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Todays Human Resource Practicing and Discrimination - Literature review Example

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Owing to the drastic changes in the external business environment and the emergence of several factors that are linked with the concept of globalization, the composition of community settlements is rapidly transforming to welcome the arrival of multiethnic and multiracial…
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Todays Human Resource Practicing and Discrimination
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Owing to the drastic changes in the external business environment and the emergence of several factors that are linked with the concept of globalization, the composition of community settlements is rapidly transforming to welcome the arrival of multiethnic and multiracial structures which are marked by the presence of varying attitudes, preferences and lifestyles. Under these circumstances contemporary human resource practicing is also expected to change and transition into a modern phase along with the transformation of business processes which have been triggered by the need to manage a highly complex and diverse workforce. While, the implementation of diversity management mechanisms may be considered as a complex task for organizations regardless of their size, the implementation and effective execution of this framework cannot be ignored. Henceforth, considering the significance of diversity and discrimination as two critical aspects of consideration for modern human resource managers and practitioners, this paper focuses upon exploring the identified aspects with respect to human resource management practice and application. The analysis incorporates the research which has highlighted in various scholarly articles. Research findings identify the presence of diversity and discrimination in the workplace environment and also provide a guideline for directing human resource managers and practitioners in the development of appropriate mechanisms to effectively manage the identified issues and areas of concern. Introduction The realm of contemporary human resource practicing is characterized by the existence of several issues and additional factors which have emerged as a consequence of a rapidly changing external environment. As organizations continually seek to develop an effective and versatile workforce which is able to manage and ultimately cope with demanding circumstances, elements that are linked with the concepts of globalization and the advancement in business processes which have been led by the arrival of the ‘information age’ comprise of certain key considerations that maybe attributed to the need to encourage innovation and research in the sphere of human resource practicing. Restating the significance of globalization in the modern business setting, it should be noted that international components which are associated with a firm’s activity are not only linked with a wider customer base, interaction with overseas suppliers and the need to identify global competition but also acknowledging the significance of a continually diverse workforce. Most importantly, for nations which boost of a high immigration rate or welcome the arrival of diverse communities, understanding the complexity of the workplace environment becomes even more essential for a human resource manager to promote the attainment of the organization’s objectives. Taking into account the current scenarios and considerations which are linked with contemporary human resource practicing, the purpose of this analysis is to suggest whether the notions of discrimination or diversity are in fact present in the sphere of human resource management and the practical application of the same. Most importantly, the discussion also aims to highlight whether the presence of issues surrounding discrimination or diversity at the workplace excise in contemporary scenarios which are linked with human resource practices. The paper incorporates the findings of scholarly works and personal interviews for the purposes of enhancing the objectivity of the research. Diversity and Discrimination – An Overview Even though, the basic conceptions of diversity in the workplace are rooted in categorizing employees in accordance with their race or gender, a broader definition of the concept entails the acknowledgement of the fact that a diverse workforce is marked by the presence of employees which belong to varying age groups, educational and academic backgrounds, social strata, lifestyle, experience with the firm and possess different personality traits amongst other elements (Barak, 2013). The aforementioned classification of elements which define diversity can be conducted by placing significant factors within four broader dimensions which are that of the 1) organizational dimension 2) outer dimension 3) inner dimension and personality dimension (Senichev, 2013). The alignment of several elements under the banner of diversity has been accepted by human resource managers as an essential and advantageous practice for driving mechanisms which are associated with promoting a greater understanding of the workplace environment under the scope of conducting diversity training and implementing frameworks to assist the demands of a diverse workforce. The criterion of effectively managing a diverse workforce is defined under the mechanism of implementing a comprehensive system of diversity management. According to Senichev (2013) a successful policy which promotes the management of a diverse workforce must fulfill certain obligations to be termed as a successful venture. The tenets of this guideline must therefore, comprise of 1) expecting employees to demonstrate respect towards each other regardless of any cultural, ideological or religious differences which they may share with their colleagues 2) realize that the firm’s key priority is to promote successful work ethic and advance the achievement of goals for which the delivery of excellent performance is required 3) reinforce the presence of the organization’s internal mechanisms which are present in order to ensure that internal affairs in the process of recruitment, compensation and provision of training are not comprised by any form of discrimination or bias and 4) acknowledge and respect individual differences in order to mitigate any issues in a team or group setting (Senichev, 2013). However, when an organization fails to demonstrate acceptance and acknowledgment for an increasingly diverse workforce or base any prejudiced practices because an employee fails to abide by the preconceived standards of a firm, then the execution of this behavior can be characterized as discrimination. Henceforth, when specific characteristics or traits which in fact promote diversity are negatively targeted in the setting of a workplace, the implications of this action may translate into the loss of promotional, advancement and training opportunities for targeted employees thereby, highlighting the