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The Lustiness Consequences of Zephyr Power on Nearby Inhabitants - Term Paper Example

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The paper "The Lustiness Consequences of Zephyr Power on Nearby Inhabitants" presents the impacts of wind power on nearby residents. The paper acknowledges the fact that although wind power is beneficial, it has various implications on the health of nearby residents…
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The Health Impacts of Wind Power on Nearby Residents Name Institution Tutor Date Abstract This paper presents a review of literature on the impacts of wind power on nearby residents. The paper acknowledges the fact that although wind power is beneficial, it has various implication on the health of nearby residents. Most of the studies disclose that some of the key health challenges include; quality of life, lack of enough sleep, annoyance, headache, depression, cognitive dysfunction, and anxiety. The most common health implication that was documented is stress which can bring present more serious health effects to the humans. Many of the studies reviewed recommended that the health hazards can only be avoided if the turbines are located far away from the residents. Introduction Wind power is of great significant to the economy. Nevertheless, many individuals in Australia report adverse health effects due to the exposure to the wind turbines. Those who stay or work next to the wind turbines experiences different symptoms such as stress, decreased the quality of life, lack of enough sleep, annoyance, headache, depression, cognitive dysfunction, and anxiety. Many individuals have felt anger and sense of injustice. The main cause of these symptoms is the combination of different turbine emissions such as noise, shadow flicker, infrasound, ground current, and electromagnetic radiations. There is need to develop much care on patients who show such symptoms. This paper seeks to explore the health impacts of wind power on the individuals living close to the wind powers. Wind turbines Wind power can be generated from the kinetic energy in the air that originates from solar energy. Many generations have used the wind power for several years for instance; sailing vessels and windmills are the most typical examples. The most recent application of converting wind energy into electricity entails the mounting of an electric generator on the shaft that is always driven by the windmill blades as they rotate. The modern wind power turbines range from subtle turbines to large turbines connected directly to an electric grid and in clusters called wind firms. The cost of the electricity generated by the wind is not as much as the energy produced in the thermal power plants (European Wind Energy Association, 2009). Tong (2010) suggests that wind power always captures the natural wind in the atmosphere and converts the wind into mechanical energy and later into electricity. The use of wind power started several years back with wind mills that grounded grains, pumped water and did other related work. In the recent years, the wind turbine is an evolved version of the windmill. The wind turbines are capable of harnessing kinetic energy and converting the kinetic energy into electricity. Most of the wind turbines have three different blades. The turbines vary in sizes from the small turbines to the large ones. International Reports of Health Effects of Wind Power In the previous years, different reports have disclosed the adverse effects of wind turbines on nearby residents. According to Chief Medical Officer of Heath in Ontario (2010), noise is the primary complaint. Noise can be seen as a preoccupying, piercing and surprising since it is irregular in its intensity. Noise encompasses incongruous and granting sounds that disturb rest and distract the attention of different individuals. The frequent occurrence of such noises distracts sleep, often awakening people as the winds increases and prevents them from sleeping again. Many individuals living near the wind turbines have also complained of more adverse effects such as headache, feelings of nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Harry (2007) highlights that noise distractions from the wind turbines distracts sleep and leads to daytime sleepiness. It also leads to the disturbance of the mental health of the individuals living in the proximity of 2km of two different installations. Reports of adverse health problems caused by the wind turbines are also documented in the Industrial wind turbine projects in New Zealand and Australia. WindVOiCe, a health self-reporting community in Ontario, identified different symptoms of industrial wind turbines such as excessive tiredness, altered life quality, destruction of sleep, headache, depression, anxiety, hearing problems, distress, feelings of fatigue, tinnitus and palpitations of the heart. It also reported that exposure to the wind turbines degraded the living standards of different individuals in Ontario and different socioeconomic effects on the people. It was also reported that the effects at some point were so severe that it forced many individuals to migrate from their homes or reach