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The Controversial Issue of Legalization Marijuana - Essay Example

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The paper "The Controversial Issue of Legalization Marijuana" states that the government should not allow people to easily get the weapon of mass destruction like drugs. Notwithstanding that there are some reasons for drugs legalization, there are more reasons for them to remain illegal…
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The Controversial Issue of Legalization Marijuana
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Should Marijuana Be Legal? Legalization of marijuana is very controversial issue. It is not surprising as the bothsides have rather convincing arguments. The controversy is not going to come to the end, thus it is very important to make right decision and take important measures. Certainly, in order to do that it is essential to do extra research and carefully analyze all the arguments and all the pros and cons. The both proponents and opponents have convincing arguments, thus the task is not easy. The issue is worth-discussing, thus the given paper will analyze the arguments and prove why al the drugs and marijuana in particular should not be legalized. The first important argument to discuss is the harmfulness of drugs for people’s health. Everybody knows and the harm strong drugs like cocaine and heroine can cause, but at the same time many prefer to ignore harm caused by light drugs like marijuana. It is essential to determine how addiction to marijuana damages people’s health. Addiction can be divided into psychological and physiological dependence (Fang 2). Although symptoms of physiological dependence do occur in conjunction with marijuana abuse, psychological dependence plays a significant role in an individual’s development and maintenance of a habit. Both physiological and psychological addictions have powerful effects on individuals; it affects the human body and brain in different manners. Physiological dependence occurs when an individual develops tolerance to a substance, and requires larger dosages to reach the desired point of inebriation. Tolerance and physiological dependence is actually a physiological adaptation, which develops with prolonged use of a substance. Some addicts also claim to take drugs not for the pleasure they experienced originally, but because they feel the need to avoid the withdrawal symptoms which will inevitably occur (Head). Many people use drugs in order to forget about their problems, to run away from the reality. This creates new problems for them. Despite the fact that marijuana is successfully used in medicine, it still causes addiction with many individuals who tend use it just to have fun and represents a threat to human’s health, thus it is essential to address the factors which influence human’s decision to start using marijuana. The addiction can easily lead to heart and lung diseases and mental disorders (Hayne 3). Drugs addiction makes our organisms weaker, susceptible to diseases and can be even the reason of cancer. Marijuana affects human’s brain, thus can lead to many troubles, injures and traffic accidents. Many people die from heart attack caused by drugs. Those women who use drugs during pregnancy create a great risk for their future child. “According to Keith Ablow, “judging from the frequent users of marijuana I have met with in my practice, this predicts a likely increase in the number of people suffering with depression, the number suffering with worsening symptoms of underlying psychotic illnesses, the number suffering with attention deficit and memory problems and the number who will be involved in accidents at work and on the roads” (Ablow 1). Legalizing marijuana will inevitably increase the number of its users. This will automatically increase the number of traffic accidents and other crimes. If to investigate the reasons of so much controversy around the issue, it becomes clear that people simply want to have free access to drugs to use them more and have pleasure. If to legalize drugs, humans will become under a very serious threat of disappearing, because of a great harm caused to their health. There are many investigators which consider marijuana to be useful. For instance, Gucciardi in his article states, “Why is marijuana illegal when research has shown marijuana to be beneficial to health? The federal government even goes as far as to classify marijuana as dangerous – leading to the substance being outlawed” (Gucciardi 2). However, even if drugs can be called useful, they should be used only in medicine and by people who really need it. Legalizing marijuana can destroy the life of many families. If parents smoke drugs, children will also start doing that. This would create a real threat to nation. Every new generation will be weaker and humans finally disappear from the planet. Enyart states: “regarding marijuana use or any moral question, arguing right and wrong in today’s society is especially difficult because a growing number of people reject absolute right and wrong” (Enyart 2). Moreover, many families can be destroyed because of free drug usage and children will remain without one or the both parents. This can lead to the destruction of nation and to the illumination of important