consequences of discrimination (Barak, 2013). Analogous to the categorization of the dimensions of diversity, discrimination may stem from several segments or factions within a firm henceforth, discrimination on the part of an individual, a group or the institution maybe termed as various sourcing of promoting the adoption of prejudiced and biased practices. Today’s Human Resource Practicing and Diversity As noted by Senichev (2013), the implementation of diversity management guidelines, mechanisms and associated frameworks is a critical component of the management of an organization’s human resources. The development of a systematic effort based on the tenets of an effective and successful diversity management program have emerged as a highlight of several ventures and initiatives which have been launched by firms such as IBM across their global operations (Senichev, 2013). From a distinct perspective, the execution of diversity management frameworks can be characterized as a factor which is launched to promote ‘additional value’ for the organization. The conception of this notion is rooted in suggesting that by launching programs which aim to achieve the aims of developing a more united workforce, organizations are in fact aligning their communication mechanisms and business processes to equip a talented workforce. Senichev (2013) understands that diversity management frameworks can therefore, be characterized as a tool for advancing the strategic objectives of the business. While, the presence of diversity management programs across large-scale organizations acts as an indicator of the fact that an increasingly globalized world has molded and transformed the distinct human resources needs of the firms accordingly, it is important to highlight whether the concept of diversity excise in human resource practicing with respect to the contemporary scenario. For this purpose it is important to highlight the association between diversity and performance as a concrete indicator to establish the significance of the concept for the progression of related programs. Yet again, the examination of the impact of diversity on performance is categorized under three classifications to comprehensively explore the functioning of this notion; these categories are associated with the 1) organization 2) the functioning of teams and 3) individual performance on the job. Senichev’s (2013) research suggests that the analysis of the impact of diversity on organizational performance is rather complex because firms choose to acquire the assistance of several performance indicators to gauge the full extent of their performance. Henceforth, individually identifying each enhancement in organizational performance and correlating it with a possible change to promote diversity in the workplace maybe inadequate. Therefore, the recommended procedure for exploring this aspect of the discussion is to highlight the role of direct actions to promote diversity on organizational performance and attainment of designated corporate objectives. Organizational Performance and Diversity An interesting example with regard to the effective execution of diversity management practices to achieve desired results is that of the Avon Corporation in the United States. Owing to the declining sales volumes in certain locations across the city with specific focus to distribution channels with respect to the inner-city locales, Avon Corporation took the step of granting greater power and command to managers who belonged to a racial minority in the following markets. Eventually, the outcome of this action emerged as highly positive for the firm as it was able to acquire the lost percentage of sales volumes and promote a rise in customer base in the selected areas which were previously low performing (Senichev, 2013). Similarly, another crucial breakthrough in sales which was achieved through the adoption of diverse human resource management practices was attained at a dealership belonging to Toyota in the Miami area. According to Senichev (2013) the well-executed and comprehensive program launched by the firm for that particular distribution centre focused on enhancing the cultural element across the human resource department by organizing promotional campaigns to generate awareness amongst potential customers and gradually developing a diverse workforce through targeted recruitment campaigns for achieving this aim. The success of this program was phenomenal for the company as it was able to boost by four hundred percent over a span of just above five years (Senichev, 2013). An important implication of highlighting the significance of diversity in promoting organizational performance can be noted in the observation that the enforcement of mechanisms to promote diversity has proved to be effective and successful for a wide range of employers regardless of industry. For example, the company case studies which have been quoted by Senichev (2013) to demonstrate the extent of the success of comparable plans for promoting the establishment of a diverse workforce comprise of the steel industry, the aviation industry, pharmaceutical firms and organizations which are a part of the manufacturing sector. The demonstration of these cases highlights the applicability of diversity as a fundamental concept today’s human resource practicing. As is the case with the implementation of internal organizational mechanisms, the research of Senichev (2013) substantiates that the execution of a comprehensive diversity management program has the ability to impact the promotion of positive organizational values which may be ignored otherwise with respect to the development of an inclusive organizational setting. This understanding possesses the significant implication of highlighting that regardless of the nature of mechanisms which are imposed by the firm to promote diversity in the workforce, the foundations of effective programs must consider the tenets which have been explored in the discussion previously. In this regard it can stated that with respect to the strengthening of organizational foundations, human resource practicing which integrates diversity practicing can benefit from the unification of internal mechanisms if diversity is defined as one of the top priorities of the firm. Henceforth, the fundamental benefit which is gained by recruiting a diverse workforce in this scenario is associated with the amplification of the organizational culture which essentially binds the firm together and also acts as a source of guidance for existing employees in addition with new inductees. Moreover, Senichev (2013) highlights that a firm’s reputation amongst its industry rivals and most importantly its customers may also be enhanced under circumstances where it demonstrates responsibility and does not abide by any discriminatory practices. Consequently, a widely acknowledged outcome of this understanding is rooted in the fact that as firms continue to acknowledge and accept the influx of a range of employees belonging to varying personal and social background the overall capacity