an agreement with the developers of the wind energy. The Ontario 2011 environmental review acknowledged that the wind turbines can cause massive health effects to the individuals. This was after it considered different evidence and testimonies by twenty-six witnesses (Chief Medical Officer of Heath in Ontario, 2010). Indirect effects of the wind turbines When identifying the adverse effects of the wind turbines on the nearby residents, it is in order to consider what human health is. According to World Health Organization, human health is the state of complete mental, physical and the social well-being but not just the absence of a disease. The WHO definition is often overlooked during the assessment of the health effects of wind turbines. Many literature reviews have been produced that comments on different health effects of the wind turbines. Many of the commentators believe that the wind turbines noise and the visual effects cal lead to stress, distraction of sleep, stress and annoyance which can later result to other consequences (World Health Organization, 2010). Noise guidelines in Europe suggest that different physiological experiments on individuals have demonstrated that noise can act through an indirect path and cause adverse effects similar to the effects of the high noise from the direct pathway. The effects of the indirect paths start with disturbances like sleep and communication. Annoyance induced by noise is recognized as great impact on the health of different individuals. WHO guidelines on the community noise suggest that the ability of a given noise to create annoyance depends on several physical characteristics such as the level of sound pressure and other spectral characteristics. The noise from the wind turbines is considered to be more annoying as compared to the transportation noise or other industrial noises (World Health Organization, 2010). The wind turbine modulation amplitude, tonal noise, low-frequency noise, and infrasound have been identified as significant noise characteristics that can cause annoyance and more health effects; extensive wind powers laws produce infrasound and low sounds. The amount of the infrasound is influenced by several factors including the speed of the wind, the manufacturer of the turbine, the local topography, the power output and the presence of other wind turbines next to it. The infrasound is unrelated to the sounds heard, and they cannot be heard. Instead, they can only be measured using a sound level meter that is capable of identifying the sound (Salt and Kaltenbach, 2011). Visual and sound impacts are major health effects and community concerns associated with the operating of the wind turbines. Most of the produced sound is aerodynamic which is caused by the movement of the blades of the turbines through the air. The mechanical sound is also generated by the turbines. Many individuals living next to the wind turbines often complain of vibration and sound issues. Government and industry sponsored studies in Australia and Canada have realized this sounds and vibrations have little impact on the individual health (Chief Medical Officer of Heath in Ontario, 2010). It is important for the developers of the wind turbines to take the claims and concerns of the members of the society curiously. They need to follow good neighbor practices in setting up and initiating dialog with the general public. Introducing sound absorbent materials and reducing the size of the blades can reduce the excessive noise from the turbines (Bastasch et al., 2006). Infrasound Research conducted by Alec (2014) suggests that the human ear is the most sensitive organ to the infrasound when other sounds are absent or are at a low level. Due to this maximum stimulation in the ear the infrasound occurs inside the homes. This is because; the audible sound of the wind turbines may be blocked or prevented by the house walls but the infrasound passes quickly through the tiny openings in the walls. Again, sleeping placing one ear on the pillow and exposing the other ear blocks the audible sound to the ear but cannot prevent the infrasound from getting into the ear. The infrasound stimulates the ear even if the individual is not able to hear the sound (Alec, 2014). Effects of infrasound on human health Alec (2014) suggests that infrasound causes amplitude modulation of the heard sounds. Infrasound has adverse effects on the ears sensory cells, and it changes the sensitivity of the ear. This amplitude modulation form cannot be measured using the sound meter level. Persons responsible for measuring the amplitude modulation using the sound meters look for something very different. These amplitude modulations can be very powerful Infrasound stimulates the subconscious pathways in different individuals. Activities in various nerves of the ear do not lead to hearing. When different nerves from the semicircular or the utricle canals are stimulated, there may be eye movements in the neck muscle tension. The conscious pathway of hearing is well established. It latter goes from inner cells of the cochlea using the auditory nerve fibers to fusiform cells in the cochlea. The outer cells of the ear are not connected to the conscious pathway. They later relate to the