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Public Health and Well Being of Populations - Research Paper Example

"Public Health and Well Being of Populations" paper serves to show the immense importance of Public Health and the community in a bid to promote the well-being of the American Population. Public health is a multidisciplinary program whose aims and objective are to help in the prevention of diseases…
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Public Health and Well Being of Populations
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Public Health and Well Being of Populations and Introduction Public Health and community health agencies are indispensable. They play a great and significant role in the development of any nation. The well being of a nation’s population must always be enhanced and campaigned for. However, research shows that there are many health problems and issues that face the American population, and Public Health plays a great role in addressing this problems and mitigating the risk factors. This work shall serve to show the immense importance of Public Health and the community in a bid to promote the well being of the American Population. Role of community and public health in the well being of populations Public health is a multidisciplinary program and an approach whose aims and objective is to help in prevention of diseases, prolong life and campaign for better lives (Chia, 2011). It does this through its many organized and well formulated efforts, sound choices and society organizations. The main focus of public health is to improve the quality of life and promote health through preventing and treating diseases. It also campaigns for healthy lifestyles and behaviors as a disease and health problems prevention measure (Chapman et al, 2004). Public health and the community work closely with the help of pharmacists, epidemiologists, public health nurses among many other people. Some examples of public health measures as Brown, Bopp and Boren (2005) collectively note include condom dispensations, campaigns for safe sex, vaccinations, emphasis on hand washing to prevent diarrhea among others. Examples of agencies involved in public health include the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Program (CDC), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Food and Drug Administration among others. These agencies work in collaboration with the community health services organizations to promote healthy living among populations. There are countless roles that the community and public role play to uphold the well being of populations. First, they provide advice and leadership on important and sensitive matters pertaining to health. For instance, they might give their advice and leadership on matters pertaining to emergency and disasters. For instance, they can give their advice on the rise of HIV infections in a particular community (Chia, 2011). Secondly, they not only access but also monitor the health situation in a population. The community and public health assess the patterns of a disease or an infection in a particular group of people or [population, note whether the patterns are positive or negative. This way, they can offer their advice on what they feel should be done. In addition, the public health is responsible for communication and awareness creation on issues that affect a community (Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2005). Currently, public health 2.0 allows the agencies to communicate and interact with people with social networks such as Facebook and twitter. Communities and public health agencies also diagnose and carry out research on any health problems (De Castro et al, 2012). For instance, in 2008, they carried out a research and noticed that over 1.5 billion people in USA were obese. They therefore monitor this problem and carry out research to find out how this number can be reduced. Lastly, the public health agencies are responsible for documenting the success, failure or impact of any program or intervention that has been set towards achieving a specific goal (Chia, 2011). The community and public health therefore play an indispensable role in promoting the well being of people. Applications of epidemiology to health of communities Public health is very relevant and important in protecting and promoting the well being of individuals and works hand in hand with epidemiology. Epidemiology, as Rothman (2012) notes, is an instrument used in public health undertakings to help in not just protecting but also in promoting the health of the public by being used to study and analyze the distribution of risk factors and determinants of health problems. Epidemiology does this by working and building on knowledge, statistics, probabilities and research methods. It also applies casual reasoning in interpretation of results and applying the studies carried out in control the health problems. It has been described as the “what, who, when and where of health” (Rothman, 2012). Epidemiology tries to find out the causes and other determinants that affect the occurrence of health issues and activities like syndromes, injuries among others. A branch of epidemiology known as analytic epidemiology tries to why and how of health related events by drawing comparisons between different groups and populations and their varying rates of disease occurrence. Epidemiology is used in carrying out assessments on a population and/or a community. This helps to identify the probable and actual health issues of a particular community and identifies which people are at more risk and their demographic characteristics. Rothman (2012) suggests that epidemiology goes ahead to monitor which health problems have been reducing overtime and if there is any relationship or pattern between the reduction and the available services. It is also a great factor in affecting individual decisions. Public health identifies that one of the main determinant of the main health problems is the wrong daily choices made by people. Epidemiology is thus embraced by the many choices that people make from exercising, healthy feeding and alcohol intake reduction. Epidemiological records show that by nearly 1950’s, the rate of lung cancer was very high and has been affected by the choices that people make overtime (Rothman, 2012). In addition, it helps in comprehensively understanding the heavy burden that diseases place in the community. Epidemiologists therefore help by identifying the syndromes of a particular disease that is burdening a community, and works in collaboration with physicians and clinicians, laboratory experts and doctors to figure out how to reduce this burden. Epidemiology has been described by Rothman (2012) as the Cinderella of medical activities, and it is evident that it plays many great roles in enhancing the well being of communities. Association of health care organization and /or public health Healthcare organizations associations are responsible for supporting member’s to have a sole voice with regards to enhancing, promoting and maintaining a healthy community. The associations are able to do this through mass media campaigns, education to its members and to the