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Nutrition: Grapefruit Diet - Literature review Example

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"Nutrition: Grapefruit Diet" paper presents and discusses the most recent literature on the theory and practice behind the Grapefruit Diet, its scientific research, and its advantages and disadvantages. The Grapefruit Diet offers rapid weight loss “without drastic changes in eating habits…
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Nutrition: Grapefruit Diet
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An Overview of the Grapefruit Diet The grapefruit, which was discovered only through a “horticultural accident” some 300 years ago in Jamaica, has long been recognized for its medicinal purposes (Allen and Allen, 2007). The whole plant, including the flowers and most especially its fruit, can be made to treat fungal infections, acne, indigestion, liver and gall bladder conditions, urinary infections, and even insomnia (Allen and Allen, 2007). It gained its popularity during the Great Depression during the late 1920s when “grapefruit, along with other citrus fruits, could be had for free with orange food stamps from the welfare board” (Allen and Allen, 2007). Because it has become a staple food during that time, the Grapefruit Diet emerged during the 1930s and became a fad diet during the 1970s up until the 1980s (Allen and Allen, 2007 and Kellow, 2007a). The fad diet asserted that by eating one-half grapefruit or drinking an eight ounce glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice with every meal, a person can lose an average of ten pounds in twelve days (Allen, 2007). Although it was not scientifically proven, they claimed that this was due to the enzymes of the fruit that can burn fat fast (Allen and Allen, 2007). The Grapefruit Diet has again resurfaced today. Now, research has been made to support their claim on the effectiveness of the diet, together with set meals that dieters must follow. However, many still doubt if this fad diet is good for the body. This paper will present and discuss the most recent literature on the theory and practice behind the Grapefruit Diet, its scientific research, and its advantages and disadvantages. The Grapefruit Diet Theory The Grapefruit Diet offers rapid weight loss “without drastic changes in eating habits” (Enbysk, 2007). The proponents of this new and improved diet assert that grapefruit possesses a fat-burning enzyme and has a low glycemic index that speeds up a person’s metabolism (Kellow, 2007a and Wikipedia, 2007). Because of this recently scientifically proven fact, dieters can eat what they normally eat provided they eat grapefruit or drink the juice before meals (Enbysk, 2007). The general theory is that one can eat fatty foods as they are burned rapidly by the enzymes in the grapefruit. However, the latest version of this fad diet has a strict menu of only 800 calories per day and is exactly limited to three full meals without snacks in order to speed up the weight loss (The Diet Channel, n.d.). The fad diet also does not permit for almost all foods with complex carbohydrates (The Diet Channel, n.d.). Vegetables cooked in butter, on the other hand, are highly recommended (The Diet Channel, n.d.). According to the most recent research study by the Nutrition and Medical Research Centre at Scripps Clinic in San Diego led by Dr. Ken Fujioka, grapefruit is a very effective tool in losing weight (Kellow, 2007a). What was considered a myth during the 70s and 80s has been proven to be actually true. Researchers found that the mere intake of grapefruit, in addition to a dieter’s regular meals, promotes weight loss (Kellow, 2007a). They believe that this is due to specific plant compounds that lower down the insulin levels of a person (Kellow, 2007a). This then is then what reduces weight as it has been proven that high level of insulin do not permit for a large amount of sugar in the body to be converted to energy, thus, this unused sugar remain in the body as fat—fat that is prevented from being broken down due to the unusually high level of insulin in the body (Kellow, 2007a). Another factor is that high levels of insulin can cause a person to feel hungry, and so that person eats more (Kellow, 2007a). Having thus explained this, it is only but logical to make an assumption that lower insulin levels promote weight loss. Although a study that can pinpoint the exact compound in grapefruit that lowers down insulin levels have yet to be undertaken, this is the explanation given by the team of Dr. Fujioka. Scientific Research The research study conducted by Dr. Fujioka and his team in 2004 involved incorporating grapefruit in one hundred overweight people’s diets, their weight average being 218 lbs., over a span of twelve weeks (Kellow, 2007a). According to an article published by Juliette Kellow (2007a), the participants were divided into three groups: group #1 ate one-half grapefruit before each of the three meals a day; group #2 drank unsweetened grapefruit juice before every meal; and group #3 did not eat any grapefruit at all. “Our study participants maintained their daily eating habits and slightly enhanced their exercise routine. The only dietary change was the intake of Florida grapefruit and grapefruit juice” (Fujioka quoted in Kellow, 2007a). After twelve weeks, the researchers found that group #1 had an average weight loss of 3.6 lbs., while some even lost 10 lbs. (Kellow, 2007a). Group #2, lost an average of 3.3 lbs. and group #3 lost an average of half a pound (Kellow, 2007a). The findings show that grapefruit inherently has a chemical component that helps reduce weight all on its own and just by ingesting it. “Whether grapefruit actually triggers fat-burning or simply satiates the appetite, Fujioka believes the study demonstrates grapefruits role in overall health and wellness and in battling obesity” (Enbysk, 2007). The Grapefruit Diet Menu The Grapefruit Diet consists of a set menu for three meals and a bedtime snack. (2007) provides a diet encyclopedia, which lists the menu and instructions (shown below) to be followed when using the Grapefruit Diet. Note that this ensemble was concocted in order to further speed up the weight loss that was proven by Dr. Fujioka’s study. There is also an 800-calorie version, although dieters find it extremely hard to follow this regimen (Enbysk, 2007). Note that this type of diet involves eating and drinking mostly grapefruit the whole day, combined only with the following salad ingredients: crab, prawns, chicken, avocado, red onion, celery, raddichio, spinach, and others with similar nutrition makeup (Kellow, 2007b). This diet (the version shown below) was alleged to have been approved by the prestigious Mayo Clinic (some even uses the term Mayo Clinic Diet), but the hospital later on denied having anything to do with the said fad diet (Wikipedia, 2007). Breakfast 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) 2 Eggs (any style) 2 Slices Bacon Lunch 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) Salad (any kind of dressing) Dinner 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) (fish may be substituted for meat) Vegetables (any green, yellow, or red vegetables cooked in butter or any seasoning) Bed Time Snack 1 glass tomato juice or 1 glass Skim milk Vegetables Allowed Red onions, green onions, bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, peas. Vegetables to Avoid White onions, potatoes, celery. (, 2007) Instructions 1. At any meal you may eat until you are full - until you cant eat any more. 2. Dont eliminate anything from the diet, especially dont skip bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burn fat. 3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. 