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The American Revolutionary War - Essay Example

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This essay "The American Revolutionary War " discusses vital pieces towards the culmination of American history. After the colonists have arrived in America, the settlers looked for a new direction in life. Many grievances accumulated lead to tensions between colonists and their own home nations…
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The American Revolutionary War
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The American revolutionary war is without a doubt vital piece towards the culmination of American history. After the colonists have arrived in America from Britain, the settlers looked for a new direction in their life. However, many grievances accumulated which lead to tensions between colonists and their own home nations. Hence, the root causes of the revolutionary war consisted of geographic issues, the oppression by the King, and salutary neglect. This salutary neglect was a huge turnoff because it created frustration in the eyes of the American citizens. One of the main causes that initiated the revolutionary war was the geographic distance that separated the colonies from Great Britain. Many colonists migrated from Great Britain to gain independence and to seek their own personal freedoms that the King George III clearly neglected. The desire to colonize the new world generally meant more liberation and strong urgency of independence. Another root cause the conflict was the colonial legislatures that were enacted by the King. The enactment of these laws meant that that the colonies continued to be pass laws and pay taxes to atone the sins of the Great Britain. Tom Paine’s in his literary work the “common sense” described King George as a “royal brute.” King George III can be considered an “unfit leader” in many aspects. Another root cause the American Revolutionary War was the colonial legislatures that were enacted by the King (Countryman 13). The enactment of these laws meant that that the colonies continued to be pass laws and pay taxes to atone the sins of the Great Britain. Tom Paine’s in his literary work the “common sense” described King George as a “royal brute.” King George III can be considered an “unfit leader” in many aspects. First and foremost is the fact that he used the colonist’s tax money to fund his poor decisions as a King but also to pay for his son’s misfortunes. In essence, he utilized the tax money to fund another of his son’s illegal marriage. Furthermore, he continued to useless acts such as the sugar and stamp act to fund his useless ventures. George III is often accused of consistently trying to keep Great Britain at war with America, despite the opinion of his cabinet. According to his perspective, the King wanted to "keep the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence and remorse. King George III clearly had a safety net to protect himself when he was in trouble. In order to fund his financial burdens, the King would impose illogical taxes to the colonists. The colonists saw this as an oppression towards their liberty as their hard work was subjected to pointless tariffs. Clearly, King George III was not as noble as he seemed. He refuted to abolish slavery in the colonies and imposed his personal will at every given point. The King dissolved many of the legislations that the colonies demanded. Undoubtedly, he would not allow new legislations to be enacted, which created an unsecure atmosphere with an unstable government that the colonists could not afford to possess. A key root cause of American Revolutionary was due to the salutary neglect that the colonists had to face. Salutary Neglect was an accumulation of different policies that the Great Britain implemented during the eighteenth century, which comprised of a relaxed and indifferent enforcement of the Navigation Acts in the colonies. Although the British had a strict policy in mercantilism, the British Prime Minister had no problem enforcing salutary neglect. From the King’s perspective, salutary neglect deemed necessary in order to mitigate the risk of a revolution and maintaining his power in the throne. In addition, enforcing salutary neglect would no doubt diminish any chance of stimulating the economy of the colonies. As an effect of flaring tensions between the colonies and the new tariffs that flared tensions between both sides. The main reason why the colonies were able to win the war was the fact that they had more will power. It is clear that the Americans demanded free will power and to pursue their American dream. One of the key reasons why America is exceptional is because America is perceived as the “Golden land of opportunity,” many immigrants come to America for a better future. Without a doubt, this served as a huge motivating factor for Americans, who had every reason to fight for. The list of grievances against King George The idea of obtaining their own version of American dream through “life, liberty and property” is a concept that makes America so unique. Without a doubt, Americans were able to win this war because of the fact that they had the Geographical advantage. It ts also crucial to emphasize the fact the colonies understood the terrain and made it as a focal point for the successes in the war. The tactics of guerilla and irregular warfare were notorious that broke all the norms of conventional fighting. These types of attack devastated the British, who were too stubborn to understand that the war had to be fought with the strategy of less trained colonists who were more innovation. Moreover, it was clear that British troops were fighting on terrain that was foreign to them. Lastly, British troops had to communicate through the sea, which gave a huge edge to Americans.  