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The Changes in the Political and Social Life of Europe and the United States - Research Paper Example

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The paper is proposed to explore the above-mentioned facets in the light of the Second Red Scare during the 1940s and 1950s. Red Scare has been marked in history as the strong anti-communistic views expressed by the American government during the 1940s and the late part of the 1950s…
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The Changes in the Political and Social Life of Europe and the United States
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 Introduction The period before, during and after the World War II has often been remarked as an era of political and social unrest in the Europe and in the United States. Historical studies have identified various factors exerting tremendous roles in moulding the Europe of the modern times. The Jews in America were a group of people put to shame and stress throughout the years. The complete history of Jews from 17th century to present is well described by the great historian in his seminal work, A History of the Jews in the Modern World 1 Their struggles to get an identity throughout the ages is very well analysed in the work in connection with America scenario. One can never disregard the significant role of various political parties that could change the whole history of a nation. One of such functions was served by the Communist parties during the 1940s and 1950s in Europe and in the United States. It was the time when the communist ideologies were well accepted in Europe, especially in the Soviet Union; the prime opponent of U.S. in the World War II. It was the increasing popularity of the Communism scared the American government which eventually led to the so called Red Scare of the late 1940s and early 1950s. When regarding the Red Scare, many have observed it as a planned attempt from the part of the U.S. government to put an end to the greater than ever popularity and the threat of Communism that may hamper the then existing government and prop up the growth of the Soviet Union. One of the grave threats was from the American Communist party and the other from the large number of espionages within and outside the government. Therefore, there have been implemented strict rules against the Communists and their supporters, and the government imprisoned some of their leaders which ultimately marked the destruction of Communism in United States. The age of Red Scare is also called as the age McCarthyism as it is an age that marked with fickleness, rebellion, or treason. The anti-communists criticised and accused the communists for various reasons regardless to proper evidence. However, one needs to wade through various materials to explore the Red Scare or McCarthyism, the factors that raised an anti-communist revolt in America, the decisive role of the American Jews in the Red Scare and their mainstream perceptions. Therefore, the paper is proposed to explore the above mentioned facets in the light of the Second Red Scare during the 1940s and 1950s. What is Red Scare? Red Scare has been marked in history as the strong anti-communistic views expressed by the American government that ruled during the late part of the 1940s and the late part of the 1950s. Historical studies have identified two Red Scares where the first one was during 1919 to 1920 that marked the fear of Bolshevism and anarchism. Furthermore, it had included the effects of the drastic political confrontation in American society specifically in the American labour movement. The second Red Scare The second Red Scare (1947-57) was an important event in American history noted for anti-communistic view of the American government and the disillusionment of the communist parties. After the World War II, many Americans felt the growing threat of communism. The Eastern Europe was under the control of the Soviet Union. Another threat was from the Chinese communists who took over this land by 1949. Many studies have been reported that the success of the Communist North Korea over the South Republic of Korea, the following year also had a great impact on America. The experiments of Soviet on nuclear bombing and so on led America to the fear of communism which is later called as Red Scare. The Red Scare of the American government caused for implementing very strict laws against the communists. Ellen Schrecker makes clear assessment about the American communists when he writes, “Neither devils nor saints, American communists were people who had committed themselves to a political movement that they hoped would make a better world”2. But unfortunately they could not win in their attempts to change the world. Why did the Red Scare of the late 1940s and 1950s characterized as the era of McCarthyism? The Red Scare of the late 1940s and 1950s is also characterized as the era of McCarthyism. McCarthyism was named after the American Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wiscosin who intensified the fear by accusing the Truman administration for appointing the communists for various posts in the state department. As the chairman of the Subcommittee, he could exert a very notable influence in the committee as well as on the government. He could even criticise the Roosevelt administration for appointing communists during his reign. The role of McCarthyism is well evident when Ellen Schrecker writes, “In the realm of social policy...McCarthyism may have aborted much-needed reforms”3. But it is to be noted that “McCarthyism further contributed to the attention of the labour movement, the attenuation of the reform impulse by helping to divert the attention of the labour movement...” 