4. Cut down on caffeine- it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup per meal at mealtime. 5. Dont eat between meals. If you eat the combination of food suggested you will not be hungry. 6. Note that the diet completely eliminates sugar and starches, which are lipids and form fat. Fat doesnt form fat; it helps burn it. You can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables. 7. Do not eat desserts, bread, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad, or vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat of the proper combination of food, the more you lose. (, 2007) Advantages The grapefruit is a fat-free and low-calorie fruit that only has about 80-100 calories per serving, whether fresh (1 whole fruit) or canned (Allen and Allen, 2007). It is rich in Vitamins A, B, and C—the concentration depending on the type of grapefruit, whether red, pink, or white (Allen and Allen, 2007). The fruit also has calcium, potassium, magnesium, and trace amounts of iron and zinc (Allen and Allen, 2007). The grapefruit is certainly rich in nutrition and the dieters will reap the benefits of taking in these vitamins and minerals. Also, because of its supposed capacity to lower insulin levels, it is good for patients with Diabetes. Aside from these advantages from the fruit itself, the diet bodes well for people who need to reduce weight fast for an upcoming event as the 800-calorie version boasts of losing 10 lbs. in just 12 days. The version presented above is also as effective as it claims to reduce weight by 50 to 55 lbs. in ten weeks (Enbysk, 2007). This is due to the fact that the weight loss is dependent on the combination of foods that compliment the fat-burning properties and chemical makeup of grapefruit and not solely on the fruit itself (Enbysk, 2007). Because of this, the fad diet is extremely easy to follow and dieters will have little problem abiding by the diet. Disadvantages As with other rapid weight loss programs, the Grapefruit Diet is not without its disadvantages. In fact, critics, as well as nutritionists and dieticians, have many comments regarding this method. The combination of foods that is critical to the success of the diet is at the core of the problem—it is simply not enough to fulfill a person’s nutritional requirements. In short, it is not healthy. As Christine E. Filardo (quoted in Enbysk, 2007), a registered dietitian for the Produce for Better Health Foundation, explains: "Not only does this diet raise concern because of its high saturated fat and cholesterol intake, two factors contributing to heart disease and cancer, it also makes the claim that one can lose 52 pounds in 10 weeks. This sets up false expectations for a realistic and healthy rate of weight loss." In addition to this, possible serious side effects have been known to occur when dieters are taking certain medications as grapefruit juice has been found to react negatively when mixed with specific types of medicine (Kellow, 2007a). There is also the fact that the chemical component that lowers down insulin levels has not been pinpointed. In fact, a study has yet to be conducted. Because of this, many experts doubt the validity of Dr. Fujioka’s claims. It is also possible that the weight loss can be attributed to the “slightly enhanced their exercise routine” that Dr. Fujioka admitted to incorporating in the research. There is still very little data on the soundness of the Grapefruit Diet. Studies should be further conducted to really be able to test its effectiveness and its safety. Conclusion and Recommendations Based on the detailed overview presented and discussed above, it can be concluded that even though the diet has been around for decades, the whole theory and concept of the Grapefruit Diet is still largely unsound as it lacks sufficient research. Although the fruit itself is fat-free, is low in calories and carbohydrates, and filled with essential vitamins and minerals, the combination of foods needed in the diet presents dieters with possible dangers in the form of diseases like cancer. In fact, the capacity of the fruit to lower insulin labels is still a theory created by Dr. Fujioka based on the findings of his study. The study to determine if grapefruit indeed has the ability to do that has yet to be done. Nutritionists and dieticians explain that more research is needed in order to fully state that the grapefruit is really a weight loss tool and a diet has yet to be approved that is both safe and effective. The author of this paper cautions the dieters to consult a nutritionist or dietician first before embarking on this diet as the Mayo Clinic itself does not recommend it. Remember that it is always better to be healthy than to become really thin. Obesity is an illness that needs to be battled, as well as undernourishment. References Allen, Z. and Allen, R. (2007). Grapefruit—the New Kid on the Block. Vegetarians in Paradise. June Issue, Vol. 9, No. 6. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from Enbysk, L. (2007). Its NOT Your Grandmas Grapefruit Diet. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from (2007). Grapefruit Diet. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from Kellow, J. (2007a). Eat Grapefruit and Lose up to 10lb. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from Kellow, J. (2007b). Easy squeezy ways to get Grapefruit into Your Diet menu. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from The Diet Channel (n.d.). The Grapefruit Diet. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from Wikipedia (2007). The Grapefruit Diet. Retrieved June 20, 2007 from The New Grapefruit Diet Review The old miracle grapefruit diet has been dismissed as a fad. But eating grapefruit as part of a healthy, balanced diet can give your weight loss a boost. The 80s might bring back fond memories of leg warmers, Flashdance and Duran Duran videos, but for anyone who was battling the bulge at the time, it probably also conjures up images of eating vast amounts of grapefruit! If you wanted guaranteed weight loss, the grapefruit diet was the plan to follow.   Providing no more than 800 calories a day, the grapefruit diet menu involved eating lots of fat-burning grapefruit to kick-start your metabolism, as much black coffee as you liked, some daily protein (mainly boiled eggs) and the odd piece of dry toast.   At the time, nutrition experts dismissed it as another fad diet, explaining that the fat-burning properties of grapefruit were, in fact, a myth and any weight loss that occurred was due to the extremely low and potentially dangerous calorie intake.   