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Political and Geography - Research Paper Example

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The United Nations has attained several international achievements and has faced numerous problems and challenges (Basu 45). Foremost, the United Nations has been instrumental in preventing…
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Political and Geography
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Achievements and problems of the United Nations Introduction The United Nations was established in 1945 soon after the devastating Second World War. The United Nations has attained several international achievements and has faced numerous problems and challenges (Basu 45). Foremost, the United Nations has been instrumental in preventing the occurrence of global Wars and curtailing the proliferation of nuclear arms. The United Nations ended imperialism and actively promotes the protection of universal human rights.

The body has facilitated global trade and economic growth several agencies and international institutions (Basu 47). Achievements of United Nations The United Nations actively promotes global peace and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (Basu 10). The Body has negotiated peaceful settlements that have ended numerous regional conflicts. This is evidenced by the border demarcations especially in Serbia, Yugoslavia and numerous Asian countries (Basu 68). The body has safeguarded human rights through several declarations and covenants that aim at ensuring protection of universal human rights.

In this regard, the Human rights Commission advocates for the rights of women, children, minorities, immigrants and refugees (Basu 99). United Nation bodies, institutions, and agencies such as Economic and Social Council, World Health Organization, and United National Development Program have facilitated economic and social development of the member countries. Financial entities under the UN have facilitated international trade, foreign direct investments and transfer of technology among various countries in the world.

United Nations has facilitated several peace keeping missions in African countries such as Burundi, Eritrea and Congo with the aim of ensuring peace (Basu 123).Problems of United Nations On the other hand, United Nations has suffered several criticisms and challenges. The body has encountered the problem of poor funding and control by the developed nations (Basu 221). The body is accused of being undemocratic since its has not taken actions against Israel which has continued taking unilateral actions against the neighboring countries.

Accordingly, the body has lost credibility among African nations (Basu 228). The dependence on industrialized countries for financial support has hindered impartial decision-making of the United Nations Security Council. The Body failed in resolving the Cuban missiles, Iraq nuclear issue and terrorism issues. The Body is accused of failing to implement consensus in policies of dealing with climate change since industrialized countries are the highest carbon emitting nations (Basu 234).Conclusion The United Nations has promoted global peace, economic growth, human rights and social development through several agencies, institutions and covenants.

The body has concluded several peaceful border settlements and peace keeping missions that have ended numerous regional conflicts. The body suffers from poor funding, non-impartial decision-making and dominance by the industrialized countries.Work Cited:Basu, Rumki. The United Nations: structure and functions of an international organization. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers. 2004.

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