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Jihad in Islam and its Perception in the Modern World - Essay Example

"Jihad in Islam and its Perception in the Modern World" paper gets on with the subject of Jihad, considering close conceptions of the Quran and Islam about its basic principles. Islam being a religion of peace for entire humanity has given a detailed explanation of Jihad and its principles…
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Jihad in Islam and its Perception in the Modern World
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Jihad in Islam and its Perception in the Modern World Introduction The study will get on with the subject of Jihad, considering close conceptions of Quran and Islam about its basic principles.1 Islam being a religion of peace and a divine code of conduct for entire humanity has given a detailed explanation of Jihad and its principles. This study will bring an understanding of what Quran (The Glorious Holy Book of Islam) states about Jihad and what levels and forms is Jihad meant for a Muslim. The significance of Jihad and its conditions of adaptation will also be elaborated with an effort to bring a profound and comprehensive explanation on the subject. The intent would be to compare general perception about Jihad which is “Jihad/a Threat for Western Community” with actual Holy text and scriptures present in Islam.2 Conception of Jihad Jihad in Islam The word “Jihad” is an Arabic word derived from the religion Islam, a religion of peace and submission, submission to Almighty Allah (The Only God, The Benefactor). The term “Jihad” holds an in-depth meaning, where the essence of the meaning is to strive or struggle in the way of a special cause.3 The one who does the struggle is termed as “Mujahid”. In Islam Mujahid is the one who strives, the one who is dedicated and determined to work for a special cause.4 From Islamic perspective, the cause is the submission to the Will of Allah (The Only God, The most Merciful). This is what goes out for a Muslim’s definition, who is expected to become a Mujahid, a striver, a submitter and a flourisher. Submission to Allah means submission to His Will and to His stated principles. In Islamic context, Jihad is a continuous subject; it is the name of a continuous struggle which a Muslim (a submitter) does for the Will of Almighty Allah. It is the name of a struggle that is done to become an obedient Muslim, an honest submitter or a sincere Muslim who is determined to bring the law of Allah in the law of the land in the right just manner, for the betterment of humanity.5 Jihad in Quran According to Glorious Quran, jihad has three forms or states, one the personal jihad (jihad against the personal will), second the verbal jihad (jihad to spread the eternal truth) and third the physical jihad (jihad against the oppressor). The one who is determined on three states is the one who comes in the true definition of a “Mujahid” or a “Striver”.6 According to Islam the three stages are what make a man to become a true Muslim or a true submitter to Allah (The Only Lord of the Universe).7 “Resisting Pressure of parents, peers and society; strive against “the rejecters of Faith” [Quran 25:52] The above verse of Quran addresses to personal strivers, those who fight against their personal will and those who exclude their personal desires for the sake of Allah’s Will and submission. With Islamic perspective, personal jihad is one of the major states of jihad which Muslims practice to become true submitters. Jihad is a journey of determination which leads a man to confront a state of wisdom, purity and spiritual contentment.8 It is not a journey of personal attainments but a journey to deprive one from the worldly orders. Believe is a metaphysical norm and so as the wisdom, where both are resulted from jihad, the practice of a pious Muslim, a continuous striver or the practice of a continuous personal internal degrader as Islam talks about.9 Jihad against the Personal Will “The (true believers) are only those who believe in Allah and his messenger and afterward doubt not, but strive with their wealth and their selves for the cause of Allah. Such are the truthful.” [Quran 49:15] The above statement of Quran explains about personal jihad and about Mujahidin who fight against their personal wills. This is one major category of jihad which Quran and Islam has given importance to. For a Muslim personal jihad is a practice to attain Taqwa (the highest position of faith, purity and submission). According to Islam, Taqwa is an outcome of personal jihad; it is an outcome of fight against the personal desires, nerves and temptations which is very important for a Muslim submitter and so as important in Islamic principles. According to Quran and in a personal jihad perspective, jihad is the name of a struggle to become a true Muslim in one’s owns life, the life of the present for the life of the coming the hereafter.10 At different levels of Islam, personal jihad has been given much importance to. For a Muslim personal jihad is a preparation of soul, a destination which is ultimate and forever (life after death). In Islam personal jihad is a connection of a muslim with Almighty Allah which is attained by a continuous struggle and striving. It is a practice to actualize an internal notion that is faith and firm believe. Striving to become a stable Muslim and a genuine follower are different states of personal jihad.11 Verbal Jihad “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.” [Quran 