. Individuals shall select the options best suited for their needs and one which they can execute without experiencing significant difficulties. Payments made from outside the point of sale shall be provided with unique identification codes which the individuals shall provide at the parking entrance. The unique, computer generated code shall have an expiry period of ten hours. This time limitation seeks to ensure a control on overbooking instances within the parking lots. The customers shall have a maximum of ten hours to use the code upon which expiry shall nullify the code. This duration remains enough for the customers to reach their destined parking, and also ensure the parking space remains controlled. Booking which are not accompanied by payment, however, shall have to be executed within one hour. The expiry of this allowance without the customer showing-up shall result into cancellation of the booking, and the space becomes available for booking. This will ensure customers receive real time information regarding available parking space. The allowance of short reservation duration enables the relevant authorities to achieve maximum sales, as reserved parking remains unpaid for, until the client appears. Through the booking, the client shall also be awarded a unique computer-generated code which shall be presented during payment at the point-of-sale for allocation of the space. Automated ticketing procedures shall be utilised within the payment points to increase the speed and efficiency of payment methods. The automation of payment at the parking entrances shall be undertaken in compliance with the computerised booking systems. The systems shall be integrated to enhance their proper functioning in delivering required services to the many people utilising these systems. Individuals employed at the parking lots shall be assisting and directing customers who remain unfamiliar with certain parking zones. Parking zones with automated ticketing systems shall only require adjustments into the existing systems to integrate the online booking system. An analysis of the automated systems remains essential in establishing the capability for these systems to become integrated into the online booking system. The compatibility of existing systems with the proposed system remains essential in evaluating the possibility of the systems delivering desired efficiency. Efficiency of the systems remains the major factor being considered in implementing this project. The project seeks to increase efficiency through eliminating lengthy, time-consuming ticketing and space locating procedures, in parking lots. The project shall include proper analysis of the present structural capacity within the parking lots. This analysis remains essential in establishing the infrastructural capacity and requirements for different parking lots. The current infrastructure shall enable designers to establish the required additions for enabling utilisation of the online booking systems. Some parking lots already have automated ticketing systems, while others have LED displays showing vacant parking spaces. This means that in implementing this project, the infrastructural components of different parking lots must be properly analysed to determine the required infrastructure. Parking zones with automated ticketing system, for example shall not be fitted with new ticketing systems. The existing systems shall be analysed to test compatibility within the booking system and initiate necessary amendments, where necessary. This will also be important in making resource allocation for the different zones in implementing the project of online booking. Future plan The future plan for this project shall seek to expand the project into all cities and major towns within the country. These areas remain densely populated and although some might be yet to experience parking zone congestions, the increasing population makes this problem inevitable. As a plan for improving the parking facilities in different cities and towns, this project shall be adopted countrywide to ensure efficacy in the country’s parking zones. This expansion would increase the capability for visitors to find parking space within the cities across the country. Through expansion, the country’s parking system would become highly ranked globally. This kind of ranking could become a key element for tourists deciding on visiting the country; hence projected increase in the number of international visitors visiting the country. Requirements This project has been necessitated by the need to improve the process of searching and paying for parking space within highly populated cities of the country. With increasing population, pressure continues to increase on the available public amenities like parking zones. The measure taken to avail these amenities to the general public remain commendable, however, the public still faces the surmountable challenge of locating these empty parking spaces. The process becomes tiresome for individuals with little knowledge of the locations, like visitors and tourists. Improving the process of locating and paying for parking spaces remains fundamental towards saving valuable time consumed through checking for space availability. The project could be defined as having various requirements, which remain fundamental towards achieving efficiency in the project implementation (Rad & Anantatmula, 2005). The project aims to identify capable organisations which be incorporated into the project execution process and ensure successful project implementation. These individuals or organisations must have the capacity to deliver the different requirements identified for the project success. Before implementation a tendering process shall be utilised in determining the organisations contracted to undertake various processes. The processes that shall be placed under contractors include website development, systems integration and expansion of parking zones. These processes shall be open and subject to prevailing public tendering processes, utilised in various government departments. The tendering processes shall be governed by the regulations regarding tendering procedures as enacted within the constitution of the country. The project shall require a capable information technology contractor to develop a website capable of performing the required functions. The technological elements include making bookings and paying for the same within a single platform. The developed website should be able to handle large numbers of clients within different locations, booking concurrently. The capacity for the website to undertake decentralised booking concurrently shall be factoring