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Reporting Forensic Evidence - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Reporting Forensic Evidence" highlights that the investigation procedures and tools utilized in the forensic investigation of any form of theft must be clear. When these set procedures are followed correctly by forensic investigators then it will be easy to catch the criminals…
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Reporting Forensic Evidence
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? Reporting Forensic Evidence Task: Reporting Forensic Evidence It is very critical and essential for any forensic investigator carrying out any form of forensic investigation to be familiar with the types of the data collected to be used as the final forensic report. This is because the attorney will evidently use the report obtained while in court and can unfortunately be utilized by the opposing attorney during the court case. Thus, the forensic investigator ought to be ready to prepare an elaborate and comprehensive report which can be used by any party involved. Therefore, the report ought to be more formal for clear presentation. For instance, in the report of the investigation that involves a group of criminal enterprise, a comprehensive report is to be produced. Therefore, the forensic investigators can apply the use of a computer to carry out the forensic procedures. Computer forensic is thus the utilization of the computer applications and also analysis for the discovery of any legal evidence involved in the field of forensics. The use of the computer to practice the forensic investigations enables a quick identification and capture of the potential criminal through the use of vital data in the computer (Stauffer & Bonfanti, 2006). During the forensic investigation process, some of the things that were accomplished are the process of gathering the critical details of the potential suspects. This can only be achieved when the forensic investigators are rightly granted a warrant. This warrant allows them to carry out the forensic investigation procedures without any limits. Therefore, the investigators first must obtain a legal warrant from the authority to enable them access any form of information from individuals. Furthermore, the evidence obtained by the investigator must not be interfered with. For instance, in the computer forensic investigation, the computers must not be touched or even moved once the incidence has occurred. The investigators must further protect the data and the system and its components so as to be used for the prosecution in the court. Moreover, a continued chain of custody is maintained. Eventually, during the retrieval of the data of the suspects, the investigator ought to be extremely careful so as to avoid any distortion of data contained in the computer. Consequently, the evidence collected by the forensic investigator ought to meet some set requirements. These includes that the evidence ought to be produced then also be professionally authenticated and furthermore be of the best evidence available (Stauffer & Bonfanti, 2006). There are numerous types of systems that are employed during the examination procedures of the forensic investigation. The evidence gathered by the investigator varies widely. Some of these evidences are obtained from the computer includes theft of the intellectual property; there is also theft of the trade secrets. For instance, the investigators can employ the manual form of collecting forensic evidence or they can employ the computer technology method in the collection of the forensic evidences. The computer method used in the collecting evidences of any form of crime is the latest developed procedure. This technique is quick and also among the most effective procedure to be utilized. The forensic investigators utilize the computer forensic to gather any forensic evidences to be utilized in court. For instance, the evidence obtained for criminals, theft, deaths, and all forms of suicides (Anastasi, 2003). Additionally, a variety of tools are employed by the forensic investigator during the investigation process. Thus for an effective process in the forensic investigation, a smarty decision ought to be made on the best and most valuable tools to be utilized. This is to enable the investigator have an accurate analysis of the evidences obtained. These tools employed by the investigators can also be created by individuals who are experienced. Unfortunately, this idea is not embraced by many because it is hard to convince an individual that the types of the forensic investigation software they have developed have met the required standards set by the authority. Therefore for a more competent form of forensic tools, it ought to have a backup, also data recovery software, a disk editing, and also an IP tracking, also an authentication, moreover a log file, as well as a decryption, and a file examination. Some of the tools utilized include the document examiner. This tool is utilized when there are a lot of documents to be read by the parties involved. Moreover, this tool is employed when the types of document that needs to be opened and be read have been stored in numerous types of programs. Thus by employing this tool it becomes easier to open any document with ease. For instance, there is the program called the quick view which is designed to open and read numerous types of documents that are stored in different formats. Second, there is the tool of audit log file which is used in the record all the vital details and the activities on the computer. For instance, the tool is capable of recording all the data and records of the computer that has been changed or even delete. It is also competent of recording all the information of who has logged into a given computer and also logged off details. This tool thus assists the forensic investigators in finding details and information about theft. They are competent of accomplishing this by visiting the cookies of the computer to be able to get information of suspects who logged into the computer. Additionally, there is the decryption tool that is utilized in gaining access to any computer that has been protected by passwords. The forensic investigators are capable of accessing the suspect’s details in the computer by using this tool. This is accomplished by utilizing the decrypt software to crack the suspect’s password (Anastasi, 2003). The evidence preservation process that was employed includes the utilization of the computer forensic procedures. The data of the criminals were collected and then stored in the computer for evidence in court. Additionally, examples of region that require to be expanded in the field of investigation are the areas of the storage and also preservation of the collected forensic details. This is to ensure and guarantee that there is no any form of alteration of the evidences collected by the investigator. Therefore, for the forensic investigator to be capable of performing the process of the evidence preservation, they must be experts who are fully trusted and are further utilized the recommended sets of procedures for the collection f evidence from a criminal. This is only possible and acceptable after an accepted confirmation by the forensic investigation body (Ec- Council, 2009). Eventually, the chief synopsis of the preliminary findings that is to be included in the final forensic report is the type of the system utilize during the evidence collection, the tools employed by the investigator during the collection and furthermore the storage of the evidence before its presentation in court (Ec- Council, 2009). In tentative conclusion, the investigation procedures and tools utilized in the forensic investigation of any form of theft must be clear and also comprehensive. Subsequently, when these set procedures and also laws are followed correctly by the forensic investigators then it will be extraordinarily easy to catch the criminals. References Anastasi, J. (2003). The new forensic: investigating corporate fraud and the theft of intellectual property. New Jersey, NJ: Wiley and sons publication. Ec- Council. (2009). Investigation procedures and response. New York, NY: Cengage learning publishers. Stauffer, E., & Bonfanti, M. ( 2006). Forensic investigation of stolen- recovered and other crime – related vehicles. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Inc. publishers. Read More
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