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The Patriots: Betraying by Benedict Arnold - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "The Patriots: Betraying by Benedict Arnold" discusses why did Benedict Arnold betray the Patriots and how did that affect the outcome of the American Revolution, and what were the advantages and disadvantages that each side had in the Revolution…
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The Patriots: Betraying by Benedict Arnold
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? Why did Benedict Arnold betray the Patriots and how did that affect the outcome of the American Revolution? What were the advantages and disadvantages that each side had in the Revolution and what was the main turning point for the Patriots? [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Why did Benedict Arnold betray the Patriots and how did that affect the outcome of the American Revolution? What were the advantages and disadvantages that each side had in the Revolution and what was the main turning point for the Patriots? Introduction American Revolution was a rebellious war that was fought in April 1775 between the Great Britain and thirteen American colonies. Great Britain was expected to be victorious because of its huge armed and naval power. Comparatively, American side was much more lacking in terms of armed and naval forces, size of army and previous experience at fighting against any huge state. Americans were interested to fight for independence while British fought for the continuity of their control over the American colonies considering their fighting spirit as a mutiny. Benedict Arnold was a part of Patriots belonging to the American side, but after being neglected and not sufficiently appreciated for his efforts in the wars, he became a turncoat and joined British army. Both sides have different advantages and disadvantages regarding their skills and experience. However, America has an upper hand in the war followed by its independence. The turning point for the Patriots was the battle of Saratoga. This paper discusses about the role of Benedict Arnold in the American Revolution, the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides of the Revolution and the turning point for the patriots. Benedict Arnold, an Important Figure in the American Revolution Benedict Arnold participated in the American Revolution and was responsible for many victories during the revolution. Initially, he appeared as a heroic figure as he worked very hard for the independence of America colonies. Arnold became a part of the Continental Army as a patriot in 1775. Arnold joined Allen and his Green Mountain Boys on 10 May in order to take hold of the credulous British fort located at Ticonderoga in New York1. Arnold took part in another mission, which was planned to assemble Canadian dwellers as members of American army and take hold of the northern base that was held by Britain at that time so that the striking rate of the American side gets improved. This mission was very troublesome as the troops were required to march to Quebec from Maine. Arnold managed to attack the well guarded Quebec along with other patriots through a snowstorm on 31st December knowing about the death and severe condition of many of his troops. He was left with no other opportunity, but to assault against the force. Arnold was severely injured and the attackers failed to have any victory. They had to face severe loss at the hands of British and Canada remained a British colony2. After being in good health again, Arnold joined in a significant mission that was to obstruct British incursion in New York in autumn of 1776. Arnold’s role in constructing an American naval force was appreciative as he managed to provide hastily prepared armada on Lake Champlain where a British invasion under the command of General Carleton was expected. British fleet was flabbergasted at finding American fleet waiting for them beforehand3. The British fleet pushed back the American fleet, but the action took a long time, which made the British army return to Canada after reaching New York as the war season was over. Arnold’s effort was approving and admirable as the Patriots were able to shun a major destructive step from the British side4. Arnold was unable to get the appreciation and recognition that he deserved instead of all his efforts towards supporting the independence cause. Arnold had no promotion while five junior officers of American army were endorsed to higher ranks. Considering this step as disapproving, he resigned from the army, but after recommendation of George Washington, he joined the army again. In the fall of 1777, Arnold joined in a defensive action against the British incursion headed by General Burgoyne. General Gates was the army General when American army fought against General Burgoyne’s army5. Arnold and General Gates both disapproved of each other’s presence. General Gates showed his disapproval by taking away Arnold’s command. However, Arnold confronted Gates by refusing his orders and taking command of American troops during the crucial Battle of Bemis Heights. The battle was fought in October 1777. He escorted the soldiers for an attack in opposition to the British line. Arnold did a wonderful contribution in the battle and this war added immensely to American triumph in the American Revolution. By acknowledging his defeat, General Burgoyne laid down his arms at Saratoga. France supported American side after being persuaded because of British submission. Arnold was responsible for making America victorious and this surrendering of British army provided America a chance to attain its independence. General Gates downgraded Arnold’s efforts towards America’s victory in the battles by taking nearly all of the credit for himself. Arnold also got injured on the same leg, which was injured before. Because of his injury, he was removed from command and got appointed as military governor of Philadelphia in the year 17786. After joining the governorship, he started taking interest in personal gains and lavish lifestyle. He had a