The true version of living the American dream can certainly become a reality for these individuals. Individuals are motivated to work hard for themselves to progress further in life. This mutual symbiotic relationship between the citizen and the nation itself is truly exceptional. Unlike other countries which continue to emphasize the well-being of the nation, Americans pride themselves in being “individualistic.” This theology has been the pinnacle point of what makes America truly unique. The ooze of individualism that is depicted from citizens enabled to truly Another huge attribute that enables America to win this war was because it gave birth to the own nation. The fact that the colonies wanted independence truly spoke measures because it motivated other nations to not only cause reform, but to facilitate the colonies as well. The French as well as the Native Americans took part in this monumental effort to facilitate the colonies. Unlike other countries that continue to be dictated with status quo, Americans are quick to embed rapid changes to accommodate their country. Throughout history, America is known to embed these changes with the age of progressivism and revolution. For instance,   John Locke once stated in his writing Second Treatise of Government, “Where there is no law, there is no freedom.” Every society makes and enforces laws that govern the individuals, businesses, and other organizations that function within. Since the American revolution, individuals have celebrated and enjoyed their God-given rights. America throughout the years, even in isolationism has managed to maintain its focus in domestic affairs to propel itself against other nations. This itself is a huge quality that other nations lack in which dictators still rule with their cruel regime and motivated colonies to fight for a nation that they demanded.. America’s firm belief in its capitalism democratic principles has propelled it compared to other nations. It is evident to understand that the constitutional is one of the most important document that literally establishes the framework of the government. It is clear that without the constitution that the legal government is not functional. Without a doubt, America is exceptional as the people possess the right to dictate the government. Without democracy as the foundation that serves as the law, American’s uniqueness will be greatly diminished. Under the laws that people have created, America is truly unique. Another key purpose the constitution served was to break away from the British government. One can easily say that the purpose of the Constitution was to explain the view of the colonies (Armitage 15). Since the founding fathers deemed it necessary that all men are created equal, everyone shall have a chance of “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” The Declaration in essence proclaimed that if the government derives of these rights, they have the right to rebel (Armitage 16). Since men create governments to protect their rights, it is essential that that the government accommodates their needs. Hence, the Constitution was vital towards the independence movement. The Constitution was also critical as it asked for foreign help. Without a doubt, most countries such as France and Spain did not recognize America as a country. However, the Constitution assisted the colonists in their pursuit to ask for assistance in the international sphere (“Purpose of the Constitution.”). This unity was vital as it would appeal other nations to completely obliterate England’s power for its quest to dominate in the North American hemisphere.             Lastly, the Constitution listed all the list of grievances against the king, which was vital towards the liberation movement. The lists of grievances outlined all the woes that the colonists had to face due to the King’s assent to law. In addition, the Constitution wanted to eliminate slave trade, which was rejected by the King himself (Jefferson 18). The grievances also stated that the king would appoint governors in each colony and impose a system of control. Any legislature that the King was not pleasing to him was immediately refuted by his highness. Moreover, the king insisted on stationing his army in the colonies without the legal consent of the colonists (Jefferson 20). The Quartering Act imposed by King George III was controversial as it was burden amongst the colonists to financially assist them. All these list of grievances and salutary neglect (“Purpose of the Constitution.”) against the King were outlined in the Constitution. Thus, the Constitution hence was critical as it listed many flaws and justifications for the right to withdraw from George’s cruel law (Jefferson 24). The most important aspect of the constitution is the fact that it gives separation of powers from all aspects of the government. It is clear that checks and balances within the legality of the constitutions allows the democratic principles to be harnessed over the years. Furthermore, one cannot deny that the constitution in aspects give the basic principles of life, liberty, and property. The leadership of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson were dignified and exemplary in every facet. Washington was one of the greatest leaders that America has witnessed in his history. Washington understood the gravity of his leadership and rose to the occasion. He provided much needed leverage in times of hardship when American was truly in need for leader politically, socially and as a war veteran. Washington also understood the difference of opinions that existed within his organization. The pinnacle point of all this is that all of them understood and respected their opinions. Although the concept of political parties was non-existential, it was safe to say that all of them compromised and were not selfish to achieve the desired result for the wellness of the new country. It is evident that Washington, Jefferson, and Hamilton all took a proactive approach in drafting the declaration of independence. This itself was a major step because it gave the colonies an identity in the grand scheme of international affairs. Without a doubt, giving the nation an identity was pivotal to create allies. All of them understood this notion and drafted the Declaration of Independence that allowed America to declare its freedom from its mother country. One key aspect that most individuals fail to recognize is the fact that the creation of this new nation gave America a fighting chance against the Great Britain. This allowed the colonies to have French allies, a feat that would almost be impossible to achieve without their assistance. This serves as a gating criteria because it gives America a much needed boost which cannot have happened without Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington as pioneers. Another aspects that most people diminish about Hamilton is the fact that he Hamilton was the primary author of the economic policies of the George Washington administration, He pioneered the funding for the colonies, which was no easy task in any means. Moreover, he spearheaded the efforts of the Federalist parry. Moreover, Hamilton was not a conformist by any means. He propagated amongst the initial draft of the Articles of the constitution in a push to revise the document because it failed to acknowledge it lacked an executive, courts, and taxing