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Foodborne Illnesses due to Human Carelessness - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Foodborne Illnesses due to Human Carelessness" argues nutrient-related diseases are caused by poor eating habits and can be easily prevented. Interventions to change lifestyle and diet factors include changing environment, modification of food supply, implementation of economic policies…
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Foodborne Illnesses due to Human Carelessness
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Food and Nutrition Food can be described as any substance that is consumed for the provision of nutritional support to the body mostly of animal or plant origin. Food contains important nutrients, for example carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals or vitamins. The substance is taken into the body through the mouth by an organism and is digested by the cells of the organisms in order to maintain life, produce energy or stimulate growth. Nutrients are essential components that we derive from food the body requires. The body requires them in order to perform its functions like walking, sleeping, sitting and so on. There are two types of nutrients, macronutrients and micronutrients. Macro nutrients provide the bigger part of energy required by the organism’s metabolic functions, whereas micronutrients provide the required cofactors for metabolism to take place. The chart below indicates various sources of foods and nutrients. Food borne illness is also referred to as food poisoning. It is any illness that is resulting from consuming, viruses, parasites pathogenic bacteria, natural or chemical toxins which contaminate the food. On the other hand a nutrient related disease results from inadequate or excessive nutrient and food intake resulting to unhealthy conditions like rickets, obesity and kwashiorkor (Archeson, Thorpe, 2013). Food that is safe is important so as to avoid instances of food poisoning, spread of microbiological dangers which include bacteria such as Salmonella. Food contaminants are mostly responsible for spoiling or tainting food and they contain such microorganisms as bacteria, parasites and other toxic substances (Archeson, Thorpe, 2013). Food contaminants usually can cause serious issues and thus resulting in diseases that every year affects an approximately 76,000,000 million people in the US and at the same time leading to over 325,000 hospitalizations and over 500 deaths. Thus awareness of possible sources of foodstuff contaminants is a crucial element as far as good nutrition is concerned. A food additive is any stuff added to foodstuff. If it’s for a direct purpose the additive is known as a direct additive such as the low-calorie sweetener aspartame mostly used in beverages, yoghurt, puddings and chewing gum (Cliver, Rieman, 2002). Several direct additives are mostly found on the ingredient tag of foodstuffs. On the other hand, indirect additives become an aspect of foodstuff in small due to the way it is stored, handled and packed. Additives are important because they impart and maintain required consistency for instance in baked goods, ice cream, cake mixes etc, improves and maintains nutritive value of such foodstuffs as flour, breakfast, margarine, maintains wholesomeness and palatability in foodstuffs such as cheese, bread, crackers etc, produces light texture/controlling alkalinity or acidity in cookies, butter, cakes etc and lastly they enhance flovour and imparts the desired colour in foodstuffs like cake, cheese and yoghurt. A pathogen is a disease causing organism. There are different pathogens that cause various diseases. For example bacteria originating from Salmonella genus are the most significant bacterial diarrhoea causing organism in human. Human beings exploit others like bacteria in various ways. Even though some bacteria cause harmful diseases and spoil food, their economic importance includes both their harmful and useful aspects (Kobayashi, Domer, 2004). Food borne illness is any disease/illness that results from consuming contaminated food, parasites, viruses, pathogenic bacteria or bacteria that cause food contamination, including natural or chemical toxins like poisonous mushrooms. Microbes are single-celled micro-organisms and are found everywhere on earth. The common types of microbes that cause disease include bacteria, fungi and viruses. The common sources of microbes include; air, food we eat, ground we walk on etc. Food borne illness symptoms differ depending on the cause and how much the body consumed. They may include fever, aches, diarrhoea, abdominal pains, chills and vomiting. Bouts of vomiting may recur with long delays in between, as the infected food has been eliminated from the stomach but the microbes have passed into the intestine and have begun to multiply. Other forms of microbes can invade the intestine; others produce toxins which are absorbed in the bloodstream invading body tissues. Symptoms can also range from being mild to serious and usually last from a few hours to many days. There are pathogens such as C.botulinium that affect the nervous system leading to such symptoms as headache, blurred vision,paralysis,dizziness and tingling or numbness of the skin. (Mikanatha Nkuchia,Lynfield Chris,Beneden Van,Valk Henriette). Food borne disease can be prevented through keeping it clean by washing hands before handling any food and during food preparation, separating raw and cooked food which can be done by storing food in containers so as to prevent contact between prepared and raw