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Evaluation of British Airways Learning Approach - Assignment Example

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The paper "Evaluation of British Airways Learning Approach " is based on the evaluation of policies, practices, and approaches of learning and development by British Airways, in particular, the examination of the learning approach will focus on the double loop learning mechanism…
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Evaluation of British Airways Learning Approach
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Evaluation of British Airways Learning Approach Introduction Strategic management of any organisation entails the development and training of employees. However, the concept of professional development and training is a highly complex subject that has been characterised with a myriad of varied learning approaches. Referring to Morgan (2003), he stated that increased level of globalisation and advancement in information technology has led to the development and adoption of various organisational learning concepts. This present essay is aimed at evaluating the learning process from an organisational level. The discussion presented will be based on the evaluation of policies, practices and approaches of learning and development by British Airways, in particular, the examination of the learning approach will focus on the double loop learning mechanism. Secondly, the essay will present a personal reflection in relation to studying an MBA and further connect the learning approach with personal experiences. Evaluation of an Organisational Approach to Learning Double loop learning has been central to the subject of learning and development programs by organisations. Chris Argyris first proposed the concept of double loop learning in the 1970s and it has consequently become a pertinent component of strategic management in the 21st century. According to Argyris and SchoN (1978), double loop learning refers to a learning model in which the predominant assumptions regarding goals and objectives of an organisation are assessed to determine whether the ongoing pursuit of objectives and goals are justified. Double loop learning approach principally underpins the prudence of error detection and correction in the management of an organisation. According to Argyris (1999), it focuses on the theory of action by strategically examining the potential effects of changes on values, behaviours, and leadership of an organization. British Airways, the largest international airline in the UK has successfully integrated double loop learning approach in the training and development of its employees (British Airways, 2014). Incorporating double loop learning and continually exhibiting generative learning strategies, British Airways has been labelled as a learning organisation. Dierkes (2001), defined learning organisation as learning model whereby employees continually enhance their capacity to achieve set objective in an environment where new concepts and expansive ways of thinking are developed and individuals are further encouraged to learn from each other. Consequently Argyris (1982) identified five disciplines as essential components of developing a learning organisation, these include personal mastery, mental models, shared visions, team learning and systems thinking. The framework of double loop learning entails reflecting on the appropriateness of the set processes, rules and operations by members of an organization. Argote (2013) noted that it was paramount that one distinguishes between an individual’s espoused theory and their theory in use. In the examination of double loop learning approach, it is pragmatic that one identifies the steps involved in action theory learning process. These steps include identification of espoused theory and the theory in use, the creation of new meanings that are often based on the assessment of the theory in use and formulation of new actions. The generalization of the outcome marks culmination of the learning process. To understand the theory in use by individuals, French (2011) identified three elements to be considered, governing variables, action strategies and consequences. Governing variables refers to the framework of acceptable behaviours that individuals uphold and their limitations while action strategies entail the means employed by individuals to keep their governing variables. Consequences refer to resulting occurrences due to a given action. According to Morgan (2003), major operations and processes at the British Airways are subjected to the four steps and assumptions based on existing status of organisation which are questioned and hypothesises concerning the expected results tested publicly. By applying double loop approach of learning, British Airways has been able to change its operating methods based on the feedback obtained from the learning approach and further enhancement of efficiency that has led to modification of set objectives (Jones, 2011).  British Airways was among the first organisations to formulate policies that were aimed at enhancing individual employee development programs. Senge (2006) noted that by applying the concept of double loop learning, the management of British airways has been able to detect successfully operational and management errors that have been promptly mitigated through the formulation of responsive policies and undertakings. In addition, the double loop organizational learning approach has further facilitated the appropriate modification of existing organizational norms, procedures and objectives. According to Woodley (2006), in 1977 the company restructured its departments and management system hence leading to unification of essential operations into a single functional framework. Changes in an organisational knowledge base which is an inherent component of double loop learning approach was evidently exhibited by the management of the British Airways during the 2008 economic recession. The airline company was forced to effect management and operational changes from 2009 to 2011. In 2009, over 30,000 employees of British Airways were requested to work without pay for period ranging from one week to a month. Ultimately, British Airways merged with Iberia airline in 2010 to form the third largest commercial airline based on global revenue. These incidences evidently indicate assessment of the existing situation by the management of the airline and further decision making to adopt new approaches or modification of inappropriate practices thus employment of double loop organisational learning (Merrienboer, and Krischner, 2012). According Seleshi and Birnberg (2012), as an organisational learning approach, double loop learning requires that individuals critically understand the paradigms, metaphors, mindsets and organisational models that determine the internal and external environment of an organization. For an effective formulation and execution of organisational learning, individuals ought to determine some specific factors. These include, whether they are undertaking the appropriate business, whether the activity leads to creation of new products and services, whether new niches could created by restructuring the boundaries of the industries and finally if the business process could be redefined to increase production quality while reducing the costs (Cartwright, 2003). The British airway has rigorously promoted organisational learning at the individual level through its myriad of development programmes. In an effort to pre-programme employees’ theory in use, the company has designed a program titled “Owning our future” which is primarily focused on promoting organisational values so as to foster professional education through behavioural changes (Kock, 1999). Another case of double loop learning by British airways was witnessed during the 9/11 terror attack in the United States. To minimize incidences of terror attacks on planes the firm resolved to introduce the concept of E-learning in its training and development programmes. By integrating oracle ilearning platform with Oracle Human Resources Management System , the programme was able to provide online training and further simulation of track training activities (Responsible Flying, 2014). The E-learning programme offered safer training programmes while saving millions on expenditures. Reflective Essay I have come to appreciate the insight and personal knowledge that the module of managerial and professional development have impacted on me. I intend to provide a personal reflection in relation to managerial and professional development lectures and further elaborate intricately the linkage between the gained knowledge and future expectations. One aspect that has stood out for me in the course of this module has been the dynamic nature of the learning process. Throughout the course of the module, I have been exposed to myriad of learning theories and related literature that contradicted my prior concept of the learning process that learning as purely academic oriented. At an individual level, I have gained prerequisites skills that are essential in the nurturing of traits and behaviours that parallel the norms of the society. Consequently, the programme has led to personal development at non-professional context. Application of acquired knowledge such as conditioning theories have motivated me to externally adopt suitable habits while at the same time deterring development of negative behaviours. Key theories on personal development by scholars such as Frederic Skinner and John Watson have further been instrumental in my attainment of self-awareness. Through reflective learning I have succeeded in identify my personal weaknesses and strengths through honest feedback from my colleges and self-evaluation mechanisms. Unlike most professionals, I seemed to prefer solitude and personal independence even in terms of knowledge sharing hence I loathed consultations and group focused exercises. However, my grasp of the learning approaches and models has underpinned the fundamental role of consultations in any given institution. Professionally, I have gained much as an MBA student while undertaking the professional development course. In a holistic view, the entire course has instilled in me the professional principles and nurtured a sense of personal organization in my professional undertakings. It was exhilarating how I could personally relate to class discussions on the challenges facing major organisations and their leadership framework. Based on my understating of the organisational learning and developmental programs, I realised that most institutions including my former employer did not practices any form of organisational learning. Consequently, I have been presented with an opportunity to spearhead or enhance the concept of learning at both individual and organizational level when overseeing managerial duties in the future. Some of the notable professional skills that have acquired from the managerial and professional development program include the pertinent roles of managers such as promotion of learning and personal development, identification of the appropriate learning approach in an institution and development of self-awareness programs for the process of self-evaluation by employees (Throop, 2009). I have further resolved to realign promptly my personal learning approaches and theory of use with the set objectives and organizational learning framework of my employer in case of organizational restructuring in my future workplace. Such framework will ensure that I comply with set standards while also enhancing my efficiency at the work place. Similarly, based on my assessment of successful organisations from class case studies, it emerged that these institutions vigorously practiced learning at the individual and organisational level. In addition to learning, there existed sufficient resources for both personal and professional development of employees. In light of this revelation am best suited to manage an organisation since I will strategically manage the operations by appropriating sufficient resources and promoting learning. The module on managerial and professional development has transformed learning into an essential congruent of my MBA. Acquired knowledge on the personal and organisational learning is paramount in the managerial understanding of behavioural changes. Consequently, Mailick et al (1998) argued that double loop learning approach entailed assessment of the existing assumptions about existing status and changing appropriately. As student of MBA, I will be expected to oversee managerial changes or offer professional advisory on such activities, thus acquired knowledge from learning approaches and professional development will be essential constituent of my professional skills (John, 2002). Furthermore, as an MBA student, managerial and professional development training has equipped me with additional skills that will lead to management of my individual development and development of other employees effectively through timely identification of talents and appropriate utilization of resources as noted by Okeeffe (2006). I intend to focus highly on the improvement of human resources based