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America as Beginning of Better Life, Justice, Liberty - Research Paper Example

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The paper "America as Beginning of Better Life, Justice, Liberty" establishes that the Continent of America has set an example of equality, freedom, and purity in front of other societies. The lesson given by history is that achievements depend upon freedom…
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America as Beginning of Better Life, Justice, Liberty
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The continent of America is a new Beginning for A Better Life of Justice, Liberty and Freedom The history of America is one of the world greatest events in the history. It is considered the beginning of new era of peace and freedom. The continents of America were the starting of a life of justice and freedom. The mission was to establish a world of equality and purity, where the rights of women and men are equal and justified. Where the freedom is given to individual to follow their religion and follow the lifestyle they want. These years are also referred as the revolutionary years of American history. The aim was to provide equality in justice, freedom of religion and eliminate the color and class differences. Every person has the right of justice in this world. All are equal in the eyes of law. According to the past history of England, An agreement was signed by the British government. The agreement had given right of justice to all the people living in England. There was a practice of implementing different laws in various parts of England. The law implementation difference caused great differences between the people. The perception of difference of color, birth place, and class was enhanced. The society in England argued that difference in implementation of law has violated the right of justice for them. The people of England presented their arguments that they were not satisfied with difference of implementation of law. The law should be implemented on all in a same manner so that the right of justice would be available for all people in England. It was decided by the council of Army that all laws would be implemented for general public. There would not be any discrimination of charter, degree, birth or place. There would be no exemption for anyone to be exempted from the implication of law. The exemption would create differences and society will be divided. All the cities of England are bound to implement the laws which are considered to be implemented in other cities. Powerful people should also bring in the ordinary course of dealing and there would not be any discrimination regarding to Law (Foner). The people living in the society have different religions. The principle of mankind gives a teaching of respect of all religion. The respect would inspire the people to live with brotherhood. The past history shows the hatred among people with respect to religion. The people often speak about others without any reason. It was common in the state that Hutchinson was continuously speaking out against the Clergy by defective logics. They were trying to degrade Clergy. It was observed by the government that if it wants loyalty from people, they have to respect all religions. They will not be able to bring the people on one platform with the religious discrimination. The government realized that they have to make different programs relating to the prosperity of the people and eliminate religious differences between the people and government. Some of the prior policies were creating religious discrimination among the citizens of that states, they were then amended by the government. Religion is the identity of the person and the right of the people to express it. It is essential for everyone that they have to respect other people religion and not criticized their religion. Strict laws should be made that if someone outspoken other’s culture, he would be in prison. Ethical principles also teach to respect the people belonging to different religion. Religious freedom will led society to the aim of their collective goals (Foner). It is observed in the past history, people living in the society belonging to different class usually not like each other. It was observed that they use to adopt bad behavior against other people belonging to different class. It was practiced in the United States as well. The people living in the area of one state were not allowed to live free life in the other state. Class differences were enhanced in the society. The Government of United States took step for elimination of class in their society. Women and children of that were not secured in other states. There was not a same mercantile system for every state. The Government then felt the importance of it and provided a better system to people for the glory of the country as a whole. Men did not like to marry the women living in different state. The Government played its role and sent many women to another state to marry. The concept of equality was also derived in that era. Male and female would enjoy equal rights in all the matters of life. Society started developing pure and family oriented with the passage of time. In the early years of America discovery, there was a shortage of women having the ratio of six to one in year 1619. Women were in minority and a total of 119 women and 677 men were calculated.  Between the years of 1620-1622, one hundred and forty women were sent to colony of Virginia. These young women were sent to be wives with the planters. They were required for the responsibility of social and domestic skills. Later more women were sent to these colonies.  British government tried and viewed the family as the basic building block of society. A company wrote, a field can never flourish until respect and honor is not given to the wives and children (Foner). The continent of America has set an example of equality and purity in front of the societies in various parts of the world. In the modern world, most of the societies have recognized that there should not be the discrimination of gender, class and color. All people should live together a happy life. They even can make their relationship to set an example. The people living in the society should teach their young generations to be live with peace, love each other and not to create differences. The respect of other people religion is very important. The lesson given by the history is that the achievements depend upon the freedom. Government should also learn from it that they have to step forward in order to omit such type of differences from the society. Works Cited Foner, Eric. Voices of Freedom. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004. Read More
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