2:256] According to Quran verbal jihad is another major form of jihad, and is respectively important for a submitter (Muslim) in Islam. Verbal jihad is a state where a submitter spreads the word of truth, the word of God “The Quran”. Being a Muslim it is the responsibility that the Muslim spreads the truth to the people who are unaware of it.12 This major state of jihad is referred to “Dawah” an Arabic term that describes a state of a mujahid, who invites people to the word of God and perform Dawat-e-Tableegh. Verbal jihad is a form of invitation, invitation to the unaware, which is to strengthen faith at different levels of Dawah.13 Physical Jihad “Fight against aggressors until oppression is stopped.” [Quran 2:193] According to Quran another major standing of a submitter is on physical jihad. With Quran perspective there are different levels of a physical jihad. As per the above statement of Quran, one of the levels is to stand against oppressors.14 Oppression is a form of unjust, a state of cruel-ship rule, which Quran does not permits and orders a Muslim to exclude it from human distinction. Any human who holds possession on others like on others’ land, religion, or rights of living, it becomes the duty of a Muslim (the submitter) to stand against that oppressor and fight in the way of Allah, until the oppression gets out and the rule of justice is there.15 “O Prophet! Strive hard against the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their Abode is Hell, - an evil refuge (Indeed).” [Quran 66:9] According to Quran another major level of physical jihad is to strive against hypocrites and unbelievers.16 The above verse of Quran is indicating to those who are rejecters of truth, guidance and eternity, not necessarily a Non-Muslim but indeed a Muslim who rejects faith and eternity will be fought to settle the truth and the word of God and the word of complete guidance.17 “Permission [to fight] is given to those against whom war is being wrongfully and offensively waged, and surely Allah is able to give them victory. Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly, only because they said, ‘Our Lord is Allah…” [Quran 22:39-40] The verse talks about the next major level of physical jihad, which is about combat against oppressors, who force their oppression to the believers just because of their firm, and utter believe. It is about the faith of a submitter (A Muslim), the one who submits his will entirely to Almighty Allah and shows resistance to oppressors under the guidance, and shelter of Allah (The Only Benefactor).18 “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits: for Allah loves not transgressors.” [Quran 2:190] Jihad in Sunnah “The best jihad [struggle] is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic”. [Hadith- Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)]- By Boutaina Azzabi The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), The Prophet of the Prophets, has provided complete guidance on the subject of jihad. According to above Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad - P.B.U.H), jihad which is on the highest distinction is the jihad against the personal will. In the Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) has provided guidance that one who wants to strive should strive against his personal will, personal desires, worldly wishes or temptations. It would become a highest achievement for a striver or a submitter to conduct.19 The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The best (Jihad) is (to speak) a word of justice to an oppressive ruler." – [Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 2040] According to above Hadith, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) wanted believers to perform verbal jihad and that is to spread word of truth and justice in an oppressor rule.20 For a striver (A Muslim) verbal jihad is another big achievement as it is a form of struggle to deliver word of justice, the word of truth in a suppresser rule. It indicates one level of faith, in which a striver upholds firm believe to stand for the truth, guidance and justice.21 Jihad in Historical Evidences Islam has been a religion of utter submission to Almighty Allah. It has been seen in periods of the Prophets, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them), that they did glorious struggle (jihad) to spread the word of God, the word of light and Divine revelation. Quran has provided complete guidance in explaining the events of the Prophets, and their continuous struggle against oppressors, and against dwellers of the evil and sin.22 And when the two bodies saw each other, the people of Moses said: “We are sure to be overtaken” (Moses) said: “By no means! my Lord is with me! Soon will He guide me!” Then We told Moses by inspiration: “Strike the sea with thy rod.” So it divided, and each separate part became like huge, firm mass of a mountain. [Quran 42: 61-63] Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H) was one of the Prophets who stood against the oppression rule. At His time the people were treated as slaves and the Pharaoh was one of the biggest oppressors’ rulers of that time. Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H) was chosen as the Prophet to strive against Pharaoh’s suppression, and performed a practice of strive (jihad) to defeat Pharaoh’s cruel-ship rule.23 This was a practice of jihad attained by Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H), to bring the word of Almighty Allah on the land, and to take out the 12 tribes of Ban-e-Israel from the rule of cruel-ship and slavery.24 "O my father! Do what you have been commanded to do; then you will find me of the patients." [Quran 37: 10-11] Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H), the father of the Prophets, was given a commandment from Almighty Allah in a form of dream, which was to sacrifice His only son Ismail (P.B.U.H). It was the time when Ismail (P.B.U.H) was an infant and Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H) waited for his son’s teenage to act on Allah’s order.25 Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H) stood firm and so was Ismail (P.B.U.H), and sacrificed their wills for the Will of Allah and set a major example of personal jihad at their time. It was just the moment when Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H) and Ismail (P.B.U.H) were ready to perform the sacrifice, and a cattle came under Abraham’s (P.B.U.H) knife, which showed that Allah gave a test to both father and the son, which they passed with firm believe, submission and personal striving. It was a major example of personal jihad which Prophet Abraham (P.B.U.H) and His only son Ismail (P.B.U.H) set, for the rest of the mankind.26 The above explanations have been tried to meet the conception of Quran, Sunnah and Islam on the subject of jihad. On further the facts will be elaborated that why definition of jihad got changed from the real one to a manipulated one, who changed it and what were agendas behind to change it.27 The Scenario of the Western World In the present world there is a major plot of misconceptions which the world has drawn on the subject of jihad. Misconceptions are in a frequent order, where the true information is continuously away from the people, especially those who want to know and who seek to get the truth and reality as Islam has taught about.28 Misconceptions are flowing all over, and have become an ocean where good (real) information is merged with bad (manipulated) information. In this situation the common man is suffered, and found it hard to judge that what is right and what is wrong in the true sense.29 There are genuinely several reasons that have brought misconceptions about the subject of jihad and its Islamic teaching, especially in the western world where people are intuitively relying on media, and journalism groups to attain their knowledge and information.30 Here are those reasons which have influenced the concept of jihad and its actual meaning in the modern world: The Institutions In the present world the institutions, which hold the true knowledge, are out from their responsibility to spread out, as they have drawn boundaries and limits for a specific class, group or distinction to support. This has limit the idea of knowing, and so as the idea of perceiving and understanding, which have made the subject of Jihad a manipulated one and not the actual one which Islam taught about and which The Glorious Quran discovered 1400 years ago.31 To spread the truth about the subject of jihad was definitely a Muslim leader’s responsibility, or a government’s responsibility which stands out as a Muslim state or an Islamic state leader, which unfortunately was not there since at least hundred years to enlighten the subject of jihad to the uninformed people. What happened is that the information travelled from one distractive group to another, and jihad came out as a form of terror, fear, and panic for the Western World. In the recent history since from 18th up till 19th century, the information especially on the subject of jihad has been traveling from one extreme to another, specifically from one institution to another or from one intellect to another. On this occasion what happened is that the middle man, the common man, a man with gentle intelligent has not been able to grasp the concept of Islam, and its teaching on the subject of jihad (The Struggle).32 The Black Sheep Misconceptions are not only because of external factors, but misconceptions are also being originated from internal black sheep, who works for its personal agenda, interest, and benefit which damages the image of Islam, and its enlightened principles.33 There have been certain groups-elements working consistently to plot a bad picture of Islam, and its principles like Jihad in the western world. This has been seen in recent times that wherever any bombs strikes take place, the first people to investigate are Muslims without any evidence or proof. This is just because of the black sheep activist groups, who provide the opportunity to media regulators to call them as whole Muslims, and the whole Islam, which is inevitably enough to distract the people of the west falling in a large population.34 Islam is a religion of peace and gives preaching of human in-sanctity and prospering. It has never talked about human devaluation, and neither it gives teachings of killing, murdering or threatening, in fact it enlightens the principles of justice, equality, life promotion, and humanity.35 “If any one slew a person – unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land – it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people.” [Quran 5:32] Eventually the black sheep in the modern Muslim community has acted oppositely to Islam and Quran teachings, and has brought a worst picture in front of the world about the true teachings altogether36. On this jihad is the most victimized subject, a subject which has become misinterpreted, misjudged and misunderstood in the western