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The Saudi Arabian National Water Company - Impact of Organizational Culture on Performance - Research Proposal Example

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The paper “The Saudi Arabian National Water Company - Impact of Organizational Culture on Performance ” is an engrossing example of the research proposal on business. The thesis will discuss the aspect of organizational culture and national culture and their relationship with the management of performance in the organization…
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Impact of organizational culture on performance Name Institution Course Date Impact of organizational culture on performance Introduction The thesis will discuss the aspect of organizational culture and national culture and their relationship with management of performance in the organization. The Saudi Arabian National Water Company in Saudi Arabia will be the organization of study whose organizational culture and national cultures will be compared to its performance management. Being a state owned company, it was incorporated under the laws of Saudi Arabian countries to serve the public and subscribers. The Saudi Arabian National Water Company is important to the nation with respect to its function of providing a basic need to nationals. Therefore, organizational culture, national culture and performance are important aspects for the essential organization to be discussed. Cultural dimensions of the organization and the nation play a major part in performance and success of the organization (Sarma, 2012). The researcher aims at illustrating the relationships between cultures and performance through Hofstede and Tropenaars’ models and organizational performance model. METHODOLOGY This section focuses on assessing motives for choosing the recommended research design and methodology for this particular proposal while addressing a number of objectives including: 1. To cross-examine what relationships exists between organizational culture and nature culture. 2. To assess the aspect of organizational culture and how it shapes up in KSA 3. To investigate ways in which organization culture and nature culture are employed in water management to facilitate performance management. 4. To explore how organizational culture has been used to maintain performance management of employees. Based on the nature of the study, quantitative methods have been selected as most appropriate to ensure efficiency in focusing on the main objective of the research. The quantitative research method was selected to provide an analysis of data so as to come up with veracity of identified proposition. Nature of research and application of methods Considering the nature of the topic under study, the definitions and nature of organizational culture has not been fully explored in the many literatures and especially in the area of water management where persons being affected by influences of water management have not fully defined the concept. However, there are different aspects derived from the topic of study which are of significance. These aspects have substantially contributed to the theoretical development of organizational culture techniques and provided a general understanding of its purpose in imparting organization performance especially in a water management company. Firstly, there is the definition of the word performance management which involves with alignment of activities of employees or yield to goals of the organization. However, the general focus of the concept signifies that it is essentially a design or a model developed and implemented to allow contribution by organization stakeholders with the aim of improving general productivity of the company. Having a performance management model or system describes the parts of performance that are relevant to the firm. The viewpoint of stakeholders involved provides certain responsibilities and activities which are vital and are clarified. The organizational model of performance management illustrates three important processes of performance management including individual attributes, organizational strategy and organizational culture. The term water is defined as a combination of hydrogen and oxygen existing in liquid form with no color or smell. However, the concept has been illustrated to have a great importance in life sustenance among humans. It is designed to sustain human metabolism and therefore catching the attention of medics who encourage water intake for supply of oxygen and nutrition to cells of the body. Use of quantitative Survey method The nature of this particular study requires analysis of primary individual opinions from parties directly affected in an organizational setting. This promotes the need to adopt quantitative methodologies. The study will be distinctively limited to quantitative techniques other than the literature review which also incorporates aspects of quantitative methodology to generate relevant data that is important for the study. According to Balnaves & Caputi (2001), quantitative research includes designs, techniques and measures that produce discreet numerical or quantifiable data. In this case, quantitative study involved administration of surveys questionnaire which provide an opportunity to investigate the opinions of employees at different hierarchy and identify any differences or agreeing aspects of the perspectives (Jankowicz, 2005). Quantitative method is most appropriate for the study by view of the objectives involved, that is, in this case, the study involves several objectives, which of these are better assessed using quantitative methods. Quantitative method will also be used since it is the suitable method and most used in previous business researches. According to Bryman and Belil (2007), most business researches have employed quantitative methodology to formulate results. Creswell (2005) states that, quantitative methods supplement qualitative method by providing the data needed to test hypotheses. Using quantitative methods help to avoid any kind of bias involved in in combining both research methods. However, the method is also expensive and I had no