4. Various studies have identified the influence of McCarthyism on international affairs. However, one can see that it is very apt to describe Red Scare as McCarthyism. Jews in America: Jews were a community that was fated to wander around the world. The intermittent anguish that they were facing in their homeland forced them to move to other nations of the world. Of course Jews were settled in England but they were expelled from the country in 1290 and from Spain in 1492. They again fled from these countries to North America, Holland, and the like countries. Sure the Jews got a refuge in Amsterdam and could make their synagogues. They could make use of the country very well and so many of them moved to New Amsterdam (New York) Meanwhile many of them had already changed their names to a different one , but the condition in America was suitable for them. They could make a home at America. They cherished their devotion to America in all their activities. The book, “The Wonders of America: Reinventing Jewish” speaks of how the Jewish community became truly Americans through three generations of Jews there. Further from the book the readers get a firm idea on Jewish cultural growth on the American soil. 5 The activities of American Jews during the Red Scare The United States of America, after the World War second was on a critical condition. Many believed that the country may not get away from the effect of the war. But to many, America is on the rise to the world. The industry and the economy were slowly awakening from the war affectations. Of course the Jews who settled down in America had a strong hold in the American economy and political milieu. Even though Americans succeeded in the war it feared another setback that was coming from neighbouring states too. It was the fear for the emerging communism. It was commonly called Red Scare. The shadow of emerging communism was there in the soil of America and it was attracting many youngsters of America. The fears gave way to anti communist movements in America. In the fifties America even though relieved a bit from the hardships of war the effects of cold war and anti communism were taking its elements in America. The anti communism was commonly called as Mc McCarthyism. “In this new America, where everyone seemed to be starting again, Jews did not have to be outsiders. And they wanted to be like everyone else”6. There was a question in the fifties whether the Jews have their loyalty towards America or Israel. The question was put on hot discussion and responses from all over the places and the answer was, “They were tolerant, democratic, and unabashedly American”7. They all feel the true citizenship of America. They considered Israel as their ancestral home and America their present home. It was America who welcomed them when in other countries they were expelled. Their loyalty towards America was immense and deep. In the red scare of Americans, and thence the pursuits of Communists by the government, the Jews were with America, their homeland. They all celebrated their tercentenary in America and proved their side with America during this period. They were ‘assimilationist’1. The Jews were entitled with American values and culture and exemplified with American collective consciousness. Even though they politically became Americans their faith was truly Jewish. They were not ready to abandon their ethnic and religious identity. They could make use of the suburban culture of the Jews. In the education field too they were trying to attain American education together with their religious education. The post war America was undergoing much fears on ‘red notion’ .American Communist party was taking its roots in its soil together with the espionage of Soviet Union and thereby the cold war lead the McCarthy movement against communists. The Jews in America never went with the communists there, whereas they were helping the government to eradicate communist elements from the soil. To sum up it can be said that the Jews in American soil during the Red scare were with the nation America it its attempt to clear the nation from communist elements. Political and social activities of American Jews in previous decades The Jews in America were welcomed by the morale of the country. The country that welcomed all the people from other nations welcomed the refugees from Israel too. The success of Jews in Amsterdam gave a new hope to settle down in America. Americans welcomed this category of people to their culture. It is found that “the openness of American culture and the desire of Jews to attain a position of prestige in American life prevented their complete isolation from non-Jewish social activities” 8 They were taking part with the social activities just like other people in the state. Another problem that the Jews faced in America was, “Whether Jewish particularism should be maintained – to what degree, in what way and for what reason-or should be abandoned for a higher cosmopolitan fellowship has...”9. Irrespective from other nations the Jews had a great advantage in America that is “of being absorbed into American society”. The Jewish community had two ambitions –one the desire for ethnicity of Judaism and second the acceptance of them in American community. These both accomplished in America. American nature of rewarding the personal success was applicable to Jews too. They could make use of American characteristics without losing their identity. Before the World War II, Jews in America had protested against the anti-Semitism in Germany. They conducted anti- Nazi boycott rallies in Philadelphia, America. Prior to the Second World War the Jewish community in America was against anti-Semitic attitudes of Germany and Italy and they sent aids to Britain in its attempt to fight against it. When America entered in the war the Jewish community of America was giving its unending support for the refugee activities. “This development is most apparent in the rise to pre-eminence of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Zionist Organisation during the war years”10. These could make great changes in the political scenario of America. The both