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American War on Drugs - Case Study Example

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The following paper 'American War on Drugs' presents drugs that are a problem within the United States since some of their prohibition effects. President Richard Nixon had started a War on Drugs since June 18, 1971, and this has lead to a lot of debate…
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American War on Drugs
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Richard Nguyen Hetrick Eng 202 13 March The Harm by Drugs Drugs are a problem within the United s since some of their prohibition effects. President Richard Nixon had started a War on Drugs since June 18, 1971, and this has lead to a lot of debate that many Americans feel that it is unfair and is feeding the prison system with more inmates than it intended to have in capacity. Illegal drugs trade has done much to increase the potency of drugs. Not only has it done that, but its price soars for those desperate to get their hands on. Drugs are becoming extremely more violent nowadays and drug dealers wage wars with other drug cartels, which it also affects Americas borders with Mexico and how drugs are getting into the United States as well. Some drugs are made legal in the prescription system of the United States government; however, that does not mean if the patient is going to use the drug as prescribed and he or she would rather abuse his or her use of them. Drugs can affect families too. Mentally, physically, financially, and the list goes on when it comes to illegal drugs within families whereas it is uncontrollable. Alcohol is a drug that was once banned or prohibited by the 18th Amendment within the United States Constitution by the Womens Rights Movement in 1920. It was later repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933 because it was so widely used that it did not bring about a positive outcome in American history with so much crime that even alcohol can be grown in ones own backyard. With all the distracted environmental effects of drugs within all aspects in the country, the solution here is to reduce harm related to drugs and harm caused by drug policies. Rationale for the causes of drug abuse and the need to reduce harm related their use and harm caused by drug policies Although many laws have been put in place to curb the menace of drug abuse, it is noticeable that there is still much that need to be done since the war on drugs has not been worn yet. With the issue of poverty and the rise of cost of living increasing every day, the issue of drugs continues to grow bigger and bigger. Bennett (80), argued that due to poverty, many people find it difficult to put up with effects of poverty thus engaging in different forms of activities that they feel would help them forget the problems they have at hand. For instance, due to lack other means of relieving their problems, some people find it imperative to engage in alcoholism and other substance abuse. However, according to Day (147) instead of relieving the problem, they end up fueling the problems. A young man that has found it difficult to secure a job would feel discouraged and decide to take the roots of drugs to momentarily forget the problem. However, since effects of drugs in the body last for some hours, if the young man had taken the drugs in the evening, when he wakes up in the morning, the situation is the same well denoted by the lack of job. Besides, during such incidences, the young man might spend all his savings in drugs only to wake up in the morning and finds out that he has nothing left. In such a situation, the problem escalates even more. In light of such deliberation, there is a need to have some measures taken to reduce such incidences. In the past, scores of studies have been conducted in the search for solutions of drugs but they fail to address the causes of drug use. They mostly concentrate on reducing the effects related to drugs use. Therefore, since poverty has been found to play a key role in influencing people into drugs, it would be appropriate to have mechanisms put in place to reduce the rate of poverty. For instance, the relevant authorities must have mechanisms of ensuring that the youth get employment opportunities that would assist them keep off drugs. Due to idleness and lack of job, people find it easy to venture into drugs than other alternative ways of earning living. Although it is not possible to offer jobs to everybody, the concerned parties or the relevant stakeholders should ensure that there are some programs that unemployed people can be enrolled to so that they can have alternative ways of making money. Studies have documented that poverty, drugs and crime are connected. In communities where the level of poverty is high, there is a tendency of having higher rates of crime in such areas. This also prevails to the use of drugs in crime and poverty susceptive areas. Therefore, it is correct to argue that the other critical way of addressing the issue of drugs and the harm brought about by them is by improving the security in the United States. This assertion is supported by what Denning, Little, and Glickman (12) proposed. He argued that most of instances of crime are connected to the use of drugs. Some people cannot commit crime in their sober minds until they take drugs. Therefore, if crime is controlled, some people would not find it necessary to take drugs since they use drugs as stimulants so that they can commit crime. Therefore, putting in place ways of reducing crime can also aid in eradicating the drugs. Some people argue that the issue of drugs and crime cannot end until the two issues have been eliminated. For example, although the issue of crime can be articulated on the basis of its cause for the use of drugs, the other dangerous thing about the two is that drugs also cause people to commit crime. Therefore, to comprehensively do away with either of them, it would be accurate to articulate on the strategies that aim at eliminating both of them. Education has also been argued to play a big part in determining the level of drugs use in a certain community. Therefore, if the issue of education is well articulated upon, it is possible to deal with the drugs and their effects. For instance, Evans and Berent (14) pointed out that in communities where the level of education is low, the use of drugs is reportedly