world, just because of the black sheep presence and there partiality towards Islam and its teachings. This dishonesty has lead the true definition and conception of jihad away from the people, the ones who really want to know and who really want to understand.37 The History Whatever one does reality and truth cannot be changed, though it becomes the fact of books, scriptures or valued texts but it remains the same. One of the major happenings in the Egyptians (The Pharaohs) tradition was the transfer of bloodlines. The same culture got transferred in the early 17th and 18th century to Europeans, and next to Americans in the mid 19th and 20th century which was adapted by the ancient Pharaohs. The idea of ruling the world remained the same and so was their concerns of the world politics, where rulers decided to obscure central realities of religion, specifically Islam and its fundamentals.38 The concept of one world government and the Holy War was actually the ideology of Egyptians, which they transferred to Romans and then to Europeans. It was the time of Pharaoh (a cruel ruler-an oppressor) who mistreated people and kept them as slaves, that he wanted them to continue his legislation for the rest of the centuries, and for the coming future generations. The Romans actuated the concept of the Holy-War, and the idea of the Pharaohs, where they utilized the idea of religious symbolism to go war against Non-Christians, and Muslims altogether. With time the history repeated the ideologies of Egyptians to the rulers of 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries (European Monarchs rule), and transferred their oppression rule to next modern age rulers “The rulers of 21st century”.39 As history expresses, it has been the mission of oppressors to obscure realities, and stop the truth to spread, which naturally becomes the power of the people if reached on the earliest time. The same has been happening around the world especially for the ideologies of Islam, where the subject of jihad (strive against the oppression) has been falling in controversies repeatedly.40 In all of this, historians blame history and blame the revivers of history, who failed to acknowledge people, the truth, the reality and the word of light and sempiternity, which eventually inflated the suppression’s rule in the respective transferring human ages.41 This is also one major factor, which deviated the reality of jihad (the struggle against the oppressor) to reach out to the people, people of the modern world.42 The Media In the recent history, when journalism came into rule and dominance there were certain elements and mindsets, who wanted to deviate the reality and make news a median of business, a median of individual interests, despite of becoming a median of truth, knowledge and clean information for the people.43 On this what happened is that the populace got affected, which was in big number especially in the western world. The population stood in the middle and received highly, manipulated information and not the actual one which was needed to explain Islam and its principles in the actual sense.44 In the late 20th century the media Tycoons picked the charge became consistent in modifying the true information. This evolved the interest of dictators and their agenda float all over the media regulation.45 It has been seen that media, one important pillar of western democratic societies, has been there to put forward mis-conceptions, conceptions to change perceptions of world communities and cultures. People especially in the mid of 20th century started relying on media groups for attaining knowledge and information on their respective concerns. Such dependency on media regulators, discovered a new phase of mis-perception, disinformation, where true jihad (the struggle) was left behind and a manipulated jihad (terror) came to confront the people of the western world.46 Projections of 9-11 Since after 9-11 there is a massive turnaround of perception especially in the western world, that Islam is a religion of violence, and “Jihad” is something terrorizing for the people, specifically for of the people of the west and the modern world. This was the bad picture which media tried to associate with Islam after 9-11. It was not the actual picture, nor the actual definition as Islam taught about, but it was the projection of certain elements who wanted to channelize a global capitalist rule or to channelize the war on terror in the coming years of time, for their own personal interests and benefits.47 It was the time of George W. Bush’s government, where disinformation tactics got increased. Media being a central demonstrator came out highly influential, as it projected not what was true but what was dictated, modified, or adaptive in all means.48 It was seen that 9-11 brought a major War (War on Terror), where terror was symbolized as “Jihad”, and Mujahidin “The Strivers” were perceived as terrorists in the western community. This changed the entire position of Muslims especially in the west and in the modern world.49 Soon as things got changed, a question arrived in books, in true media and in actual journalism communities, that who was most benefited after 9-11? Was it the Muslims who suffered killings of Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan or was it the American government, which actuated the war on terror for persuading grounds of Muslim States? Actually the question is still there today, as no one dares to answer, but what this has brought is a bad influence on