values, which were cultivated in the society for centuries (Enyart). The main point of proponents of legislation is the access to marijuana in medical establishments. Marijuana is actively applied in medicine, but it is forbidden in the society. This ban usually becomes a reason of much suffering of patients who really need to use this drug, because they simply can’t get it easily when they need. Michael Hayne in his work reflects all the horror connected with that. He accuses the government in bureaucracy telling the story of a sick woman whose husband made a number of unsuccessful attempts to get marijuana for in hospital. They tried to get the drug legally, but it was really impossible. Hayne quotes the husband: “At this point, I’ve given up. I’ve given up any hope of getting help from the state through legal channels. I’ll just get what my wife needs illegally”. Such cases create rather convincing arguments. It appears that when marijuana is really needed and can be useful, it is impossible to get it. However, when somebody wants to get it unlawfully to have some fun, he gets it in any case for money. Many health care workers use their connections to provide people drugs and earn money. Certainly, this situation should be considered and changes should be made. However, this does not mean that marijuana should be made absolutely legal. Fratelo states: “Patients and doctors who get involved with medical marijuana face potentially grave risks. And government seems committed to maximizing the fear and uncertainty faced by those who might benefit using it” (Fratello). Taking into account the case, we can conclude that marijuana should not be legalized, but it should be allowed in medical establishments for patients who really need it. The proponents of legislation also state that marijuana should not be forbidden because it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. They argue that if the laws forbid marijuana, alcohol and tobacco should be also forbidden as they are not more harmful for human’s health. They also state that the attempt of the government to forbid alcohol always failed, because “forbidden fruit” is very sweet. If to forbid people to do something, they will try to break the rule by all means. “According to Tom Head, “while some advocates for the status quo claim that marijuana laws prevent people from harming themselves, the most common rationale is that they prevent people from harming themselves and from causing harm to the larger culture. But laws against self-harm always stand on shaky ground—predicated, as they are, on the idea that the government know whats good for you better than you do—and no good ever comes from making governments the guardians of culture” (Head). Thus, according to proponents of legalization, there is no need to forbid marijuana if alcohol and tobacco are allowed. However, if to investigate the issue, it becomes clear that drugs addiction is much more dangerous than alcohol addiction and legalizing drugs will provide people with one more opportunity to kill themselves. Thus, marijuana should not be legalized in order to help people save their health. The survey held for this research showed that the majority of people is against legalizing marijuana. They recognize the harm that would be caused if marijuana is legalized. Moreover, they consider marijuana to be more harmful than alcohol and tobacco (Survey). Though there are some arguments made by proponents, which can be considered convincing, there are still too many reasons for marijuana to stay illegal. Drugs are very harmful for our health and marijuana is not an exception. Marijuana affects our brain and can be the cause of many troubles including traffic accidents, which frequently happen because of drugs. Those women who use marijuana during pregnancy risk to lose the fetus or to give birth to a very sick child. Drugs destroy many families and children remain without parents. Many researchers state that it is too difficult for the government to keep marijuana illegal as it demands many costs. For example, Fang states: “Private prison corporations make millions by incarcerating people who have been imprisoned for drug crimes, including marijuana” (Fang 1). Certainly, this should be considered as a reason to help humanity disappear from the planet. Like any other drug, marijuana should stay illegal. The government should not allow people easily get the weapon of mass destruction like drugs. Notwithstanding that there are some reasons for drugs legalization, there are more reasons for them to remain illegal. References Ablow, Keith. The psychological impact of legalizing marijuana., 2012 Enyart, B. Why marijuana should be illegal., 2012, Web. July 17, 2014 Hayne, Michael. Cruel Bureaucracy of Medical Marijuana Law Forces Sick, Frustrated Patients to Find Another Way. NEWJERSEYNEWSROOM.COM, 2013 Head, Tom. 8 Reasons Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized., Web July 17, 2014 Fang, Lee. 5 special interest groups that help keep marijuana illegal., 2012. Web. July 17, 2014 Fratello, Dave. Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes. Web July 17, 2014 Gucciardi, A.Why is Marijuana Illegal? Examining the health aspects of cannabis., 2011, Web July 17, 2014 Classroom survey. July 17, 2014 Read More
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