powers. Moreover, Hamilton was renowned for his gathering that lead to influence Congress to issue a call for the Philadelphia Convention in order to create a new constitution. It was clear that Hamilton’s decisiveness was a motivating factor for America. As a liaison that served under the new government, Hamilton was appointed the Secretary of the Treasury. It was Hamilton, as a pure a nationalist that prorogated for a central government and continued to argue for implied powers in the national government that allow America to have resources such as Medicare, public aid, and social security. Side-by-side, Thomas Jefferson paved the way to make America a stronger nation by advocating for a central government and declaring the independence of the nation. Jefferson was as critical to this trifecta as he was an aspiration for political and social freedom. He was a great advocator of diplomacy and created values that are still embedded in American principles. Without Jeffersonian principles, America would not enjoy the concept of free markets that it heavily relies on today. Capitalism at its finest, the Jeffersonian principles truly manifested themselves because of his propagation to advocate for a more, liberal approach to a lucrative economy. Although the war of 1812 was lost in many ways, it can be considered to be successful in others. First and foremost, the war of 1812 destroyed the idealistic isolationist policy that doomed the United States.  After the Spanish American war, the Americans wanted peace and stability of mind. Undoubtedly, the US could remain as an isolationist as it continued to expand outward. Even looking back at history, the country’s attempt to remain an isolationist during both World War II was not susceptible. The US verily had to enter both World Wars since it became a leader in the Western frontier. The United States returned to isolationist foreign policy since domestic problems plagued the country. Furthermore, Europe was in chaos itself and the US could not afford to indulge itself in such petty issues. However, one can argue that the isolationist policy did have some ramifications towards American diplomacy. The United States embodied the foreign policy of isolationism into an international role because it wanted to strengthen its capitalistic economy, address reform, acknowledge immigration and continue to pursue its beautiful American dream even though it continued to gain threshold in foreign affairs. It was evident that the colonies themselves wanted to be domestically involved as many had entered American in search of new provisions. . The notion of America to remain independent was because of the exerted influence by the forefathers and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense.  Undoubtedly, the isolationism theory that oozed out of American diplomacy can be traced as far as the colonial era was truly broken during the war of 1812. Another key facet that was a benefit of the war of 1812 was the initiation that lead to the progressive movement. Undoubtedly, the war of 1812 bought a push for America to truly reform itself from the inside. It was clear that the decade of the 1900s was filled with problems and chaos that had plagued the needed to be addressed. America during the 1900 was the epitome of chaos as millions of poor workers were frustrated with working conditions as corruption loomed in city government The progressive movement mark the initiation of “big government” involvement in which reform became a critical aspect to address these sorts of issues. Social and economic change was not only necessary but vital towards the success of America itself. While recession continued to haunt countries worldwide, the progressive movement and the new deal established a solid ground for fundamental change. The progressive movement introduced new economic programs. The effort to improve society was a major push that was new to the nation as key issues such as reforming working conditions and assisting the mentally ill people challenged the whole notion of old traditions. Progressivism at its best aimed to remove corruption by imposing child labor laws, addressing lynching based on racism, and removing politicians that were involved in illegal business practices. At the local level, progressivism continued to display brilliant signs of reform as the construction of schools was pushed, political machines were dissolved, and politics was addressed in an efficient manner.  Similarly, the new deal was a focal point of domestic reform. Roosevelt’s New Deal was considered of two phases that were planned to recovery and relief. The first phase concentrated on to heal society from Great Depression through different channels. Because of Acts such as the Agricultural Adjust Administration clearly boosted agriculture reform. Bank reform occurred in Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which installed a limit and tightened finance regulations were because of the push of the progressive movement triggered after the events of War of 1812. The second phase of the New Deal 1935 and 1941 concentrated on recovery measures. The implementation of the social security system tremendously secured the economic security and the individual warfare. The Fair Labor Standards Act that was passed in 1938 again emphasized as minimum living standards for workers that were associated with commerce.  This all could not be achieved without the War or 1812, that influenced America to look at issues that plague d the nation. The Progressive Era, which lasted until the 1920’s, was a response to an industrial era and a shout for reform. Its effects touched virtually all Americans and transformed the role of government in American society. The Progressive Movement was successful as it was promoted by both parties in Congress. One of the prominent players in this reform was Theodore Roosevelt, who used his passive presence to dominate the political scene. Without a doubt, the war of 1812 had other benefits that may not been accounted for due to the loss that was seen by many. Works Cited "Boston Tea Party Facts | American History | Tea Party Boston." Boston Tea Party Blog | Tea Party Boston | Things to do in Boston | Boston. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 July 2011. . Brooks, Philip. King George III: Americas enemy. New York: Franklin Watts, 2009. Print. Countryman, Edward, and Eric Foner. The American Revolution . New York: Hill and Wang, 1985. Print. Jefferson, T., & Peterson, M. D. (1975).The portable Thomas Jefferson. New York: Viking Press. Read More
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