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Public Policy & Globalization and Outsourcing Explanation of How Public Policy Is Formed In the American System of Government Public policy may be referred as objective–oriented and purposeful measures adopted by the government for the purpose of dealing with the problems arising in the society. A public policy so adopted by the government can be both positive and negative. A positive public policy would cater to make changes in the current situation whereas a negative public policy would be a decision of not acting to the current situation.
Public policy may be developed following an ongoing crisis situation or even with long–term goals (Cockrel, 1997).The public policy formulation follows various steps from the beginning to the end of the process. The various steps are problem identification, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation and policy evaluation (This Nation, n.d.). Figure: Problem Identification ProcessSource: (This Nation, n.d.)How Is The Problem Identified?The problems that lead to the formulation of public policy are generally identified by spotting the causes and the factors contributing to the problem.
This is the first step involved in the process of formulating public policy. This stage looks after various aspects of the problem. It identifies the degree of awareness among the commoners about the problem. This step also considers the various alternatives to reach to the solution of the problem in question (RCIP, 2002)Who Is Responsible For Determining Solutions Or Setting The Public Policy Agenda?A public policy may be adopted by certain group of people. These groups are the government players such as the courts, the executive branch and the legislative branch.
There are various private players also like the citizens of the country and the interest groups (Pearson Education, 2010).The public policies are adopted for the welfare purpose of the citizens. There are various levels where the public policies enact differently. For example, at federal level such policies are levied to control the business units and the industries in a country. Moreover, for the protection of citizens staying in the country and abroad both the public policies are at times enacted distinctly.
It also provides an aid to the central government as well as the state governments and the poor people by raising funds through various programs. These kinds of activities are covered by the public policies. They mainly aim at realizing the social goals (Pearson Education, 2010).Example of Globalization and Outsourcing in AmericaThe American President Barack Obama takes on bringing a change in the situation of benefitting significantly from the outsourcing Indian IT companies, has brought up a new policy.
The policy developed has brought into existence a new tax code. According to this new tax code the companies that create employments in Bangalore, India shall be paying less tax as compared to those creating employments in Buffalo, New York (Outsource Compare, n.d.).Globalization had an effect on the unskilled category of workers in America. When it was evident that extended training sessions and education could not stimulate the shift of the unskilled category of workers, the American government in order to safeguard these workers implemented certain policy.
The policy extended to provide the low–wage workers with wage subsidy. In the year 1996, the policy pertaining to the “expansion of Earned Income Tax Credit” was implemented. This policy provided the families with earning below US$ 9000 and bearing more than two children with a subsidy of 40% (Lerman & Schmidt, 1997)ReferencesCockrel, J. (1997). Public policymaking in America. Retrieved from Lerman, R. I. & Schmidt, S. R. (1997). Globalization.
Retrieved from Compare. (n.d.). Obama offshore outsourcing tax policy. Retrieved from Education. (2010). Public policy—what government does. Retrieved from (2002). A brief guide to understanding policy development. Retrieved from http://www.ruralnovascotia.
ca/documents/policy/understanding%20policy.pdfThis Nation. (n.d.). The policy process. Retrieved from
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