sufficient training in some aspects of the method which could limit effective application of the same. Surveys or questionnaires address personal perspectives of the employees who are directly affected by the research and variables; there is still a gap in investigation and implementation of strategic model linking employees and other stakeholders’ perspectives. The sample size The 500 people sample is adequate, selected from all levels of the organization as represented by hierarchical ranking since it ensures that final perspectives obtained represent the whole organization. Also according to JWS research (2011), quantitative approach involves identification of several people whose insights, opinions, known facts or attitudes are then validated. The sample is also based on how many people and who has particular views which is another aspect of quantitative research. Opinion of executive director of a given department is likely to vary or tally with that of a subordinate within or outside the department. Sample size was collected from National Water Company in Saudi Arabia which was the main area of intended study. The selected sample is cost effective in terms of cost of data collection and cost of an incorrect inference resulting from the data, free from sampling errors and is an appropriate sampling frame. The sample is representative of the whole population, in terms of organization surrounding and saves time used in data collection since only a part of the population is studied (Lohr, 2010). Sampling errors are the random variations in the sample estimates around a true population parameter. It decreases with the increase in the size of the sample and it happens to be of a smaller magnitude in case of a homogenous population. While selecting a sampling procedure, the researcher must ensure that the procedure causes a relatively small sampling error and helps to control the systematic bias in a better way (Sarndal et al, 1992). The response rate of the selected sample turned out to be 20 percent of the whole sample. This means that only 100 out of the 500 sample responded and returned the questionnaires. Depending on the number, response is not good. Data collection and analysis The process of data collection involves drawing information from a number of sources. Data collection and analysis will be carried out using quantitative techniques. As the title of the project suggests, the model for data collection devised must suit a case study situation. In this case, manual survey is more convenient in a business environment or setting. Depending on the nature of the study, reliability will be ensured if information is acquired from main sources rather than from literature. According to Jupp & Sapsford (2006), since the research also depends on people’s opinions to make conclusions, single observation will not be appropriate, thus the sample size for adequacy. Information will be collected from the selected sample size since it was the group of interest for the study. Data collection will be preferably conducted using survey questionnaires which are personally administered to the selected sample of the study. Questionnaires and surveys, as stated by US GAO (1993) are appropriate especially in statistical data collection which is a component of quantitative technique. Quantitative data: statistics amounts and figures are appropriately collected using questionnaires and are also a reasonably inexpensive method of getting information from a population. Survey research involves collection of data from members of a population in order to determine the current status of that population with respect to one or more variables. Survey study is therefore a self-report study, which requires the collection of quantifiable information from the sample. According to Fowler, (2002), it is a descriptive research which obtains information that describes existing phenomena by asking individuals about their perceptions, attitudes, behavior or values and can also be used for explaining or exploring the existing status of two or more variables, at a given point in time. This is appropriate since there are three variables involved in the study. Survey is appropriate in measuring characteristics of large populations. However, it is dependent on the cooperation of respondents and information unknown to the respondents cannot be tapped in a survey such as amount saved per year. Requesting information which is considered secret and personal encourages incorrect answers since surveys cannot be aimed at obtaining forecasts of things to come (Gaslow, 2005). Pilot testing Pilot testing involves trying out a survey, key guide in an interview or an observation form of any on a small group of people to prove its workability in the real world. According to National research council (U.S.) (1999) this procedure ensures that participants in the sample size have a common understanding of the questions and the study concept. It also creates a favorable environment for them to feel at ease with the research procedure. The time span can be estimated from this practice since it gives an estimate of how much time is likely to be utilized in carrying out the survey. Retrospective interview and think aloud interviews are appropriate after which a debriefing and revision is carried out (Schwab, 2005). Reliability and validity are an aspect in pilot testing since it ensures that results from actual survey and the general procedure is reliable and valid. Reliability is the extent to which an experiment, test, or any measuring procedure yields the same result on repeated trials. According to Golafshani (2003), without the agreement of independent observers able to replicate research procedures, or the ability to use research tools and procedures that yield consistent measurements, researchers would be unable to satisfactorily draw conclusions, formulate theories, or make claims about the generalizability of their research. In addition to its important role in research, reliability is critical for many parts of our lives, including manufacturing, medicine and sports. Reliability is such an important concept that it has been defined in terms of its application to a wide range of