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Advantages and Disadvantages of the On The Job Training - Research Paper Example

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The researcher of the current paper states that human resource or employees are considered as an asset in every organization. Increased satisfaction among employees leads to increased productivity with fewer complaints. This helps in building an image to the organization. …
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Advantages and Disadvantages of the On The Job Training
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Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the on-the-job training and development compared with off-job training and development, using examples, which will be appropriate under the circumstances in each case: Outline: Introduction Aim of the report Training and development-a general overview: Importance of training Need for training Methods of training: - On the job training Off the job training Suitability of two methods of training Organisational example of training Recommendation Conclusion Introduction: Human resource or employees are considered as an asset in every organization. Increased satisfaction among employees leads to increased productivity with fewer complaints. This helps in improved customer service and public relation thus building an image to the organization. So in order to increase productivity, morale and attitudes of the employees and making them a valuable investment to the organization, there comes the importance of training in every organization. More and more organizations are now concentrating on employee training and development for producing a professional career minded employee in the organization, which helps in adding value to the company. Mainly there are two types of training used by the companies : on- the-job training and off-the-job training. Orientations, job instruction, training, apprenticeships, internships and assistantships, job rotation and coaching are some of the on-the-job training techniques. Off-the-job training will include lectures, special study, films, television conferences, case studies, role-playing etc. (4. Employee training and development 2008; Importance of management training 2008). Aim: - The main objectives of this report are 1. Make a comparative study about on-the-job training and development with off-the-job training and development. 2. To identify the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of training. 3. Analyze both types of training to find the appropriate type in the organizational context. 4. Make a recommendation of appropriate type of training. Training and development-a general overview: Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. It is the process of importing information and knowledge to employees. Training is a continuous process because there is no end to learning and a person has to learn continuously new technology, new patterns of behaviour and life styles. The term ‘development’ refers broadly to the nature and direction of change induced among employees through the process of training and education. Development means growth of the individuals in all respects. In practice, the term development is used in relation to the executives or managers. Importance of training are as follows: 1. Increased productivity: - Training increases the knowledge and skills of employees. 2. Job satisfaction: - Training builds self-confidence in the employees and enables them to achieve the required level of performance. 3. Reduction in accidents: - Generally, trained employees are less accident prone than the untrained ones. 4. Better use of resources: - Well-trained employees make better use of machines and materials. As a result, rate of spoilage or wastage will considerably diminish. 5. Reduced supervision: - Trained employees need less guidance. Therefore, need for supervision is reduced. The other advantages of training are high employee morale, less wastage, easy adaptability, reduced labour turnover and employee development. Need for training: - 1. For new environment: - When a new employee comes to work he is unaware of the environment in the organization. Therefore, he should be given some training to make him familiar with his job, superiors and his juniors, company’s rules etc. 2. Lack of trained personnel: - It is not always possible to recruit and select trained employees. Majority of the newly employed persons may not be able to perform their jobs to the required level. Therefore, they need training for efficient performance of the job. 3. Advancement in technology: - Need for systematic training has increased due to rapid technological changes, which create new jobs requiring new skills. Training helps to provide master in new methods and machines. 4. Faulty methods: Some employees might have picked up defective ways of doing work, which may result in wastage and inefficiencies. Training is required to remove these defects. 5. Prevention of accidence: - Training is needed to prevent industrial accident. For this purpose, safety consciousness must be created among workers so that they realize the significance of safe working. Methods of training: - Depending on the purpose for which it is organized, different methods of training can be used. Some common methods are given below. On-the-job training (OJT):- In this method, the worker is trained on the job and at his work place. On-the-job, a senior employee or manager normally gives training and the employee is shown to perform the job and allowed to do it under the trainer’s supervision. It involves training by doing. The trainee is motivated to learn because the training takes place in the real job satisfaction. The following methods are used to make the ‘on the job training’ effective. 1. Experience: - This is one of the oldest methods of on the job training. It involves learning by doing. It is the most practical and effective method. 