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Employee Relations: Bullying and Discrimination - Assignment Example

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The author states that management and employees should complement each other and work in unison. However, certain key issues like pay and bullying or discrimination in a workplace continue to provide evidence of the division that exists between management and employees or labor. …
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Employee Relations: Bullying and Discrimination
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Employee relations Any organized human activity, which is done in-group, will be most times constituted into an organization. So, Organization is a structure with a ‘collage’ of employees doing their allocated work under the supervision of a leader and management team, for the benefit of the organization as well as them. Together, the management and the employees can only put an organization on the path of success with their knowledge, skill, hard work etc, etc. Success in the sense, they will contribute their part for optimum production, profit, etc, by forming and working as successful work teams. When one speaks or thinks about an industry or an office or an organization, the ‘mental picture’, one visualizes is of machines, smoke outlets, sirens etc, etc (in case of industries) and papers, computers, cabins etc, etc (in case of offices). But, the crucial thing that the mind ‘crops out’ is the picture of a working human or employees. Without delving deeply into why mind always associate industry and office with non-living things, the point is, employees are the crucial ‘things’ who can put an organization in a cruise mode in terms of production, sales, profits, etc. The employees only form the crucial ‘cog’ in the running of the organization. Only if these employees are recruited or staffed optimally, given clear goals, motivated through rewards and given an optimal working environment to work in by the management, the organization can achieve optimum success. Even with automation and computerization happening in every segments of organization, all the important decisions regarding the employee centric processes will be taken by the management and the leader. So, it is clear that management and employees should complement each other and work in unison. However, certain key issues like pay and bullying or discrimination in a workplace continue to provide evidence of the division that exists between management and employees or labour. Although, this dubious statement is true in many cases, it can be corrected if both the management and the employees take positive initiatives. Pay The mind of the employees is will only make an organization work. Biologically, it is mind of the worker, which will make the worker ‘work’. That is, only if the mind of the worker is filled with positive thought process, it will get motivated and make mental as well physical organs work for the benefit of the organization. The motivated mind will only ‘configure’ the mind as well as the physical body, to function in an optimum way or even ‘push’ them in a maximum way to derive beneficial outputs for the workers themselves as well as the organization. Importantly, the motivated mind will only make the employee stick to the organization. The management can optimize the motivation levels and thereby retain them through an ethical and unbiased effective pay pack and rewards program. This strategy plus incentive program can be implemented by the leader in any environment with good results. However, this issue of pay and rewards could give raise to conflicts, misunderstandings and divisions between the management and employees, if the management practice a biased, unethical, wrong and inept pay and reward system. After recruiting the apt workers, management have to appraise them aptly. Performance appraisal or employee appraisal is a method, in which the performance of an employee is evaluated, particularly in terms of productivity, time factor in productivity, quality of the work, etc. Based on this appraisal results only, employees will be given promotions, incentives and salary hikes - in case of positive results, training, coaching and mentored – in case of positive and negative results, and finally cut in salary, suspension or even dismissal in case of very negative results. One is five of those who leave the unemployment register are unemployed again within a year (Blyton and Turnbull 2004, p. 75). So, an employees’ career and to an extent his/her survival hinges on these performance appraisals. Because of this cruciality, it should be conducted without any favouritism and bias by the management, otherwise it could wreck the career of promising employees and cause divisions between the employees and the management. The key factor that could bring down the excellence of the employees, then major divisions and thereby cause exodus from the organization is appointing, promoting and importantly rewarding individuals who do not deserve it. If any management, overriding tried and trusted individuals; give important posts, promotions and recognitions along with other rewards and incentives to individuals who might be family members, friends, and persons with negative influence on the leader etc, it will create negative effects. For example, if least experienced or least qualified persons in different sections of the organization are promoted and rewarded with good pay hike, it will lead to a lot of problems within the workforce, disturbing impact on the high performing workers, leading to loss of motivation, excellence and importantly problems in retention. Equity theory of motivation states “that people have to believe that their pay is equitable with others. If they believe their compensation is not equitable, they become very de-motivated and their work performance suffers” (Stockley). So, if this practice of giving pay hike and rewards as part of the incentive program to the non-performing employees and employees with negative influence is followed, it will create de-motivation and de-excellence among workers and will show the organisations in poor light. In many organizations, because of the ritual of awarding plum posts to the undeserving employees, and shielding them when they committed mistakes, other employees of the organization would band together in a kind of mutual protection ‘society’ with a culture of its own, and making the divisions between the employees and management loud and clear. Employees in the aftermath of the divisions, will be more loyal to each other than to the organizations without any focus on the company’s goals. And in extreme cases and in cases of other options existing, the employees will leave the organization. This pay related divisions can be averted or even minimized if the organization implements a logical and ethical correct