foods. The third precautionary measure is cooking food thoroughly especially poultry, meat, seafood and eggs. Fourthly keep all food at safe temperatures, thus all cooked food should not be left at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Fifthly and lastly always use safe raw materials and water. This therefore means that water used should be fresh and treated and the food should be wholesome and fresh (Cliver, Rieman, 2002). Food preservation mostly involves the prevention of growth of fungi (for instance yeast), bacteria, or any other kind of micro-organisms. Apparently, there are other methods that work by introduction of benign fungi or bacteria to the food as well as retardation of oxidation of fats that lead to rancidity. Commercial food preservation techniques portrays the following procedures; bottling and canning, freeze drying, machine drying, using antibiotics, pasteurization, cold storage and irradiation. Canning and bottling is the first process. Canning usually involves the preservation of foods in containers that are sealed by the use of heat. Fundamentally this process is on the basis of sterilization principle. Foremost all the micro-organisms that are present inside the food are destroyed by use of heat ranging from 275 degrees to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and at the same time sealed in concurrently sterilized containers that aid in prevention of any further assault from micro-organisms. Some of the examples of foods that are generally bottled or canned include fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, butter, cheese, pickles fish, meat etc. The second preservation process is known as machine drying .Milk is for instance dried commercially by use of unique kinds of steam rollers and thus reducing it to powder form. Likewise unique ovens are oftenly used in the drying of vegetables at a particular temperature. This type of preservation has been found to be much better than the traditional one of using sunlight in the preservation of food. Freeze drying is the third method of food preservation which is adopted to triumph over the challenges of sunlight and machine drying. Thus by use of this method foodstuffs are stored at a temperature of less than -20 degrees Celsius for around 12 hours. This assists in conversion of the water present in the food particles into ice particles. Drying is done by machine under low pressure. For usage purposes, the food is usually dipped in hot water. This process therefore helps retain the shape of the foodstuffs damaged by machines while drying. Cold storage is the fourth method of commercial preservation and is based on the refrigeration principle. Foodstuffs such as fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs and fish are stored in cold places.The fifth method of commercial preservation are pasteurization which is applicable only to milk. Milk is usually allowed to boil to 160 0 F and is then cooled immediately to 55 0 F. The sixth process is known as irradiation and involves the use of high speed electrons and gamma rays in destroying micro-organisms. Such radiations are referred to as ionizing radiations and this method is advantageous because food can be kept without refrigerating it. The seventh method is use of antibiotics. Thus treatment of poultry and fish with antibiotics usually increases their self life (Cliver, Rieman, 2002). Traditional methods of food preservation include drying which is the most primitive way of preserving food. Drying helps in reduction of the mass and volume of foodstuff and greatly increases solute concentration. The second method is fermentation which is also one of the oldest methods of preserving food and mostly manages spoilage microorganisms by releasing of metabolites (bacteriocins, organic acids enzymes and alcohols) and altering conditions in the foodstuff. The third method of traditional preservation is storage under low temperature. This method capitalizes on the principle that every microorganism has got a defined temperature range within which they thrive from a minimal, optimal and maximal temperature. The fourth method involves use of preservatives which assists in food preservation through a special method of action. Based on their chemical composition, preservative can be categorized as either acidulants or as antibiotics (Nisin, Natamycin).The fifth method of preserving food is known as thermal processing usually aims at applying heat only or in blend with other treatments rendering the foodstuffs free of other microorganisms able to grow in food under the usual conditions of storage and distribution. Thus heat treatment destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes in food causing food spoilage. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a usually a procedure control system that finds out where dangers might occur in the process of food production and sets stringent actions to avoid the dangers from taking place. Thus strict supervising and controlling every step of the procedure, there is a small chance for any danger to take place. Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority is a local authority in Abu Dhabi charged with the regulation of food safety concerns. It has also embarked on serious training approaches such as pictorial assessments. FDA stands for Food and Drug Administration and is mostly involved in the investigation of an outbreak once one has been known and if FDA-regulated product has been suspected as the likely cause. Once alerted, FDA’s basic distress is to have the cause of the outbreak eliminated by use of a particular notification procedure. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by use of its outbreak surveillance system is tasked with the collection and occasionally reports data related to known foodborne disease outbreaks in the US. The Health Authority of Abu Dhabi is charged with working intensively on making it possible for the setting up of a national wide public health laboratory for reference purposes that can serve more effectively in better analysis and reporting of several sicknesses as well as the foodborne ones. The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 is a federal statute and provides the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) with authority that requires nutrition labeling of most of the foodstuff that the agency regulates and also need all health and nutrient claim satisfy FDA regulations. Restaurants however were not required to comply with similar standards. A nutrient related illness is a disease resulting from inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients and food leading to conditions like kwashiorkor rickets and obesity. Sources of carbohydrates include potatoes, bread, rice, pasta etc and apart from providing energy, they also offer healthy options like whole wheat bread and oatmeal to the body. However like several other things in life, moderation is important and excessive consumption of carbohydrates can have disastrous effect on health. A high carbohydrate diet is associated with increased calorie consumption. This means therefore that excess calorie diet can lead to one being overweight which leads to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, an endocrine illness which involves regulation of blood sugar. Excessive carbohydrates also may lead to gastro intestinal distress which is a buildup of gases and leads to belching, bloating, flatulence and abdominal discomfort. Insufficient calorie intake leads to weight loss and finally starvation. Lack of carbohydrates also lead to decreased energy level and muscle loss, getting sick oftenly and an immune system that is weakened. Excessive consumption of fats may lead to complications like obesity and cancer. Eating a diet rich in fats increases the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a condition that makes the artery wall to thicken, constricting blood flow to other tissues of the body thus increasing heart attack risk. Excess fats in the diet also lead to damage of the hypothalamus. Lack of fats in a diet on the other hand may lead to poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E AND K. Lack of fats (especially fatty acids) may also lead to depression which is due to the fact that fats contain the important omega-3s and omega-6s which play a very big role in behaviour and moods. Individuals who are lacking in omega-3s may experience bipolar disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia. Too much consumption of protein may cause unlikable symptoms like diarrhoea and nausea. There could also be weight gain, reduction in brain and liver function, high amounts of cholesterol may lead to development of arteries that are hardened leading to grave medical conditions like stroke and heart attack. Protein deficiency leads to kwashiorkor and Marasmus protein deficiencies. Kwashiorkor occurs when an individual takes little protein but still consumes enough calories whereas Marasmus takes place when an individual takes very little protein as well as few calories. Low intake of proteins also inhibits protein synthesis and leads to tissue breakdown. Carbohydrates are usually broken down into sugar and glucose for energy. This therefore means that carbohydrates have a larger effect on blood sugar than either protein or fat. Starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes are also known to raise sugar levels according to American Diabetes Association. Since carbohydrates raise sugar levels and cause one to be overweight, they therefore raise the risk of developing type 2diabetes which is an endocrine illness that involves regulation of blood sugar. Excessive consumption of saturated fats may have disastrous effects on one’s blood cholesterol and arterial health, ultimately leading to damaging of the heart, kidneys or brain. If there is a rise in blood cholesterol, bleeding and damage of the arteries can occur and thus encouraging plaque buildup on arterial walls. Thus trans fat and saturated particles mainly contribute to this plaque leading to narrowing of the gap for flow of blood and possibly fully blocking off blood vessels. This ultimately leads to stroke, kidney failure or heart attack. Excessive intake of proteins can lead to cancer of the prostrate, breast, colon and pancreas. Excessive intake of fat can lead to growth of cancerous cells, which possibly can spread to other organs. Conditions resulting from being overweight due to excessive consumption of fat can increase the risk of contracting gallbladder, colon, reproductive organs and kidney cancer. Osteoarthritis is also referred to as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease and occurs due to inflammation, collapse and ultimate loss of cartilage at the joints. The following factors may contribute to osteoarthritis; being overweight and aging. Overweight may result due to excessive consumption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Thus in a nutshell, osteoarthritis can be said to be caused by all of the above undesirable eating habits. The UAE is rated as number 15 in the world, with an 18.98% of her population having and living with diabetes. This therefore means that UAE has got risk factors that are