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In which ways has globalization affected China - Essay Example

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Globalization is a necessary process that the whole globe should embrace. Language globalization, legal globalization, cultural globalization and even economic globalization are some of the dimensions that globalization may be experienced. …
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In which ways has globalization affected China
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Globalization in china Introduction Globalization is a necessary process that the whole globe should embrace. Language globalization, legal globalization, cultural globalization and even economic globalization are some of the dimensions that globalization may be experienced. Scholars believe that it is necessary for these changes to be absorbed but with so much caution. Of late, globalization has become a global issue that involves the transformation of the society in several dimensions. China has undergone massive transformation politically, economically and technically. Political globalization involves the use of common political systems and same political principles in governing1. These factors affect the whole globe and have affected migration, flow of capital, foreign investments, and spread of technological advances. From the understanding that globalization has its roots in China, this paper gives a detailed analysis on the positive impact it has had to the country. Effects of globalization Globalization is a necessary factor in every economy. Technological globalization in china has led to expanded market for its national products. The creation of markets all over the globe earns the country foreign exchange and this helps in developing a country’s welfare. Technological globalization has effected easy, fast and reliable means of communication to individuals allover the globe. Information can reach many individuals in less time and can cover large geographical areas2. It is due to technological globalization that china has been able to invest in manufacturing industry. This has acted as a major factor in contributing growth in the Japan economy. Exportation of manufactured goods like machineries and vehicles generates much capital to an economy compared to exportation of primary good such as food materials and fabrics. Cultural globalization in china has enhanced the spread of different cultures allover the world, and this has bought solidarity despite different skin colour, races, and languages. The togetherness helps reduce on cases of wars and therefore, people can be able to join efforts for development of the whole globe. Globalization has dissolved national geographical boundaries and enhanced communication services for people despite the distance barriers. China has offered jobs to many people allover the world, and this has ensured that there is peaceful co-existence and decline in dependency level. Poverty can contribute to conflicts, and jobs in china give people the ability to cater for their primary needs. It has therefore helped China deal with its greatest challenge on unemployment that has significantly spurred growth of the economy. Globalization has led to improvement in the output of other sectors within the economy. It has improved agricultural production through adaptation of new farming methods. These new methods are more effective and reliable as compared to the traditional methods. China has also improved the quality of their products by use of hybrid varieties that can withstand many environmental challenges like drought. This has made it possible to deal with hunger calamities and therefore, curbing the number of deaths due to hunger3. A healthy nation is also able to produce more and labour becomes easy to acquire. For any society to develop, the citizens collaborate with the government for back up in financing and security issues. Increase in agricultural output has led to exportation of the excess quantities to other states in the globe hence giving china a share in the world trade. National income is likely to rise after exporting its products due to the use of new farming methods that come along with globalization. The new seeds and the new farming techniques spread globally to ensure that the food crisis can be dealt with. This reduces the world’s mortality4. Development of new towns in china is as an effect of globalization. These towns develop to serve as a base for new industries, increased commercial activities and to serve as a base for government offices. Learning institutions in towns develop to cater for the education rights of children within the location or state and health amenities for their health needs5. Urbanization enhances the growth in the banking industry that is also necessary for every economy. China has advanced its social amenities due to the finances that it raises from taxation of different businesses and other activities within its area. The natives of china enjoy reliable and safe banking that can be easily accessible. Improvements in the banking industry help enhance security since the handling of cash is not much6. The citizens of china enjoy proper social amenities that their government has offered. The transportation methods have markedly improved to ensure easy transportation of manufactured goods from one place to another. Improved communication methods enhance the exchange of ideas and development of investment plans despite distance barriers. The development of any society bases on the efforts that its natives put on economic money generating projects. Provision of accessible health services helps maintain a healthy and productive population. This increases the availability of labour for the developing manufacturing industries and agricultural production. These businesses create gainful employment chances and savings increase resulting to investments in the future. The