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Differences and connections between groupware and ordinary databases, and why they matter - Essay Example

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Groupware is a software application which is used to facilitate a group of people in their personal or business working inside the similar application or system, regardless of where they occur to be. In this scenario, some of the well-known examples of groupware systems include newsgroups, email and chat…
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Differences and connections between groupware and ordinary databases, and why they matter
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?DIFFERENT S PER SECTIONS Different s per Sections Affiliation Paper GROUPWARE Differences and connections between groupware and ordinary databases, and why they matter Groupware is a software application which is used to facilitate a group of people in their personal or business working inside the similar application or system, regardless of where they occur to be. In this scenario, some of the well-known examples of groupware systems include newsgroups, email and chat. Additionally, frequent groupware applications that are simply familiar with nowadays computer clients comprise email server systems, Lotus Notes, and system like that Microsoft Exchange, FirstClass, Livelink, 24Seven Office and Workspot (White, 2011), (Woodard, 2011) and (TechTarget, 1997). In addition, various researchers have categorized groupware applications into 3 categories including conferencing tools, communication tools and collaborative management and working tools. In this scenario, communication tools comprise FAX, email and voice mail. The second category conferencing tools comprise voice, data and video conferencing, chat rooms and message boards. Finally, collaborative management systems and tools comprise project management systems, electronic calendars and workflow systems (White, 2011), (Woodard, 2011) and (TechTarget, 1997). Moreover, various researchers categorize groupware applications into 2 categories with respect to time and place. In this scenario, an application that is used by all the staff members of an organization simultaneously is acknowledged as synchronous groupware application. Additionally, staff members can make use of similar application at different times using asynchronous groupware systems. The place connected types are collected, groupware that is utilized by people in same place as well as distance (White, 2011) (White, 2011), (Woodard, 2011) and (TechTarget, 1997). Additionally, at the present, businesses, no matter what their working and operational structure is, as well experience the power of the augmented data and informational flow. In addition, businesses are continually receiving and transferring tons of data and information files through posts, telephones, online messengers, emails, and faxes. Normally, organizations use these tools to communicate with their clients as and suppliers, experts or for negotiations. In this scenario, the longer their collaboration with a supplier or client is, the more data and information they would be able to interchange. As well, as the business grows the figures of clients and suppliers also grow. Consequently, the amount of information rises at an exceptional rate. Thus, if these valuable data and information are not arranged it will cause many problems. Besides, they are certain that all of their staff workers work hard? In other words, organizations require high level quality and time-frames of their work. In situations of data and informational chaos, this is quite a complex job. In addition, generation of a variety of reports as well turns out to be a time-consuming task (MetaQuotes Software Corp., 2011) and (Computer Networks IT, 2011). Furthermore, the ineffective collaboration between a business system and government reduces the working competence of our staff members and nonmanufacturing overheads augment. Additionally, an organization turns out to be less well-organized, as their staff spends a greater amount of their time on technical tasks. Consequently, every client costs more and every working hour of organization’s workers formulates fewer investments into their company's efficiency. In this scenario, organizations make use of groupware applications for a multiplicity of causes. However, one main reason is to avoid the customary issues of having workers in dissimilar places who require performing tasks on similar function. In addition, by logging in to a communication network or intranet server, workers in diverse places are able to access the same application as well as get advantage from a variety of viewpoints and opinions of others. This functionality is a main surface of telecommuting. Thus, if people are able to log in to the business server from any location, then they do not require being in the place of work in order to get access to certain groupware (David Skyrme Associates, 2008), (UsabilityFirst, 2011), (MetaQuotes Software Corp., 2011) and (Computer Networks IT, 2011). These collaborative systems can save travel expenses for both corporations and employees. These applications can also allow real-time communication when it would or else be not possible. Another important use of groupware is group issues solving. For instance, in many cases different some of the staff members observe things in a different way from other staff members. If they work in same application structure, they could be able to resolve problems by saving the business time and money. Furthermore, in absence of a groupware system, similar real-time collaboration would not be applicable (White, 2011), (Pretzel Logic, 2006) and (Web-Conferencing-Zone, 2011). References Computer Networks IT. (2011). Business Groupware- Software for Complete Office Collaboration. Retrieved September 11, 2011, from David Skyrme Associates. (2008). Getting to Grips with Groupware. Retrieved September 12, 2011, from MetaQuotes Software Corp. (2011). What Is a Groupware? Retrieved September 11, 2011, from Pretzel Logic. (2006). The Benefits of Groupware. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from TechTarget. (1997, June). groupware. Retrieved September 18, 2011, from UsabilityFirst. (2011). Introduction to Collaborative Software. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from Web-Conferencing-Zone. (2011). Utilizing the full advantages of groupware applications to boost team collaboration. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from White, D. (2011). What is Groupware? Retrieved September 15, 2011, from Woodard, R. (2011, March 14). Benefits of Groupware for Collaborative Teams. Retrieved September 20, 2011, from 540 3/1 Paper 2 Recently I got experience of using tutorial of SQL Course named “SQL Server Express”. This paper is based on the learning experience which I attained through this tutorial. I have got a great experience of learning all through the time. Through this tutorial I got a lot of knowledge and experience regarding SQL. The feature of any course is the ease and quality of knowledge that each and every tutorial must offer. However, this SQL Course has covered all the important aspects of SQL learning such as creating, managing, and connecting SQL Server Express databases. This SQL Server Express Course has used easy language and simple interpretation of knowledge areas. Additionally, this course has also offered a detailed knowledge and explanation of terms. For me it was really amazing experience to have such a useful course in my life. In this way this course has given us a detailed overview of all the knowledge areas and tools. This course has made us believe that anyone can get SQL Server Express databases expertise in small time period. The introduction of the course covered the answers of the basic questions and terminology necessary to create and manage databases, such as: What is a database? How is a database different from an Excel spreadsheet? What do databases do in any website or software applications? What’s SQL Server Express’ relation to Visual Studio Express? What do terms like “ADO.NET” mean? Databases are developed to present a controlled method for managing, storing and retrieving business data and information. Normally, a database is similar to a table. If we are familiar with spreadsheets like that Microsoft Excel, which is used by the businesses to store data in tabular form, then it is simple to insert data into databases (Chapple, 2011). A database is a planned set of data and information records or data that is stored in business information systems. In addition, for a database to be really practical, it has to not simply store huge amounts of business data and information records effectively, however be accessed easily and quickly. Additionally, new information and changes should as well be reasonably simple to insert. In this scenario, in order to implement an extremely well-organized database system, a program that deals with the database queries and information stored on the business arrangement has to be included. This program is typically recognized as DBMS (Database Management System). Moreover, these characteristics along with databases that are designed should be constructed with extensive data integrity rules to recover data in case hardware stops working (Tech-FAQ, 2011). In addition, there are various kinds of databases and every kind of database has its own data storage model. In this scenario, some of the databases include Hierarchical Model, Flat Model, Network Model and Relational Model. In a flat database model, there is a two database dimensional array of records and data. For example there is one column of data and information and inside this column it is implicit that every data item is connected to the other (Tech-FAQ, 2011). The hierarchical data model for database looks like a tree similar structure, like that how Microsoft Windows systematizes folders and files. In the same way, in a hierarchical data arrangement model, every upward connection is nested in order to keep data planned in a particular arrangement on a similar level list. In a database network model, a record is stored by establishing a connection to other base records, in result networked. Additionally, these networks (or occasionally recognized as pointers) can be used to store some kind of data and information like that node numbers or still a disk address. The relational model is a well-known kind of database as well as a tremendously influential method and tool, not simply to store data and information, however to access it also. Relational databases are prearranged as database tables (Tech-FAQ, 2011). In this tutorial I have also studied about tables and records. In this lecture I learned about tables and definitions of entities properties, data types, keys, etc. After completing this course I came to know that how we can develop columns, table rows and fields’ connections. In the next lecture (lecture 3) I have learned about column’s data types and other properties. Here I have studied about applying data integrity, be on familiar terms of data types to utilize it and avoid common data type pitfalls. In the next lecture I have learned about designing relational database tables. Here I have learned that why are relational databases the most popular? After completing this chapter I could recognize difference between primary and foreign keys. After completing this chapter I could design relational database tables, normalize policy and de-normalization. I have learned that SQL's UPDATE statement is used to update one or more database records in a business database table. The majority frequent database UPDATE statement outline allocates parameterized or static values to one or more database columns: Moreover, table is a fundamental part of any database. Normally, a database is a collection of a number of tables. These tables are divided into further categories of tables in order to store different kinds of data. For instance, if we have a Hospital Management Software (database), in this database we can have various tables like that Doctor, Patient, Reservation, etc. In a table a record refers to an entry. A table is used to store a number of records. If we have a "Students" database table to store the student data and information, a record in the database table demonstrates a student. To incorporate a student data record, we will insert a record to the "Students Database" table. In the same way, to erase a student record from system, we will delete a record from this table. Additionally, a database field is a column in the database table. A record is a set of fields. However, all the types of records in the same table can have same set of fields. If we have the "Students" table in our database, then we can have the following fields: Name, Address, Age, Class, etc (SpiderWorks Technologies Pvt Ltd., 2011). References Chapple, M. (2011). What is a Database? Retrieved September 15, 2011, from SpiderWorks Technologies Pvt Ltd. (2011). Database, tables, records and fields. Retrieved September 15, 2011, from Tech-FAQ. (2011). What is a Database? Retrieved September 15, 2011, from 540/4 Paper 3 Why open-source software will (or will not) soon dominate the field of database management tools For a long time, databases technology has been used as a system and tool for business and research analysis as computers replaced typewriters. Once the communication and network domain of proprietary business database management plans, database development is at the present facing additional pressure from open source programming. In addition, various researches have outlined that a trend between small to mid-sized companies of as a minimum trying open source database plans. Additionally, the results of these researches illustrate a rising accomplishment in open source databases along with an increasing acceptance rate. In this scenario, two main characteristics that flourishing open source databases require in an attempt to turn out to be substitution for recognized proprietary products are a powerful backup task and the capability to manage and handle the growing business load (Germain, 2007). Many IT experts think that the function of proprietary business software will reduce in the future particularly due to the increasing competition from Open Source Software (OSS). Additionally, the companies nowadays require a dissimilar type of data management keys. Though, scalability, performance and reliability are necessary however companies at the present wait for additional from their IT investments. Thus, when choosing software organizations have to pay more attention on surrounding services like that specific service, support, accomplishment and migration. In addition, it requires a more role oriented procurement of the applications. In this scenario, the businesses struggle to discover most cost saving option, no matter whether it is proprietary software or not (Khan, 2006) and (University of California, 2011). However, it is significant to be familiar with the fact that every business has a sole set of needs for developing a Database Management System (DBMS) software system and it is not probable to offer a single list of needs suitable for each business. In addition, organizations are different in scenario of IT infrastructure, size, required level of security, communication style, scorecard design, cash position, in-house capabilities, IT literacy, etc. Thus, all these attributes influence the choice measure of a software solution. However, it is essential for businesses to evaluate every principle to reproduce their exclusive set of needs. Thus, previous to businesses start recognizing the software solution they should previously have fruitfully buildup a robust fair scorecard (Khan, 2006) and (University of California, 2011). In addition, the appropriate and successful utilization of open source system in any way is a great opportunity. In this scenario, numerous clients who facilitate in building a marketplace for support and customization of the software they are able to simply attract progressively more developers to effort in the project. Thus, when more developers from different location come and work on the same source code, as a result there is superior quality and faster result. Additionally, there is still no particular entity on which the future of the open source system depends. However, if the