on my understanding of learning theories that indicated direct correlation of optimum performance of individuals with their level and quality of learning in an organisation. Finally, throughout the coursework, the assessment of the outcome or feedback of a program has been achieved through reflective learning and incorporation of experiences. As result, I have developed reflective acumen which will be crucial in the decision making process in my future engagements. Conclusion Conclusively, the managerial and professional development module has been instrumental in shaping my concept of learning and personal development in a professional context. Throughout the course of module, I have been able to identify with theoretical concepts of management and self-development that are evident in the daily undertakings of business organisations. Consequently, the module has broadened my understanding of concept of reflective learning and identification of potential resources that lead to efficient learning and development in a given organisation. Ultimately, I will be able to systematically and continuously review and further redefine appropriately my personal development. The encapsulation of these factors will ultimately result to development of my career as a MBA student. References Argyris, C. (1999). On organizational learning. Malden, Mass, Blackwell Business. Argyris, C. (1982). Reasoning, learning, and action: individual and organizational. San Francisco, Jossey-bass. Argyris, C., & SchöN, D. A. (1978). Organizational learning. Reading, Mass, Addison- Wesley Pub. Co. Argote, L. (2013). Organizational learning creating, retaining and transferring knowledge. Heidelberg, Springer. British Airways (2014). BA Careers - Learning and Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul. 2014]. Cartwright, R. (2003). Training and Development Express. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.^u. Dierkes, M. (2001). Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge. Oxford, Oxford University Press. French, R. (2011). Organizational behaviour. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. John, D. (2002). Organisational Learning and Effectiveness. London, Routldge Jones, P. (2011). Strategy mapping for learning organizations: building agility into your balanced scorecard. Farnham, Surrey, England, Gower Pub. Kock, N. F. (1999). Process improvement and organizational learning: the role of collaboration technologies. Hershey, Pa. [u.a.], Idea Group. Mailick, S., Stumpf, S. A., & Grant, S. (1998). Learning theory in the practice of management development: evolution and applications. Westport, Ct, Quorum Books. Merrienboer, J. and Krischner, P. (2012). Ten Steps to Complex Learning: A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design, 2nd edition: A Systematic Approach to Four-Component Instructional Design. London; Routledge Morgan, G. (2003). Images of organization. San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Okeeffe, T. (2006). Towards zero management learning organisations: developing tomorrows successful leaders today. Indianapolis, Dog Ear Publishing. Responsible Flying (2014). Community Learning Centre - BA One Destination - British Airways. : investment/community-learning-centre/ [Accessed 3 Jul. 2014]. Seleshi Sisaye, and Birnberg, J. G. (2012). An organizational learning approach to process innovations: the extent and scope of diffusion and adoption in management accounting systems. Bingley, UK, Emerald. Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline the art and practice of the learning organization. New York, Broadway Books. Throop, R. K., (2009). Reaching your potential: Personal and professional development. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Woodley, C. (2006). The history of British European Airways. Barnsley, Pen & Sword Aviation. Appendix INDIVIDUAL ACTION PLAN ON PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSONAL OBJECTIVE Development of people skills COMMENTARY TASK ACTION STEPS TIME FRAME PROGRESS GOALS OUTCOME GOALS Development of people skills is crucial in the creation of relationship and professional network in an organisation. Improved people skills will further facilitate in-depth understanding of individual and organizational culture. Potential challenges that are likely to deter implementation of my action plan may entail time constrain hence not achieving the outcome goals within the set timeframe. I am also likely to experience cultural hostility and communication barriers while improving my cross-cultural skills exchange. I intend to overcome time constrain by overlapping two activities such as team- work building and development of cross cultural skills hence minimizing the cumulative time spend on the entire development. I may be able to overcome communication barrier by inviting a translator or by interviewing English literate individuals only. Handling conflicts Being aware of the conflict. Being proactive. Understanding of all sides of the issues resulting to conflict. Initiating dialogue. Being able to assess the option. Take action. Reflecting on the issue. One week Develop listening skills Effectively mitigate organizational conflict Development of leadership skills Develop culture of continual learning. Learn to delegate work. Enhance my conflict resolution skills. Integrate with other people and be able to learn from everyone. One month Cultivate friendly relationships with colleagues. Establish an elaborate network of confidants Acquire progressive leadership skills for both organizational and individual management Development of cross cultural skills The first step is to appreciate and respect cross-cultural diversity. Learn the values, beliefs and tradition of other cultures. Constantly interact and exchange ideas with members of from varied cultural background. One month Be able to identify with cross-cultural communication based on both verbal and non verbal cues Be conversant with varied cross cultural skills Adoption of team work culture Participant in an activity which entails teamwork such as sports or music band. Learn to listen to members of my team. Interact with others through questioning and discussions. Develop persuasive skills while presenting my ideas. Respect the opinions of other members of the team and differ appropriately in debates. Always share and aid each other whenever the need arises. I will actively participate in the undertakings of the team. One month Become a member of an elaborate team with set objectives, most likely a football team. Acquisition of team work skills Read More
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