emergence of many businesses has brought competition, and through competition then the citizens enjoy better quality products7. This also gives consumers a variety of products. Though this may weaken the domestic companies, it is healthy for consumer satisfaction. The main target for the producers is satisfaction of consumer needs. The government of China has protected its domestic producers by putting restrictions on the number of foreign investors to get in the market. This gives them the opportunity to exploit their native market base and conduct research about the market to ensure they serve the needs of their consumers fully. Other businesses that emerge include banking industry to provide capital for investors8. One of the most essential fields that globalization has been involved is in the sharing of common education systems. Educational facilities are available in the internet networks, and this has enhanced the students in different states to enjoy equal advantage in the global market. This is because they have equal standard of education and none is lesser compared to the other. With globalization, they are able to acquire adequate experience and competency in the job market. Those from china have much access to experience gaining compared to those in yet to advance areas9. Globalization in China has got to legal and ethical dimensions too. Political globalization supports the spread of common political principles and rules. This enhances sharing of common policies and therefore, justice is similar from one state to another10. There is common punishment for crimes and therefore, all the court systems share common ethics in criminal judgments. Common ethics may be on the practice of human rights equally on all citizens to enhance equality and give them a sense of belonging. This creates favorable grounds for curbing global terrorism like bombings, possession of ammunition and piracy along the seashores. It is also necessary to help dictatorship governments to adopt democratic systems; giving their citizens freedom. Democracy has spread to most parts of the continent, and this creates uniformity. Globalization of a common language for all people despite their nationality and skin colour enhancing communication and understanding. It enables people to share useful information and even give warnings if the need arises. Failure to communicate may raise tension and even result to calamities. People in china learn both English and Mandarin. This helps make it communicate with other foreigners who do not understand their native language. It is a necessary tool in every society, the sharing of a common language builds unity and helps avoid divisions among the people in the globe despite their difference11. China has experienced positive globalization on their environment. This is through the creation of awareness about the environment to maximize its utility. Through globalization, china has promoted environmental conservation and therefore, building a better earth where man can peacefully live. China has also taken part by conducting research on how to better their environment and utilize its utility maximally. Other corporations have supported the move and therefore, initiated plans on recycling reusable materials and promoting proper disposal of indecomposable waste like plastics and other nylons. There china government has also preference on the use of recyclable packaging means. On fuel emissions, new cars have been designed which release fewer emissions and that economize on the use of fuel12. Energy production has considerably developed through joint efforts of Chinese government and co-operations in the state. Sufficient supply of energy has enhanced the eruption of new enterprises into the economy. Such kind of businesses that need power for their production activities give the government pressure to develop reliable energy supply. This enhances sustainable growth in the country’s economy because more job opportunities are created therefore, people are able to earn incomes and sustain their basic needs13. Energy production also offers lighting power and therefore, security can be enhanced through lighting streets. People have higher chances to incur investment risks in secure areas and can carry out business activities until late. Security also ensures that the money market is secure and therefore, protection of the currencies from inflation risks. These new energy production technicalities and renewable energy sources have enhanced the economy of china facilitating for development. The pressures of globalization have effected the implementation of extremely beneficial policies in the Chinese economy. The economic pressure has raised the need for the government to protect its native businesses. Globalization in china has enhanced the implementation of policies to protect the Chinese citizens from exploitation by foreign producers14. Some of the commodities that were to be imported if the government had not protected its citizens would be of exceedingly low quality or extremely cheap and therefore affecting the market for the Chinese producers or also may contain so much harmful chemicals affecting human life. Other policies that are also useful implementations done during globalization are on the limitation for immigration into the Chinese economy. This helps ensure that the land is not overpopulated and avoids overexploitation of resources15. Advanced methods of saving and storing information have been developed because of technological globalization. China is able to store its private information safely to prevent its leakage to enemies. The new advanced methods are easy to retrieve and they are not bulky compared to the traditional methods. It is not easy to break into the new systems compared to how one could easily break into the traditional safes; enhancing the security of china16. The new methods of energy production have enhanced efficient, affordable, and reliable access to