in the availability of the service in different locations. Some periods of the day can be identified as peak times. The developed software must have the capacity to handle increased customers during peak times, without experiencing delays. The maximum time an individual expects to use should remain less than five minutes. The platform must also work in compliance to existing regulations governing internet usage in different countries, since the website remains available online. Security of the information provided online remains another essential requirement for the project. Recent times have experienced increased cases of cyber-related criminal offences, whose prosecution remains extremely difficult, when undertaken across different countries (McQuade, 2006). Customers using the service should be assured of secrecy to the personal information provided, which can be used by fraudsters to commit different computer related criminal offences. The payment process, for example, might require some credit card information from the client. This information should remain secured from unauthorised access, hence protecting the customers from fraudulent businesspersons (Richardson, 2011). Leakage of this information into fraudster could also lead to clients initiating lawsuits against the authorities. Sufficient customer security should be provided to eliminate the instances of litigation processes being undertaken on government authorities, regarding information leaked from these innovative systems. Proper analysis of the existing infrastructure within different parking zones remains an essential requirement for the project. The capacity of the parking zones vary considerably and installation of the systems in parking zones hosting less than hundred cars remains uneconomical. While some small zones could be identified as upmarket and possible entrants into the project, their expansion shall become inevitable. This could be attributed to the fact that, the costs incurred in implementing the projects are expected to be recovered from the parking zones, within the shortest period possible. Increasing the capacity of these zones, therefore, becomes a fundamental element aimed at achieving this objective. The zones requiring upgrading and expansion can only be identified through extensive infrastructure analysis. Infrastructure improvements shall become essential in justifying the prices paid by customers for the service. The inclusion of these systems is expected to cause significant increments in parking charges. Infrastructure improvement, therefore, becomes an element for offering customers value for money. Essential structural and infrastructural changes must be improving the capacity and operation of the various parking zones. When expanding small zones, organisation shall be required to establish methods which ensure quick access to spaces when the parking has other vehicles. Through quick access, individuals shall also be able to save time consumed in parking under congested situations. All spaces should be clearly accessible under all circumstances. Though space location can be undertaken virtually, simplified designs shall enable visitors and inexperienced drivers to access allocated parking spaces easily. This remains a significant method for increasing efficiency of the parking system and solving the existing problems of lengthy processes, incurred during parking. While identification of vacant spaces remains problematic, complex parking designs present surmountable challenges to inexperienced drivers, when parking. Consideration of this factor could minimise the problems encountered by these drivers. The desired structural amendments must seek to factor this requirement in improving parking procedure. Design The companies contracted to undertake different functions shall be expected to develop and present their proposed designs of the required operations. The tendering authorities shall consider the designs which closely fit the descriptions provided for the project. The selection process of the suitable designs shall be undertaken by professional members of the project management team. The various designs, presented by interested organisations/companies, shall all be subjected to consideration based on the provided guidelines for project requirements. During the selection process, design developers shall be required to offer detailed explanations of their designs to the management teams of the project. This explanation remains essential in assisting the committees in gauging the suitability of different designs. The technological systems utilised within the online platform must remain simple for users to comprehend. The language utilised within the website must be understandable by majority of the target population. Simplicity of the operation shall encourage users to utilise the technology despite some individuals being adamant to technological changes. The website must be designed with capability for detecting devices being used in accessing the systems and allocating proper resolution, fitting the device being used. The importance of this element and capacity remains the multiple number of internet enabled devices capability to access the website. Through availing these options, people would be encouraged to utilise the technological method as opposed to manual system; hence decongesting the parking zones. The website design must conform to prevailing website regulations regarding accessibility and security of users. These regulations govern the process of utilising the internet in undertaking different operations. A security feature remains fundamental in limiting the increasing cases of internet and computer-related criminal offences (Plumley, 2011). High security levels should be presented by the designs to ensure concealment of customers’ personal information provided on this website. Online payment methods utilised by the system must also be factored within the design to ensure security of the payment methods. Notable security deficiencies could discourage individuals from utilising this system, and continue to utilise the manual system, which shall remain operational in limited capacity. The functioning of the systems should focus on efficiency and eliminate instances of system failure. The designs should provide options which can be utilised in the event of failure, or during system maintenance procedures. The design should contain have the capacity to operate for long periods without failure to enhance efficiency (Shelly & Vermaat, 2010). The design should have the capacity to handle numerous requests and bookings, from different locations, concurrently. This would address the issue