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What Was the Impact of the Watergate Scandal on American Politics - Essay Example

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This essay "What Was the Impact of the Watergate Scandal on American Politics" discusses the Watergate scandal that indeed broke the trust of the public in government officials. The impact of this scandal can still be seen because people nowadays hardly trust politicians…
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What Was the Impact of the Watergate Scandal on American Politics
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That is why such incidents occur because the government officials themselves are involved in such a criminal act. Due to this later presidents such as Clinton and Obama and all the other politicians are being thoroughly investigated in order to avoid any such incidents. There are some people who don’t even bother to vote. This is so because they have seen that most presidents just speak and do nothing in favor of the people’s interest. But this doesn’t mean that all the government officials are like this. If I was a voter at that I wouldn’t have voted for a person like him not because I am a nonvoter but because it's really hard to trust a person who committed a serious crime and afterward tried to hide his wrongdoing by blaming the other parties. Nixon just to make his political enemy the Democratic Party weak committed such a crime. The opinions of the majority of people would have been similar because no one knows whether such incidents will take place or not in the near future so they find it better not to vote for any of the candidates.

            The impact of the Watergate scandal on the later politicians made them realize the power of the media. They also understood that no matter how much power a President possesses no one is above the constitutional law of equality and in the end, Nixon got the result of his criminal act. The politicians then were of the view that it’s better to be clear and truthful to the public regarding all the matters. Now the politicians had a clear-cut view that no person is above the law, not even the president himself. During this scandal, many lawyers were involved in it so the American Bar Association decided that the lawyers should take a course in professional responsibility which still exists to date.  Moreover, it led to the first amendment of protection of freedom of the press.





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