But two decades on, it seems these nutritionists may need to rethink their views on the popularity of grapefruit as a diet food if the results of a study published earlier this year are to be believed.   The latest research, carried out by scientists at the Nutrition and Medical Research Centre at Scripps Clinic in San Diego, America, has found that the simple act of adding grapefruit and grapefruit juice to your diet, really can aid weight loss. But unlike the seriously restricted diet of the 80s, you get these results without changing what else you eat!   Even study leader Dr Fujioka seemed surprised, saying, For years, people have talked about the grapefruit diet. Now we have data that grapefruit helps weight loss. Our study participants maintained their daily eating habits and slightly enhanced their exercise routine. The only dietary change was the intake of Florida grapefruit and grapefruit juice. This sounds amazing! What else can you tell me about the research? The study included 100 obese people who were divided into three groups. The first group ate half a grapefruit before each meal three times a day. The second group drank grapefruit juice before each meal. The third group received no grapefruit. No other changes were made to their diets.   After 12 weeks, those participants who ate grapefruit with each meal lost, on average 3.6lb. Only a third of a pound a week, but pretty good considering they didnt make any other changes to their diet. Meanwhile, those who drank grapefruit juice three times a day lost 3.3lb in the 12 weeks. By comparison, the grapefruit-free participants lost, on average, only 0.5lb.   But weight loss wasnt the only health benefit seen when grapefruit or the juice was consumed. The research also found the grapefruit-consuming participants had lower levels of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and fat metabolism, which in turn might help to reduce the risk of diabetes or stroke. Whats the theory? The researchers believe grapefruit contains unique plant compounds that reduce insulin levels, which in turn promotes weight loss.   The link between raised insulin levels and excess weight is complicated and multifaceted. To start with, high levels of insulin may indicate that sugar isnt efficiently utilised for energy with the result that its more likely to be stored as fat. Secondly, high levels of insulin can make people feel hungry so that they eat more. And finally, high levels of insulin prevent the body from breaking down fat. Add these together, and its easy to see why lower levels of insulin may promote weight loss. What exactly it is in grapefruit that has this insulin-lowering effect remains unclear. What do the experts think? Care needs to be taken when interpreting the results. Its the first study of its kind and even the researchers believe more work needs to be carried out before recommendations are made regarding grapefruit intake. Fortunately, a larger study is already planned for later this year.   When it comes to reducing the risk of diabetes, experts also believe we should err on the side of caution before recommending vast amounts of grapefruit. Speaking to Chemistry & Industry Journal, who published the results of the study, Emma Bunn, diabetes care advisor at Diabetes UK said, If grapefruit does significantly lower insulin levels this could be a potentially exciting discovery. We will be following any further research in this area closely to establish if grapefruit could provide genuine benefits.   Nutrition experts also agree that more research is needed before rushing out to stock up on grapefruit. Most tend to agree with the nutritionalists of the 80s and say its unlikely that grapefruit has any magical properties in terms of aiding weight loss in the absence of other diet or lifestyle changes. Its perhaps more likely that participants lost weight simply because they were taking part in a study and, as a result, were more focussed on their food intake and exercise habits. Juliettes verdict This is an interesting piece of research but even if the results arent yet conclusive, one thing is certain - eating more grapefruit wont damage your health and can certainly contribute to a healthy diet.   Its important to eat five portions of different fruit and vegetables each day to keep us healthy and slim and half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice can contribute to one of these portions. If you enjoy grapefruit, its certainly not going to do you any harm to eat it regularly - but make sure you still include plenty of other fruits and vegetables in your diet as well.   Thats not to say I would welcome a return of the 80s-style grapefruit diet - its way too low in calories, extremely restrictive, unbalanced and, lets face it, incredibly boring!   Twenty years of nutrition advances have taught us that eating a wide range of foods is the best way to lose weight. As always, if you want to shift those pounds safely and keep them off for good, you should never go below 1,100 calories a day or follow an unbalanced diet that restricts the majority of foods while encouraging vast quantities of just a few.      Warning! Grapefruit juice can interact with medicines   While this research might tempt you to fill up on grapefruit to boost your weight loss campaign, if you’re taking any medications you might want to speak to your GP first or check the literature that comes with your medication.   This is because a wealth of research shows that grapefruit juice can interact with a number of medications, potentially causing serious side effects. It works by inhibiting an enzyme in the intestines that’s responsible for the natural breakdown and absorption of many medications. When the action of this enzyme is blocked, blood levels of these medications increase and this can lead to potentially toxic side effects.   Research suggests that flavonoids and/or furanocoumarin compounds are the substances in grapefruit juice that block the enzyme in the intestines. Many drugs appear to be affected by grapefruit juice so if you are taking any medication, it’s essential to check whether you can safely consume grapefruit juice. In the meantime, it’s likely that grapefruit segments may also interact with certain medications so you’d be wise to consult your GP before eating lots of grapefruit. Other citrus fruits don’t seem to have any effect. Grapefruit Diet This diet is based on the premise that grapefruit has fat burning properties. The grapefruit diet lasts 12 days, but if an individual wants to continue, they must take at least two days off before doing so. While there is no hard evidence that grapefruit burns fat, some who have completed the diet offer anecdotal success stories. The Grapefruit Diet: What Is and Is Not Allowed Meals are accompanied by grapefruit. It is also recommended that participants drink about 8 glasses of water per day, along with unlimited amounts of black coffee. This regimented diet does not allow most complex carbs, and doesnt allow for snacking in-between meals. However, the consumption of most vegetables is encouraged and you are allowed to prepare them in generous amounts of butter. Typical Daily