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Relation between Depressions to Biology - Coursework Example

"Relation between Depressions to Biology" paper assesses the claim that depression results from biological factors. The author states that biological factors are associated with depression as the brain is the principal organ that controls all activities in one’s body…
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Relation between Depressions to Biology
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Causes of depression By Introduction Depressions in individuals has no particular cause but are brought about due to activities and actions in which one is involved in. upsetting and stressful life are primary association of depression in people. Events such as divorce, braveness, lack of jobs and lack of money brings about stress in people. Combination of these several events leads to causing of depression. One may feel ill and then get divorced causing trauma in the individual and leading to depression. Feeling low associated to activities will make one to view friends and family to be of no help triggering depression. Biological factors are associated with depression as the brain is the principal organ that controls all activities in one’s body. Common sense and depression Social construction and mental illness are themes that cause of depression. Common sense is much important in accepting of a biomedical explanation of depression. It is important that individuals active in the construction and re-imaging. Lay theory explain and suggests that needs and more fluid are responsible for their managing and creation of depression (Sucker, 2003). Common sense can be described in relation to production of depression in individuals. Common sense is the average or ordinary understanding and readiness in dealing with wisdom in which someone inherits. Common sense is ingrained and is taken for granted as one is not able to see any other way. Common sense is naturally occurring and tends view depression as naturally occurring and unable to change. Common sense can be related to depression as it considers the perspective, depression as something that all people in the environment face. Common sense also views depression as afflicts to those that lack certain values such as teamwork. Common sense views depression as a woman thing, and some social groups develop it due to having biological disadvantages in the environment where they stay (Sucker, 2003). Depression is viewed as being found in those that are not sheltered from benefits that are not available in the society such as those that are affected in some jobs and situations. Common sense also views depression as not being able to occur in those that have personalities, and lack of this quality exposes one more to depression. Common sense is not perfect in understanding causes of depression as it leads to practices in policy making and implementation of policies that are made. Common sense is also a wider attitude to mental health. Causes of depression Illness result to higher risk of depression in an individual. Illness such as coronary heart disease and cancer are much linked to depression. Injuries that are associated with the head also make one prone to being depressed. These injuries always trigger mood swing and emotional problems in people that in turn leads to depression. Hypothyroidism is a condition that leads to overreaction in some people. This affects immune of the people. Injuries to the head can lead to damaging of pituitary glands affecting production of thyroid stimulating hormone responsible for causing depression in an individual. Personality is major in determining whether an individual is prone to depression or not. Personalities such as low self-esteem lead to depression. A person with this character comes due to genes that one might have inherited from parents, or it is a trait in the family. Giving birth in women can lead to depression. After pregnancy, women are depressed due to changes in hormones and physical changes and also an addition in responsibility of taking care of the child. These are postnatal depression. Berge, a sociologist, looks at depression beyond common sense and debunking, unmasking assumption. The sociologist also adopted a critical sceptical approach to the way things are and done in the society. This sociologist looks at common sense as being not based on any evidence and only based on assumptions that are rarely tested. Sociology view depression as part of many wider processes using Lay theory making people use experiences to make sense of things and depression as power of medical profession. Depression is also viewed as part of interaction and as a by-product of power in many cases where interest of some are incompatible with those of others. Lay theory explain causes and management of depression by consideration made on therapies and coping with depression between groups of adults that are not depressed. The consideration of the theory is also between an adult with a history of depression and one without a history of depression. It is through this theory that it is found out that those having history of depression perceive utility of either professional or help themselves in coping with management their expression of depression. Lay theory also brings out likely effectiveness of primary therapies for causes and management of depression. Accuracy of several etiological theories of depression is also set off well in Lay theory. Perceptions of depression in Lay concept are constructed from bits that are pieces taken from other