community, data collection and analysis among other means (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006). In the USA, there are different categories of healthcare organizations. To begin with is the care providers association. These are the people responsible with provision of health care. A good example is the nurses and clinicians who work in the free clinics. There are also policy makers in the healthcare organization associations. They are responsible for formulating, discussing and carrying out research in an attempt to forward suitable policies regarding a particular healthy issue. In addition, there are also state affiliate and family members, all who are part of the healthcare organization associations (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006; Chia, 2011). These associations are keen to enlist the services of professionals for maximum and efficient delivery of healthcare services. The associations are also include any suitable forwarded interventions, and work hand in hand with public health. In relation to public health, they are important in creating awareness, promotion of healthy lifestyles and prevention of diseases (Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2005). In healthcare services deliveries, these associations are responsible for activities such as diagnosis, treatment and containment of diseases, preventing and attending to illnesses and injuries. Some of the common associations and organizations include nutrition Programs, Day Care Centers, Community Mental Health Centers, Medicare and Medicaid providers among others. These associations are very significant in promotion of health to the public and to all the people in general. Role of community agencies in ensuring well being of culturally diverse populations In the USA, there are different types of people from different background, origins and ethnicity. The population in this nation is culturally diverse, and it is essential that the health needs of all people be taken care of. Cultural diversity refers to the different range and spread of cultures in a given nation, including the dissimilar language groups that are present in a given population. Usually, the members who fall in this bracket identify as having no affiliations or connections with the mainstream culture of a given people. They have no ethnic, ancestry, religion or language affiliations (De Castro et al, 2012). In USA, there are many people who can be referred to as immigrants, and have different cultures from the western culture in the nation. They have different languages, different religions and different beliefs, yet with all these distinguishing factors, it is important that their well being be taken care of. An example of this people is the Muslims who are found in America. The Muslims have very different beliefs, norms and practices from the Christians who are the major population in America. Most of them can be ranked as conservative and their family ties/communities are closely knitted. Cultural competence when dealing with them is thus very important. These people are part of the American population and hence they must not be discriminated upon, or their cultures and beliefs disregarded because they are a minority. To ensure their well being, community agencies adopt various approaches. First, they provide policies and procedures that are effective. These policies should have minimal interference with the beliefs and communities. For instance, with the Muslims, policies made towards promoting their well being should not interfere with their time of prayer, or with their beliefs and practices (Chapman et al, 2004). Secondly, the community agencies incorporate some people from these communities in their programs and their centers, albeit as minority staff. This is because some of the immigrants still feel foreign and might be afraid to approach the health centers for advice or inquiries, but once they know that a person of their religion or community is there to listen to t6hem, they will be more comfortable. The communities go to an extent of enlisting interpreter services from one of the people of these diverse populations (Chapman, et al, 2004; Merson, Black & Mills, 2006). This way, communication becomes easier and public health objectives can be easily men. In addition, to ensure the well being of people with different cultural backgrounds, the community agencies ensure that free clinics and public health local centers are established within the people’s locality, and ensure that the necessary resources are made available. This makes it easier for these people to not only seek advice but also air their views concerning any public health issues (Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2005). In some states, to effectively and efficiently cater for the well being of the culturally diverse people, their health needs are considered and laid out separately from those of the natives. This is one way of reaching out to them and making them open up, ready to embrace a healthier America. Public health organizational structure As illustrated above, on the top most of the public health department is the Public Health Advisory Committee. The members in this committee are responsible for giving advising and views regarding health problems and policies. On the same rank is the Director of Public Health who is also responsible of making consultations and making major decisions related to Public Health and the Office of Civil Rights. Under the three, there is the Chief Director of Operations who oversees most, if not all the major operations and activities of the department. At the same rank is the Chief Deputy Director of Policy and Programs who is responsible for analyzing and looking into the crucial and major programs of public health, and forwarding them to the higher level ranking. In addition in this rank is the Assistant Director of External Affairs and is responsible for overseeing the sub branches below him and give advice regarding any external affairs pertaining public health. The three people in this second rank oversee the many departments listed below them (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006). Chronic Diseases-a public Health Problem A health problem is described as a condition or circumstance of human beings, which can be illustrated and presented in terms to show the quality of life or as a measurement of health status. A good example of such a health problem includes HIV transmission and infections, obesity, infant mortality, and smoking among others (Chia, 2011). Public health is not only responsible for preventing diseases in a population, but also for helping people make informed choices in life. Chronic diseases are a major public problem, and public health is striving hard to fight against it. Statistics reveal that there are about 7-10 deaths in America each year which are caused by chronic related diseases (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006). The chronic diseases considered here include heart diseases, arthritis, cancer, depression among others. The records, according to Merson, Black and Mills, (2006) also show that about 75% of the total health care costs in America are due to