Islam and its teachings and misconceptions about jihad and its actual preaching. Overall consequences of 9-11 has vanished the true definition of jihad, the definition which was presented 1400 years ago in the Divine code of conduct The Holy Code “Quran” and which is there in Islamic teachings. All of this has adjusted newer perceptions, that Islam is a religion of violence and jihad is a principle of terror, eventually becoming a threat in that respect for the modern community.50 Significance of Jihad in Islam Islam has been a religion of peace and prosperity, where there are no conceptions to dissuade, persuade, interfere or possess others’ land, property, life or religion.51 The same goes out in the subject of jihad, where a true Muslim (The follower) is taught to resist, tolerate or sustain in that manner and not to persuade or possess unless other interferes. It has been a religion of resistance, sustenance and tolerance and not the religion of possession, oppression or imposing one’s rule on others, which eventually changes the perception if one goes out exactly to the Quran definitions and to the teachings of Islam and Sunnah.52 In Islam jihad is an essential principle, it is highly significant for a Muslim (a submitter) to follow, but not the kind of jihad which the current media has projected, but the one which is present in Quran and Sunnah principles.53 A Muslim is himself a Mujahid, a striver but not the one Mujahid, which western community has perceived in the present world. He is a Mujahid but not the one, which the journalism’ groups has labeled and not the one which represents a symbol of black sheep and its elements. So overall Islam has given a space to strive and conduct jihad as a practice to contain firm believe and submission. The history is evident that Muslims never acted first, but their jihad (struggle) was a form of reaction against oppressors, the suppressors, the persuaders or the imperialists.54 Jihad for a Muslim Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) assisted followers to offer prayers, to support orphans, to help less fortunate, to get out of greed, evil, inequality and unjust, which is the actual message, the true message of Islam, for a Muslim, or a Mujahid to follow. With such emphasis, jihad is a Rukun of Deen, a principle of Islam, which is must to be followed by a Muslim to rule out the oppressor, the evil in all means. Jihad (struggle) is a journey of the Prophets, the struggle of the Caliphs, and the struggle of the followers which instead has been transferred by Islam to rest of the mankind. Eventually it is a glorious practice of submission which is offered to every human being of every human distinction.55 To become a true Muslim, or a true Mujahid, jihad is the ultimate passage to achieve such destiny. In all such context, it does not mean that a Mujahid definitely stands up with a sword, or with a weapon, but in the modern world He could pick a pen, knowledge or the word of truth to practice jihad in the real sense.56 For such facts and evidences, it can be said that Jihad is definitely not a threat, but a method to spread truth, guidance, morality and the word of God, the word of Holy Quran to the unaware and to uninformed.57 Conclusion According to Islam and Quran teachings, jihad is a broader subject, a subject which is comprised under profound conceptions.58 The term “Jihad” is an Arabic term which indicates a level of struggle one does for a special cause. For a Muslim in Islam, the cause is submission to the Will of Almighty Allah (The Only God of the Universe). Jihad is another name of struggle or strive, which a Muslim (the submitter), a Mujahid (the striver) does in the way of Allah and His submission.59 There are distinctively three major levels of Jihad, which the Quran (The Holy book of Islam) has taught about. First is the personal jihad (jihad against the personal will), second is the verbal jihad (jihad to spread the word of truth), and third major one is physical jihad (jihad against the oppressor, the evil or the hypocrite.60 In Islamic teachings, each major level of jihad carries ultimate importance and is necessary for the Muslim to practice it in all levels. It is a practice which upholds the Muslim, and upholds the Mujahid to stand firm in the way of Allah (The Only Lord of the Universe) and to attain ultimate success in the hereafter.61 Jihad is not the subject of persuasion or imposing one’s believe to another, as the modern media has projected to the west. Its definition got changed due to several reasons like historical victimization, media influence, black sheep presence or implications of 9-11 that influenced the subject of jihad and its true definition. Jihad is one struggle to achieve the highest level of Eman (Faith), Tawqa (spiritual determination), and the peace (contentment). In all such definitions and in explanation of Quran, Sunnah, and Islamic teachings, jihad is definitely not a threat, nor a panic for the western community. In-fact it is a message of truth, guidance and eternity for the entire humankind. Despite of the fact that media tycoons have tried to change the concept of jihad, still it is present in pure form in Quran and in Islamic teachings.62 Jihad in its pure which Quran and Islam discovered 1400 years ago is for sure not a threat but it is a way of guidance, and a way of ultimate success.63 Works Cited Ahmad, Huma. "Top Ten Misconceptions About Islam." 2010. 20 October 2012 . Ahmad, Jawad. 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