activities. Reliability is influenced by random error. Random error is the deviation from a true measurement due to factors that have not effectively been addressed by the researcher. As random error increases, reliability decreases (Winter, 2000). Validity refers to the degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the researcher is attempting to measure. It is the degree to which results obtained from the analysis of data actually represent the phenomenon under study. It is the accuracy and meaningfulness of inferences, which are based on the research results. It has to do with how accurately the data obtained in the study represents the variables of the study. If such data is a true reflection of the variables, then inferences based on such data will be accurate and meaningful. Validity is largely determined by the presence or absence of systematic error in the data e.g. using a faulty scale to measure. Potential problems and limitations Survey questionnaires are likely to pose a challenge in terms of factors such as tight schedules which will affect sourcing of information and degree of collecting information including its analysis. Another limitation is the sample selected who are the respondents. In case executives have their own personal differences, their responses are likely to compromise the validity and reliability of the survey or questionnaire technique based the number of respondents and the answers that are given by them. Neuman (2006) states that, under circumstances where the data is not collected or a valid response is not provided by a sampled respondent, it weakens the reliability and validity of the survey. Ethical issues in data collection First, study benefits will be explained to the respondents immediately when direct contact is made with the respondent but neither will they be neither overstated nor understated. The introductory part will involve introduction of researcher’s (me) name, the name of the research organization and a brief description of the purpose and benefits of the research. This puts the respondent at ease, lets them know to whom they are speaking and motivates them to answer questions truthfully (Canterbury Christ church university, 2006). There will also be informed consent from respondents where full disclosure will be made of the procedures of the proposed survey or other research design before requesting permission to proceed with the study. Since it’s a business research, oral consent is sufficient. Individual rights to privacy of the participant will be respected. The privacy guarantee will be provided since it is important not only to retain validity of the research but also to protect respondents. Once the guarantee of confidentiality is given, protecting that confidentiality is essential. Respondent’s confidentiality will be protected by Obtaining signed nondisclosure documents, restricting access to respondent identification, revealing respondent information only with written consent, restricting access to data instruments where the respondent is identified and nondisclosure of data subsets (Gregory, 2003). Conclusion The Saudi Arabian National Water Company in MENA region in partnership with Unilever is an indispensible organizations providing water for the nation to solve the problem of water scarcity. Therefore, maintenance and performance of the organization is also essential. Organizational culture influences organization decision making and differentiates an organization from another. National culture distinguishes members of two nations. The research will focus on the most important stakeholders of the organization, the employees whose interests must be considered as discussed by Hofstede model. The objectives of the research are directly related to the topic relation the two variables within the company of interest at Saudi Arabia. Being fully owned by the government after incorporation under the laws of Saudi Arabian Kingdom, the organization was entrusted with responsibility of producing clean water, collection, purifying and treating waste water. In order to acquire sufficient useful information, the study will require a wide range of participants. Administration of survey questionnaires is considered as the appropriate quantitative method for the research. Information will collected from involved parties and quantified. The study will assume that there is an existing relationship between national and organizational culture and that both influence the performance of employees in the organization. Bibliography Bryman, A., & Bell, E, 2007. Business research methods. Oxford [u.a.], Oxford Univ. Press. Jankowicz, A. D. (2005). Business research projects. London, Thomson Learning. Sarndal, C.E., Swensson, B., & Wretman, J. H. (1992). Model assisted survey sampling. New York, Springer-Verlag. Sarma, P., 2012. National Water Company and Unilever sign MOU. Retrieved from: Lohr, S. L. (2010). Sampling: design and analysis. Boston, Mass, Brooks/Cole. Gaslow, P. A, 2005, Fundamentals of Survey Research Methodology. MITRE Department. Retrieved from: Bryman, A. and E. Bell (2011). Business Research Methods. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Jupp, V., & Sapsford, R. (2006). Data collection and analysis. London, SAGE. Balnaves, M., & Caputi, P. 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Boston, Pearson Canterbury Christ church university, 2006, An introduction to ethics issues and principles in research involving human participants. Retirved from: Gregory, I, 2003, Ethics in research. London, Continuum. Canterbury Christ Church University 2006, Code of Conduct: Practice for Research Involving Human Participants, CCCU. Canterbury Christ Church University 2006, Data Protection in Research, CCCU. TAYLOR, B., SINHA, G., & GHOSHAL, T. (2006). Research methodology A guide for researchers in management and social science. New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of India. National research council (U.S.), Wise, L. L., Noeth, R. J., & Koenig, J. A. (1999). Evaluation of the voluntary national tests, year 2 final report. Washington, DC, National Academy Press. Retirved from: Read More
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