of individuals seeking parking spaces during certain times of the day. These instances could become totally eliminated by presenting these capabilities within the design. Infrastructure and structural contractors are expected to present designs which enable easy detection of vacant spaces using LED technology. The allocation of parking spaces must factor in considerations of locations for the detection devices within the parking. Positioning of these devices and proper designing would ensure the devices deliver accurate information, when activated. The devices must be able to reach all locations of the parking to ensure comprehensive monitoring. The design should also present the opportunity for easy and quick parking despite congestion within the zones. This would be essential in ensuring inexperienced drivers experience reduced difficulties when parking. Significantly, easy parking would reduce the time taken to park, through provision of clear path designs for vehicles. Testing strategy Testing remains an essential element before adoption of the numerous implementation projects. The proposed designs of ideas being presented must be tested to ensure their reliability. The testing process remains essential in ensuring the adopted processes achieve the required objectives of the organisations (Charvat, 2002). Through testing, the implementing authorities can also be able to accurately estimate the feasibility of the project and evaluate other functions of the project. Testing can be utilised to analyse the projects conformity to required designs and satisfaction of desired requirements. This process can be utilised in establishing the efficiency of different elements involved within a project. Through testing, the essential components can be accepted and others improved to achieve desired project efficiency levels. Testing remains essential in detecting defects within a system through subjecting various components to testing procedures. The testing coefficients remain focused on establishing the financial aspects and operational aspects affecting the functioning of the project (Black, 2003). Through various financial analyses, project could be financially tested to ensure it remains focused within projected budgetary allocation. Operational testing on the other hand, seeks to establish the efficiency of the systems being utilised within the project. This testing can be utilised in providing information regarding proper functioning of the systems and seeking remedial action for problems noted. Operational testing remains important in ensuring the systems conform to the expected operating standards. The testing strategy devised for this project shall utilise both technological and manual methods for testing the capacity for the selected design to function in accordance with the relevant regulations. The capacity for the website to handle large numbers of booking concurrently shall be tested through having different individuals access the website at the same time. These individuals shall be given different devices in order to establish the capacity for the website to utilise different internet enabled devices. These individuals shall pursue the booking procedure as directed by the website. The speed of accessing g the information shall be measured through timing the duration taken between customer request, and information delivery in different devices. All the devices are expected to have negligible differences in time. Through experienced difficulties, the constructing organisations can then be requested to undertake necessary amendments to their products aimed at ensuring efficiency, in different devices. Emphasis on efficiency of mobile devices shall be enforced because they remain the most common internet accessing devices currently available. Majority of the population shall be expected to seek access through mobile devices, like mobile phones, I-pads, among many others. The automated systems have the self-testing capability which seeks to provide users with information regarding their functioning. When these systems experience errors, they shall automatically generate system information, which shall be relayed to the administrative authorities for proper rectification. This enhances the utilisation of technology within the testing function of the project implementation process (Black, 2003). The various testing methods utilised within the project shall involve analysis of the functioning and proper reporting of errors to relevant authorities for action. Following the testing, the developers of different systems shall be charged with the responsibilities of initiating proper action channels to ensure resumption of normal functioning of various systems. The electronic systems installed for this project shall be subjected to constant and continuous testing to ensure efficient service delivery always. Through continuous testing, routine maintenance procedures for the systems shall be initiated to enhance efficiency in service delivery. Testing can enable the authorities to detect malfunctioning of the systems and initiate proper remedial action. Continuous testing remains essential in avoiding system collapse and failures, which remain catastrophic events. Avoiding these eventualities could significantly enhance the efficiency of the entire system. While the system shall remain available within a single website, each parking zone shall operate autonomously from the others, with an independent ticketing system. This will effectively address problems of total system failure which could cause significant congestion. Routine testing and maintenance shall be undertaken independently for each parking zone, with little effect on the operations of other parking zones. Following structural design changes to ensure easy parking, the project shall subject the various designs to testing in establishing the best designs. Armature drivers shall be utilised in this testing process to check the simplicity of the parking processes. Driving schools shall be contacted and requested to bring drivers under instructions to the parking zones. A provisional design shall be drawn using water-based colours to demarcate different parking spaces and direction. Student drivers shall be required to attempt to park their vehicles following the existing parking regulations. The parking duration taken by these students shall be utilised in determining the best designs. Professional drivers can also be sought to provide insightful analysis of any difficulties which could be experienced through utilising the adopted structural amendments. Evaluation strategies Evaluation remains an essential element during the period of project