Meals For breakfast, a typical meal involves half a grapefruit, eggs, bacon, and coffee or tea to drink. An example of a lunch and dinner involve grapefruit (naturally), salad, and meat of any style and amount. Low Calorie Intake—Very Low The only reason that a person following this diet would see success over such a short period is due to the very low total calorie content. Depending on the person, the calorie content may be so low as to be insufficient for daily nutrition. People following this diet have reported dizziness and upset stomach, perhaps from the combination of so much coffee and so little food. Overall, it is best to avoid this diet if you are looking for healthy, sustainable weight loss. Grapefruit Diet The Grapefruit Diet is a weight loss diet built solely around the humble grapefruit. The idea that a single item of food has miraculous weight loss properties seems a farce. The grapefruit is a marvelous fruit - a natural simple carbohydrate high in fibre and vitamin C. But to use it as the sole foundation of a weight loss program is unwise. However recent research has discovered that the grapefruit has more to it than meets the eye. A lot of the grapefruit diet plans that have been circulating are very low calorie diet plans (VLCDs) with a grapefruit thrown in. VLCDs are not a good weight loss solution for many people. Most versions of the Grapefruit diet are identical to the Mayo Clinic Diet. Grapefruit Diet - Meal Plan Below is the outline of the fad diet - and it IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Note that there is also substantial evidence that grapefruit (unlike any other citrus fruit) can interfere with medication. 12 days on - 2 days off Breakfast 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) 2 Eggs (any style) 2 Slices Bacon Lunch 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) Salad (any kind of dressing) Dinner 1/2 Grapefruit or 4 oz. Grapefruit Juice (unsweetened) Meat (any style, any amount) (fish may be substituted for meat) Vegetables (any green, yellow, or red vegetables cooked in butter or any seasoning) Bed Time Snack 1 glass tomato juice or 1 glass Skim milk Vegetables Allowed Red onions, green onions, bell peppers, radishes, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, cabbage, carrots, peas. Vegetables to Avoid White onions, potatoes, celery. Instructions 1. At any meal you may eat until you are full - until you cant eat any more. 2. Dont eliminate anything from the diet, especially dont skip bacon at breakfast or omit salads. It is the combination of foods that burn fat. 3. The grapefruit is important because it acts as a catalyst that starts the burning process. 4. Cut down on caffeine- it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process. Try to limit to 1 cup per meal at mealtime. 5. Dont eat between meals. If you eat the combination of food suggested you will not be hungry. 6. Note that the diet completely eliminates sugar and starches, which are lipids and form fat. Fat doesnt form fat; it helps burn it. You can fry food in butter and use butter generously on vegetables. 7. Do not eat desserts, bread, and white vegetables or sweet potatoes. You may double or triple helpings of meat, salad, or vegetables. Eat until you are stuffed. The more you eat of the proper combination of food, the more you lose.   Properties of the Grapefruit The traditional grapefruit diet consists of a 7 or 21 day eating plan. 1/2 a grapefruit is consumed during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Recently the Scripps clinic, based in San Diego carried out a clinical trial and discovered the following: "The 12-week pilot study, led by Dr. Ken Fujioka, monitored weight and metabolic factors, such as insulin secretion, of the 100 men and women who participated in the Scripps Clinic “Grapefruit Diet” study. On average, participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds, while those who drank a serving of grapefruit juice three times a day lost 3.3 pounds. However, many patients in the study lost more than 10 pounds..... The researchers speculate that the chemical properties of grapefruit reduce insulin levels and encourage weight loss." By all means include grapefruit in your diet - it may give you an edge. But for serious and sustained weight loss - look elsewhere. Grapefruit diet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Grapefruit Diet also known as the Hollywood Diet, an 18-day diet, dates to 1930 Hollywood. This so-called fad diet regained popularity in the mid-1970s as a bit of Xeroxlore. It is occasionally attributed (erroneously) to the Mayo Clinic, which has expressed a decidedly negative opinion of the diet, considering it unbalanced and possibly dangerous. However, a 2004 study led by Dr. Ken Fujioka at the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center at Scripps Clinic found in a 12-week pilot study that on average, participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal lost 3.6 pounds and those who drank a serving of grapefruit juice three times a day lost 3.3 pounds. Additionally, many patients in the study lost more than 10 pounds. Dr. Fujioka found that grapefruit diet appears to reduce insulin levels and thus, affects blood sugar regulation. Bear in mind that the pancreas secretes insulin in response to the amount of carbohydrate ingested (also affected by the glycemic index and glycemic load of a food or meal) and that grapefruit by itself is considered by some to be low glycemic. Another theory is that the fruits low glycemic index is able to help the bodys metabolism burn fat. Still another explanation for the weight loss in the Scripps Clinic study can be found in the report -- participants "slightly enhanced their exercise regimens." Depending upon what "slightly enhanced" means, this might well account for the weight loss observed. Trivia Comedy singer "Weird Al" Yankovic has recorded a song called "Grapefruit Diet," a parody of the song "Zoot Suit Riot," on his album Running with Scissors. Hollywood actor James Cagneys character "Lefty" dreams up the 18-day "Grapefruit Diet" as a way to pay back investors in the 1933 comedy movie "Hard to Handle". Grapefruit at a Glance History The grapefruit, not even 300 years old, is just a kid in the world of fruits. The offspring of the pummelo, sometimes spelled pomelo and even known as shaddock, the grapefruit may have appeared as a horticultural accident during the 1700s in Jamaica. The grapefruit might never have made a debut at all if it hadnt been for Captain Shaddock, a 17th century English ship commander who brought seeds of the pummelo from the East Indies and delivered them to the West Indies in 1693. Another theory is that the grapefruit may have been a cross between the pummelo and an orange, though no records of a deliberate hybridization exist. In either case, the pummelo, that is native to Malaysia and Indonesia, seems to have fathered the grapefruit that began as a smaller fruit than our familiar grapefruit and was actually about the size of an orange. By 1750 it was known in Barbados as the "forbidden fruit," a name that traveled to Jamaica by 1789. There the grapefruit was also called