higher than areas with many educated people. The logic behind this assertion is based on the idea of learned people concentrating on positive things that can help them become successful people in life. This is as opposed to people that have no or little education. Most of the time, uneducated people have a lot of time deliberating on how they can cope with life. They lack means of changing their lives thus what they resort to is stimulating themselves so that they can relieve their problems. In this regard, it is arguably perfect to say that solving the issue of education could also be instrumental in that this would help. Relevant stakeholders should ensure that strategies to prioritize education in the community are put in place and fully implemented. Parents must come together and support the government in coming up with better education policies that would help in reducing instances of illiteracy in the community, which are known to cause people especially the youth to venture in substance abuse (Denning, Little, and Glickman 12). For example, the government should set the lowest level that every American needs to reach. The quality offered should also be prioritized to avoid the issue of education irrelevance. With proper education, people would have full idea of the effects of drugs thus they would avoid using the at all costs. Although almost every person is aware of the effects linked to the use of substance, it becomes critical when there is a direct knowledge in the heart of people. Studies have also documented that the environment plays an imperative role in determining the use of drugs within the community. Children brought up in different environment have been reported to possess different traits that characterize the kind of a person the children grow to be. For instance, children brought up in environments full of crime and other antisocial behaviors tends to develop the attitude of becoming socially incompatible. This includes the use of drugs among other antisocial behaviors. Conversely, children brought up in quiet and environments where people have disciplines have higher chances of being upright people in the society where drug use is considered as crime and socially unacceptable. Some children are reared in neighborhood where growing of some drugs such as marijuana is high. Such children have higher chances of engaging in drug trafficking or being drug users and addicts. Therefore, it would be indispensable to have mechanisms put in place to improve the neighborhoods that children are brought up in. laws must be enacted to dictate on the kind of environments best recommended for the children to grow and the general population. In a different perspective, the environments have been argued to highly contribute to change of the way of life of different people. The parents tend to rear their children depending on their current environment. The kind of parenting style that parents employ to rear their children is necessary in that it determines the kind of people the children would grow to be (Bennett 82). For instance, children brought up in a permissive parenting style have higher chances of engaging in drugs and other related social issues. This is because they fail to have the right behaviors that show them the importance of being upright people in the society. Children brought up by parents that care about them have less chances of engaging in drug activities when they grow up. In light of the above deliberation, it would be accurate to point out that the populous needs to be educated on the importance of rearing the children in the right way. Consequences of the lack of parent control to their children should be indicated so that there is adequate information of what would befall them in case they fail to adhere to that. Through different departments, the government can initiate different programs that can help in disseminating the information to the public on how they can rear their children in the right way (Tisdale 179). Although sometimes it becomes difficult to control the behavior of individuals to their distinct personalities, it is critical to have different counselors employed to take care of communities. This way, people with distinct personalities that might lead them to the use of drugs can be effectively solved by offering counseling services to them. Peer pressure has also been cited to facilitate drug use among the youth. Therefore, if youth can be subjected to counseling, they can reduce the rate of drug consumption in the society. However, there should be different ways of helping the youth come out from the issue of drugs because they are the most affected group. With the increase with technology, it would be easier to disseminate information to many people within a short time that it used to be two decades ago. For instance, through the use of mobile phones, the information about the dangers of the use of drugs can be sent to many people within a short time and would consume fewer resources as compared to when it would involve forums and other workshops. Some people do not even have time to attend to such forums thus it would be easier if the use of technology can be employed in reducing the use of drugs. Rationale for the effect of drug abuse and the need for harm reduction in drugs and drug polices The use of drug laws has not been seen to have greater impact to the fight against the drugs. Although they have been used to curb the menace, it would be critical to reflect on the laws that tend to work and those that do not work. For instance, the law requiring people to be jailed for drug use may not be as effective as expected because of many reasons. For example, when people are put to prison, there is a possibility that they would come out change people or that they come out being worse than when they went there. Drug related criminals can be subjected to parole and probation in order to help them change their behaviors. Studies have documented that some people become dangerous to the public when released from prison especially if they were not subjected to any probation program. Therefore, reviewing the laws put in place to deal with drugs is indispensable. In a broader sense, if the drug offenders can be subjected to counseling programs, it would be possible to change their behaviors to help them avoid the use of drugs thus eliminating the effects of drug use. Additionally, Falkowski (51), argued that