groups of programmers or businesses that create the code decide to prevent development, it is for all time probable to fund a different software group to carry on the preservation and development, without neither lawful nor sensible boundaries. Though there is no assurance that open source system development will occur. On the other hand, it is not probable to be acquainted with if a project will always arrive at a working stage, as well as still if it arrives at it, it can die later if there is not sufficient interest shown by the programmers. In fact, when a project is initiated without powerful sponsorship from one or more businesses there is a major preliminary gap, when the source base is yet undeveloped as well as the development foundation is yet being constructed (Khan, 2006), (Asay, 2007) and (University of California, 2011). In addition, the proprietary software is flourishing company model. It has been extremely gainful for the businesses, has involved plenty of investment, and has facilitated software businesses to produce large number of highly paid jobs. In addition, the basic purpose of creating proprietary software is to generate revenue. In fact, when software creates income for the owner, it facilitates them to develop, draw investment and to rise into great sources of modernism and local services. In addition, the proprietary model offers the vendor guaranteed profits that they can utilize to improve service and support clients. Additionally, a proprietary business typically requires listening to the requirements of their clients as well as responding and developing consequently. In this scenario, support and speed of reaction to issues also pay an important role. In case of any issue with proprietary software, it is the responsibility of the business to immediately fix it with the assistance of advisor as compared to waiting for developer’s community (Khan, 2006), (Asay, 2007) and (Gasperson, 2007). Moreover, it ensures structured novelty inside a single liable organization. However there are some issues for instance these systems are costly and involve license fee. Additionally, these systems are reliant on proprietary or closed standards. A lot of technical conditions that are sometimes measured standards are proprietary though. In addition, a lot of technical conditions that are occasionally recognized standards are proprietary in place being open, and are simply available beneath limiting contract terms (if they could be attained at all) from the business that owns the patent for the specification (Khan, 2006), (Asay, 2007) and (Gasperson, 2007). References Asay, M. (2007, October 02). Why choose proprietary software over open source? Survey says! Retrieved September 17, 2011, from Gasperson, T. (2007, May 25). Five Compelling Reasons to Use MySQL. Retrieved September 16, 2011, from Germain, J. M. (2007, April 30). Open Source Database Management Systems: What the Pros Use. Retrieved September 12, 2011, from Khan, S. Z. (2006). Comparison of Selection Criteria of Open Source DBMS Against. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from University of California. (2011). Selecting Your Database Platform. Retrieved September 14, 2011, from 540 4/1 Paper 4 In this paper I will discuss the points that I have learned in lecture 6, 7 and 8. This chapter is about manipulating database data. There are a number of frequent jobs that we carry out when we work with local SQL databases. Normally, these jobs comprise linking to a business database, incorporating data to add and retrieving data from tables in a database. However, there are various issues that we will need to keep in mind while carrying these jobs, like that working with data types and handling errors. There are numerous database jobs that we often deal with, however, we will frequently require performing previous to we can do these more frequent jobs. For instance, before we join a database and access data from a table, we will require producing the database and producing the table arrangement in the database. These less common preliminary setup jobs are discussed in sections of lecture which deals with creating and modifying a database. In the lecture number six we have learned about the Structured Query Language (SQL). Finding out more SQL statements similar to sub-select we need to learn stored procedures and their equivalents in VB and C# methods. In addition, Structured Query Language (SQL) is a very important data manipulation language. It is used in different types of DBMS such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft Access. Additionally, IT experts and students from all over the world have many choices for SQL training these days. In this scenario, they are able to learn SQL by joining instructor-led SQL training course, they can also learn from a SQL book, and they are also able to take an online SQL course. However, the primary difference among the above SQL training alternatives is the quality of education and price tag. In this course we have learned how to create and utilize stored measures. In this scenario, a stored process is a previously written SQL statement that is kept in the database. If we try it with similar queries over and over again, it would help improve our logic. In addition, when we place this SQL statement in a stored process, we would be able to execute the stored process from the database’s command situation, with executable command. Moreover, this video lecture expands on the theme of stored procedures