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CASE TOOL Identification of a software development process The current information technological needs of the organization have become robust and complicated. This is due to the fact that there has been the introduction of a new strategic plan of the organization that aims at centralizing the entire organizational structure and process on the use of information technology that will be manned by one common info center. This line of action is commendable but it has created a situation where the business process at the info center has become excessively too much.
The business process of the organization has also become very demanding and complicated. For this a business process modeling CASE tool is suggested for the organization and particularly, the info center. Business process modeling is a type of CASE tool. The Commerce Solution (2011) has explained that “CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) technologies are tools that provide the assistance to the developer in the development of software.” This means that in the development of software for the info center to cater for the business processes of the organization, a CASE tool will be introduced as software to make the development of the internal software easier.
As stated in the definition, the CASE tools will help in making the work of IT personnel in the organization very simple. It will also fast track the running of the organizational processes. This means that a lot can be achieved within a very short time frame. Business process modeling has been selected specifically because “business Process Modeling is an important part of understanding and restructuring the activities and information a typical enterprise uses to achieve its business goals” (Sparx System, 2011) Comparison and Contrast of 2 CASE tools CASE tools come in many different forms and types.
Considering the fact that the main reason why the CASE tool is being suggested is because the processes that the info center has to deal with has become too burdensome to be handled, business process modeling tools are suggested over other software. However even among the business process modeling tools, two possible tools are being considered, which are the Enterprise Architect and MapleSim. Basically, the MapleSim works best with quantitative data processing and modeling. To this end, it is explained that the MapleSim “manages all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering system models, including multi-domain systems and plant models for control applications” (Maple Soft, 2011).
The Enterprise Architect on the other hand works best on the principle of information flow as it aims at synthesizing data and disseminating the resulting information to all departments of the organization as the need be. Comparatively, the Enterprise Architect will be the best for the organization. This is because the organization does not have a typical mathematical setting in that the operations of the company are both quantitative and qualitative unlike organizations that are typically quantitative like statistical services.
For this reason, it is important to have software that will help and work best in catering for the needs of non-quantitative tasks without any compromise. Particularly with the Enterprise Architect, it is noted that “you can model, document and restructure processes and information flows using industry standard UML and the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)” (Sparx System, 2011). This means that the software works well in an integrated approach. Finally, “the process designs and models can be used to drive process re-structuring and software development” Sparx System (2011).
Below is a typical outlook of a business process modeling software. Source: Agillain 3.3 Persuasive justification The company needs a new software in place to cater for the responsibilities at the information technology center because the business processes in organization has become too burdensome on the department due to the decentralization of information technology system in the organization. The purchase of the business process modeling software – Enterprise Architect is almost inevitable for the following reasons: The coming of the CASE tool will give a new look to the way duties are discharged at the info center.
This new sense of innovative has the potential of motivating workers at the department to give off their best, knowing that their hard work has been noticed and appreciated. Communication among team members and members of the various departments will be enhanced. This is because information transfer from the info center to the various departments will be made facilitated by the software. The software will make bulk execution of systems projects and tasks possible. This is because CASE Tools are “more effective for large scale systems and immense projects” (The Commerce Solution, 2011).
Above all, the CASE tool providers who have been selected make the following comments: 1. CASE tools provide visibility of processes and logic. 2. CASE tools improve quality and productivity of software. 3. CASE tools reduce the time for error correction and maintenance. 4. CASE tools provide clear readability and maintainability of the system (The Commerce Solution, 2011). As a matter of fact, the cost of the CASE tool is high and would increase the overall cost of the project of centralizing the information technology system of the company.
The cost is however not so exorbitant that the company cannot afford. The best of the whole situation is that once purchased, the CASE tool will lead to increased revenue and profit because work will be done more effectively and efficiently, increasing productivity in the long run. This means that the cost on the project and purchase shall be taken care of in the long run. REFERENCE LIST Agillain 3.3 (2011). Agilian Screenshots. Retrieved October 13, 2011 from
jsp Commerce Solution (2011). Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE Tools). Retrieved October 15, 2011 from Maple Soft (2011). MapleSim: High Performance Physical Modeling & Simulation. Retrieved October 13, 2011 from|14640|simulation%20software||S|b|6368502615&gclid=COy6k7rj6qsCFdU55QodtTGCMw Sparx System (2011).
Business Process Modeling (BPMN). Retrieved October 12, 2011 from
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