implementation which aims at ensuring efficiency of the processes. Evaluation is normally undertaken considering certain predetermined aspects of the project, being implemented. Evaluation remains a continuous process throughout the project lifetime and enables assessment of the efficiency in resource management, and conformity of the project to required standards (Gudda, 2011). Evaluation provides stakeholders with information regarding the projects capacity for timely completion, and efficient utilisation of the resources allocated in achieving the project’s objectives. The process of project evaluation can be utilised in establishing the feasibility of projects based on various considerations. Among the major considerations for feasibility include economic and social benefits of the project. Proper evaluation strategies could also be utilised in decision-making process regarding adjustments during project implementation. Changes in the project resources could necessitate changes in the implementation process, or adoption of different implementation techniques. The evaluation process remains fundamental in enhancing control of resources utilised within a project (Lewis, 2002). Through continuous evaluation, the project management teams can ensure allocated resources are not exceeded within different project stages. The evaluation process can also be important as a monitoring procedure for project implementation, which seeks to establish conformity with the planned processes. Proper project evaluation strategies, therefore, become essential when seeking to achieve high levels of accuracy with the evaluations process. The figure below indicates the project life cycle and the various stages where evaluation could be undertaken. Figure 1 various project stages which evaluation should be undertaken (PEMA, 2009) For the purposes of this project, the stakeholders shall seek the services of various people/organisations to ensure proper evaluation. The stakeholder shall utilise professional advisers in different capacities to enhance the evaluation process. Following adoption and proposal of various implementation procedures, like automated ticketing systems, a professional adviser shall be sought to provide further professional analysis. Through the information gained from such professionals, a better understanding of the various project components could be achieved. These individuals will provide a professional review regarding the project and recommendations for adjustments where deemed essential. The project seeks to utilise the profound knowledge of professionals in establishing informative evaluation of project success, and efficiency in delivering the required objectives. The project managers shall also be utilised, to an extent, in delivering evaluative analysis. Following the professional adviser’s input, the managers will initiate processes of consultation with team members in establishing how the processes fit into the project proposal. The managers will mainly conduct evaluation of the resources, and the capability to utilise these resources in achieving required objectives. The evaluation conducted by project managers remains focused on the capacity for delivering different objectives with available resources. Managers also enhance the controlling element within project implementation process when necessary. Managers have the responsibility of ensuring available resources remain focused on delivering the necessary and required project objectives. Project managers shall conduct evaluations regarding the capability to achieved desired results from the available resources. The project shall also utilise other consultants as required by the mangers during evaluation of the project. These might include organisations governing various internet related operations in different countries, among other external consultants as requested by the project managers. The project shall utilise continuous evaluation process from beginning of the project till the end. The evaluation process shall begin during the process of establishing feasibility of the project (Kennnaugh, 2011). This shall be utilised in deciding the parking zones to be included within the project. This evaluation shall follow specified requirements of being in upmarket location, and having capacity to hold over hundred vehicles at an instant. The upmarket parking zones have higher turnover and would generate more income; hence justification of the financial costs incurred in implementation. During the project life-cycle, in-project evaluation shall be continuously undertaken to ensure the project remains within the stipulated course for achieving project objectives. Later stages of the project shall also be included within the evaluation process. Following the completion of the process, and evaluation shall be initiated to establish how the project resources were utilised in achieving the overall project objectives. References Black, R., 2003. Managing the Testing Process: Practical Tools and Techniques for Managing Hardware and Software Testing. 2nd ed. Boston : Wiley. Charvat, J., 2002. Project Management Nation: Tools, Techniques, and Goals for the New and Practicing IT project Manager. New York : John Wiley& Sons, Inc.. Gudda, P., 2011. A Guide to Project Monitoring and Evaluation. Bloomington: AuthorHouse. Haughey, D., 2013. Project Smart. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2013]. Kennnaugh, R., 2011. Project Management:101 TIPS & TOOLS FOR SUCCESS. 2nd ed. New York: DoctorZed Publishing. Kerzner, H., 2003. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. 8th ed. New York: Wiley. Lewis, J. P., 2002. Fundamentals of Project Management: Developing Core Competencies to Help Outperform the Competition. 2nd ed. New York: AMACOM. McQuade, S., 2006. Understanding and Managing Cybercrime. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Nielsen, E., 2007. Developing the Project Management Plan. The Project Management Hut, 8 September. PEMA, 2009. Centre for Project Evaluation and Macroeconomic Analysis. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2013]. Plumley, G., 2011. Website Design and Development: 100 Questions to Ask Before Building a Website. Indianapolis: Wiley publishing. Rad, P. F. & Anantatmula, V. S., 2005. Project Planning Techniques. Vienna: Management Concepts, Inc.. Richardson, R. J., 2011. Monitoring Sale Transactions for Illegal Activity. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 May 2013]. Shelly, G. B. & Vermaat, M. E., 2010. Discovering Computers: Living in a Digital World : Fundamentals. Boston : Cengage Learning. Read More
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