which was initiated a number of lessons ago. In this video lecture we got the explanation of the fundamental syntax to produce as well as update stored measures, using input and output parameters, declaring variables, return values and inculpating adding additional T-SQL programming deals with our stored events, how to run our stored events from the query window, and as a result the Visual Basic and C# syntax necessary to make use of stored events in our own working applications. However, creating procedure statements cannot be combined with other SQL declarations in a single batch. Additionally, in order to build measures, we have to CREATE PROCEDURE authorization in the database as well as ALTER consent on the representation in which the process is being formulated. For CLR stored measures, we have to either own the meeting referenced in , or make use of REFERENCES authorization on that congregation. In the same way, in order to run a stored process, we can make use of the keyword execute as well as the name of the stored processes, or immediately utilize the procedure’s name, as long as it is using adaptive server but itself or is the initial database statement in a batch. In the next lecture no 13 we have learned about facilitating Full-Text Search in our Text Data. Here we have learned how we can make use of the Full-Text search that permits us to save enormous parts of text yet Microsoft Word documents or additional database file preparations into our business database and carry out complex analysis queries foundational upon this textual data as expecting huge performance. In addition, this lecture revealed how to establish Full-Text search by giving particular concentration to the nuances of placing it up inside SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Then we shift to developing full-text indexes, assessing the index population arrangements, and caring out queries that show the strength of the CONTAINS predicate as well as its various differences. 540/5 Paper 5 Challenges and Solutions to Organizational Knowledge Management in KBMS In recent years, there has been a rising interest in treating knowledge as an important business resource. Additionally, together with attention in organizational knowledge and knowledge management (KM), information system researchers have started promoting a group of information systems, which is acknowledged as knowledge management systems (KMS). In this scenario, the goal of KMS is to help organizations form, move and apply knowledge in businesses. In fact, knowledge and knowledge management is difficult and multi-faceted ideas. Therefore, efficient development and implementation of KMS necessitates a base in numerous rich literatures (Alavi & Leidner, 2011). (Das, 2011) discusses in detail about different data related terms. According to (Das, 2011), a datum is the worth of a visible, quantifiable or calculable characteristic. Data is too much similar attribute value. In its place, information, generally terms, is data in addition theoretical commitments and understanding. Information is data taken out or filtered or formatted in a number of ways. Additionally, the knowledge is a separation of information. However, it is a division that has been taken out to be filtered, or formatted in an extremely special manner. In other words, the information we call knowledge is information that has been presented to, and tested for validation. In addition, wisdom has a more energetic part as compared to data, information, or knowledge. It is the implication of knowledge articulated in values to reach at careful, sagacious decisions concerning conflicting circumstances (Das, 2011). A database can refer to various things, however typically it outlines a relational database similar to Microsoft Access, Oracle, MySQL, etc. Though, the basic purpose of using a database is to store large sets of associated data similar to questions on yahoo answers or accounting records, etc. In this scnario, a knowledge foundation is utilized in artificial intelligence. When an artificial intelligence algorithm attempts to formulate a decision, it inquires its knowledge base to decide how to do something. In addition, relying on the outcome it is able to then update the knowledge base. It is fraction of artificial intelligence machine learning. A database which keeps information and data for instance: sales data, personnel data, etc. As they articulate, just raw data are not of a great deal sensible value, unless they could be altered into information, for instance we can be able to examine the sales data and appear at purchase patterns, so our business could be able to turn that information into income. At the moment, the query to inquire is: what type of "knowledge" did we implement in changing the raw data into practical information? Can we store that "knowledge", that "how to", in a number of situations, as a result that somebody else or maybe a number of automated process are able to utilize that "stored knowledge" to carry out future analysis? There, we have our knowledge base (R.B.Jones, 1997) and (BIZRULES, 2006). In addition, information systems indented to facilitate and expand organizational knowledge management require balancing and improving the knowledge management tasks of individuals and the collectivity. However, in order to attain this, the design of data and information systems should be entrenched in as well as guided through a reorganization of the nature and kinds of corporate