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Pain and different treatment modalities - Essay Example

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Pain is defined as a multidimensional and a complex feeling affected by physical, psychological, emotional, and cultural factors. Pain can be categorized as nociceptive, neuropathic or a combination of both. It has been the top most reason why people is seeking medical intervention…
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Pain and different treatment modalities
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Three points have caught my attention why is there a vague assessment on the pain; 1. Hospitals or even clinic should specific tools in pain validation. 2. Different approach in assessing pain for cognitive intact patients and those patients unable to self-report. 3. An approach for patients who have different cultural influences in relation to pain management. Reading some books, articles or even journals will help individual to know what are the updates in their field or even updates on what's going on with their activities of daily living.

These reading materials will keep them posted from time to time and will help them educate furthermore as to different approaches and what's in and what's out locally and even globally. Pain can be classified into three levels; Acute, Chronic or Acute-on-chronic. Acute pain is considered within the first 24 to 48 hours of pain onset either due to inflammation or tissue injury whether is it categorized as nociceptive or neuropathic in origin while Chronic pain is categorized as pain that lasts beyond the healing process of the tissue and may even persist for several months.

Acute-on-chronic pain is a special type of pain that maybe presented with few or no pain signs at all, as the one who's experiencing it may have learned to deal with it for so long. Pain can also be categorized into two subtypes as previously mentioned; 1. Nociceptive and 2. Neuropathic. A human body's natural response to injured or inflamed tissue(s) in relation to the peripheral neurons is called Nociceptive Pain; pain that can originate from inside our body - visceral type of pain or a pain that came from muscles - somatic pain.

Neuropathic pain is a very complex type of pain wherein we need to determine the specific original of the pain through different modalities and by locating the anatomical set-up of the pain. Through the different categories of pain, it is a must to specifically the exact location and origin of pain for us to be able to concretely make a proper recommendation and the kind of approach we need to provide to our patients. Though, there may be available interventions to reduce or totally eliminate the pain perception but still we need to determine the appropriate pharmacological or non-pharmacological interventions.

Historically, the use of non-opioid drugs can still eliminate or reduce the pain perceived by the patients, together with the standard therapeutic approaches, this tandem could be a stand-alone mark to combination therapies to alleviate different pain problems. As we yearly on different approaches to pain management; scientists, doctors and other medical professionals are still on the process of development a very effective model to reduce pain or totally alleviate it into the patients system.

Treatments options, though readily available, are still on the process of keep them very effective and at the same time safe to patients specially the opioid drugs in conjunction to others pain modalities. Through the decades, there has been an increased in demand relating to quality services and control over the treatment thereby resulting to come up with

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Pain and Different Treatment Modalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
“Pain and Different Treatment Modalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words”, n.d.
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