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Marketing Activities for Primary Care Facility - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Marketing Activities for Primary Care Facility" discusses a marketing plan for a primary care business to be situated in the suburb of Washington DC that mainly consists of Baby Boomers, generation X, and N-generation. The paper gives a plan of office requirements for these generations…
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Marketing Activities for Primary Care Facility
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Marketing Plan for Primary Care Facility s 23rd February, Marketing Plan for Primary Care Facility Introduction Every organization needs to ensure that it incorporates the needs of all the employees in its setting. Different generations have different needs that would make them motivated to work and live in a particular place. Generation X is very active and they a need working place that is very engaging. For Baby Boomers and N-white collar professionals, they prefer work stations installed with high-tech equipment since most of them were born in the technology era. In that perspective, these generations relate differently in the services that would be provided to them. For instance, the provision of primary care to them needs to address their varied needs. N-generation has never experienced the pre-internet world and is already technology focused. This means that the primary care services need to incorporate the technological aspect of it for it to thrive in this market. On the other hand, Baby Boomers and generation X embraces both the physical and technological aspects of the services, although they are not technologically inclined. However, they prefer high quality services since they have preference for value for their money. Therefore, the paper will discuss the marketing plan for a primary care business to be situated in the suburb of Washington DC that mainly consists of Baby Boomers, generation X and N-generation. The research document will further highlight a plan of office requirements for these generations. Implications of the market profile The community is comprised of Baby Boomers, generation X and N-generation white-collar workers, mostly employed by high-tech and consulting firms, thus the need to come up with an all inclusive office plan that takes care the interests of these generations. According to ONeill (2009), we are living in an era where office design is completely dominated by the Baby Boomer’s worldview. However, currently almost 50 % of the workforce comprises of generation Y. Since generation X is very active, they a need working place that is very engaging. For Baby Boomers and N-white collar professionals, their workstations need to be installed with high-tech equipment since they have really embraced technology. Many departments would be communicating with each other. Therefore, the office needs to be built in way that it offers facility to work in multiple states. This is something that has been embraced by Baby Boomers and N-white collar professionals. Most of them need offices that offer acoustic privacy to their activities. For both generations, having quality-meeting rooms is considered very crucial. Hey also need a work place that supports a broad range of work styles and seamless flow of work, irrespective of their location. Considering the fact that both generations are conversant with computers, internet network needs to be installed in the office premises and availability of portable communication and computing devices. With regard to how office scheduling and hours ought to be set, both generations prefer lesser breaks since they like an engaged working environment. On the contrary, Baby Boomers need more breaks in-between working hours. Generation X and N-white collar need to report to work earlier although Baby Boomers would like getting paid for the extra hours worked. The key elements of a recruitment plan to attract young physicians to this premise include a better remuneration package; availability of training and development programs, proper planning which will permit the recruiter to successfully complete the selection process and advertising the positions both on internet and print media ensures that a wider audience is reached (Sluis and Bunt-Kokhuis, 2009). In addition, the ability to provide job security, benefits, innovative projects, and flexible working hours; and lastly, the need to make the recruitment experience accessible and attractive to all the potential candidates. Developing a marketing plan for entire group Industry Overview Health care is a very dynamic industry. It is mostly affected by increase in technology changes, competitive landscape and consumers demand (Berkowitz, 2011). Health care industry comprises of primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, home and community care, and quaternary care. Primary medical care is provided by a health care provider. Usually this provider acts as the principal point of consultation for the patients who are within the health care system. They also coordinate other specialists that the patients may require. Such a professional include: nurse practitioner, primary care physician, pharmacist, family nurse practitioner, and a registered nurse. Secondary care is the medical care offered by medical specialists and other health care professionals who have no first contact with patients. The health care industry consists of various sectors dedicated to offering health care services and products such as biotechnology, medical equipment, diagnostic laboratories, and substances. The operation and practice of health care industry is regulated by national or