sources and reflects the fact that individual, social and cultural contextualization of depression takes place with bits of increasing reflexive practises and diminishing faith in scientific knowledge, truth due to medicals and authority. Moods, light and impact of circadian rhythms affects moods on individual. In this perspective of the study of how attitudes of individuals are affected, the aim is to determine how light, hormones, physiological activities in the brain, social and biological factors contribute to depression. Sadness is also associated with depression as disconnection that are far reaching consequences for individual. Depression and sadness differ with consideration of activities and aspect of light in winter. Winter brings a low period in people that profound depression. Sometimes depression in winter alternate with mania in the summer. Activities in summer are elected, energetic, active and thinner and this results to depression in female and those that are in early adulthood. In many perspectives, treatment suggests diagnoses of the condition. Biological rhythms in an individual through activities, changes in levels of chemical of the brain and body temperature leads to depression. Rhythms in persons include ultrafine cycles occurring more that once in a day, circadian cycles occurring around once in a day and infradian cycles than occur less than once in a day. Seasonal affective disorder affects people and those with the condition become much depressed with much suicidal activities occurring in winter. Those with the condition also sleep and eat more during this season experiencing summer mania and shows diurnal behaviour. SAD condition can be controlled by exposure to bright early morning light. Hormones are also important in control of the situation. Melatonin hormone is responsible for the SAD effect. Season affected disorder is much related to seasons. The tilting of the earth on its axis affects number of daylight hours increasing in summer and decreasing during winter. In northern latitudes, there is reduction in exposure to natural light. Natural light is connected to an apparent rise in depressive moods and symptom during winter. Relation between depression and light comes out such that the more one is from equator more cases of depression Kangas research brings out causes of depression in individual and management of factors that lead to depression. Those that are used in research and are depressed gives out instances that describe their lives in details. In the research stories on depression are always life stories and in anger extend physical and chronic conditions are those that result to depression. Depression is deeply interwoven in everyday life in an existential understanding of one’s self and in a person’s sense of social and individual citation from Kangas, it is seen like other illness narratives of depression describes depression of complex relationship of people , culture and social relations including illness. Three storylines are developed from this theory. First storyline is based on shortcomings and deprivations of early development in individuals. The second storyline is based on and focuses on excessive demands and conflicts of roles. Theses develop to contained traits of depression. A third storyline in the theory is formed along precipitating and symptom provoking factors in adulthood, outlining stories majoring on hardship, losses and traumatising life events which were related to depression in the people. The storylines in the theory brings out contextual nature of depression. The storyline brings out illness as being described as having causes in particular circumstances and incidents occurring in life of a person. Overlapping stories also develop with them sometimes accounting for depression as containing several narrative episodes based on more than just a storyline. This reflects a fact that an illness is most of the time indeterminate process that cannot be represented from only one perspective. Despite difference in storyline, the narratives share however an account of what went wrong in lives of those that tell the stories and subsequent causes of depression in the subjects. Pointers have been made with inclusion of generally the moral position of the subjects, burnt-out factor and also Finland being hit with economic depression in 1990s and who was to be put in blame over the depression. Depression is a factor that is caused by different factors varying form biological factors, brain factors hormones, inherited traits and life events. Biological difference make those that are depressed to appear to have physical changes that occur in their brains. There is uncertainty in the changes that occur in the brain but they can help in determining the causes of stress and depression in a person. Neurotransmitters chemical in the brain are natural and can be used in explaining causes of depression as they play an important role in balance in the body. When these chemicals go out of balance, they are associated with depression and depressive symptoms. Hormones in the body are a major cause of depression in an individual. Changes in body hormones influences depression. Changes that may result in causing depression are thyroid problems or menopause and other factors influencing moods of an individual. Inheritance is a factor that lead to depression in many people. Those, whose relatives are much with the condition, are exposed to getting the condition. Depression does not yet determine genes that are associated to depression can be inherited. Life events, mostly those that are traumatising