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Analysis of Digital Processors - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Analysis of Digital Processors" discusses how the digital processors have evolved since the 1930s up to the present time. Adolf Hitler needed machines and devices to distinguish Germans from members of other different races…
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Analysis of Digital Processors
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?  Assignment 2       Assignment 2 Question Digital processors have evolved over time. The following is a list of significant events highlighting how the digital processors have evolved since the 1930s up to the present time. Adolf Hitler needed machines and devices to distinguish Germans from members of other different races. IBM New York had an enthusiastic response towards the Nazi ideas because of the near immeasurable need for tabulators in the geopolitical conflicts and German race. IBM continued its expansion in to Germany, while other reviled and terrified American businessmen were canceling or restraining their businesses in Germany. IBM New York continued with its drastic expansion into Germany with the aim of developing machines a few weeks after Adolf Hitler ascended to power. In 1933, Hitler used statisticians as his intellectual soldiers. Census departments and statistical offices were among the clients of IBM. Nazi statistical professionals laid claim to what they presumed their developing technology was going to achieve. Their entire anticipation was based on the growing creativity of IBM tabulator technology and punch cards. Only IBM could create and implement systems to quantify, sort, and identify the German people from the other populations. The 1933 census, with tabulation services and design assistance given by IBM helped the Nazi achieve their purpose. In 1935, census data that was machine-tabulated significantly increased the approximated number of Jews through the identification of people with a few or a single Jewish ancestor. Over 2000 multi-machine sets were distributed all over Germany. Moreover, card sorting systems were developed in all camps (Black, 2001). In 1939, another census was conducted to find out the complete number of the Jewish population. The census activities were closely linked with cards and technology supplied by IBM. In addition, Nazi concentration camps had a department which kept records of inmates by the use of the punch card technology. Every concentration camp contained a code number for the purpose of keeping records. In 1943, when prisoners arrived at the concentration camps, they would be assessed physically and for political activities and their information recorded on the punch cards (Black, 2001). Richard Wiggins came up with the idea of the Speak and Spell in 1976. This idea set the landmark for digital processors, being the first one to utilize linear predictive coding to carry out speech synthesis. In 1980, the initial stand-alone, comprehensive digital processors were developed. In 1983, digital processors continued to be more successful. These digital processors were developed on the basis of the Harvard architecture. They contained distinct data and instruction memory. These data processors contained a unique instruction set, with commands, for example, multiply and accumulate, and load and accumulate. Almost more than five years after this invention, a more advanced set of digital processors started to spread. This processor contained three memories for recording multiple operands at the same time and contained hardware to quicken tight loops. In addition, this processor also contained an addressing component with a capacity of loop-addressing. Finally, contemporary digital processors have a tremendous performance. This can be attributed to both architectural and technological developments, for example, a wider bus system, fast-access two-level cache, and lower design rules. In my view, these items are significant because they highlight significant events that highlight changes that have led to the development of digital processors. For instance, the Nazi used the punch card technology to record information during the census and in Nazi concentration camps, and the current processors contain tremendous qualities, for example, fast-access two-level cache. Question 2 Henry Edward Roberts was an American entrepreneur, engineer, and medical doctor. In 1975, he created the initial commercially profitable personal computer. Henry Edward Roberts is frequently referred to as the father of the personal computer. In 1970, Henry Edward Roberts established Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems to promote electronic equipment to model rocketry. First, he developed an electronic calculator kit. In addition, he created the Altair 8800 personal computer that utilized the novel Intel 8080 microprocessor. Gary Arlen Kildall was an American microcomputer entrepreneur and computer scientist who established Digital Research incorporation and developed the CP/M operating system. He was one of the foremost individuals with the capacity to perceive microprocessors as completely able computers instead of device organizers and to sort out a corporation using this idea. In addition, Gary Arlen Kildall was the first person to introduce the notion of a BIOS, a collection of uncomplicated programs recorded in the hardware of a computer. This facilitated CP/M to operate on a number of systems without adjustment. Jef Raskin was a human computer interface specialist from the United States of America. Jef Raskin is best remembered for working for Apple and initiating the Macintosh project in the final periods of 1970. Jef Raskin’s department utilized the Polymorphic Systems 8813 to inscribe records because the Apple II merely illustrated uppercase features on a 40 column screen. This facilitated the establishment of an appropriate text editor and an 80 column display card for the Apple II. I addition, Jef Raskin’s incidents experimenting with Applesoft BASIC motivated him to create a contending merchandise refered to as the Notzo BASIC. Unfortunately, the Notzo BASIC which was never put into operation. Steven Paul Jobs was an American inventor and entrepreneur. He is largely recognized as the chief executive officer, chairman, and co-founder