state authorities via suitable regulatory bodies for purposes of quality assurance. The health care industry also faces significant financial constraints. For instance, managed healthcare usually puts pressure on medical care firms to decrease costs, regulatory changes and payer requirements have reduced compensations to healthcare entities (Chakroborty, et al., 2010). It also uses information processing which involves the use of computer software and hardware that deals with the storage, sharing, retrieval, and use of health care data, information, and knowledge for decision making and communication. Competition in health industry comprises of three components that encompasses all the core stakeholders including employers, payers, providers, and patients. The first component comprises of those individuals who provide health care such practitioners and physicians. The second component is firms that offer health care services such as hospitals. The third component consists of organizations that offer insurance and health care plans and health care financing. Rivers and Glover (2008) noted that competition has been encouraged as a mechanism of increasing value for patients. Quality and process improvements results in reduced costs, which in turn lead to increased customer satisfaction. Competitive markets in health care provide patients with greater quality, lower costs, and more options, such as the Medicare Part D and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program in the United States. By instilling competition in the health care market, it will enable the industry operate like a traditional market. Objectives of the market research objectives and study design 1. To establish the primary care needs of Baby Boomers, generation X, and N-generation white-collar workers. 2. To evaluate the impact of young employees in an organization. 3. To find out the expectations and needs of consumers: generation X, Baby Boomers and N-white collar professionals. 4. To determine which type of advertising is suitable for primary care. 5. To estimate the cost of marketing the service 6. To assess the buying-power of those living in the suburbs of Washington DC. 7. To define the general market for primary care and reporting on the market conditions for generation X, N-generation white collar employees, and Baby Boomers. 8. To know the extent and nature of competition as well as the weaknesses and strength of the competitors. 9. To find out the existing pricing, distribution channels and market competition in primary care in Washington D C. 10. To evaluate a health care plan that will ensure high quality services. 11. To establish the utilization of information processing technology to communicate with the patients via smart phones and internet, since the clientele has virtually embraced the use of technology in all spheres of their lives. The suggested study design is the multi-method research. This is because it holds the potential for rigorous and methodoligically sound investigations to be done on primary care (Creswell, et al., 2009). Business mission and goals Mission: The organization is dedicated to providing professional and high quality primary care to improve health outcomes. Conversely, the goal of the business is to promote health, prevent diseases, educate patients, maintain health, diagnose and treat chronic and acute illnesses. To offer the capital and knowledge to build, renovate and expand community based health facilities, in order for providers to deliver the best care to their patients. Finally, to provide consulting, training and coaching services to assist practices deliver a patient-centered model of care that maximizes patient access. Description of key customers and their key needs The key customers comprised of Baby Boomers, generation X, and N-generation white-collar workers. Baby Boomers are well established in the careers and usually hold positions of power and authority. They are hardworking, motivated by good payment packages, independent, and goal oriented. With regard to health care, they prefer highest quality primary care which matches their lifestyles (Cheung, 2007). Generation X is quite comfortable working with computers. They therefore form the right marketing pool for the business. They also enjoy receiving instant feedback therefore requiring instant results. They usually include an element of fun both in their professional and personal lives. Generation X enjoys news skills and prefers their supervisors giving them freedom to figure out how they will attain the desired results. The N-generation white-collar employee performs managerial and professional work. They use internet for social and informational use (Schuman and Scott, 2006). They prefer acoustic privacy thus the need for the business entity to come up with private wings because they seek value for services offered. The above customers are characterized by using the internet. Currently, the use of internet technology has revolutionized the trends and practices in health care industry. Through social networks and mobile applications, the consumers can now access information and communicate their experiences to the heath care providers. Description of services and key benefits The firm is tasked with providing quality primary care, maintaining a fully integrated electronic medical record system, which maintains the health security and reliability of patient information, outpatient medical treatment, health screening and education, testing of lung infection, diagnostic and pharmaceutical services, medical follow-ups after discharge from hospital, and immunization. The benefits of these services include: one is assured of after hospital care, regions with better primary