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Impact of Obesity on Health Care Costs - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Impact of Obesity on Health Care Costs" highlights that obesity in the USA has been continually perceived as a major health issue. While many built-up countries have recorded high obesity prevalence rates in the recent past, USA has gone further to skyrocketing prevalence levels…
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Impact of Obesity on Health Care Costs
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 Impact of Obesity on Health Care Costs Table of Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………..3 Introduction……………………………………………………………4 Case Study: Obesity in America……………………………………….6 Causes of the Obesity Epidemic in America…………………………..8 Healthcare Costs Associated With Obesity in America……………….10 Control of Obesity in America………………………………………...11  Impact of Obesity on Health Care Costs Abstract Throughout the recent decades, obesity has grown into a key universal epidemic. In the United States of America (USA), approximately more than 2/3 of the adult population adults is now overweight, and a third is obese. In this piece of writing, I provide a critically analytical summary of the probable economic blow of the USA obesity epidemic at the nationwide level. Ardent research, which has tirelessly been accomplished to date, has recognized as a minimum four chief groupings of economic implication connected to the obesity epidemic: direct health care costs, productivity costs, transportation costs, and human capital expenses. I assess current evidence on each set of costs categorically, and point out vital gaps for upcoming future research and possible trends in the near future economic effects of obesity. Though a more intensive analysis of expenditures is required, substantial economic blows of obesity are recognized in all the four divisions by existent research. The enormity of possible economic impact highlights the essence of the obesity epidemic as a focal point for strategy and a theme for upcoming research. Additionally, further information regarding the causes of obesity, statistically proved healthcare costs incurred in the management of diabetes and eventually initiatives taken to control obesity have been succinctly outlined. Introduction Obesity is an adverse condition whereby the body synthesizes and accumulates large reserves of fat, which leads to various health-related predicaments (Keller, 2008). Obesity is extremely hazardous if not corrected well and early in advance. It can result into unwelcome health predicaments that can cause excessive spending in its correction. It can also lead into reduces life length or rather expectancy. In the critical Body Mass Index (BMI), people are pronounced as overweight if their BMI count tallies to a range of 25 to 30 kg/m2. If, at any case, the BMI shoots above the upper limit of the former, the individual is pronounced as completely obese (CDC, 2011). Obesity is a passage ticket to many other opportunistic illnesses. These include hypertension, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, cancer and diabetes mellitus among others. These illnesses pose a key health predicament for those people affected by the condition. Obesity is mostly caused by intake of vast amounts of food energy; limited physical fitness exercises and causes doe to genetic inheritance or susceptibility (Keller, 2008). Genetic influence on obesity is, however, not common as genetic material controlling traits for obesity are not present in the human genome. As an explanation to obesity connection with genetic disorders, it is most likely that there are genetic or chromosomal mutations that lead to its manifestation. Obesity can also be experienced because of endocrine disorders, indiscriminate medications and psychiatric diseases that result from the brain (CDC, 2011). The obese persons have an extremely high-energy requirement span that their thin counterparts, since they require more energy to sustain their numerous metabolic processes that serve to sustain the immense body mass. Therefore, Dietary treatment and regular physical exercises are the major correctional methods of counteracting obesity (Reinberg, 2011). To reduce the impact of obesity, a person ought to, substantially, cut down on the high energy and dense foodstuffs, since; they contribute immensely in causing obesity. Dietary concerns, with regard to obesity, can also be addressed and taken care of in other ways, in an aim to reduce the prevalence obesity development. These include, cutting down on high fat and sugary foodstuffs, intake of large amounts of dietary fiber/roughage and regular visits to nutritionists for advice on proper medication in adverse cases. Visiting the physician in case of failure of dietary control, individuals ought to make use of anti-obesity medication that reduces fat absorption and cuts down on the appetite of the individual facing the hurdle of obesity. In further complex cases, open surgery is applied or insertion of an intragastric inflation that reduces the bowel size and the rate of absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream. Being proclaimed as one of the most hazardous and serious cause of death in the 21st