energy power. Traditionally, the powers would experience black outs resulting to shutting down of businesses and also machines breakdown due to short circuits resulting to further losses. Due to the advances made on energy production businesses are able to run efficiently and without power disruptions17. With the development in industries and increased wastes, advancements in ways of recycling the waste have developed. This has enhanced the state of the environment protecting it from pollution. The waste materials are indirectly released to the environment but are recycled to useful products and reused by humans for their benefit. The recycling of waste materials has resulted to growth of industries that are specialized for that. Any remaining content that is disposable gets treated before its release to the environment. This helps ensure that the environment can support human life and therefore extinction of living species becomes rare. Therefore, China has maintained the suitability of their environment through proper disposal of waste and treatment of waste before releasing them18. The exciting job opportunities in china has drawn people from all parts of the globe and therefore, gives china a variety of skills from which they can choose the best enhancing the maximum production model. The industries in china have available labour from other parts of the globe and even from its citizens. This raises the demand for housing facilities and therefore, banks and other financial institutions offer mortgage loans. This earns the financial institutions profits and therefore, also [promotes better living. Investments in the housing sector also grow and therefore, rents attained get re-invested back into the system resulting to further development19. China has drawn many investors into their country who wish to take advantage of the market available and technologies too20. It is necessary to consult with business experts before incurring any risks of investing in an insecure market. China has resulted to rise of other individuals who serve as advisers on the economic trends and help in coming out with successful business plans. This has enhanced the investments in china reducing the risk of businesses due to lack of proper planning and unpreparedness to face risks. Variations and innovations have been done allover the world on Chinese ethnic foods. These foods give identity to the Chinese culture and show their beliefs, cultures, and values. The spread of these foods to most countries in the globe enhances the globalization of the Chinese culture on foods21. These foods, modernized to serve the consumer demands for fast foods. Satisfaction of consumer needs results to more demand and therefore, the marketing of Chinese foods has become a significant part in the hospitality industry22. These Chinese foods have also been altered increasing the richness of these foods and enhancing fast production of these foods. With the advances in the hospitality industry chefs have been able content to the Chinese recipe of cooking their foods and by trying out different spices and different methods of its preparation they have been able to prepare the food faster and tastier compared to the original ones. The fast preparation has enhanced the demand of such foods to be on the rise and this has given rise to demand and interest in Chinese methods of preparation. Globalization has enriched enormously the culture of the Chinese people and resulting to its adoption in many parts of the world23. Globalization of the agricultural businesses and production ha resulted to development of cooperate manufacture businesses in efforts to manufacture the products and enabling them to last longer. The manufacture of these products in china has enhanced their supply to other parts of the globe and this has led to resulted to developing the food systems of most developing countries24. The exportation results to generation of incomes developing the economies. The increased activities on agricultural products prompt more research and therefore through this better quality of food contents are developed. Food contents that are drought resistant and are able to yield more develop through scientific research. Some of the mostly exported foods include vegetables, sugar, meat (white and red meat), and grains like barley, millet and sorghum25. With the globalization of Chinese economy, the status and role of Chinese women in the society has taken a positive turn. In the traditional China, women termed as inferior and as subjects to men. Rather their opinion on national, family, and political issues is perceived to be equally relevant to that of men26. Women activists have raised and hence matching for their position in the society. Women are no longer and this is because of the globalization of human rights for the equality of all individuals in the society. Other illegal activities carried out on women like trafficking stopped and hence women can serve equally in societies just as men27. Conclusion To conclude, globalization in china has been of considerable impact to its economy and other economies in the world too. The positive effects have helped improve the general conditions of people on earth, their living conditions, their access to social amenities, and the relations between individuals despite their skin colors and nationalities. Energy globalization has enhanced economic performance and increased financial activities within the society. This has promoted solidarity to all humans and promoted the sharing of ideas and views irrespective of one’s gender28. Women position in the society has changed from the traditional perspective of inferior and weak to an informed and active role to enhance the prosperity of their states and their living conditions. Annotated Bibliography Michael Curtin. Chinese media and globalization. Chinese Journal of Communication, 2012, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, pp. 1-9. This journal