care physicians have better population health indicators, for instance, heart disease, total mortality, and neonatal mortality, racial and social disparities are reduced when patients receive primary care from well-functioning medical facility. Lastly, greater supply of primary physicians is linked with low medical care costs (Grumbach, 2010). Four key strategies for positioning the service i. Positioning by quality by creating a unique and distinctive image for the primary care brand exclusively for the professional groups residing in Washington DC suburbs that prefers quality items ii. Service characteristics; the firm will uses technologically advanced equipments for service delivery in a community that had virtually embraced information technology. iii. Positioning by user; the firm has employed young physicians who can easily relate with Baby Boomers, generation X and N-generation white-collar workers. iv. Competitive advantage by offering consumers with greater value as well providing greater benefits and services, which justifies higher prices (Trout, 1999) Advertising and communications strategy One of the advertising strategies which will ensure a wider audience is reached is through electronic media, for example, using the internet and social networks (Berkowitz, 2011). Most people have embraced internet technology at the community at Washington DC is a perfect example off a digitised community. This ensures it maximises the full potential of the internet market. The communication strategy that suits this situation is identifying the audience which is generation X, Baby Boomers, and white-collar generation-N proffesionals. Next is conducting an online survey on the service delivery feedback so as to evaluate the communication startegy. Another effective communication strategy is using affirming responses (Beebe et al., 2005). Lastly, is operating within the budget. Organization and staffing Organizational staffing entails hiring people basing on certain responsibilities they would perform in the firm (Goldsmith, 2005). Organizational staffing helps the firm’s management makes the vision and goals of the organization clear, optimum utilization of resources, and ensures effective management, as well as facilitating effective leadership. The primary care facility needs a nurse practitioner, primary care physician, pharmacist, and a nutritionist as the professional practice personnel. It also needs to hire cardiologists, radiologists and other specialists who would maximize fee-for-service payments. They also need to employ younger employees since health care staffing is driven by an aging population and a physician workforce shortage. In addition, when you hire emergency physicians, the more newly insured patients are actually expected to boost the utilization of the emergency room, patient care advocates, health IT, and clinical pharmacists. Conclusion In the current labour market almost 50 % of the workforce comprises of generation Y. Since generation X is very active, they a need working place that is very engaging. The N-white collar professionals need their work stations installed with high-tech equipment since they have really embraced technology. Considering the fact that the internet has revolutionized the healthcare industry, all the aforementioned generations have embraced internet technology forming the right marketing pool for the primary care business. Baby Boomers are well established in the careers and hold positions of power and authority. With regard to health care, they prefer highest quality primary care which matches their lifestyles (Cheung, 2007). Both generations X and N are quite comfortable working with computers and other getting services from high-tech equipments, such as securing appointments with the primary care physicians through smartphone applications and over the internet. The key strategies for positioning the service include: positioning by quality by creating a unique and distinctive image for the primary care brand exclusively for the professional groups; service characteristics where the firm will uses technologically advanced equipments for service delivery; positioning by user where the firm has employed young physicians who can easily relate with Baby Boomers, generation X and N-generation white-collar workers. Lastly, competitive advantage by offering consumers with greater value which justifies higher prices (Trout, 1999) The primary care facility needs a nurse practitioner, primary care physician, pharmacist, and other professional specialists who would maximize fee-for-service payments. They also need to employ younger employees since health care staffing is driven by an aging population and a physician workforce shortage. Referencing Beebe et al. 2005, Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others. Scarborough, Ontario: Allyn and Bacon. Berkowitz, E. 2011, Essentials of Health Care Marketing, New York: Jones and Bartlett Learning Chakroborty, G., Ettenson, R., and Gaeth, G. 2010, Health Care Market, Journal of Health Care Marketing 22(3). 123-145. Cheung, E. 2007, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Social Cycles, Volume 1: North American Long-waves. Longwave Press. Creswell, J., Fetter, M., and Ivankova, N. 2009. 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Spinello, R. 2011, “Privacy and Social Networking Technology,” International Review of Information Ethics, 16. 41–46. Trout, J. 1999, "Positioning" is a game people play in today’s me-too market place", Industrial Marketing, 54 (6). 51–55. Vallor, S. 2010, “Social Networking Technology and the Virtues,” Ethics and Information Technology, 12 (2). 157–170. Read More
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