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Analysis of How the Socialism of W.E.B. Du Bois Still Matters Article by Wienen - Assignment Example

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"Analysis of How the Socialism of W.E.B. Du Bois Still Matters Article by Wienen" paper analizes the article which highlights the early development of W.E.B. Du Bois’s socialism. Du Bois supports the premise that collectivism serves as a platform for public ownership of industry…
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Analysis of How the Socialism of W.E.B. Du Bois Still Matters Article by Wienen
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The novel serves as an antidote for socioeconomic ills experienced in society. Du Bois explained that his writings aimed to portray the right of black individuals to enjoy and love (as cited in Weinen & Kraft, 2007).

Weinen and Kraft (2007) stress the applicability of Du Bois socialism to the period after the Soviet Union's collapse and China's transformation from socialism to state capitalism. Du Bois (as cited in Weinan & Kraft, 2007) asserted the need for solidarity and social service for the continuing class divide between Du Bois’s talented tenth descendants and the majority of African American in the twenty-first century. In addition, Du Bois stressed the need for leaders to critically analyzed social democratic legacy before proposing global free trade as a means for the economic and social development of different nations worldwide. Lastly, Du Bois (as cited in Weinan & Kraft, 2007) reiterated that global social democracy serves as a means to attain peace. 

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