gives a detailed analysis on the exploration of globalization impact in china for over the last 30 years. In his journal, Curtin, gives a detailed research on the impact globalization has caused in specific sectors like the media. As such, the source is good for the easy since it will help provide a detailed analysis of the positive impact globalization has caused in china. Wei Dan, "Globalization and China’s pathway in quest for a new identity", Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 2007, Vol. 6 Iss: 2, pp.63 – 70 Wei’s journal is an excellent source to analyze the impact globalization has caused in the entire china since it provided a clear analysis of the dissolution of the traditional society to the modern life styles experienced in China today. In his research, the author gives emphasis on population impact, historical changes, future potentialities, and geo-political impact. Liang Bin and Lauderdale Pat, China and Globalization: Economic and Legal Changes in the World System. Journal of Developing Societies June 2006 vol. 22 no. 2 197-219. In writing this journal, the authors how the country China has increased its connectivity with other countries as a result of globalization. In their work, they present the positive growth this connection has brought tot eh country and the impact in both economic development and legal systems operating domestically. Therefore, the source will be accurate in helping provide a detailed analysis of how China has been impacted positively the globalization. Warner, M. Labour market in China: coming to terms with globalization. Available from: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2012] The author of this article acknowledges the fact that globalization has its roots in china. The impact it has on the labour market, an interest to scholars makes the source reliable for this work. This is because the authors bring to light how the labour market has changed as a result of globalization. Khan, Azizur, R. Poverty in China in the period of Globalization. New Evidence on trend and pattern. Available from: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2012] To confirm the significance of this source for the work, the authors date their work back in 1979, the age when globalization was setting it foot in China. Since then, Khan confirms that the economic growth of China has not been the same, but has recorded tremendous growth. It is from such assertions that the work by Khan is work referencing. Overholt, Williams H. Testimony: China and Globalization. Available from:[Accessed 8 Nov. 2012] The transformation in China as confirmed by Overholt shows how globalization has impacted China. In the work, some negative impacts are drawn, but the author confirms that it is from this globalization in China that other countries trading together have experienced growth in economy. Aminah, M. P. and Guang, Y. The globalization of energy China and the European Union, (Leiden [The Netherlands], Brill, 2010). This book discusses factors on production of energy and the various challenges it experiences including security threats, geopolitics, policy responses, and developments of renewing energy sources. It discusses how policy makers and political analysts influence the globalization of energy sources. Other issues are the challenges of energy policies and the adoption of nuclear energy. Curtin, M. Playing to the world's biggest audience: the globalization of chinese film and TV, (Berkeley [u.a.], Univ. of California Press, 2007). This issue discusses the transformation that the Chinese film and television industry has undergone within the recent years, and its effects in spread of culture to the whole globe. This book is innovative and has explained in depth how telecasts have become central in enhancing Chinese marketing of its culture and products too. Guo, S, and Guo, B. Greater China in an era of globalization (Lanham, Md, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010). The contributors of this book look into the effects that the growth of china has had to itself and its neighboring countries too. This is the extension of China’s sphere of influence politically, socially and even economically. The book has also looked the influence of china’s growth on the world super powers. Khan, A. R. and Riskin, C. Inequality and poverty in China in the age of globalization, (New York, Oxford University Press, 2001). The author of this book concentrates on the distribution of wealth in China, and how the wealth has facilitated economic development. How other organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations development project help in assisting the prosperity of china. Liu, K. Globalization and cultural trends in China, (Honolulu, Univ. of Hawai'i Press, 2004). In their work, both Liu and Zhou state that globalization has provided a new meaning for culture through their way of combining different values and ideologies to form one culture for the whole globe. They give an understanding of the globalized society and discuss some of the effects including loss of cultural identity. Lu, D., Wen, G., & Zhou, H. Globalization and the Chinese economy, (Aldershot, Hants, England, Ashgate, 2003). The author tends to discuss on the advantages and disadvantages that china has had as a result of globalizing its economy. How this has enhanced the spread of technologies and practices. The author has also discussed the effects that globalization has had in changing people’s mentality on investments and the ability to incur risks. Wu, D. Y. H and Cheung, S. C. H. The globalization of Chinese food, (Honolulu (HI), University of Hawai?i Press, 2002). The authors of this book discuss how the Chinese foods have been altered all over the world to suit the consumers demands. The author examines and explains how the authentic chinese foods have been altered altering the peoples culture on food. Read More
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