high, related mostly to physical inactivity and increasing rates of obesity. Thus bad eating customs and sedentary lifestyle are said to be the key causes of the increased prevalence of diabetes in the UAE. Globally, diabetes is prevalent in adult population (20-79 years) and impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is expressed in % .It is approximated that 382 million people are suffering from diabetes for a prevalence of 8.3%.The Caribbean and North America are regions leading with prevalence,36,755 individuals with diabetes (11%) with Middle East and North Africa with 34,571 individuals with diabetes(9.2%).Western Pacific parts with 138,195 individuals with diabetes is the world’s leading region with people living with diabetes having a prevalence of 8.6%,which is near to the world’s prevalence. One in every five people in the UAE dies because of cardiovascular disease (CVD) according to reports done by Dubai Health Authority. The report further revealed that 1 out of 4 persons in Dubai have got preventable CVD risk factors like high cholesterol and CVDs are the main causes of death in UAE with 1 out of 5 deaths attributed to CVDs. Hypertension. Cardiovascular diseases on the other hand presently accounts for almost half of all noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Thus NCDs have surpassed communicable diseases as the major disease burden in the world, with CVD still remaining the world’s leading cause of death, which accounts for 17.3 million deaths annually, a figure that is likely to increase to more than 23.6 million by the year 2030.Interestingly,the affected populations are those in countries that have economies that are low or mid-income (LIMC) whereby eighty percent of these deaths take place, mostly at ages that are young than in countries with higher incomes and whereby financial and human resources to cater for them. Cancer is the 3rd leading cause of death in the UAE following CVDS and accidents. Thus cancer accounts for an approximate 500 deaths annually. Globally, cancer is the main source of death, killing more than 8.2 million people annually. Lung cancer accounts for deaths of 1.59 million, breast cancer has killed 521,000 people, liver cancer has killed745, 000 , colorectal cancer has killed 694, 000, oesophageal 400,000 deaths and stomach 723,000 deaths (Whitney, Sizer, 2014). Osteoarthritis affects over 20% of the population in UAE and only 6,000 people have officially been diagnosed .It is approximated that 1 in every 5 inhabitants has got one kind of arthritis or another. Globally, almost 10% of all men aged 60% and above suffer from osteoarthritis and almost 20% of women aged 60 and above suffer from osteoarthritis. The following pie chart shows the percentages of disease prevalence in the world by 2010 (courtesy of World Health Organization). An individual can control nutrient related diseases by controlling their weight, exercising regularly, eating a well balanced diet, avoiding smoking or any high risk factor activity. A family can prevent nutrient-related diseases by exercising together, eating healthy and encouraging each other to go for regular insulin and other medical tests. A community on the other hand can make use of community-based programs so as to provide crucial information and contact to each other. These programs are tasked with fostering behaviour change as well as sustaining caring practices. In these programs, volunteers and part-time workers make interactions with households so as to guard their health and nutrition and also facilitating of access to treatment. Countries on the other hand can prevent nutrient diseases by modifying diet and lifestyle by implementing preventive programs, randomized intervention studies emphasizing on dietary changes, physical activity and weight loss. The other approach a country can use is by estimation of the % of illness that is possibly preventable by reduction of several behavioral risk factors by use of potential cohort studies (Whitney, Sizer, 2014). Thus in conclusion, it is evident that most of the foodborne illnesses are caused by man’s carelessness and with a little effort they can be prevented. On the other hand, nutrient related diseases are caused by poor eating habits and can therefore be easily prevented and thus avoided all together. Interventions whose objective is to change lifestyle and diet factors include changing people’s environment, educating people, modification of food supply, implementation of economic policies and undertaking of community interventions. This therefore means that an overall aim is to develop comprehensive local and national frameworks that take advantage of every given chance to promote and encourage active living and healthy eating amongst individuals. It is imperative also that every person takes his/her own responsibility of what s/he eats and mindful of their health every step of the way. Work cited Acheson David, McEntire Jennifer,Thorpe M. Cheleste. Foodborne Illness: Latest Threats and Emerging issues. New York: Elsevier Inc, 2013. Cliver Dean, Riemann Hans. Foodborne Diseases. California: Academic Press, 2002. Insel Paul, Ross Don,McMahon Kimberly,Bernstein Melissa. Nutrition. New York: Jones and Bartlett Publishers,LLC, 2011. Kobayashi George, Domer Judith,. Human Fiungal Pathogens. New York: Springer, 2004. Mikanatha Nkuchia,Lynfield Chris,Beneden Van,Valk Henriette. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. Whitney Ellie, Sizer Frances. Nutrition:Concepts and Controversies. New York: Cengage Learning, 2014. Read More
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