the "smaller shaddock" after Captain Shaddock. In his book In Search of the Golden Apple, USDA citrus scientist William C. Cooper describes grapefruit and sweet oranges growing wild on many islands of the West Indies. While researching in Haiti, he noticed a citrus fruit resembling the grapefruit, but called chadique that was flourishing in the mountains. In Jamaica the grapefruit was not a popular fruit because of its bitter, acidic flavor. However, the Jamaican ugli, a hybrid of the grapefruit and the tangerine that appeared in the early 1900s, is favored for its appealing sweet flavor and juiciness. Somewhat resembling the grapefruit, the ugli suffers image problems. Its unattractive skin is thick and wrinkled, and it is oddly shaped out of round with a flat bottom. The ugli varies in color from mottled deep green to greenish yellow and sometimes even yellow orange. A French botanist, the Chevalier de Tussac, wrote in his notes in 1820: "I have had the occasion to observe, at Jamaica, in the botanical garden of the Government, a variety of shaddock whose fruits, which are not bigger than a fair orange, are disposed in clusters; the English in Jamaica call this the forbidden fruit or smaller shaddock. The grapefruit first appeared in the U.S. in 1823 when Count Odette Phillipe brought the seeds from the Bahamas to Safety Harbor near Tampa, Florida. Like so many other foods introduced into the United Sates from distant countries, the grapefruit did not gain immediate popularity. One American gardening encyclopedia referred to grapefruit as "thick-skinned and worthless." The seeds from those first plants thrived and produced fruit. The neighborhood received a gift of the seeds from those grapefruits, launching the first cultivation of grapefruit in that region. By 1840, grapefruit was stirring some minor interest. One day in the year 1870 John A. MacDonald noticed an unusual tree near his home in Orange County, Florida. The large clusters of golden fruits were so appealing he bought them all. Soon after, he established the first grapefruit nursery from the seeds of that tree. In 1885, Floridas first shipment of grapefruits to New York and Philadelphia created a flurry of interest in the fruit and was the beginning of a serious commercial grapefruit industry. By the late 1800s grapefruit trees were popping up in unlikely locales like the southern part of Texas where it was thought too cold for citrus to survive. One very determined grapefruit tree froze to the ground during a very cold Texas winter but survived to produce fruit. After freezing many winters, the tree proved to be a survivor and lived to produce fruit repeatedly. Florida developed into a major commercial center with its burgeoning grapefruit crop of Duncan and Marsh varieties. The Duncan, whose ancestor was a seed planted by Count Phillipe, is a flavorful but seedy grapefruit most used for canning. Because they discolor, pink grapefruits are not used for canning. The Marsh may have been a chance seedless variety and was developed in the 1860s by a nurseryman named C.M. Marsh. As early as 1910 farmers were successfully growing grapefruits in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and in Arizona and California. However, during the 1940s grapefruit became a household favorite across the U.S. Canned grapefruit sections, grapefruit juice, and fresh grapefruit were not only shipped throughout the country, but also exported. During this era Jamaica, Trinidad, South America and Israel ventured into grapefruit cultivation. New grapefruit varieties, including those with pink and red flesh, were developed in the early 1900s and became a popular commodity in the northern states. In 1929 a Texas citrus grower marveled at the red grapefruit growing on a tree that was producing pink grapefruits. That mutation became a new cultivar named Ruby Red that was the first grapefruit granted a U.S. patent. That Texas Red became the official state fruit of Texas in 1993. As its popularity grew, grapefruit could be found in Mexico, Argentina, Cyprus, and Morocco. Today Mexico exports grapefruits to the United States, Canada and Japan. In the Orient, where the pummelo reigns, grapefruit is a minor crop. Central Americans consider grapefruit too acidic, preferring their sweet tropical pineapples, papayas, and melons. Presently, the United States produces 41 percent of the worlds grapefruit and consumes more than other countries. Florida, the state where grapefruit was first grown, is still the largest producer with Texas following close behind. California and Arizona also have thriving commercial grapefruit orchards. Commercial growers focus on developing fruits that are larger, more uniform in size, and with attractive color. Unfortunately, flavor is sacrificed for appearance. The heirloom varieties were far tastier than todays new cultivars but are only used for canning grapefruit juice. Naming the Grapefruit Reverend Griffith Hughes came upon the grapefruit in 1750 and called it the "forbidden fruit" when he and others were seeking the origin of the tree of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The grapefruit carried the "forbidden fruit" name for many years after. Originally named Citrus paradisi Macf., the grapefruit was considered a sport of the pummelo, the giant of the citrus family. Botanically, a sport is a dramatic variation of the normal variety resulting from a mutation. James MacFayden, a botanist, differentiated the grapefruit from the pummelo in his 1837 work Flora of Jamaica. More than 100 years later in 1948 citrus horticulturists began to examine the grapefruits botanical origins and concluded it was not a sport of the pummelo but a hybrid between the pummelo and the orange that occurred accidentally. The grapefruit now has the scientific name Citrus X paradisi. The grapefruits common name probably came from the 19th century naturalist who noted that the fruits appeared to grow in clusters like grapes. He was observing those fist-sized fruits that grew from seeds brought to the West Indies by Captain Shaddock. Several attempts to change the grapefruits name to something more appealing were unsuccessful. American horticulturists, convinced the grapefruits name was unfitting, wanted to call it pomelo, but some people suggested it would be confused with pummelo. Then as recently as 1962, the Florida Citrus Mutual attempted to give the grapefruit a name that would be more commercially appealing and increase its marketability. This effort, too, failed because of public outcry. The grapefruit is still a grapefruit. Some Dutch people refer to the grapefruit as a shaddock, others call it a pampelmoose, a name originally given to a pomelo but now used for grapefruit. The French call grapefruit pamplemousse (pumpkin-sized citron). The Italians named it pompelmo. Oddities The highly publicized grapefruit diet of the 1970s claimed that a person could lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) in 12 days by consuming either one-half grapefruit or eight ounces of grapefruit juice with every meal. Grapefruit, because of its enzymes, was said to literally burn fat away, yet no scientific evidence has proved this