such as death, financial problems and childhood trauma leads to depression. Factors such as abuse are also major causes of depression. Past physical, emotional and sexual abuse leads to one being depressed. When one thing about this abuses that the individual is exposed to depression in the later part of life. Medications can also lead to depression. Some drugs such as Accutane that used in the treatment of acne increases risk of depression to a person that uses the drug. Conflicts with friends or family members expose one to depression (Silverstein, Silverstein and Nunn, 1997). Personal conflicts may result due to factors that do not make one happy and exposes the individual to the risk. Sadness and grief from death or loss of a loved one triggers depression in an individual. Major events in someone’s life can lead to depression. Events such as starting a new job, getting married or graduating can lead to depression in an individual. Unfortunate events such as divorce or losing a job triggers also the factor. Social problems of a person such as social isolation with others due to mental illness or being taken out from a family or group makes one to be exposed to stress and in turn depression (Wasserman, 2011). Substance abuse, that involves use of drugs such as bhang and cocaine, has been found out to contribute to 30% of either major or clinical depression. Cause of depression considering the factor of drug and substance abuse in much in youths (Moragne, 2001). Happiness in the current generation It is observed that the current generation is happier that their ancestors. Happiness is brought about in governments in focus on GDP of their countries that are essential to providing of people with higher and better living standards. There is consideration of good health care more prestigious assets and good food making people happier. Research carried out by scholars on political, economics. Diseases, sexuality and food rarely influences human happiness (Wasserman, 2011). What makes people’s lives happy are progresses that are made from discoveries that enable more comfort in their lives. Human use newly found powers to reduce miseries in their lives. Modern people are happier that those, that have not being modernised those in stone age, are not as happy as those past the Stone Age (Kim, 1999). Peasantry life, that include several tiring activities, do not bring happiness to those that are involved in the activities but results to depression in them. Activities that are performed by peasants such as carrying water on backs, ploughing and harvesting makes the lifestyle harmful to human backs, knees and joints (Marshall, 1999). This causes numbing of human mind and soul. The kind of lifestyle is also associated with poor diet resulting to malnutrition and starvation. Places that they live are crowded and much oriented with domestic farm animals. Numbing of mind by activities that they perform do not bring happiness in lives of peasants but mainly results to depression. Power have been found to be reversely correlated to happiness and as one gains power there is reduction in happiness in the person. Comfort and security have also been related to bringing out the relationship that makes one happier. There is pointing out that comfort and security have their prices. Seeking for comfort have been seen to be the cause of the collapse in communities due to depression that is involved in activities resulting to attaining of comfort (Moragne, 2001). Social isolation as a major cause of depression in people can be examined in the developed world. In developed world, people rely on the stage in the provision of food, shelter, education, security and health. This makes it possible for one in such countries to survive even without having and extended family or real friend. These people do not know even neighbours next door or at work. There is little sharing of ideas with others and this much result to depression in these people that comes due to lack of happiness. Treatment of depression Treatment of depression is antidepressant are monominergic agonists and act by inhibiting neurotransmitters reuptake. There is also inhibition of enzymatic degradation and blocking of presynaptic auto receptors. In combination of therapy, there is consideration of lithium, hormone therapy, ECT and deep brain stimulation of limbic system (Marshall, 1999). Hormone therapy involves clinical disorders shown to psychiatric symptom. The studies have shown variability in suitability of different hormones to treat depression. Cognitive behavioural therapy mainly reviews on current thinking and behaviour of an individual (Baum and Singer, 1987). Exercises by those that are much prone to depression helps them reduce instances of the effect. Exercises have psychological benefits more than physical benefits. Positive psychological benefits for those that engage in exercise are not related to mental illness. Psychological beliefs on benefits of exercises include being associated with a reduction in state of anxiety. Exercise can also be associated with decreased level of mild to moderate depression (Roy, 2005). Reduction of neuroticism and anxiety in the long term is also a benefit of exercise in those that are prone to depression. Exercise in an individual reduces various inductions of stress. Exercises in general are beneficial to the emotional effect of all ages and gender. General effects of exercise on the brain mitigate harmful exposure to acute stress at behavioural, emotional, neural, immunological and cellular levels. Exercise alters high brain functions (Roy, 