century, corpulence has been observed to be highly prevalent in grown-ups and children (CDC, 2011). Being a leading cause of demise in the modern times, it has perceived worldwide attention; thus, physicians and health experts aim at addressing the need for control measures against its imminent prevalence. It is a major public health concern that is facing all continents of the globe. Additionally, as speculated by researchers, obesity in the western world is satirized while it is taken as an insignia of affluence and wealth in some other parts/regions of the world. According to statistics obtained from the USA, about a third of its population is obese. Out of this, additionally, about 17% of the youth and adolescents in the USA, aged between two to nineteen years are suffering from obesity. This kind of obesity trend probably will result in costing the USA about $344 billion in the years beyond 2018. Case Study: Obesity in America In recent years, Obesity in the USA has been continually perceived as a major health issue. While many built-up countries have recorded high obesity prevalence rates in the recent past, USA has gone further to skyrocketing prevalence levels. This is evidenced by the fact that the rates currently tally at approximately 74% in population (CDC, 2011). This is a clear indication that then rates are due to skyrocket further considering the sedentary kind of fancy lifestyle that a big percentage of American citizens prefer. The trend, therefore, succinctly depicts a gradually increasing trend in the tally of the obese population in the USA. This sharp increase results in the quadruplation of the former tally of the prevalence of severe obesity cases in a given number of citizens. In the past years, two people in every 200 were postulated to be obese (Helmich, 2009). However, at present, for every 50 people in a crowd, two are obese. Obesity, in the American population has been established in all groups of people: the children, the elderly, adults, teens, newborns, military personnel and all the other social demarcations. Increase in food usage has profoundly contributed to obesity. As a major health concern and a major cause of death in the USA, obesity has been pronounced as a major cause of death in the country. Their medical counter costs are extremely extortionate and quite vast. This has led to increase in the capital/financial expenditure. This extends further to affect the economical advances in the management of the illness. In fact, obesity transcends death cause boundaries of other causative aspects such as smoking and problem drinking which cause lesser deaths in the population. This calls for an immediate solution to this imminent quandary that claims so many lives of USA citizens. It ought to be addressed clearly and expertly dealt with. Profound research conducted in the USA has proved that approximately ten per-cent of USA medical costs are tied to obesity treatments and thus require a large capital outlay for a reasonable solution. Thus, the congress has been debating on healthcare/medical care expenditures in an effort to curb the extremely extortionate medical expenses the states are facing (CDC, 2011). There have been many public awareness programs and petitions by anti-obese personnel and affected citizens for the government to legislate against excessive distribution of sugary foodstuffs, in an effort to decline the rates of obesity (Otreppe, 2010). There is a dire need for proper legislation b the USA congress house to address this taunting quandary imminent obesity, resulting from loopholes not looked into by the legislating body. Facts derived from obesity research have stipulated the obesity related Medicare costs are too high that it can cripple and bankrupt the USA as a nation. As the report states, the quandary continues aggravating over time at perplexing levels. This is a major threat to the nation’s affluence and prosperity since all funds will be diverted towards the provision of profound health care for the affected population. In recent studies, out of every 5 people, one is obese. This is concentrated in 49 states, a big blow to the economy, due to the obesity-related predicaments. The nation, therefore, is facing a substantial failure in the economy suppression rates (Helmich, 2009). Therefore, the USA government ought to map a distinct and effective way forward to the realization of a healthy and obesity-free nation. Drafting bills for food manufacture, distribution and marketing is, therefore, necessary to counter-act the predicament at hand. Subsequent affirmation is also necessary to enhance full implementation by those concerned: including foodstuff manufacture industries, learning institutions and other food-related industries. Causes of the Obesity Epidemic in America First, the American market is stuffed with junk foods like lean cuisine, pastries, soft drinks and other sugary foods that Americans heavily consume, unawares of the health implication they have on their bodies. The tendency to consume junk foods, fueled by commercials and advertisements is a major contributor to obesity. The Americans resolve to go for the junk foods that seem more delicious and dump their correct dietaries (Otreppe, 2010). Most imminently, the foodstuff manufacturing companies are out for obtaining colossal