claim. The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 and the following years of depression were the catalyst for introducing the grapefruit to destitute families across the country. Grapefruit, along with other citrus fruits, could be had for free with orange food stamps from the welfare board. Families encountering the fruit for the first time werent quite sure whether it was to be cooked or eaten raw. The welfare board received frequent complaints that the families had cooked the grapefruit for several hours and still found it too tough to eat. Aroma-therapists turn to the essential oil of the grapefruit for its uplifting and reviving qualities. Used to scent a room, grapefruit oil creates a relaxed and happy environment and can relieve stress and nervous exhaustion. Grapefruit oil is said to balance the emotions. Grapefruit Cuisine When grapefruit became popular in the U.S., most households owned a set of grapefruit spoons that were provided whenever grapefruit halves was served. The utensils had pointed tips and serrated edges for separating the flesh from the membranes. During the 30s, 40s, and 50s half of a grapefruit frequently appeared as a breakfast favorite, its sections loosened by a special knife with a serrated, curved blade. Topping the grapefruit was a spoonful of honey or sugar and sometimes a dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves. A popular salad included grapefruit and orange sections tossed with lettuce and onion rings and dressed with a French, poppyseed, or honey-mustard dressing. During the 50s and 60s the fruit cup of canned grapefruit and orange sections in sweet syrup served with a maraschino cherry on top became the cliché of the day. Dinner at fancy restaurants and elegant weddings often began with the syrupy citrus fruit cup. Colorful Jello molds were a must on every buffet or smorgasbord table. Many molds featured yellow, orange, or green Jello with chopped grapefruit and orange sections imbedded. Broiled grapefruit topped with sweetener was popular as a starter as well as a dessert. The English enjoy grapefruit marmalade, while confectioners prepare candied grapefruit peel. Because grapefruits are well endowed with juicy pulp, squeezing the fruit into juice was a natural that began when grapefruit became popular from the 30s on. A glass of grapefruit juice at breakfast still offers delightful refreshment. Even today, diners would feel that something was missing if a breakfast buffet didnt include pitchers of grapefruit and orange juice. Culinary enthusiasts flavored vinegar with grapefruit juice. For the imbibers, there is grapefruit wine, grapefruit beer, and grapefruit liqueur. Forbidden Fruit is a potent, cognac-based grapefruit liqueur made with sweet oranges and sweetened with honey. The liqueur has a hint of bitter undertone and is often blended with fruit juices, gin, vodka, rum, or brandy. Also available is Pink Grapefruit Liqueur. The process of making grapefruit beer begins with six peeled and sliced grapefruits combined with three gallons of hot water in a large crockpot. Cool and add 12 ounces of yeast. Seal the crock and allow it to ferment. Bottle it immediately after fermentation and drink. The oil extracted from grapefruit peel is used as a flavoring agent in soft drinks and as an enhancement in reconstituted grapefruit juice. After bleaching and refining, grapefruit seed oil is used as mild, unsaturated oil for cooking, though it is uncommon and difficult to locate. Hardly any portion of the grapefruit goes to waste. What is considered waste matter from grapefruit packing stations is transformed into molasses and fed to cattle. After extracting oil from the seed hulls, the hulls are used by farmers as a natural soil conditioner. Sometimes the hulls are combined with dried grapefruit pulp and fed to cattle. Medicinal Uses Every part of the grapefruit is recognized for its many health benefits. Grapefruit seed extract, available in health food stores, is commonly used as an anti-fungal remedy. An infusion prepared from grapefruit flower blossoms becomes a treatment for insomnia. The beverage is also valued as a cardiac tonic. Grapefruit stimulates the digestive tract and aids in relieving indigestion and gas. The fruit also has diuretic properties helpful to people with water retention and liver and gall bladder conditions. Rubbed on the skin, grapefruit is beneficial in treating acne and oily skin. Grapefruit pulp, because of its acidic nature, is an effective treatment for urinary infections. An extract drawn from the leaves of the grapefruit tree contains antibiotic properties. Pectin contained in the grapefruit rind and the membranes clinging to the grapefruit sections is effective in lowering serum cholesterol. Medical Warning: Some medications interact with grapefruit and grapefruit juice, causing the medication to become more intense. Check with your physician or pharmacist to make sure grapefruit will not affect your medications. To be on the safe side while taking medications, drink other fruit or citrus juices. Most will provide plenty of vitamins and minerals. While you are taking medications, read beverage labels carefully to be sure juice combinations do not contain grapefruit. Growing Officially named Citrus X paradisi by 1830, grapefruit, which only had white flesh at that time, was established as its own citrus species. The grapefruit varieties are divided into two main categories--the white and the red. Florida developed the white Marsh, a seedless grapefruit, while Texas bred the pink and red varieties (C. reticulata). Red Blush and Ruby Red were developed from the Marsh. Ruby Red and Red Blush can be recognized by the hint of red blush on the bright yellow skin. The flesh of the pink grapefruit varies from pale pink to intense reddish tones, depending on the season and differences in soil condition. The many common varieties have developed from these two main categories. While the Marsh is considered a seedless grapefruit, it does actually contain a few seeds. The term seedless refers to those grapefruits that produce five seeds or less per fruit. Popular varieties grown today include Duncan, Foster, Marsh, Oroblanco, Paradise Navel, Redblush, Star Ruby, Rio Red, Ruby Sweet, Sweetie, Thompson, and Triumph. The flesh of the grapefruit is similar to that of the orange, with individual sections joined by a thick, somewhat fibrous, edible membrane. Fruits average about 5 to 6 inches (12.5 to 15 cm) in diameter. The grapefruit begins to bear fruit four to six years after planting and can produce up to 30 or 40 fruits on a single branch. A single tree, in a productive year, can generate 1300 to 1500 pounds of fruit. Most grapefruit trees grow about15 to 20 feet in height (4.5 to 6 m) though some can grow to 45 feet (13.7 m) when very old. The tree, an evergreen, is attractive with a rounded top and branches that spread horizontally. Overall, the tree has a rounded appearance with darker leaves at the top and lighter leaves on the lower branches. When the tree is in full fruit, the branches nearly touch the ground. Fragrant grapefruit blossoms appear in the spring. The closed buds are white with a green tint