2005). Mental health and association with depression involves different systems in the body including serotonin, noradrenaline, limbic system, neurotropic factors and adrenaline. Noradrenaline increases basal in some parts of the brain in response to stress that is uncontrolled (Aguirre, 2008). Dorsal nuclear projects in the hypothalamus with neurones become sensitized with uncontrolled stress. Adrenaline activates hypothalamus adrenal axis leading to the production of cortisol. There is also stimulation of adrenaline production response. Exercise exerts different effects on already stressed animals (Marshall, 1999). HPA axis and limbic system adapts to exercise by increasing n umber of neuron. In conduction of exercises, there is changes in energy metabolism in the hippocampus which modulates the synaptic plastic for learning and memory (Tanner, 1976). This reduces depression in a person. Neurotropic factors helps in maintenance of levels in the body and increase in levels when there are exercises. BDNF protein in hippocampus differs with ages of individual when examined with exercises that are carried out by the different ages. Treatment of depression using exercise has no statistical difference in terms of outcomes between exercises, cognitive therapy and medication. Inverse relationships between overall physical activity and the likelihood of depression in adults of all ages. In prescriptions that are made for mild-moderate depression must follow preference of patients, supervision, minutes and times per week (Peacock and Casey, 2000). Psychology of improvements to mental health states that exercises encourages and generates positive thoughts and feelings that serve to respond to negative mood states. It provides distractions to activities that occur in an individual. Exercises carried out are associated with the production of chemicals that brings effects on thinking and activities of brain preventing instances of depression. Relation between depressions to biology Research have been conducted out in relations between depression in individuals and biological factors in the individuals. The comparison have been done to those that are depressed and those that are not. It has been found out that the part of brain that is responsible for storage of memories in a person is smaller in those that are depressed as compared to those that are not. Smaller hippocampus in those that are depressed contain fewer serotonin receptors, a main chemical of the brain (Peacock and Casey, 2000). This neurotransmitter chemical is responsible for communication in the body by connection of different brain regions. In those that are depressed, stress hormone that is produced in them is more. Cortisol hormone is that which is responsible for stress in individuals. Different regions are involve with leading of one to depression but none of the regions have been associated with clinical depression. Neurotropic effect brings about stress I persons since it occurs in biological effects of cells in and individual. Biological theories have been developed with genetic components of depression from high co-occurrence in family members and greater frequent depression in twins that come from single egg than in those from separate eggs. Behavioural theories that are related to depression are explained in terms of response to stimulus (Tanner, 1976). Depression through the theories are seen to result from a decreases in getting positive reinforcement in individual behaviour leading to punishment. Factors that lead to low rate of enforcement include lack of skills to attain reinforcements and cope up with these experiences. Environment in which one is exposed to can also lead to lower reinforcement. One may be unable to enjoy positive experiences and only sensitive to negative ones. These reinforcements leads one to depression. Depressed person will lack social skills that are adequately needed and find it hard to obtain reinforcements needed in environments that they live. Conclusion Management of depression can be done through association and making ones self always happy. Stress and activities that leads to trauma can be prevented to reduce instances of depression in people. Mothers can try to adjust faster to responsibility and increased activities of taking care of their children after birth such that they are not depressed. Drug and substance abuse leading to depression especially in youth can be avoided. References Sucker, F. (2003). Depression. New York: Franklin Watts. Wasserman, D. (2011). Depression. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tanner, O. (1976). Stress. New York: Time-Life Books. Silverstein, A., Silverstein, V. and Nunn, L. (1997). Depression. Springfield, NJ, USA: Enslow Publishers. Roy, J. (2005). Depression. New York: Benchmark Books. Peacock, J. and Casey, J. (2000). Depression. Mankato, Minn.: LifeMatters. Moragne, W. (2001). Depression. Brookfield, Conn.: Twenty-First century Books. Marshall, G. (1999). Stress. Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Kim, H. (1999). Depression. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press. Hammen, C. (1997). Depression. Hove, East Sussex [England]: Psychology Press. Hales, D. (1989). Depression. New York: Chelsea House. Estleman, L. (1996). Stress. New York, NY: Mysterious Press. Cox, T. (1978). Stress. Baltimore: University Park Press. Baum, A. and Singer, J. (1987). Stress. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. Aguirre, B. (2008). Depression. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Read More

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