of Apple incorporation (Isaacson, 2011). Moreover, Steven Paul Jobs was tremendously identified as a captivating initiator of the personal computer revolution through Apple. In addition, Steven Paul Jobs is also recognized for his prominent career in the consumer electronics and computer fields, renovating one sector after another, from smart phones and computers to movies and music. The Macintosh computer was established in 1984. The computer only contained the Apple symbol. The Macintosh contained a responsive manifestation because it was designed for an uncomplicated utilization. The Macintosh was presumed to be a computer that mundane individuals could comprehend. The Macintosh was extra symmetrical, narrow, elevated, and extremely reminiscent of an appearance, and the disk drive was located underneath the display. Steve Jobs established a corporation that developed workstation computers and introduced the NeXT computer in 1989. The globe’s initial web browser on the computer was developed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Additionally, the NeXT computer formed the foundation for the current iPhone operating system and Macintosh OS X. In 1998, Apple iMac was pioneered and its inventive model was precisely the outcome of Steven Paul Job’s going back to Apple. Apple made the back of computers enhanced than the front of any other computer. This computer was different from the computers that were developed in previous times. Apple created the Graphite gray Apple iMac in 1999. Since this period, Apple has developed iMacs with different size, color, and shape while preserving the original design (Isaacson, 2011). Design thoughts were meant to establish a link with the client such as the breathing light and handle when the computer is put to sleep. The term computer became meaningless because the technology got adjusted to meet the needs of the users. The new technological devices do not need to have a hard disk, RAM, or a processor like the traditional computer. The common use of the phrase computer is identical with personal electronic computer. Conversely, in contemporary times, devices are named based on performance, for example, ipads. Question 3 The Whole Earth Catalogue was a periodical that emerged out of that desire would rapidly turn into one of the most essential documents of counterculture in America. The first publication of The Whole Earth Catalogue contained appraisals of magazines, books and hand tools arranged in seven thematic sections; learning, comprehending whole systems, nomadics, industry and craft, community, communications, and shelter and land use. Over the next four years, the publication accomplished a lot, including establishing a connection between economic activity, information technology, and different varieties of community that would survive the counterculture and turn into an essential component of the digital universe. Individuals who moved back to the land experienced a profound uncertainty toward technology in the same way as other individuals of the counterculture. In contrast, similar to their equivalents on the New Left they perceived the comprehensive weapons devices of the cold war and the companies that manufactured them as symbols of a ubiquitous and malicious technological bureaucracy. In addition, as these people dropped LSD and utilized their stereos, a number of them presumed that minimal technologies could assist introduce an option to that place. Several years later, Larry Brilliant and Stewart Brand proposed the idea of placing the different pieces of the Whole Earth Catalogue in the web. This community formed the basis for the WELL (Turner, 2006). The Whole Earth Catalogue both connected the dispersed population of different cultures to one another and illustrated the innovations of a rising counterculture. It turned into a network forum in this point of view. The WELL developed into a platform in which physically separated people could establish a sense of collaborative, nonhierarchical society around their relationships. These publications have led to a significant increase in freelance outlines of employment and networked systems of economic organization. These publications turned into an area of switching information and develop social connections. These socially alteration capacities of technology has assisted individuals manage all aspects of their lives. Both the Whole Earth Catalogue and the WELL developed into a platform in which economic activity, community building, and exchange of information occur at the same time. From this point of view, computing that started on the WELL both converted a countercultural idea of the adequate link between sociability and technology into a source of managing and imagining existence in the computer section and formed the connective prospects of communication that is computer-mediated. Finally, they provided an avenue in which people of different physically discrete units could connect with each other and hence perceive themselves as part of a sole social network (Turner, 2006). Mondo 2000 was the foremost prevalent cyber culture magazine prior to the creation of the World Wide Web. On the other hand, Wired is a web periodical and a completely colored monthly magazine. This publication illustrates how developing and novel technology impacts politics, the economy, and culture. There was hype and a crash around the year 2000. The year 2000 issue was a concern for both non-digital and digital records and data record conditions which was an outcome of the system of abridging a four figure year to two figures. Computer programmers frequently utilized only two figures instead of four digits to symbolize years, for example, 99 in place of 1999. Consequently, a large number of computer systems could not differentiate between 1900 and 2000 and were presumed they would fault without programming alterations. References Black, E. (2001). IBM and the holocaust: The strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation. New York: Random House. Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster.  Turner, F. (2006). From counterculture to cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the whole earth network, and the rise of digital utopianism. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press. Read More
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