gains, not bothering to evaluate their implications on the people who take their fatty foodstuffs. Due to the new age of highly advanced and pacing lifestyles, Americans spend a lot of time working and stressing themselves. Overworking and taking in stress and pressures affects the endocrine system, which is responsible for controlling the rates of metabolism. Chronic stress introduced by the traffic jams, societal problems, a mountain of tasks to be completed, noise pollution and societal angst among other stressful incidences result into eventual suppression of the endocrine system that responds by over-secreting the cortisal dysregulation hormone, which in turn leads to under-metabolism, hence, eventual obesity. . Due to living in highly contaminated environments, Americans are poisoning their endocrine systems, which lead to secondary effects that reduce the rate of metabolism and increase in the blood sugar levels (CDC, 2011). Chemicals that surround the in their daily activities are immensely detrimental to their endocrine systems that respond negatively in times of need for dysregulation of the various components in the body. Continued exposure leads to obesity, which causes further health predicaments such as early puberty and sterility on the case of couples. Apparently, in the American culture, people do not eat because of hunger. They, therefore, opt to take fast foods that can satisfy their bellies. This is chronic dieting which causes detrimental health implications. Continued use of these foodstuffs leads to the body being accustomed to the food type (Bailey, 2006). This causes the individual to, only, take the junk foods all through. They, thus, get fatter and unhealthier due to these foods. Such a situation leads to obesity in individuals. Most of contemporary industrially manufactured foods have fiber and important mineral nutrients stripped off. This leaves the biggest percentage of fats and other hazardous chemicals that help top fatten Americans. These foods are cheaply sold and are widely available for consumption. However, they are the worst foods in terms of calorific value and with regard to proper dietary concerns. These junk foods have lots of sugars, hydrogenated fats, glucose and taste additives to stimulate the taste buds of the tongue, ignoring damage to the body. Food processors, thus, abuse the human tendency of hunger to make profits, which finally results to obesity and its related perilous effects (Otreppe, 2010). Due to imminent pressures of work and desire to stay awake and make more cash, Americans have paid the ticket to obesity. Lack of sleep leads to production of higher amounts of the cortisal hormone: This hormone hampers regulation of body fat. Therefore, people end up getting obese from lack of enough rest, unaware of the cause (CDC, 2011). Continued deprivation of sleeps worsens the situation, making the victims extremely obese. Additionally, the growth hormone is only released when one is asleep. It controls utilization of the body fat reserves. This means that those people lacking sleep have little or no growth hormone production. This leads to under-utilization of the body fat, which is stored, making its victims obese. Healthcare Costs Associated With Obesity in America Incidences of obesity have been lately shooting high tallies in the USA. This has resulted from unhealthy eating habits, indiscriminate choice of foodstuffs with low nutrient levels, unhealthy sedentary lifestyles, overworking, lack of sufficient sleep, overeating foodstuffs with high levels of cholesterol and pantry fiber in the diet. As a result, obese people develop opportunistic infections as expounded above. Therefore, to manage obesity and its related illnesses is rather extortionate and requires a vast capital outlay for management and treatment, which detriments the financial resources (Bailey, 2006). Thus, most of the nation’s funds have been directed towards saving lives of the obese people. Obesity and its associated health implications exert a lump sum economic impact on the USA Medicare system. Medicare expenditures connected with obesity in the USA confer direct and indirect incurrence. The direct incurrence includes the prevention, diagnosis and eventual treatment of the obese cases. Indirect costs encompass both the mortality and morbidity expenditures, where morbidity costs refer to the losses incurred from absenteeism and reduced productivity during bed days for the obese persons. Premature deaths resulting from the implications caused by the obesity lead to mortality incurrence. Research by various scholars, in the recent past, have proved that lump sum amounts of state money is used up in the provision of medical care to the obese people, as well as the management of the predicament, mortality and morbidity costs included. It is estimated that, in the year 2008, an amount of about $147 billion was used obesity management (Helmich, 2009). If a quick solution to the predicament is not found, the expenditure, 2018 will hike to about $344 billion (Reinberg, 2011). Increase in obesity, in America, will lead to increase in the fuel amounts required in transportation of obese personnel. Bigger vehicles are required to transport travelers, hence, incurring a direct cost in fuel expenditure. Indirect cost through