and open into white, four-petaled flowers that may be single or in clusters. The grapefruit itself, depending on the variety, is round, pear-shaped, or oblate (basically round but flattened at the top and bottom). The skin of the fruit is a pale lemony color though sometimes has a delicate pink tint. Its texture may be smooth or rough and slightly bumpy and has a characteristic thickness of about 3/8-inch (1 cm). Between the outer skin and the fruit inside is a white pithy layer that has a somewhat bitter flavor. While some varieties are seedless, others bear many seeds. The fruit inside is juicy and varies in color and flavor depending on variety. Whether the flavor is sweet or tart, grapefruit has a distinctive, sometimes astringent and slightly bitter overtone. Some varieties are mildly sweet, while others are intensely sweet. Some grapefruits have white flesh inside, some delicately pink, while others, known as "ruby reds" appear intensely red. Climate plays a significant role in the length of maturity and the level of acidity of the grapefruit. In cooler, temperate zones grapefruit matures in about 13 months compared to 7 or 8 months in warmer regions. Grapefruits grown in hot tropical climates have a lower acidic level than those cultivated in cooler regions. Florida grapefruit is known for its superior flavor owed to the moist hot temperatures. Growers recognize that grapefruits with thin skins and juicy pulp are grown in a humid climate like Southern Florida. Those with thick rough skins and drier pulp are the result of drier climates such as the desert regions of Southern California. Grapefruit thrives on plenty of rain and flourishes contentedly with 36 to 44 inches (90 to 111 cm) annually. Soil requirements are varied. Some varieties of grapefruit grow best in acidic soil, while others prefer a more alkaline environment. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the Texas A & M University and Rio Farms, Inc. in Texas, conducted a program in 1946 of testing grapefruits grown on different rootstock to determine which would bring the best results. The researchers learned that soil condition and its mineral content played a significant role in successful production. Commercial growers can extend the marketing season of grapefruits by picking some mature fruits while leaving others on the tree for up to three months before harvesting. This natural method of "storing" on the tree allows those fruits to grow larger. Harvesting is accomplished by various methods. Some growers prefer to hand pick the fruits on the lower branches and use ladders to clip the stems of those higher on the tree. Because the citrus twigs are thorny, gloves and protective clothing are helpful to avoid skin scratches. Picking hooks, once popular, are seldom used today because they were found to damage many fruits Many California citrus growers employ harvesting machines that literally shake the fruits off the tree. For this method, trees must be carefully pruned to accommodate the machine that is operated by a team of three workers. Nutrition GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS, ONE CUP (240 ml): Fresh grapefruit sections from California or Arizona, whether pink, red, or white, have about 85 calories, 1 gram of protein, and about 3 grams of fiber. Grapefruit sections from Florida have 69 to 74 calories. The carbohydrate content varies between 17 and 22 grams, while the fat content is negligible. Red and pink grapefruit shines with its approximately 596 I.U. of vitamin A. The white grapefruit is much lower in vitamin A with about 23 I.U. Grapefruit has a full range of B vitamins with the exception of vitamin B12 and contain about 28 mcg of folic acid. Grapefruit sections are a good source of vitamin C ranging from 79 to 88 mg. Grapefruit offers plenty of calcium, potassium, and magnesium as well as trace amounts of iron and zinc. The grapefruit membranes are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber helpful in reducing cholesterol. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ­ ONE CUP (240 ml): Canned grapefruit juice has about 100 calories and 1 to 2 grams of protein. Most canned grapefruit juice is sold with the pulp removed, resulting in a loss of fiber. The carbohydrate content of the juice is similar to the grapefruit sections with 17 to 22 grams. Pink grapefruit juice supplies 1087 I.U. of vitamin A, while the white provides a minimal 25 I.U. With the exception of vitamin B12, the juice swells with B vitamins with 10 mg of thiamine, .05 mg of riboflavin, and .49 to .57 mg of niacin. Folic acid content is about 25.7 mcg, while vitamin C ranges from 72 to 93.9 mg. Calcium content varies from 17.2 to 22.3 mg, and potassium offers 378 to 400 mg. Iron and zinc are present with zinc providing 12 to 22 mg and iron at .05 mg. Purchasing and Storage Grapefruit is harvested when fully ripened and is available in the supermarkets year round. However, its peak season is January through June. Grapefruit can keep a week or slightly longer at room temperatures of 65 degrees or higher. For longer storage, about six to eight weeks, store the fruits in the fruit and vegetable keeper of the refrigerator. Commercial grapefruit is often washed and waxed before coming to market to retard moisture loss and lengthen shelf life. Frequently, fumigants and fungicides are applied to the grapefruit to prevent spoilage. Wash grapefruit thoroughly before cutting into the flesh. For a juicy grapefruit, choose one that feels solid and weighty. Look for a shiny, smooth skin to be sure of freshness. Reject those with soft areas, large brown spots, or dull dry looking skin. ENJOY GRAPEFRUIT RAW To consume grapefruit at optimum flavor, keep the fruit at room temperature at least 2 hours before eating. The traditional half grapefruit sectioned with a grapefruit knife simply cant be beat. Enjoy it as a breakfast, lunch, or dinner starter. If the grapefruits distinct bitter bite is not to your liking, sweeten with a spoonful agave nectar, maple syrup, date sugar, or Florida crystals and add a dash of cinnamon. Nothing compares to the delightfully rich flavor of a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. When fresh grapefruit is not available, frozen juice is an excellent substitute. Grapefruit juice adds a robust zing when blended with other fruits such as apples, pears, and oranges. Prepare a refreshing beverage or smoothie in the blender. Grapefruit has a natural affinity for the avocado. Combine them in a salad along with greens and some crunchy vegetables like jicama, celery, sweet onions, or kohlrabi. Add a tangy dressing or one with a hint of fruity sweetness. When citrus is in season, take advantage of the varieties by joining them together in a fruit cup, a beverage, or a salad. Include white, pink, and red grapefruit for more color variety. Grapefruit sections, either pink or white, along with orange and tangerine sections make a tempting salad dish when arranged over spinach or baby greens and topped with sweet onion rings and a creamy avocado dressing. Elysa Markowitz in her book Living With Green Power creates an innovative zesty soup by juicing 2 oranges and 3/4 of a peeled