the many chronic conditions. Public health is therefore very determined to fight against this menace. It does this by educating people on the risk factors of such diseases, advising them on healthy and safe living. In addition, public health caters for this by emphasizing on priority being given to treatment and care of chronic diseases. Public health and communities also guide in the planning and evaluation of the programs made in public health related to chronic diseases (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006). Earlier in history, chronic diseases were mainly associated with adults and people advanced in age, but currently, even children and adolescents are being diagnosed with them. The percentage, records show, has increased from 2% in the 1970’s to about 10% in 2012 (De Castro et al, 2012). The main determinants that have been linked to this include increased alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, poor and unhealthy nutrition and increased use of tobacco. To counter this problem, the public health educates people on healthy feeding and nutrition reduced intake of alcohol and cigarette smoking and increased rate of physical activity. They campaign for taking the stairs rather than the lift, and cooking ones food instead of consuming processed foods (Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2005). Funding of community health services Community health services are indispensable, and the society can not do without them. Community health services play a significant role in prevention of disease, injuries and giving helpful advice to its people. They also play a role in integrating sound interventions and providing them to people in different community settings from churches, schools, mass gatherings among others. The service renders in these community health services are usually volunteers who are qualified, including professionals, nurses, clinicians and others. Others however who are not volunteers are, but they are paid a small salary. This means that this community health services need funds to aptly keep running (Merson, Black and Mills, 2006). The affordable care act gave birth to the Public Health Fund, which is one source of funding for the community health services. The funding is also provided by the Coalition for Health Funding, which is a collaboration of about 50 national health organizations. These organizations are keen to ensure that the funding remains adequate and constant to meet the demand of the public (De Castro et al, 2012). In addition, these community agencies ensure that people with diverse cultural backgrounds are well taken care of. This also results to more resources being needed by the community agencies. The recent cuts in health budgets have hit the community services organizations hard, as they now have to do more with less. The government should ensure that these community agencies are aptly funded so that the noble task they provide to the society does not stop. Role of communication in addressing community and public health problems Public health as already seen is paramount and important, and for it to aptly and efficiently function, it is vital that communication be embraced. Communication plays a major role in any successful organization, community and public health not exempted. This is why there was an inclusion oh health communication chapter in the earlier developed Healthy People 2010 (De Castro et al, 2012). Information is power, and the more empowered people are, the better they become. There are many important roles that communication plays in addressing community and public health problems. First, communication helps to orient change. These changes might either be individual or a societal change. Here, communication serves to enlighten people on the risk factors of what they do, and what can be done to mitigate these factors (Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2005). Secondly, communication helps in demonstrating and illustrating the advantages of changes in behavior, hence encouraging more and more people to take a turn in their lives. In addition, communication is an important factor in increasing the knowledge and awareness of the intended audience concerning a health issue. For example, people know that HIV exists, and it is a deadly disease, but do they know the level of the stigma that comes with it and the struggle that some of the affected families go through? It is the role of communication to enlighten and increase the knowledge of people on such issues (De Castro et al, 2012; Brown, Bopp and Boren, 2012). Communication, as De Castro et al (2012) collectively agree, helps to influence the beliefs, mores, attitudes and perceptions of a people and as a result might lead to a change in the norms of a particular society. For example, there are countries in the Arab World who still practice Female Genital Mutilation. They believe it is a healthy and important rite, yet studies and experiences have shown the devastating results of such. Communication would be of great help to influence a change in beliefs and behaviors of these people for a better and healthier society. There are many more significant roles of communication in addressing public health problems and promoting health, and in extension protecting the health of the public requires efficient and sound communication. Conclusion It is evident form the above work that public health plays a role that can not be dismissed or ignored towards promoting health for the American population. The various agencies and organization under Public Health all play significant roles, and it is safe to say that America without Public Health is susceptible to many health issues and problems. Public Health is after all important in disaster management. The risk factors of any health problem are mitigated through Public Health activities, and the positive changes in individual behaviors and health practices are all thanks to Public Health. In my healthcare career, I will definitely love to contribute in the epidemiological field to help my community and promote safer lives. It is one of the major applications in Public Health. References Brown, G., Bopp, K., & Boren, S. (2005). Assessing Communication Effectiveness in Meeting Corporate Goals of Public Health Organizations. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 28(2), 159-188. Chapmann, J., Shaw,S., Carter, Y., Pefchey, R. (2004). Public Health Capacity in the New OPrimary Care Organizations: Identifying a Workforce that is Fit for Purpose. Critical Public Health, 14(1), 17-26. Chia, S. (2011). Empowerment in the Public Health Practices. Journal of Nursing, 58(1), 23-27. De Castro, P., Marsili, D., Poltronierie, E., Elisabeta, C., Carlos, A. (2012). Dissemination of Public Health Information: Key Tools Utilized by NECOBELAC Network in Europe and Latin America. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29(2), 119-130. Merson, M., Black, R., & Mills, A. (2006). International Public Health: Disease, Programs, Systems and Policies. New York: Jones and Bartlett Learning. Rothman, K. (2012). Epidemiology: An Introduction: Oxford University Press. Read More

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