type two nerves then to the granule cells and latter to the cartwheel cells and different hosts in the brain. This cartwheel cells inhibits hearing, and this explains why the stimulation is not always understood. The symptoms are that there is a disturbance in the sleep, the rise in blood pressure, panic, and deprivation of the chronic sleep and dysfunction of the memory (Alec, 2014). Infrasound also causes endolymphatic hydrops. An endolymph is a compartment in the human ear that is filled with fluids. In some instances, like in individuals with the Menier’s disease, there occurs a swelling of the compartment. The patients suffer from vertigo spells tinnitus, fluctuating loss of hearing or pressure in the ear. Low-frequency sounds at a level that do not damage or affect hearing have been identified as a major cause of the endolymphatic hydrops. The symptoms of the impact are unsteadiness, nausea, seasickness, vertigo fullness in the ear and sensation of pressure (Alec, 2014). The final effect of the infrasound is a possibility to cause a hearing loss. A study by Alec, (2014) suggests that the animals that were exposed to the noise with low frequencies, had significant hearing loss. When individuals are doing anything noisy, the damage of the ear can be massive if the infrasound levels are high. Hence, it is necessary to wear different hearing protections when working in a noisy area next to the infrasound sources. The hearing protectors, specifically the over ear type can protect individuals against the infrasound produced by the turbines (Alec, 2014). Shadow flicker Under certain conditions, the wind turbines may create shadow flicker. The Shadow flicker occurs when the sun falls behind the wind turbine. This cast a shadow that flicks on and off as the wind blade moves round. According to Bond et al. (2013), Rotation of the wind turbines interferes with sunlight, this produces unavoidable flicker that is bright enough to pass through the eyelids. The moving the shadows casted by the blades on the windows may affect illuminations in the buildings. This is referred to as shadow flicker. The wind turbine flickers can induce different photosensitive epilepsy, even though, the risks is low with the large models if there is proper planning. The planning of the turbines should ensure that the frequency of the flash is not more than three flickers per second. Again, the shadow casted by one turbine on another turbine should not allow its flash rate to exceed three flickers per second. This is because the wind turbine shadow flickers impact several adverse human health effects such as stress and annoyance (Wilson and Younis, 2013). Wind turbine noise including low-frequency noise may also contribute to the overall annoyance.  The wind turbine noises are easily perceived and are an annoying even at low pressures. The turbines are prominent objects whose movements attract the eyes of different individuals. There is no generalized remedy for the wind shadow flickers due to lack of published research on it. There is need to conduct more research and investigation on the effects of the wind power including the shadow flickers; this can assist in developing different authoritative guidelines that can help solve the problems of the impacts of the wind power (Wilson and Younis, 2013).   Shadow flicker can also lead to the distraction of the vehicle driver. Most of the jurisdictions do not provide adequate protection to individuals on the impacts of the shadow flickers. In order to prevent and control risk from the wind turbines, the turbines needs to be located at a point where people will not be able to be affected by the adverse effects of the turbines Bond et al., 2013). It is revealed that the shadow flicker can be a challenge both outdoors and indoors when the sun is in the sky. The shadow flickers design should ensure the human exposure to the shadow flicker does not occur. During the planning stage, different protective measure from the shadow flickers should be undertaken in designing the wind turbine (Wilson and Younis, 2013).   Bond et al., (2013) in their study suggested that for adequate protection from the shadow flickers, there should be more study on the shadow flicker in the planning stage of the turbines.  The study should be able to calculate the shadow flicker depending on the actual location of the turbines. Shadow flickers should be calculated for both the moon and the sun using different assumptions in order to ensure full protection against the adverse effects of the shadow flickers. There should also be protection against the photosensitive epilepsy by ensuring that the frequency of the flash is not more than three per second. Moreover, that the shadow casted by a given turbine with the other turbine should not have its cumulative rate of flash more than three seconds (Bond et al., 2013).  