counseling offers an opportunity for people to off-road things that might be affecting them. For instance, drug offenders might disclose things that have been disturbing them and this can help the psychiatrists to discover the best ways of helping such people. However, some laws especially those that address the issue of drug peddlers have been argued to be lenient in that they offer opportunities to offenders to get away with their crime especially when the court orders them to pay a fine. Most of them are wealthy and can easily pay the fine and get back to their business as usual (Husak 90). Apparently, after the abuse of drugs for a long period of time, it is only obvious that the drug users will eventually suffer from various health issues and complications. For instance, the continuous and excessive use of alcohol has been confirmed to result to liver cirrhosis, which may eventually lead to death. Additionally, excessive use of marijuana has been confirmed to cause brain damages among other related effects. Similarly, various types of drugs such as cocaine and heroin have been known to cause health complications that might live with the victims for the rest of their life. According to Fountain, et al (23)most institutions across the world have dealt more with on the reduction and the elimination of drug use and neglected the need to reduce the harm that is caused by drug use. Of importance to note, is that over and above the treatment and prevention of drug use, there must be the incorporation of harm reduction strategies because they are crucial components. In relation to health as an effect of drug abuse, it is necessary that strategies and / or policies are put in place to ensure that there is reduced supply of the substances to the users. Additionally, there should be proper rehabilitation program particularly of the addicts who have been adverse mental illnesses. It is for undoubted reasons that the use of drug must be associated with money. In most cases, users of various substances such as alcohol, heroin and cocaine have strong relation with time because the more the use of drugs the more the users become addicts of the same. As such, substance users get to the point where there can no longer work or attend to their daily routine. Husak and Marneffe (86) articulate that once the substance users have become serious addicts, then there two possibilities; one is that they cannot spend a day without using the substance making it easier to use even the finances that is meant for other necessities; two is that at the pick of their substance use, they are not able to fed for their families due to lack of stability. As a result, poverty is witnessed and further confirmed. Consequently, there should be call for non- judgmental, and provision of services that are non coercive to drug users and their communities in order to assist them in the reduction of attendant. In the same way, they should recognize the realities of poverty and other related social inequalities such as past trauma and social isolation. These issues are meant to affect the vulnerability of people and the capacity to effectively deal with drug related harm. During the practice of harm reduction and harm reduction polices, it is imperative to comprehend that the use of drugs is part of our current world and thus there must be sacrifices to reduce its harmful effects rather than simply ignoring the substance users or even condemning them (Lowinson 1085). Conclusion With many deliberations on the causes and effects of drugs, it is apparent that there is urgency in the need to have clear mechanisms of dealing with the problem put in place. Reduction of poverty is necessary with the intent of reducing incidences that push people to indulge in drugs. The fight against crime should be intensified because the two go hand in hand. People should be sensitized on the need to stay away from drugs while their effects are clearly outlined. Issues affecting the youth should be addressed to avoid pushing them to drugs since they are susceptive to drugs that any other groups. This can be achieved by addressing imperative issues such as unemployment and education. Communities with low level of education have high rates of drug use. Laws should be reviewed to give room for rehabilitation of drug addicts as well as deal with the cartels firmly. This is indispensable because it is only the poor that end up suffering when family member is affected or becomes a victim of drugs. The family undergoes stressful moments as well as their financial status decline as they try to help one of their members. Therefore, allowing drug peddlers to pay a fine and go out and continue selling the drugs offers no comprehensive solution to the problem. All stakeholders must engage in a discussion on the appropriate way to reduce the problem and avoid pointing fingers to one another. Works Cited: Bindle, Julie. "The Ups and Downs of Legalising Highs." (20 Feb 2014). Rpt. in New Statesman. 2014 ed. Vol. 143. N.p.: New Statesman, 2014. 12-14. Ser. 7. Web. Bennett, Trevor. et al. Understanding drugs, alcohol and crime. Maidenhead : Open University Press. 2005. Print. Day, Marcus. and Klein, Axel. Caribbean drugs: from criminalization to harm reduction. Kingston, Jamaica [u.a.] Randle [u.a.] 2004.Print. Denning, Patt and Little, Jeannie and Glickman, Adina. Over the influence: the harm reduction guide for managing drugs and alcohol. New York : Guilford Press, 2004. Print . Evans, Rod and Berent, Irwin. Drug legalization: for and against. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1992. Print. Falkowski, Carol. Dangerous drugs: an easy-to-use reference for parents and professionals. Center City, Minn.: Hazelden, 2003. Print. Fountain, Jane et al. Drugs in society: European perspectives. Abingdon [u.a.] : Radcliffe. 2007. Print. Husak, Douglas and Marneffe, Peter. The legalization of drugs. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print. Husak, Douglas. Legalize this!: the case for decriminalizing drugs. London: Verso 2002. Print. Lowinson, Joyce. et al. Substance abuse : a comprehensive textbook. Philadelphia, Penns. : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Print. Tisdale, James. et al. Drug-induced diseases : prevention, detection, and management. Bethesda, Md. : American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. 2010. Print. Read More
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