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Paul Levy: Taking Charge of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center In APA Format - Essay Example

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This essay focuses on the memorandum of Paul Levy: taking charge of Beth Israel Deaconess medical center. It analyses the recommendation that the Beth Israel and Deaconess should discontinue their clinical integration. Conflicts among workforce have arisen because of this integration…
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Paul Levy: Taking Charge of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center In APA Format
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Paul Levy: Taking Charge of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterIn APA FormatCompany Key Issues The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BID) is faced with the following issues:The merger can be considered as a mismatch because of the apparent differences in the values and culture of the two organizations.The clinical integration is hampering the efficiency of the company as it gives Beth Israel more authority in management.Human resource problems like employee turnover, mistrust, and hostility among doctors have developed.

The company has been incurring losses above $50 million from 1998 to 2001. The hospital is buying a number of practice plans in the community but is paying too much and creating improper incentives between the community doctors and the hospitals.The BID lost its market and is having problems with poorly executed insurance contracts.BID focuses on the quantity and not the quality of patients.The company fails to execute strategic actions and reach a programmatic plan which mirror inefficient leadership and governance and dysfunctional organization.

BID lacks a specific mission, objective, and strategies which can guide them in achieving their goals.MemorandumDate: 10 March 2007To: Paul LevyFrom: Student’s NameSubject: RECOMMENDATION FOR BIDIn line with the current situation faced by the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, this memorandum offers recommendations which can alleviate it. First, it is recommended that BID starts with planning strategically where it wants to go, what it wants to achieve and the strategies to be employed in order to attain its goals.

BID can do this by defining a specific mission and mission. The company should also identify its specific goals and establish strategies on how these can be achieved. Installing certain measures and controls to monitor the results will also be essential.Second, it is recommended that the Beth Israel and Deaconess should discontinue their clinical integration. It should be noted that conflicts among workforce have arose because of this integration. These two hospitals should position themselves the way they previously are—Beth Israel as a warm and caring hospital while Deaconess as more businesslike.

The organizations, instead, can focus on reducing costs by integrating back office processes.Third, BID should focus on enhancing its core competencies in order to remain competitive. It should be noted that its main milestones is in clinical research and innovation. It is believed that it can strongly compete by focusing on this aspect. With the rapid advances in technology, the company can come up with products and services which it can be the first to deliver in the market. Also, it should focus on enhancing the quality of service in its obstetrics department because basically, it is the bread and butter of the company.

It should seek to offer innovative services in its patients in this area.Fourth, employee morale should be alleviated in order ensure efficiency and harmonious working relationship. This is through instilling a culture of trust and excellence among doctors and by employing proper motivational techniques.

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