considerable debt to pay because of his overly uncontrollable expensive after being married to Peggy Shippen. He was highly under debt and he had great bitterness for the unacceptable attitude from the Congress as well as from General Gates, who did not acknowledge his efforts and took credit of everything7. The hidden snubs caused him to change his devotions. He considered American government as not accommodative and unappreciative and thought to be part of the British side. Arnold started concealed conciliation discussions with the British about giving away the control of American Fort in New York for money and authority in the British army. He was welcomed by the British army, but soon his treachery got exposed because of imprisonment of Major Andre who worked as a mediator between Arnold and British forces. Arnold’s treachery motivated the Patriots to get independence8. Advantages and Disadvantages of the two sides in the Revolution The British and American side both had their own advantages and disadvantages. The Britain army was more equipped, trained, experienced and more in number. They had already fought in wars making them more eligible than the American army. Financially, British army was better off as compared to American army. Another advantage for the British army was alliance of Native Americans who fought for the interest of Britain. However, as far as disadvantages for the British army are concerned, they had to fight in a foreign land with no knowledge of the guerilla tactics that were employed by the American troops9. Britain army also faced lack of support from the natives of Britain because most of the civilians were not interested to fight that appeared as a demoralizing factor for the forces. British army also faced dearth of provisions that made them to suffer. The communication linkage between the British government and forces was also slow. Overall, the British army was better off than the other side10. American army was also much benefitted because the fighting ground was native for them as it was their home ground. They were aware of the land on which, they were fighting. So, geographically, they were better located11. They had exceptional commanders who made their way towards victory. American troops fought with the spirit of patriotism and were very much interested to attain independence. The forces adopted guerrilla warfare that was unknown to the British army. In addition, the American Army got financial assistance from France that proved beneficial for them. American army had a lot of endorsement from civilians, which motivated them to fight. As far as their disadvantages are concerned, they lacked in having a large army. The American army was also not trained and was inexperienced. They had inadequate armaments and other necessary equipment. The army faced the deficiency of supplies like the British army12. Turning Point for the Patriots The year 1777 brought a turning point for the American side. British army was very strong and experienced and American army was continuously losing in spite of all the efforts of the troops. However, their consistent approach towards attaining independence made them to gain victory in the Battle of Saratoga. In the Battle of Saratoga, British army under the command of General Burgoyne accepted its defeat and surrendered before American army. The battle was fought in New York and American forces were victorious13. Benedict Arnold led the American army and it was due to his efforts that American army was able to defeat the British army. This battle led to the financial support from France as per its alliance agreement with American government. The alliance agreement was called Franco-American Alliance and was offered in the year 177814. France needed approval of American efforts, which the Battle of Saratoga provided. After this assistance, Spain also contributed in the American Revolution and appeared as opponent of Britain. Spain wanted British out of America due to which, they were always supportive from the start of the war. Spain assisted in the provisions and assistance required in the battles. It joined the American army as fighters’ force, which reduced immense burden from American army. In 1780, Netherlands also joined American army against the British troops causing the alliance to get stronger15. Conclusion The American Revolution involved two major parties, America and Britain. Later on, America as well as Britain had many alliances that supported the parties. It was purposed to gain independence for 13 American colonies. Benedict Arnold was a significant figure in the whole revolution as he contributed towards American cause wholeheartedly. However, after being discredited for all his efforts, he got discouraged due to which, he was motivated to be a turncoat. British and American armies both had their own advantages and disadvantages in the war. British army was large and financially benefitted. In addition, the troops were well trained and experienced. Comparatively, American army was small, financially deprived, ill trained and inexperienced. However, American army made use of guerilla warfare that was unknown for the Brits. British army was mostly advantaged and was undefeatable mostly. However, the Battle of Saratoga proved as a turning point for the American army. In the end, American army got victorious because of involvement of France and other allies. Bibliography Allison, Robert. The American Revolution: A Concise History. Oxford University Press, 2011. Arnold, Isaac N. The life of Benedict Arnold: his patriotism and his treason. Kessinger Publishing, LLC, 2006. Breen, Timothy H. American insurgents, American patriots: the revolution of the people. Macmillan, 2010. Dunn, Walter S. People of the American Frontier: The Coming of the American Revolution. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. Martin, James Kirby. Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero: An American Warrior Reconsidered. NYU Press, 2000. Randall, Willard Sterne. Benedict Arnold: patriot and traitor. Morrow, 1990. Read More
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