of idea sharing, brainstorming and establishing an innovative environment is escalated to promote the advancement of ideas and concepts for future betterment (Senichev, 2013). Individual Performance and Diversity According to Pless and Maak (2004) the foremost consideration in the establishment of a diverse culture and workplace association is rooted in the creation of what can be identified as a “culture of inclusion”. The foundations of this concept have emerged from the functioning of an organization which believes in providing fair and equitable opportunities to individuals regardless of their background and strictly focuses on the attainment of corporate objectives by recruiting individuals who possess the suitable skills to drive the firm towards success. Pless and Maak (2004) believe that the primary idea behind the notion of inclusion in an organizational setting is to make individuals realize that their contributions are accepted and readily adopted by the firm, if found to be effective. Eventually, in the pursuit of developing a culture of inclusion, organizations must never disparage the importance of safeguarding the primary rights of workers and their obligations towards their employees because this act could potentially lead to the loss of recognition on an emotional scale through several instances including the violation of employee’s rights. At this point, it is important to incorporate the example of an acquaintance who decided to seek resignation from a lucrative job because of the lack of emotional recognition. The root cause of this decision was primarily the supervisor’s behavior towards the acquaintance as she continually failed to acknowledge his efforts at work, belittle him in front of the team and take credit for the assignments and research work which were in fact produced by her subordinate. The research of Pless and Maak (2004) highlights this action as a violation of emotional recognition and considers it to be an infringement of the culture of inclusion which must remain at the forefront of promoting diversity amongst individuals. Today’s Human Resource Practicing and Discrimination Discriminatory practices have been highlighted in this discussion as being associated with an organization’s adoption of prejudiced and biased actions towards an employee on the basis of any singular factor or a collection of factors including age, gender, tenure, personality or lifestyle orientations. Referring to the concept of tenure and how it may play a role in devising a firm’s attitudes towards employees with longer tenure than others, it is appropriate to incorporate a real-life example of a friend who accepted a job without the provision of a benefits package after spending a considerable period as an unemployed individual. The absence of a benefits package meant that she was unable to seek the benefits of having a health insurance or be provided sick leave in accordance with the employment contract. In this case, the absence of a benefits package offer for a new recruit sheds light on the discriminatory practice of the organization on the primary basis of tenure as the firm failed to provide a new employee with the same contract details as a relatively established and experienced employee with greater tenure. As a consequence, it was established that the need of having an adequate benefits package cannot be ignored by the worker and he/she must ensure that the employment contracts provides the adequate clauses that are linked with paid sick leaves and medical insurance. Moreover, as evidenced by the research of Demuijnck (2009) the research substantiates that the adoption of non-discriminatory human resource practices on the part of an organization is in fact a moral compulsion and responsibility which must be fulfilled by that particular firm regardless of the personal attributes of the employees in comparison with his/her colleagues. Applying the case for promoting non-discriminatory practices from a theoretical perspective it can be suggested that organizations must seek to promote equity in all spheres of business operations and therefore, do not partake in the provision of certain privileges for a selected few when other employees are not being granted with the same opportunity. According to scholarly data the validation of the fact that discriminatory practices are in fact promoted across the United States and other nations across the globe in the contemporary business setting is demonstrated by the statistical data of U.S labor markets and related surveys (Demuijnck, 2009). In an insightful experiment conducted in Paris, France the researchers aimed to observe whether the candidate’s last name which revealed ancestry and ethnicity as being either white or North African played a role in providing the potential employee with job offers. The outcome of the research substantiated the discriminatory practices and tendencies of employers by revealing that in comparison with their white counterparts, the North African applicants received lower offers for employment and interview calls (Demuijnck, 2009). The consequence of this study validates the presence and excise of discrimination with regard to today’s human resource practices and reveals the need to develop mechanisms which are able to cope with this issue and the associated benefits of diversity are evident by research such as the one which has been conducted by Senichev (2013). Conclusion Globalization is perhaps the most significant factor which has vastly contributed in the shaping and transformation of today’s human resource practices. The outcomes of globalization have led to the promotion of diverse communities and the relocation of individuals who have settled to become a part of multiethnic and multiracial workforces. Therefore, in the setting of the modern workplace employers cannot refuse to acknowledge the significance of diversity as their customer base is also experiencing a drastic change in terms of their preferences and demand. As noted by the examples of organizations such as Avon and Toyota both of which were able to secure a substantial rise in their sales volume as a result of adopting diversity management practices, it is suggested that organizations, regardless of their size should incorporate the provision of diversity management in today’s human resource practicing to ascertain the provision of rights for all employees regardless of their social and personal attributes. References Barak, M. E. M. (2013). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage. Demuijnck, G. (2009). Non-discrimination in human resources management as a moral obligation. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(1), 83-101. Pless, N., & Maak, T. (2004). Building an inclusive diversity culture: Principles, processes and practice. Journal of Business Ethics, 54(2), 129-147. Senichev, V. (2013). Human Resource Diversity And Performance Within The Frame Of Organizations, Teams And Individuals. Verslas: teorija ir praktika, (4), 337-345 Read More
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