grapefruit. She then garnishes the soup with 1 sliced avocado, 1 orange, and the remainder of the grapefruit. Make a grapefruit spritzer with sweet grapefruit juice and seltzer. Score the whole grapefruit and peel as you would an orange. Separate the top portion of the sections, keeping the bottoms attached. Open like flower petals and fill center with fruit salad or a tangy chopped vegetable salad. Prepare a unique sorbet with grapefruit juice. Thin slightly with water, sweeten to taste, and freeze about 2 or 3 hours. Remove and stir, and return to the freezer until ready to serve. Grapefruit, with its bracing bite, lends extraordinary punch to any food combination. Enhance your salad of mixed greens with a unique oil-free salad dressing made from fresh pink grapefruit. Add sweet fruits such as chopped apples or pears, and raisins to balance the acidic nip of the grapefruit. PINK GRAPEFRUIT VINAIGRETTE 1 C. (240 ml) chopped sweet pink grapefruit sections with membranes 1/2 C. (120 ml) + 2 T. water 1/4 C. (60 ml) apple cider vinegar 3/4 t. salt 1/4 t. ground black pepper 1/4 t. guar gum* 4 T. maple syrup Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until grapefruit is fully pureed, about 30 seconds. Using a funnel, pour into a narrow neck bottle for easy serving. Shake well before serving. Store leftovers in the refrigerator. Will keep about a week. Makes 2 cups (480 ml). *Guar gum is a dried white powder that comes from the seed tissue of the guar plant grown in India and used for thickening. The powder is available in health food markets. Its NOT Your Grandmas Grapefruit Diet by Liz Enbysk for MSN Health & Fitness For decades dieters have tried to lose weight by cozying up to grapefruit. The tart citrus has starred in countless diets since grandma was trying to shed a few pounds back in the 20s. Now new research suggests grapefruit really can help pounds disappear—and heres the clincher—it can do it without drastic changes in eating habits. One recent incarnation of the grapefruit diet lets you stuff yourself, as long as you eat half a grapefruit before you do. But dont grab your grapefruit knife just yet. There are several ways to slice todays infatuation with grapefruit. Grapefruit times three Early in 2004, the Scripps Clinic in California announced results of a 12-week study linking grapefruit to weight loss. Researchers put 100 men and women on a diet that included half a grapefruit or grapefruit juice three times a day with a meal. Average weight loss, according to Scripps, was 3.6 pounds for those who ate their grapefruit, 3.3 pounds for those who drank it. However, many reportedly lost more than 10 pounds. Dr. Ken Fujioka, who led the study, said participants ate what they normally would and slightly increased their exercise. "The only dietary change," Fujioka said, "was the intake of Florida grapefruit and grapefruit juice." (Although grapefruit grows in sunny California, Fujiokas reference to "Florida" grapefruit reflects the connection between Scripps and the Florida Department of Citrus, which funded his research.) Beyond weight loss, Fujiokas team monitored metabolic factors. Results led them to speculate grapefruit contains chemical properties that lower insulin levels and promote weight loss. Whether grapefruit actually triggers fat-burning or simply satiates the appetite, Fujioka believes the study demonstrates grapefruits role in overall health and wellness and in battling obesity. His work adds to a growing body of research on health benefits of grapefruit. However, anyone taking medications should check with their doctor before starting a grapefruit diet due to possible interactions. Which grapefruit diet? If you buy the notion that grapefruit encourages weight loss, next step is choosing a plan. Type "grapefruit diet" into MSN Search and youll be overwhelmed with possibilities – including the perennial 800-calorie regimen few can stick with. On the flip side, one diet that pops up frequently—and follows the grapefruit-with-every-meal approach used by Scripps—may be too good to be true. One version goes like this: Breakfast: Grapefruit with two eggs, two slices of bacon Lunch: Grapefruit with salad, any dressing, any meat in any amount Dinner: Grapefruit with salad or a red or green vegetable, meat or fish cooked any style, coffee or tea Bedtime snack: 8 ounces tomato juice or skim milk With this diet its supposedly the food combinations that burn fat so you cant eliminate anything. Its okay to eat meat, salad or vegetables until youre stuffed – and to fry things in butter. You avoid snacking, cut down on coffee, drink lots of water and steer clear of desserts, breads and certain vegetables. Not surprisingly, it has its critics. "Not only does this diet raise concern because of its high saturated fat and cholesterol intake, two factors contributing to heart disease and cancer, it also makes the claim that one can lose 52 pounds in 10 weeks. This sets up false expectations for a realistic and healthy rate of weight loss," said Christine E. Filardo, a registered dietitian with the Produce for Better Health Foundation. Filardo considers grapefruit a delicious food that makes a substantial contribution to the bodys daily need for vitamins A and C, as well as fiber – all for the 60 calories in half a grapefruit. But her organization advocates eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables everyday. "Calorie for calorie," she says, "fruits and vegetables are a dieters best friend." Another option is what authors Daryl L. Thompson and M. Joseph Ahrens call the Trans Diet. In their book, "The Grapefruit Solution," they make a case for grapefruit, juice or capsules as a value-add with most of todays popular diets. With its low ranking on the glycemic index, they maintain grapefruit can accelerate weight loss in low-carb, low-fat or portion-control diets. The authors have strong ties to the Florida citrus industry, but their impetus goes beyond grapefruit. As Ahrens put it: "Our hope is that the public will recognize that we need to eat right (including grapefruit) and exercise, and adopt a healthier lifestyle to fight the growing epidemic of obesity." Easy squeezy ways to get Grapefruit into Your Diet menu   By WLR Dietitian Juliette Kellow BSc RD   Have half a grapefruit for breakfast - its virtually fat free and contains just 35 calories. Sprinkle over artificial sweetener rather than sugar if you like it sweet. Have a glass of grapefruit juice with each meal but make sure its unsweetened. Try diluting it with sugar-free lemonade if its too sharp for your tastebuds. Allow 45 calories for a 150ml glass. Make a Florida cocktail and serve as a starter - peel and segment half a grapefruit and one orange and mix with a little unsweetened grapefruit juice. Add grapefruit to salads - it goes well with crab, prawns, chicken, avocado, red onion, celery, raddichio and spinach. Use grapefruit juice as a mixer for alcoholic drinks such as vodka or gin. For special occasions splash out 170 calories on a Seabreeze cocktail - shake 50ml vodka with 75ml each of grapefruit juice and cranberry juice. Serve over ice. Read More
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