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The Role of Physical Activity in Preventing Lifestyle Related Diseases - Term Paper Example

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The author of the paper will begin with the statement that disease related to excess weight has become a common problem all over the world. This is one major problem with which the health authorities of the United States are struggling to cope up with. …
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The Role of Physical Activity in Preventing Lifestyle Related Diseases
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The role of physical activity in preventing lifestyle related diseases such as obesity, CVD and Type 2 Diabetes. Introduction: Disease related to excess weight has become a common problem all over the world. This is one major problem with which the health authorities of US are struggling to cope up with. Nearly two thirds of the US adults are affected with obesity related diseases. Nowadays even the children and the minors are affected withy obesity related problems. Obesity is one disease that attracts multiple diseases and thus is an issue of worry among the authorities. It has been observed that diabetes and cardio vascular diseases are among the major reasons of individual morbidity. It has been observed that the prevalence of the heart diseases and strokes have declined overtime with an increase in the obesity related diseases. Excess weight gives rise to diseases like hypertension, diabetes and other cardio metabolic disease. Among the modern chronic disease, the cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease and Type 2 Diabetes are the most prevalent diseases in the world. All the mentioned diseases are related to health and physical fitness. “Physical inactivity has been related to the occurrence of coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and osteoporosis.” (Siscovick, Laporte, Newman March 1985, p. 180) Staying fit and adopting a healthy lifestyle can avoid all these diseases. Diet and physical activity is known to play a key role in the risk of being affected with the chronic diseases. High morbidity rates were mainly associated to the underdeveloped nations, prevalent due to the unhealthy living conditions and lack of availability of proper and nutritious diet. These diseases were caused due to unavailability of proper living conditions. With the development of the nations the living circumstances of the people have enhanced significantly. The diseases like the polio, diarrhea and starvation have given a way to the diseases like diabetes, metabolic diseases and cancer. This change in the health patterns has taken place due to the change in the diet and lifestyle patterns of the people in the westernized countries. These diseases are often referred to as the rich man’s diseases. With the advent of the modern technology in the life of the human beings the lifestyles have changed considerably. The popular use of machines has decreased the amount of physical labor a person did to complete the same tasks as now. Leisure activities have increased and so have the health related problems. Research based on the affect of the physical activities on the risk factors of the chronic diseases show “the joint association of physical activity, BMI, waist circumference, and WHR with CVD risk.”(Hu, Tuomilehto, Silvntoinen, Barengo & Jousilahti, June 2004, p. 2216) The lack of physical activities, increased unhealthy practices have contributed to the greater prevalence of the diabetes and other health related disease. In this paper we would critically analyze the role of the physical activity and healthy lifestyle in the prevention of the chronic diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It has been evident that the important determinants of the chronic disease like diabetes and cardiovascular disease is physical inactivity, and unhealthy lifestyles. Improper diet and intake of the alcohol also contribute to the risk factors associated with theses diseases. Regular exercise is very vital for staying healthy, unlike the past our lives have become greatly dependent on the machines and the physical labor has decreased. However the mental stress levels have increased with the decrease in the physical activities. The stress along with the improper dietary habits makes the human beings fall prey to the diseases like diabetes. The chronic disease like diabetes and cardio vascular disease is irrevocable, thus once infected the person has to stay with it till he lives. The problem is that the diseases like diabetes attract other disease like blood pressure and heart problems. Staying safe from these diseases is very important for the healthy life of a person. “Current scientific evidence suggests that the adoption of healthy lifestyles, i.e. balanced diet, increased physical activity, tobacco abstention (or avoidance), and moderate alcohol consumption can prevent and help control chronic diseases.” (Sodjinou, Agueh, Fayomi & Delisle, March 2008, p. 2). Physical activity and work out is very important for the welfare of the people belonging to all ages. Various studies have proved that the regular physical activity can improve the health conditions of almost all the individuals of the society. Regular exercise can help the children as well as the old and frail people of the society. Research on the disease has established that the chronic diseases can be prohibited or improved by regular exercise. Millions of people all over the world suffer from the chronic disease and more millions are at the risk of the chronic diseases. Therefore physical exercise and fitness should be a main concern in the life of the people. The sedentary lifestyles adopted by the adults and the children have shown to increase the risk of the development of the chronic diseases. “Current literature suggests that significant effort is required to achieve sustained changes in body composition and metabolic health.” (Pettman & October 27, 2008, p. 2). Physical activity improves health and reduces the risks of the chronic diseases. It has been established that there is an converse association between obesity and physical activity. Therefore the more physically active a person is the risk of him being obese is reduced significantly. Obesity is generally related to disproportionate weight gain. Weight gain is basically due to reasons unhealthy diet and short of physical activity. Therefore proper exercise can significantly help in reducing weight and thus risk of obesity. To prevent obesity it is important for the people to balance the energy intake and energy consumption. If there is high-energy intake and low consumption it would lead to the accumulation of excess carbohydrates and fats in the body which lead to obesity. (Wendel-Vos, Schuit, Tijhuis & Kromhout April 2004). Though physical activity sometimes does not appear contributing significantly in the loss of weight, there is no significant result that proves that the exercising would definitely contribute to weight loss. It cannot be estimated that how much physical activity is required for a person to loose weight. Some researchers argue that physical activities are not related to obesity. There are evidences of people meeting the basic criterion of the physical activity and still being obese. Unhealthy eating patterns and lack of emotional security also contribute to the obesity related risks and thus adequate physical activity does not help. However the research activities have established that a minimum amount of moderate physical activity is required for weight loss and maintenance of the physical fitness. Studies have established that the physically vigorous people have less probabilities of becoming obese. Physical activities increase the metabolic rate, which helps in the digestion of the fats in the body. The physical activities and appropriate exercises even help in burning the stored fats of the body thus helping in weight reduction. Physical activities lower stress and increase strength of the body. It helps in controlling blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body. Obesity is a disease and often caused by hypertension and hereditary factors. It is said that physical activities in such cases are hardly of any help. However it has been seen that the obesity attracts other diseases like the cardio vascular diseases and blood sugar. Therefore maintaining a healthy life style and usual physical activity can certainly help in controlling obesity and staying away from the diseases. (Weinstock May 2010). Type 2 Diabetes is the most ordinary and prevalent disease in the world. Type 2 Diabetes has been identified as the major reason behind the morbidity; therefore it has become an important health issue for the authorities. The major risks factor contributing to this disease is the obesity and physical inactivity. Reports suggest that Type 2 Diabetes has achieved epidemic magnitude and affects almost 20.6 million people in USA alone. (Bradley, Gorton, Symonds, Martin & Plowright March 1999) There is an ongoing debate about identification of the risk factors contributing to the Type 2 Diabetes. Certain studies suggest that the physical activity play a role in the prevention of the Type 2 Diabetes, while some completely deny the role of the physical activity. High cholesterol levels and low usage of insulin are the two main reasons why the Type 2 Diabetes affects the body. Researchers have proved that the increase of physical activity can assist in increasing the body’s ability to use insulin and lower the levels of cholesterol in the body. Therefore there is a negative association between the blood sugar levels and the physical activity. It is expected that the higher the rate of physical activities is the lower is the risk of being affected by diabetes. However this does not hold true in all cases. A recent study on the risks factors related to the Type 2 Diabetes established that increased weight has greater impact on the risks of the Type 2 Diabetes than physical activity. (Brown May 2001). Increased physical activity can help in reducing the Type 2 Diabetes risks mostly in the case of obese people. It has been established that the magnitude of obesity is more in contributing to the risk factors leading to the Type 2 Diabetes. Physical inactivity does contribute to the risk factor however it is not that significant as the obesity. The research concluded that being physically active does not completely get rid of the risks of Type 2 Diabetes. At the same time primary research carried out on the people suggest that the increased physical activity and healthy life style do help in decreasing and preventing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Studies show that the weight loss of about 5 to 7 percent can lead to delaying the possibilities of diabetes in a person. Therefore healthy lifestyle and controlled weight can reduce the risk of diabetes. To control weight and decrease the obesity risks it’s important to be physically active. Physical activity to some extent helps in reducing weight. Therefore we can say that physical activity is indirectly related to decreasing the risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Analysis of the people actively involved in the physical activity proved that physical activity and controlled diet could reduce or prevent obesity, which is a major cause of the Type 2 Diabetes. Though increase in physical activities solely cannot abolish the risks of diabetes, it can certainly help in one or the other ways. (Merchant, Pitiphat, Rimm & Joshipura, 2003) Cardiovascular diseases are characterized by the deposition of fatty substances like cholesterol and calcium in the arteries. The deposition of these substances on the walls of the arteries that take blood to the heart can lead to blockage and cardiac failures. The cardiovascular diseases are contributed by the factors like high blood pressure and obesity. It is said