knowledge. In this scnario, there is need for understanding for devising a knowledge management policy and analyzing the function of information technology in simplifying knowledge organization (Alavi & Leidner, 2011). Moreover, high level applications in fields like that CAD, real-time process control, software engineering, company repositories and digital libraries necessitate the building, well-organized access and management of huge as well as shared knowledge foundations. In addition, similar knowledge bases cannot be constructed using exisitng tools for instance expert system shells, for the reason that they do not increase, nor are able to they be constructed in terms of existing database technology, for the reason that similar technology does not facilitate the rich representative structure as well as inference means necessary for knowledge-based systems (Mylopoulos, Chaudhri, Plexousakis, Shrufi, & Topaloglou, 1996).  References Alavi, M., & Leidner, D. E. (2011). Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research issues. MIS Quarterly, Volume 25 Issue 1 , 107-136. BIZRULES. (2006). What is the difference between data-based, rule-based, and knowledge-based systems? (FAQ #15) . Retrieved September 12, 2011, from Das, S. (2011). Difference between Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom . Retrieved September 16, 2011, from Mylopoulos, J., Chaudhri, V., Plexousakis, D., Shrufi, A., & Topaloglou, T. (1996). Building knowledge base management systems. The VLDB Journal, Volume 5 , 238-263. R.B.Jones. (1997, April 18). Expert Systems in Decision Support. Retrieved September 18, 2011, from 5/2 Paper 6 In this paper I will discuss my learning experience regarding video lecture 10, 11 and 7 and 8. In the lecture 10 I have got a detailed overview of reporting services. Here I have assessed the main reporting services that permit us to design as well as deploy reports, satisfactorily formatted, interactive and depictions of our data, its suitability for online distribution or printing. In addition, it allows us to get professional results speedily. This video shows how to establish reporting services and the business intelligence development studio to construct reports through wizards and designers as well as set up them to our Report Server. This lecture has offered us in-depth overview of SQL Server Reporting Services those are an inclusive server-based facility. Additionally, it allows us to form, manage, and deliver both customary (paper-oriented) and interactive (web based) reports. In this scenario, an integrated component of Microsoft corporate intelligence structure, Reporting Services joins the data management capabilities of SQL Server as well as Microsoft Windows Server with well-known and influential Microsoft Office System applications to carry out the real-time information to up-hold daily processes and perform decisions. Business Reporting Services in SQL Server Express with its incorporated Advanced Services (SQL Server Express) allows us to view, create and manage reports that are generated on the basis of stored data (in local example of SQL Server Express). Additionally, we can use this topic to learn how this edition of Reporting Services works, including how to create and deploy reports using the tools that are available in this edition. In addition, SQL Server Express comprises SQL Server Management Studio Express capabilities. However, SQL Server Management Studio Express cannot be utilized to manage a report server. In order to do this we need to make use of report manager and reporting services configuration system and tool. In this scenario, report manager and reporting services configuration tool to manage the report server are created when we install business reporting services in SQL Server Express edition with advanced services. Though the installation of the new facility package encompasses SQL Server Management Studio Express, as a result we are not able to utilize SQL Server Management Studio Express to manage the business report server. The lesson number 11 guides us about building and customizing reports in business intelligence development studio. Additionally, this lecture has presented us a deep analysis of developing business reports from scratch as well as altering those reports which were developed through wizards and design view. We as well learned how to incorporate reports into our ASP.NET Web Form applications. The lesson number seven has guided us about security and network connectivity. Here we have learned about separation among database files and SQL Server procedures. Here we have also discovered situations for linking to SQL Server Express databases, facilitating and hindering user cases, login permissions, and further security and safety measures. Moreover, the new Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition that is also known as SQL Server Express is foundational upon the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 supports the majority of the characteristics of the database engine. In addition, it minimizes the surface area exists for attack from a malicious user. The lecture 8 offered us a deep knowledge about connecting our Web Application to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Here we got in-depth knowledge of the entire workflow of producing a database determined web application and utilizing visual tools to rapidly generate an administration application. Read More
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