pay packet and incentive program. Optimum and unbiased incentive program or rewarding system should be implemented by the management because it can only motivate the employees by imbuing in their mind that their performance will surely be recognized and feted. It can only optimize the performance of the workers. “…build the psychological contract, in which employees feel valued by their employer, and the employer values (and is seen to value) employees’ contributions” (Cannell 2009). But, if this rewarding system is biased, illogical, un-genuine as mentioned above, it could affect the performance and lead to divisions. So, to keep the core group of good workers in a motivated state, the management needs to award the right individuals with right pay packet and incentives. The motivation levels of the employees can be uplifted and thereby cooperation and unison (not division) between the employees and the management can be actualized, only if the employees are rightly and ethically rewarded. That is, allocation of rewards, incentives, promotions and also recognition to the deserving and apt employees is an important strategy to keep the motivation and excellence at higher plane. “Provide appropriate financial incentives and rewards, and non-financial praise for the employees’ achievement” (Armstrong 2004, p. 242). That is, rewarding the deserving and ‘success achieved’ employees especially high-performing employees, will stick them to the organization, thereby increase their motivation, excellence and importantly retention level. In an organization, the workers do their duties for personal motivations like money (salary), flexibility, career development, culture or the working environment, but their motivation and excellence will get a great boost if they receive additional financial rewards, promotions and recognitions. This perspective is fully supported by Herzberg theory. That is, according to Herzbergs two-factor theory, good wages are good motivational factor, which can accentuate the excellence level. If a goal is set and the rewards part of the job is revealed before hand, then the workers will motivate themselves and will surely work in cohesion without any divisions to achieve success. Also, rewards, promotions and recognitions to deserving workers will motivate others also, to reach that status. That is, the unrewarded employees will feel isolated, and so they would put in more optimal work to reach the status or performance of the rewarded employees, thereby getting rewards for himself/herself. Also, unions can play a crucial role in negotiating good pay packets and productivity deals for the employees, thereby providing them good salaries and financial benefits. That is, there will be organizations, who will not ethically and aptly ‘share’ the profits with the employees, by not giving good wages and other incentives. In those scenarios, unions can play an optimal role in providing the employees what is due for them. “Among employees who see management as unwilling to share power, more than 70 percent say they would vote for a union.” (Casico 2005, p.508). However, the disadvantage with the Trade unions struggle or demonstrations for correct pay packets is that it can indirectly lead to job losses. That is, if the unions indulge in strikes and other protests with the employees for unfeasible and avoidable pay packets, the organization could act tough and suspend or fire the employees, leading to job loss for them. Also, unions sometimes indulge in long strikes or protests and this will affect the productivity as well as profits, even leading to the closure of the organization. That will be a loss to all the stakeholders. However, if the trade unions as well as the management look at the valid pay raise requests and take appropriate actions, it will be beneficial to all the stakeholders. This way, with motivation flowing and retention optimized, the management team can quickly get across their main goals to the employees by appropriately linking rewards and punishments to the activities of the employees. Bullying and discrimination If all the ‘parts’ of an organization, which include the workers and the management, conduct in a positive way, they can be fully utilized to have a ubiquitous presence all over the world. It is similar, to how all the body parts or organs function in unison to help a human survive, study, search, succeed etc. But, ironically when the body parts of the worker itself gets affected including the physical body and importantly the mental part, due to the events that take places inside an organization or in a workplace, then the concept of unison will be unfulfilled, with divisions coming out into the open. This could happen when the negative practices of bullying and other discriminations happen inside a workplace. If a worker working in an organization, for a short period or a long period (whatever be the case), is affected or injured physically, mentally or both due to the actions, carried out by co-workers or superior workers particularly by the management, in the form of threat, intimidation, assault, torture etc, it constitutes bullying or mobbing. According to Herr Zucker, bullying happens in three ways, (1) by employees against a colleague, (2) by employees against a subordinate and (3) by employees against a superior. Although, these scenarios can happen, the management could play the key role or the negative role, if they themselves indulge in bullying, without taking any corrective actions to stop it. Another researcher describes it as a deliberate ‘campaign’ by co-workers to exclude, punish and humiliate a targeted worker in a ‘desperate urge to crush and eliminate’ them in the workplace, with the management being a mute spectator (Westhues 2002). “It is a ‘ganging up’ by the management, superior, co-worker, or subordinate - who rallies others into systematic and frequent ‘mob-like’ behaviour. If the management themselves ignores, condones, or even instigates this type of bullying and discriminatory behaviour, it will surely lead to divisions. Because the result of these behaviours could be injuries - physical ormental distress or illness and social misery and, most often, expulsion from the workplace” (Davenport One of the main reasons, why this bullying and discriminatory behaviour arises is because certain workers are treated as mere “expendable”, and are often the first to be forced out. That is, due to economic crisis in the organization and also due to complacency on the part of senior management, some workers will be treated as if they are no longer needed in the organization. This mindset will lead to bullying and discrimination, to get rid off the person from the workplace. Tensions frequently exist between different managerial grades and the common employees during tough times. (Blyton and Turnbull 2004, p. 109). Bullying and discrimination activities are also directed at