that even moderate physical activities like brisk walk can help in reduction of the risk factors of the cardiovascular diseases. Regular exercise and aerobics can increase the fitness levels of a person and thus help in decreasing the risks related to cardiovascular disease and deposition of fats on the arteries. Studies have established that a least amount of regular physical activity can help in considerably decreasing both the primary and secondary reasons for cardiovascular diseases. High blood pressure is one major reason for the increase risk of the cardiovascular disease like cardiac arrests and strokes. Habitual physical activity is said to control the blood pressures and improve the lipid abnormalities. Results based on the survey of the people have established that regular exercises have helped them in controlling blood pressures and other weight reacted problems. The physical exercises improve the flexibility of the body and increase endurance in a person. Approximately half an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity help in healthy maintenance of heart and lungs. Physical activities improve the internal circulations and help in proper digestion. “Maintaining a healthy weight and undertaking regular physical activity are important for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD).” (Sangster et al., 2010, p.1). Exercise also helps in increasing the metabolic rates of an individual. Research on the prevention and risk issues of the cardio vascular disease have suggested that though physical activity is important it is not the sole contributor to the prevention of the heart related diseases. Cardiovascular diseases are related to many other factors. The main risk factors of the cardiovascular diseases are obesity, improper diet, excess alcohol consumption and unhealthy lifestyle. The accumulation of the fatty substances on the walls of the arteries can also be caused by improper digestion and excess consumption of fatty foods. Many diseases related to heart can be associated with decreased metabolism rates and hypertensions. The life of the urban man is full of anxieties; the uncertain scenarios contribute to the tensions in the life of the people. Cardiovascular disease can also be related to mental stress and unhealthy living conditions. (Mensink, Deketh, Miranda, Mul,Schuit & Hoffmeister July 1996). A person may be physically active but could have an unhealthy lifestyle; this would thus attract the cardio vascular diseases. Physical activity alone cannot decrease the complete risk of the cardiovascular disease. They have to be coupled up with healthy lifestyle and proper dietary habits. Experts declare the findings that moderate to vigorous physical activity help in increasing the metabolic rates improve digestion and improve the quality of the sleep. Physical activities also induce self-confidence and mental well being. Therefore the physical activities can aid in indirectly controlling the factors, which contribute to the cardio vascular diseases. (Weinstock May 2010). Conclusion: The modern chronic diseases like the cardiovascular disease, obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes are increasing rapidly in the westernized developed nations. These diseases once known to be uncommon have become the most prevalent disease throughout the world. “Over 50 per cent of the adult populations of industrialized countries are so inactive that they are at significantly increased risk for adverse long-term health outcomes.” (Leslie, Sparling & Owen November 3, 2003, p.116) There are various factors, which contribute to the prevalence of these diseases. The unhealthy lifestyle, decrease of the physical activities, increased dependency on the machines to carry out the daily chores; uncertain environments leading to hypertension are some of the major causes. Chronic diseases act as a huge burden on the society and the individual. These diseases invite huge economical and emotional costs along with human sufferings. All the major chronic diseases are related to each other and form a cycle by attracting one another. Obesity attracts cardio vascular disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Most of these chronic diseases are related to physical inactivity in one way or the other. Physical inactivity is the basis of these diseases; a physically inactive person is most likely to be obese and thus the risks of the other chronic diseases like the diabetes and cardio vascular disease also increases. Various researches on the risk and prevention factors of the chronic disease established that physical inactivity forms the root cause of the increased risks of the chronic diseases. There have been arguments that established that even the physically active people are at the risk of the chronic diseases like the Type 2 Diabetes and artery blockages. The physical inactivity is not the only parameter that reduces the risk of the chronic diseases. It has been established that the increased physical activity alone cannot help in preventing obesity. However it can be at the same time be established that there is a disparity between being bodily active and fit. The prevention of the chronic diseases requires a person to be physically fit and not only active. Physical activity helps in increasing the metabolism rates, improve the body’s usage of insulin, lower blood pressure and reduce the peril of heart diseases. Physical activity contributes significantly in staying fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In today’s world adoption of a regular habit of being physically active definitely helps in avoiding the risks related to the chronic diseases. References 1. Bradley C., Gorton T., Symonds E., Martin A. & Plowright R. (March 1999). The Development of an Individualized Questionnaire Measure of Perceived Impact of Diabetes on Quality of Life: The ADDQoL. Quality of life research. 8(1). pp 79-91. 2. Brown D. R. etal. (May 2001). 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