2. Coaching and counselling: - Under this method, the senior or superior plays the role of the guide and instructor. He provides instructions and guidance. He demonstrates the task operations and answers. The trainee observes the superior carefully to learn the necessary skills of the functional area. He asks the superior questions about different facts of the job. Coaching is one of the oldest and best methods of developing managers on the job. 3. Understudy or attachment method: - When person is promoted to higher level he is given training in the job to which he is to be appointed. The training is attached with the senior and is called as understudy assistant to or apprentice. He is given adequate authority to take decision. He is not penalized for the mistakes committed during the course of learning. He also learns by observing and initiating just as the superior. (On the job training (OJT) 2007). 4. Orientation: Here training is done through a employee handbook, or lecture or by a one-to-one meeting. The history about the company, its strategic position, mission, vision, its structure, policies, etc is conveyed to the new employee. (Training and development 2009). Advantages of on- the- job training:- 1. It provides good result 2. It will not affect the normal business activities, as at the time of the training, all the employees are available at their place of work.. 3. It is very suitable because the employee get all the equipments in the working environment during the training. 4. The employees get a direct experience from the employer. 5. The Employee gets a homely atmosphere during the training because the trainers are familiar to him. 6. Gradual assessment can be done by the employer and he can recognize the problems and think of its solution. 7. It provides more confidence to the employee and can provide higher performance in future. 8. During On the job training the employer get a chance to mingle with co-workers. Disadvantages of on- the- job training:- 1. Generally, the senior officers give on-the-job training. Sometimes these officers may not have sufficient ability to give such training. 2. In the on the job training the trainers may not get enough time to spend with the employee. With this, the employees get no satisfaction from the training. (Training- on the job) Off- the- job training: - It refers to the training conducted away from the actual work place. It is also known as formal training. In this type of training the background knowledge about the job is passed to the employee. Some of the common methods are- 1. Selected reading: - This is a self-improvement program under which executives acquire knowledge by reading professional journal and advanced book on management. Many organizations maintain their own libraries for this purpose. Moreover, executives may become members of professional associations to keep abreast of the latest developments in management. 2. Conference and seminars: - In conference, participants are required to pool their ideas, viewpoints and suggestions. The participants are from different companies and sections. Some times a conference is divided into small groups. These groups discuss thoroughly the problems of common interest and report their recommendation to the conference. A conference provides a common platform for intensive group discussion and allow the participants to look at the problem from different angles. The participants may prepare and present papers, which are discussed in the conference. 3. Special courses and lectures: - Special courses are designed by the company itself or by management schools. Companies sponsor their executives to attend these courses. The participants are given classroom instruction through lectures and audio visual aids. Well known companies have set up their on institute for training executives. 4. Case study method: - It was developed at the Harvard Business School, USA. It was developed as a supplement to lecture method. There is no participation of the learners in the lecture method. Case study method is designed to overcome this limitation of lecture method. 5. Role-playing: - Under this method, two or more trainees spontaneously act out or play role in an artificially created situation. They act out the given roles, as they would be playing in real life situation. For example, a trainee may play the role of a trade union leader and another trainee of a personnel manager. 6. Management games: - Under this method the actual business situation is presented as a model. The participants compete with each other to analyze the problem and to take decisions. The decisions are processed in stages. 7. Sensitivity (T-group training):-Under this method, a small group meets in an unstructured situation. There is no plan or schedule and no agenda. The members of group are allowed to communicate with each other freely so that each can gain and insights of his behaviour as other see it. The purpose is to build self-awareness, understanding of group processes and insight into interpersonal relationships. (Methods of training 2007). Advantages of off-the-job training are- 1. In off –the –job training the employee will get efficient trainers and accommodation 2. The employees can concentrate more in their training and not be diverted by work. 3. Employees get opportunity to mingle with the workers of other firms. Disadvantages of off- the –job training:- 1. Employer has to force the employee to join such training 2. May not be directly related to the employee’s job. 3. It is very costly. It includes transport, fee for examination, accommodation etc. (Training – off the job). Suitability of two methods of training – examples: For employee training and development either on- the- job methods or off- the- job methods can be used. In some cases on –the- job training may be more appropriate and in some other cases, off-the-job training and development methods. The selection of different methods of training and developed purely dependents on some factors like requirement of the company, nature of the work, the nature of trainees, roles of the trainees in the job etc. More clearly, it depends on the education level, gender, age, learning capacity etc of trainees, number of trainees, financial position, management decision, ability of the trainer and so on. (Job training methods 2002). The different factors that influence the decision on the selection of the appropriate method of training are explained below. 