whistleblowers. Whistleblowing, the act of speaking out from or within an organization to expose a problem, is a useful concept that brings out the wrongs, so it can be corrected. This form of secret dissenting is the only option for an aggrieved worker and it will help him/her from negative situations. However, the most common experience of whistle blowers is that they will be bullied and discriminated. Instead of their messages being evaluated, the incapable and biased management could turn against the whistle blowers, leading to wide divisions between the aggrieved employees and the management. Bullying and discrimination could also be based on race, language, religion, etc. That is, in a workplace there will be workers from different backgrounds having different ideologies and they will hold to it. In the act of bullying and discrimination these issues will be broached by the bullies to mentally hurt the workers. That is, these issues, which are always sensitive will arose emotions and the culprits will intentionally use it. This will lead to sure divisions among the workers and importantly between the management and the aggrieved employees, if the management does not take any constructive steps. Also, bullying and discrimination is initiated most often, by a person, who is in a position of power or influence like the persons in upper management teams. He/she will use his/her superior position to give troubles in the form low salary, over work, insults, etc. Also, bullying and discrimination could be carried out on workers who are performing well. That is, in a group of bad workers, one who performs best will always be looked differently and even isolated. This isolation in some cases will reach the state of bullying and discrimination. So, when one evaluates the bullying and discrimination victims one will get the idea that most times, victims are usually individuals who are demonstrating intelligence, competence, creativity, integrity, and dedication in the every work they undertake. It is ironical situation because the worker who functions exceptionally is the one who loses out and the management should take the blame. Most times the causes as well as the incidents of bullying and discrimination will be kept under wraps by the management and this will lead to employees’ disenchantment and thereby divisions. When a victim of bullying and discrimination provides a case and evidences to the management, most cases it is not taken in right perspective with the management trying to overlook the evidence. This will lead to divisions among the management and the employees, actualizing an unproductive working environment. Together, the management and the workers can only put an organization on the path of success with their knowledge, skill, hard work etc, etc. So, instead of allowing, encouraging or even being mute spectator to bullying and discrimination and promote divisions, management should promote unison among the employees by encouraging team formation. That is, bullying and discrimination, and the resultant divisions will occur when there is no co-ordination and cooperation between the employees and the management. When the employees and management unite as a team and indulge in team work, there will not be any negative behaviours like bullying and discrimination and also divisions. Although, all the important processes starts and ends with the management team, the workers should also be included, as part of “successful work teams” or “Partnership for Progress”. “Partner for Progress” is the organizational term given to the UK government policy which spelled out how employees along with the management team should work in partnership as teams for the successful functioning of the organizations. That is, since late 1990s, the U.K. government has laid more emphasis on the concept of ‘Partnership for Progress’ and ‘Partnership Working’ and importantly selected it as the preferred model of UK employment relations policy and practice. Successful work teams and thereby minimization of bullying and discrimination can also be established if the management leads the way and imposes their positive assumption and discipline in the work environment among employees. Imposition of management’s assumptions, as a form of good culture will actualize the workers into teams and create partnership because the workers will stick to the culture created, without deviating from it. Trade Unions can also a key part in the formation of work teams, and thereby cut down bullying and discrimination. The main advantage with these unions is that it gives the employees a kind of group backing. When the employees want any benefits or favours from the organization, instead of asking ‘singularly’, if they ask as a group in the form of a union, it will have a strong impact. Unions can also safeguard employees from bullying and discrimination, exploitation and other industry related health implications, by upholding the crucial health and safety rules and legislation. They may do it unintentionally or intentionally to garner more profits for the organization or as a cover up for some of their mistakes. That is, in the organisations, the leader and the management should only have to find ways to coordinate, align, or integrate the workers into work teams. “He had to seduce the employees into a situation in which they had no choice but to rethink their identity” (Schein, 2004). So, building an effective organization without any divisions because of bullying and discrimination is ultimately a matter of meshing the different workers, and the management should do this job by encouraging the evolution of common goals, common language, common procedures and importantly common organizational culture for solving problems. References Armstrong, M 2004, How to Be an Even Better Manager: A Complete A-Z of Proven Techniques, 6th Ed, Kogan Page, London. Blyton, P and Turnbull, P.J. 2004, The Dynamics of Employee Relations, 3rd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Cannell, M. 2009, Employee communication, Internet. Available from empcomm.htm?Is; accessed on November 11, 2009 SrchRes=1 Casico, W. 2005, Managing Human Resources: Productivity, Quality of Work Life, Profits, The McGraw−Hill Companies, London. Davenport, N, Elliott, GP and Schwartz, RD 1999, Mobbing, Civil Society Publishing, Ames, USA. Schein, E. H. 2004, Organizational Culture and Leadership, 3rd. ed. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. Stockley, D, Motivation and financial and non-financial rewards, Internet. Available from reward.html; accessed on November 11, 2009 Westhues, K 2002, Mobbing and Multi stalker harassment in Australia, Internet. Available from http://; accessed 04 February 2007 Zucke, H, Mobbing in the Workplace: An Article about Bullying at Work, Internet. Available from http://; accessed on November 11, 2009 Read More
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