greater emission of greenhouse gases is also experienced. Additionally, obesity in schoolchildren, from previous research, confirms that obesity largely affects human capital accrual. All of these expenses, triggered by obesity in America, accrue to result into immense amounts of capital that could be utilized in better economical ways. Therefore, obesity is a disaster that has to be dealt with properly. However, people should fight obesity but not the obese. Control of Obesity in America Owing to the increased obesity incidences in the USA, researchers have been called to task in order to engage in community-based studies that aim to generate a solution from different perspectives, to the problem of obesity. For instance, bike pathways and playgrounds are being constructed to boost physical activity, which burns the body fats. High taxing of nutritionally empty foodstuffs discourages consumption of such junk foods that lead to obesity. Offering of free dietary counseling to families enhances reduction of obesity cases (Otreppe, 2010). Community based obesity control programs help in reducing child obesity and encourages the adults to eat and live healthy. Such programs bring together all people in a town to talk to the children and community residents how to eat and live healthy, free from obesity. In liaison with food and beverage companies that dispatch their foodstuffs in schools, community organizations have aimed at reducing the levels of obesity prevalence among the students (Otreppe, 2010). This has accomplished through proper legislation on the amount of foodstuffs that students are allowed to take. Cutting down on the portions of the pastries and reduction in the amount of sugary foods has gone miles to reduce obesity problems in schools. Additionally, enhanced and nutritious foods have been encouraged to concentrate on healthy growth only. This subsequently reduces the colossal sums of money required in Medicare. Introduction of community awareness programs that educate adults on the importance of physical exercise helps to expose the dangers of sedentary lifestyles, overworking, excessive intake of sugary foods and subjection of the brain to unnecessary stresses and pressures aids the adult population to be aware of the need to keep healthy (CDC, 2011). This is only achieved by eating well and physically practicing well. This reduces negligence and instances of obesity among the adult population, which brings about high life expectancies because of obesity decline. Medicare expenses are further reduced. The congress has approved legislation controlling the behavior patterns in the restaurants. The citizens aim inclusion of calorie information on counts at enhancing better food choices. Citizen will most likely choose the foods with well-distributed calories. In addition to that, legislation demanding reduction in various pastry assortments to a reasonable size helps the states to reduce consumption of excessive fats, which results into obesity. 26 states have already implemented the policy, thus, people eat healthily and live healthily, free from obesity (Helmich, 2009). This results into the reduction of money for funding Medical healthcare to the obese individuals. Provision of quality physical education to students in combating obesity in children has been initiated by creating the “Fitness Integrated with Teaching” Kids act, under deliberation in the congress. This very profound activity aids in investigating the quality and quantity of physical education being offered in the respective schools. This gives a chance to children to keep physically fit, hence controlling the instances of obesity. In the Elementary school; level, every child is entitled to 150 minutes of physical activity while the middle level High school students require 255 minutes worth of physical education activity. For the systemic orientation of the society to change completely, high levels of discipline are recommended. Therefore, the obesity issue needs to be addressed in places where people work, live, play and spend their free time (CDC, 2011). This has been accomplished through sustainable policy and environmental rectifications, which aid in combating the problem of obesity in America. These landmark struggles in fighting obesity are undoubtedly going to provide favorable outcome in eliminating and alleviating this perilous epidemic in America. References CDC. (2011, June 21). Defining Overweight and Obesity. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention: CDC. (2011, July 21). U.S. Obesity Trends. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Hellmich, N. (2009, November 17). Rising obesity will cost U.S. health care $344 billion a year. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from USA Today: Otreppe, S. (2010). Obesity in America, By the Numbers. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from NRP: Reinberg, S. (2011, July 28). Almost 10 Percent of U.S. Medical Costs Tied to Obesity. Retrieved October 29, 2011, from ABC News: Bailey, E., J. (2006). Food Choice and Obesity in Black America: Creating a New Cultural Diet. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. Keller, K. (2008). Encyclopedia of obesity, Volume 1. California: Sage. Read More
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