War with Mexico 1844 John O' Sullivan position Essay. Retrieved from https://studentshare.org/history/1473253-war-with-mexico
War With Mexico 1844 John O' Sullivan Position Essay. https://studentshare.org/history/1473253-war-with-mexico.
War with Mexico Introduction During 1844 when there was an ongoing battle to annex Texas, different people voiced their opinions. They gave their reasons as to why Texas should or should not be annexed. While a famous speaker of the house was for the opinion that Texas should not be annexed, another man by the name john L O’ Sullivan was rooting for the annexation of Texas. O’Sullivan is seen to strongly hold onto his opinion and provides a strong backing for it, Contrary to the reasons provided by the opposers such as the provocation of war with Mexico, O’Sullivan says that the annexation of Texas would not result to a war if rightly handled.
Furthermore, he predicted that Texas annexation would in fact result to more land, power as well as adding an additional state to the union. John L O’ Sullivan portrays rationality in his arguments throughout the annexation debate. He is particularly very considerate of the future of the United States of America (Dewey 5). As a matter of defending annexation of Texas, John O’Sullivan strongly holds that Texas is rightfully America’s. This is evidence by his words saying “she was released rightfully and absolutely released from all the Mexican allegiance or duty of cohesion to the Mexican political body, by the acts of fault of Mexico herself, and Mexico alone”.
In reference to this, war would not be the resultant of rightfully trying to annex a state that was America’s in the first place. Another interpretation of the opinions of O’Sullivan shows that he is full of patriotism in the aspect of securing Texas. (Smith 14) asserts that an individual or leader is patriotic if he is committed to protecting the interests of his country in all matters including land. Not an inch should be taken away at all costs. The best means is to employ diplomatic efforts of solving the conflicts.
(Smith 16). Legitimate claims in most cases have a diplomatic solution. In light of this, John L O’ Sullivan bases his opinions. (Channing 8) John L O’ Sullivan stresses the importance of having Texas as a member state of the union. Not only does he see it as important at that particular time but also for the future of America. His arguments that annexation of Texas was essential and imminent were also based on the idea that the future America would not achieve its projected potential without Texas.
This character is very essential in a leader and O’ Sullivan possesses it. O’ Sullivan validly goes against the views as expressed by Henry clay that annexation of Texas would result to severe tensions between states. Slavery issues are the main point addressed by the famous house speaker. John O’ Sullivan seeks the higher good of the country. This is of course supported by the enormous economic potential that Texas held. The underlying tensions, if at all they would be any, were overwhelmed by the positives of Texas annexation.
Furthermore, his sentiments were that slavery issues as an internal issues would be handled appropriately with the proper input of all the concerned parties. Sullivan refers to the potential of Texas in attracting a larger population in the coming years. This, according to him, would provide the necessary human investment to realize the benefits of Texas. The increased immigration would also justify the whole efforts of annexation. In reference to Mexico capabilities, John O’ Sullivan Comparison in providing economic development to Texas as to the power that America had.
In the times, development, innovation and economic progress was picking up rapidly in America thus it possessed the potential to incorporate Texas in the plans. Religion is also one of his main arguments in the annexation subject. O’Sullivan usage of puritan language offers a principle of predestination. As per the American mission which is to broaden religion especially Christianity, offer increased democracy, economic as well as social progress, O’Sullivan justifies his views upon it. Among the numerous American goals during that time was to evangelize Christianity to the Indians and other people in the west.
The existence of America was bound too ensure the attainment of the stipulated obligation. The spread of Christianity had picked up at the time. It was the continuation of the “Great Awakening” that had began in 1810. According to John O’Sullivan annexation of Texas would ensure that this noble obligation would continues and reach the Texan land smoothly under full control by America. In conclusion, John O’Sullivan presents valid arguments to his positive opinions regarding annexation of Texas.
Evidently, this led to annexation of Texas in the long run. His evidence is greatly felt in recent times as the input of Texas is today’s United States of America is very notable. Surely, his future projections on the impact of Texas on the economy were true and valid. In the interest of further insights, the following 3 questions are subject to debate. 1. How important was the annexation of Texas to today’s economy? 2. Was there an exercise of democracy in the spread of Christianity in America? 3. How did slavery issues threaten the annexation of Texas?
Works Cited Channing, William Ellery. A letter to the Hon. Henry Clay: on the annexation of Texas to the United States. Boston: J. Munroe and Co., 1837. Print. Dewey, Orville. A discourse on slavery and the annexation of Texas.. New York: C.S. Francis and Co., 1844. Print. Smith, Justin Harvey. The annexation of Texas,. Corr. ed. New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1941. Print.
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