Again the Federal Aviation Administration demands that the large turbines, for example, all the structure over two hundred high should have red or white lights for the safety of individuals (Stevenson, 2013). However, this painting may be of no need if the wind turbines are painted with a white color. Wind turbines are also able to produce strong reactions. There should be a free dialog between the community and the developers of the wind turbines to find ways of reducing effects of such radiations on the humans (Busby, 2012). Ice Throw and Ice Shed Wind turbines also lead to the ice throw and ice sheds. The ice may be formed depending on the weather conditions. The ice may be thrown or it may break loose and fall. Such ice throws that are launched far away from the wind turbine can pose a significant health hazard. Ice from the stationary components possess risks to the people around the wind firm. There have been reports on the sizable ice found within one hundred meters away from the turbines. However, the wind turbines can be stopped to reduce the risk during the icy conditions (Busby, 2012). Structural hazards There can also exist structured risks of the wind turbine to the individuals. In the past research, the maximum throw distance reported in the turbine blade failure is one hundred and fifty meters for the whole blade and five hundred meters for the blade fragment. Dutch handbook indicated the risks of the turbine failure to range from 2400-20000 turbines in one year. The fatalities and the injuries that are associated with the turbines have also been reported more so during maintenance and construction related activities (Walker and Swift, 2015). The electromagnetic radiation According to the Rapid review of Evidence (2010), the electromagnetic radiations are waved like patterns of the magnetic and electric energy that moves together. The types of the electromagnetic radiations include the ultraviolet, X-rays, visible light, radio or infrared waves. The electromagnetic radiations from the wind turbines can affect the radio communication or the electromagnetic signals including television, radio, and radar. Since high sites are the best locations for the wind turbines, it is normal for most of the telecommunications installations television and the radio masts emergency services or the mobile phone base to be situated nearby. There should be much care to ensure the turbines do not interfere with such installations The impacts of the electromagnetic radiations to human health are adverse. The electromagnetic fields come from any wire that carries the electricity. Australians are more often exposed to such fields in their daily lives. While the electromagnetic fields that are produced by generating export of electricity from different wind firms pose little threat to the health of the public, the closeness of different electric cables between the wind turbines shields with the metal armor efficiently can interfere with the human life (Rapid Review of the Evidence 2010). Conclusion Wind turbines can cause adverse effects to the human health if they are located close to the human residence. The hazards can only be avoided if the turbines are located far away from the residents. Due to the lack of adequate guidelines, many individuals who are exposed to the wind turbines mare likely to suffer from different health problems. The most common symptoms that are documented are usually the stress disorder acting through the indirect pathways and may present serious health effects to the humans. The effects of the wind turbines should be identified appropriately and adequate measures should be taken to prevent more and adverse problems. There should be more research on the impacts of the wind turbines on different individuals. This will help prevent various health problems related to the wind turbines. References A Rapid Review of the Evidence. (2010). Wind Turbines and Health. retrieved from: iew_wind_turbines_and_health.pdf Alec N. (2014). Wind Turbines are Hazardous to Human Health. Washington University. Cochlear Fluids Research Laboratory. Bastasch, M. van Dam, J.Rogers, A. (2006). Wind Turbine Noise. Canadian Acoustics (34:2), 7–15. Bond, S., Sims, S., & Dent, P. (2013). Turbines, Towers, and transmission lines: Impacts on property value. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. Busby, R. L. (2012). Wind power: The industry grows up. Tulsa, Okla: PennWell Corporation European Wind Energy Association. (2009). Wind energy-- the facts: A guide to the technology, economics and future of wind power. London: Earthscan. Harry A.(2007). Wind turbines, noise, and health. Rowe, MA: National Wind Watch. Retrieved from: Http:// Salt AN and Kaltenbach JA. (2011).Infrasound from wind turbines can affect humans. Bull Sci Technol Soc;31(4):296–302. Stevenson, S. (2013). Much wind: The myth of green energy. The Chief Medical Officer of Heath in Ontario. (2010). The potential impact of the health of wind turbines. Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Ministrwindy of Health Tong, W. (2010). Wind power generation and wind turbine design. Southampton: WIT Press Walker, R. P., & Swift, A. H. P. (2015). Wind energy essentials: Economic, Societal, and environmental impacts. Wilson, R., & Younis, H. (2013). Business strategies for electrical infrastructure engineering: Capital project implementation. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference. World Health Organization ( 2010).Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization. Geneva, Switz: retrieved from: Read More
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