1. Nature of work: The nature of work has significant influence on the selection of method of training and development of employees. For example, the job of a sales executive requires the continuous coaching and guidance of the sales manager or the supervisor. Here the mentoring technique of on-the-job training is more suitable as the job require continuous interaction between the supervisors and trainees. Mentoring or coaching is one of the popular methods of on the job training in which the supervisor or the manger guide the employees for imparting the knowledge and skill required for the job. For this kinds of job off-the-job training is not appropriate, as it cannot provide continuous interaction between the trainer and the trainees. 2. Financial position of the company: The financial position of the company may influence the selection of method of training and development of the employees. Compared to off the job training methods on the job training methods are less expensive. Thus, for example the management of the company XYZ may take a decision that, the HR department of the company should use only on the job training as company is facing it difficult to find adequate fund for training the employees. In that case the company can use on the job training as it is less expensive than off the job training. 3. Number of trainees: if the number of trainees is sufficient and they are available at the appropriate time, the company can choose off-the-job training. If the number of trainees available is less, then the employees could be trained under the supervision of the immediate supervisors in the job. Job role of the trainees should also be considered while choosing the training. 5. Policies of the company: some companies may incorporate either on-the-job training or off-the-job training as their training method. 6. Ability of the employee: if the employee have the capacity to learn effectively, then on-the-job training will be more suitable. In case of teaching job, on-the-job training and development is the only way of training. Organisational examples of job training: “Tesco is a good case study for the benefits of investing in your staff through professional development and training. Sir Terry Leahy, the supermarket's chief executive, was recently quoted as saying 'We're not doing it at Tesco because it makes us feel good. Among apprentices we have higher employee satisfaction levels, which leads to higher retention levels and an increase in staff performance.” (Staff training- every little helps 2008). Tesco have an in-house training accredited by the Qualification and Curriculum Authority for the employees. Recommendation: We cannot say that on-the-job training is the only training method that a company should adopt. It depends upon the job. Certain job requires on-the-job training. In some cases if on-the-job training causes damage to the company, then off-the-job training will be effective. For example, in a manufacturing company, the low-level employees should be given off-the-job training about the heavy equipments to be used for the safety of the employees. By creating a working environment with duplicate heavy machines, training is given. However, in case of operations, i.e. for example medical transcription job is given on-the-job training. There are certain jobs where both on-the-job training and off-the-job training is given. In case of IT sectors, Business Process Outsourcing, etc both types of training are given. In cases of marketing jobs also some companies offer both types of training. i.e. the company history, policies, structures etc are given off-job-training and the marketing techniques is training on the job with supporting superior executive. Role-play is one of the training methods used for analyzing the marketing skill of the employee. Therefore, we can conclude that depending upon the situations the company can adopt any one of the following: 1. on-the-job training and development 2. off-the-job training and development 3. both on-the-job and off-the-job training and development Conclusion: We can see that well trained employees are more productive. In this new era of competitiveness and changing technology, training and development is very important for reducing higher turnover rate and retain the employee. Depending upon the organization, and employees, training methods differ. The common pattern seen is as follows: unskilled workers is given on-the-job training by immediate superiors or foreman for handling machines and materials to reduce the cost of production and waste thus doing the job in the most economical way. Semi-skilled workers are given either on-the-job training in their own sections or off-the-job training in a training shop by the boss or more proficient workers, depending upon the job give training. Skilled workers are trained through apprenticeship which is called tradesmen training mainly given to jobs like carpentry, drilling etc which require highly sophisticated skills. Usually this type of training is given in the outside training centres. Now more training consultants provide training services to the large corporations and one of recent research shows that about 30% of the HR budget is spent by the companies for training outsourcing. (Training and learning development 2009; The importance of employee training 2005). References Importance of management training 2008, Vijyoti: Corporate Education Platform, viewed 28 April 2009, Jackson, Kim E 2005, The importance of employee training, International Parking Institute, viewed 28 April 2009, Job training methods: the method by which job training is delivered often varies based on the needs of the company, the trainee, and on the task being performed 2002, Essortment: Information and Advice You Want to Know, viewed 28 April 2009, Methods of training 2007, Training and Development, viewed 28 April 2009, On the job training (OJT) 2007, Training and Development, viewed 28 April 2009, Staff training- every little helps 2008, HRM Guide: Human Resource Development, viewed 28 April 2009, Training and development 2009,, viewed 28 April 2009, Training- on the job, Tutor2u, viewed 28 April 2009, Training – off the job, Tutor2u, viewed 28 April 2009, Training and learning development: training, coaching, mentoring, training and learning design-developing people 2009, Business balls, viewed 28 April 2009, 4. employee training and development 2008,, viewed 28 April 2009, Read More
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