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MANAGED HEALTHCARE - Assignment Example

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However, the Medicare strategies used face challenges in the implementation stage and this makes them inefficient. In some unique cases, the Medicare plans succeed and this…
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Medicare Plans What are some of the benefits and disadvantages of the various types of Medicare Advantage plans? Medicare plans are meant to bring and make the healthcare provision easy and efficient to the public. However, the Medicare strategies used face challenges in the implementation stage and this makes them inefficient. In some unique cases, the Medicare plans succeed and this helps BenefitsThe primary benefit of the Medicare plans is that they are reliable solutions to complex healthcare issues.

Medicare plans are huge and come with solutions to the health problems facing the population (Klemm, 2000). Complex healthcare issues can be approached with properly structured Medicare plans. Medicare plans will bring in new support sectors like data services and also lead to more employment. Laying out a Medicare plan requires extensive investment in the support sectors like data handling systems and infrastructure (Crilly, 2007). There will also be an increased employment that acts as a positive incentive to the economy.

DisadvantagesOne of the primary disadvantages of Medicare plans is the increased burden of handling long-term care. Most of the Medicare plans are complex and this demands an extensive investment of both time and resources. This poses a challenge to the government and healthcare agencies (Klemm, 2000). Catering for the huge and increasing population is a challenge and this creates a problem in the laying out of the Medicare plans. 2. What does the legislative history of Medicaid say about the governments approach to Medicaid over its 40+ year history?

Medicare plans are complex and demand huge funds and this poses a challenge to the government. The need for reliable Medicare plans is increasing as the population grows. More need for Medicare translates to a growing need for the government to allocate more funds to the healthcare sector. The Medicare plans will, therefore, result in an economic burden that will hamper government’s response to other needs (Crilly, 2007). Nature of Government’s responseThe legislative history of Medicaid gives mixed views in regarding the government’s response and approach to the sector’s several years of existence.

The government has given adequate support in the uplifting the standards of Medicaid in response to the healthcare challenges. There has been increased funding over the years and this shows a positive response from the government. On the other hand, the legislative expresses government’s failure to offer substantial support that matches the growing population (Klemm, 2000). It outlines that government’s support for Medicaid is not sufficient especially in the current rise of health complications and the increasing population.

ReferencesCrilly, J. (2007). The history of clozapine and its emergence in the US market a review and analysis. History of psychiatry, 18(1), 39-60.Klemm, J. (2000). Medicaid spending: A brief history. Health Care Financing Review, 22(1), 105.

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