movements took many in America and many the personalities were attracted to it. By 1920 JDC had a vast relief net work all over the world and this led the leaders like Boris Bogen, David Bressler, and Julius Goldman were leading the Jewish community to communal service in America. Many of the American icons were the members of either group. The Jews were ready to take a lead role in America in the political and social scenario of America. In many of the rituals of Jews America saw the unity and brotherhood of the Jewish community. One among it was the public funeral of Sholom Aleichem in May 191611. In the politics too Jews were taking part well and their influence was not being easily avoided. It is said, “as Jews rose in the economic and social scale, they remained left-of –center- in their political behaviour, unlike other groups which had attained an equivalently high educational, professional, and class standing”12. The radical –liberal character of Jewish politics has been praised by the scholars for its non fluctuating nature. The American Jews were taking part in social, political and economic aspects with the government to uplift the downtrodden. The Jewish involvement in political and social set ups of the nations takes its root in the immigrant generation of it. American politics too is greatly influenced by the Jewish community in the country. Of course the nature of the Jewish community is to protect the ideals of America with non avoidance of Jewish culture. To sum up it can be said that with regard to politics and social activities the role of Jews in America is great. Their mainstream perceptions The one salient feature of a Jew is that his or her surviving attitude in all struggles. This is what happened in America too. Jews were the community that happened to run away from their land for life. Wherever they had gone in the world they made use of a culture there of their own and at the same time they were adapted to the culture of that place. Jews are different in many ways from others. Even though politically they can be adapted to a culture religiously and ethnically they push up their identity. They give much importance to rituals and traditions. “..Jews continued to pay attention to many scripturally ordained mitzvot (moral and ritual obligations), as well as to the ethical vision and injunctions of the prophets, especially tsedakah (righteousness, charity, and social justice)… Above all, they continued to acknowledge a real God, who wielded awesome power and held out the possibility of human salvation.”13 The speciality of Jews is the unique feature of this religion and this makes them entirely different from others. The Jews in America accepted America as their home and cherished the American ideals of democracy and pluralism but they remain to be unique. An analytical study on the part of Jews in America is well established in the novel Jews without Money (1930). The growth of Judaism along with their anguish and struggles are well pictured in the autobiographical novel. Their perceptions towards cultural identity and uniqueness are also a part in the novel. 14 The Jews there in America, “they reshaped, and thereby enabled themselves to retain much of, their cultural distinctiveness”15. To sum up the perception of the Jewish community is that liberalism without affecting the uniqueness of the community. Conclusion To conclude, one can infer the 1940s and the 1950s was an era that brought various changes in the political and social life of Europe and the United States. It was an era of many great occurrences and among which the Red Scare deserves dominant place. Regarding the Red Scare, one can identify that it was the increasing popularity of the Communism scared the American government. Red Scare has also been named after the American Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wiscosin who severely criticised the American government for employing communists in the governments and various other posts. The study unveils that America was in the fear of the Soviet Union which marked a sudden growth in nuclear power with the support of communism. Therefore, it is crystal clear the Red Scare was an attempt to wipe off communism form America which may prevent the growth of the United States. Furthermore, the large number of espionages was a serious threat to the nation. But the immigration of the Jews was really a comfort to America as it influenced the American economy in a number of ways. Jews had a strong hold in the American politics too. Analysing the advent of Jews to America, one can see that they desired both for the ethnicity of Judaism and the acceptance in American economy. It is notable that when the Americans dissuaded the communists, they encouraged the Jews and accepted them as part of their culture. The role of Jews in the political and social scenario of America is so significant that one could see America giving due importance to the rituals and brotherhood of Jews. Reference List: Goren A. Arthur. The politics and public culture of American Jews. edn. Illustrated, Indiana University Press, 1999. Goldstein L. Eric. The price of whiteness: Jews, race, and American identity. Edn. Illustrated. Princeton University Press, 2006. Gold, Michael., Kazin, Alfred. Jews without money.Edn. 3, illustrated, Carroll & Graf, 2004. Heilman C. Samuel. Portrait of American Jews: the last half of the 20th century. University of Washington Press, 1995. Joselit Weissman Jenna. The Wonders of America: Reinventing Jewish Culture 1880-1950. Edn. Illustrated, Picador, 2002. Schrecker Ellen. McCarthyism: a brief history with documents, Volume 2002, Part 2. Edn. 2, illustrated, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Sorin, Gerald. Tradition Transformed: The Jewish Experience in America. Illustrated, JHU Press, 1997. Sachar Morley Howard. A History of the Jews in the Modern World. Vintage Books, 2006. Read More
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