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The Importance of the Bacteria in Legionnaires' Disease - Assignment Example

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The author of the paper "The Importance of the Bacteria in Legionnaires' Disease" explores Legionella pneumophilia as a type of bacteria that survives various environmental conditions. It is a common bacterium found in water temperatures of between 20o C to 60o C…
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The Importance of the Bacteria in Legionnaires Disease

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The Importance of the Bacteria in Legionnaires' Disease Assignment.
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CHECK THESE SAMPLES OF The Importance of the Bacteria in Legionnaires' Disease

Legionaires Disease

If the water contains bacteria legionella pneumophila then the evaporated droplet will also contain the bacteria and if someone inhales the droplets then the person will get infected.... When a person inhales the aerosol containing legionella pneumophila, the bacteria move towards the lungs but the cilia prevent their entry to the lungs.... Smoking causes the injury to the cilia and makes this possible for the bacteria to enter the lungs.... In patients who smoke it is easier for the bacteria to reach the lungs and attack the respiratory cells....
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Change in milk bacterias and the effect on teenage girls

Milk products such as cheese, yoghurt and butter carry the potential of having some bacteria in them.... This fact that cuts every corner of the globe may make it hard for one to comprehend that milk also has disease causing bacteria.... Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium causes this disease.... A person suffering from this disease, experiences the following symptoms; abdominal pain from the lower side, oligomenorrhoea, menstrual disorders, infertility, dyspareunia, vaginal discharges, fatigue, pelvic mass, weight loss among many others....
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Anthrax and Tetanus as Diseases Caused By Spore-Forming Bacteria

Through multiplication, the bacteria can wreak havoc on the victim's body often leading to septicemia.... This mechanism operates neurologically whereby the bacteria cause permanent and involuntary contraction of the muscles.... Although Clostridia tetani can also be deadly, it is important to mention that Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus anthracis are the prime culprits when it comes to deaths witnessed by spore-forming bacteria (Centre for disease Control and Prevention [CDC])....
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Air Conditioning Systems

The paper "Air Conditioning Systems" tells us about the disadvantages of using cooling systems.... For people who live in hot locations, there is nothing as amazing as relaxing in a cool home or office and air conditioning systems are generally used to maintain a cooler environment amid a bitterly hot summer....
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Talking Bacteria

Scientists can exploit this ability of the bacteria to develop drugs against the toxin as they could understand, the formation of quorum is the right stage when the bacteria produce toxins.... ?? Explain the importance of this universal language.... Describe the importance of quorum sensing to pathogens such as Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae.... This communication between the bacteria is imperative, as they arrange themselves according to… Quorum sensing provides a strategy for medicine- muck up the communication system of dangerous bacteria such as antibiotic-resistant enterococcus....
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Bacterium Capsule

It promotes bacteria adhesion to surfaces.... Since it is a layer that lies outside the cell wall of bacteria, it is well organized and it is not easily washed off.... he capsule is said to be a virulence factor as it enhances the ability of a bacteria to cause harm in the trachea system.... As the capsule moves through the trachea it will detect bacteria present in the moisture trachea and prevent against desiccation.... Capsule will also detect bacteria viruses and most hydrophobic toxic materials such as detergents present in the tracheae with its powerful lights and widows....
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Bacteria Pathogenicity

The three structures that affect the process include the tissue fluid, which helps in their… Additionally, the flagella help the bacteria in their movements, and the fimbriae that attach them to their hosts. Flagella are the structures made of proteins that look like tails.... Additionally, the flagella help the bacteria in their movements, and the fimbriae that attach them to their hosts.... For instance, the motility of the bacteria like helicobacter pylori and the pseudomonas aeruginosa are responsible for the stomach and the lung infections....
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Inherently, human behaviors such as flawed assumptions and faulty practices increase the resistance rate of the bacteria.... In addition, misuse of the drug such as using a drug for the wrong disease.... This essay "bacteria, Viruses, and Health" presents the increased use of antimicrobial in food production that increases the risk of bacterial resistance; additionally, there is a disincentive to limit the use of antimicrobial by veterinary.... The drug resistance b bacteria are a natural process that occurs when a patient uses antimicrobial for any infection....
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