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Natural Approach to Uterine Fibroids - Research Paper Example

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There was a time, if a woman exhibited even a few symptoms of possible uterine fibroids a hysterectomy was recommended as the first line of treatment for uterine fibroids. Sad but true, this practice continues even today…
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Natural Approach to Uterine Fibroids
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?Natural Approach to Uterine Fibroids There was a time, if a woman exhibited even a few symptoms of possible uterine fibroids a hysterectomy was recommended as the first line of treatment for uterine fibroids. Sad but true, this practice continues even today. The trend is scary as currently of all the surgeries performed on women in the Unites States every year, hysterectomy is the second most common surgical procedure. Research has proved that 99% of uterine tumors are benign and the symptoms of these fibroids are back and abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, anemia, fatigue, constipation, painful sex and infertility. Uterine fibroids form on the interior muscular wall and the exterior of the uterus. They form clumps and tend to enlarge leading to distortion of the uterus. Even if the fibroids are tiny, they can cause immense pain and abnormal bleeding. Consuming plethora of medicines to treat uterine fibroids can cause more harm than good. The best approach one can adopt is the alternative way of treatment; the natural way. Natural uterine fibroid treatment methods can easily control the growth and spread of uterine fibroids. Nature has tremendous potential to heal and it has been good enough to entrust our bodies the ability to release the harmful toxins and abnormal cells when it is out of equilibrium. Any type of treatment for uterine fibroids must include certain vitamins and/or minerals and accessory nutrients and/or herbs. Here I am going to discuss about a natural product that can control uterine fibroids. This product is composed of 2 vitamins and 3 herbs. The product is composed of: 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin E 3. Dong Quai 4. Black Cohosh 5. Chasteberry (vitex) The best vitamins to aid the healing process of uterine fibroids are Vitamin A (Betacarotene) and Vitamin E. Herbs like Dong Quai, Black Cohosh and Chasteberry are known to not only control the symptoms but treat the disease altogether. A combination of these vitamins and herbs is a wonder drug. This product is absolutely essential if you want to eliminate the existence of uterine fibroids naturally. So, let’s delve into the benefits of these vitamins and herbs and understand what made me choose these vitamins and herbs in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Vitamin A Vitamin A present in this product is derived from either animal or vegetables sources. Vitamin A derived from animals is divided into retinol and dehydroretinol. Vitamin A obtained from vegetables has four potent groups - alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, gamma-carotene and crypto-carotene. Vitamin A protects the cells against damage and it also helps the cells to reproduce normally. An adequate supply of vitamin A corresponds to healthy red blood production. Vitamin A also helps to control heavy bleeding and other symptoms of uterine fibroids. To maintain adequate levels of vitamin A in the body, eating foods rich in beta-carotene (carrots and sweet potatoes) or taking beta-carotene supplements is recommended. Vitamin E Vitamin E controls the symptoms of painful periods (dysmenorrhea) that is caused due to fibroids. During dysmenorrhea, women also may feel bloated, nauseous, experience breast tenderness, diarrhoea and headaches. Vitamin E combats these fibroid symptoms. Vitamin E is composed of alpha-tocopherol which is the most important. This antioxidant acts by regulating the hormonal disorders which triggers fibroids. It opposes fibrosis and when it is combined with herbs, the effect is intensified. It ensures the stability of cellular structures. Dong Quai Dong Quai' is a Chinese herb and is found to have a relaxing effect on the uterus comes. This is because of the presence of volatile oils in Dong Quai. Dong quai is a muscle relaxant and helps in relieving cramps, thereby strengthening the female organs. Black Cohosh Black Cohosh is used for centuries to treat many women related symptoms like painful menstruation, hot flashes and night sweats, which are associated with menopause and premenstrual syndrome. Isoferulic acids present in Black Cohosh have anti-inflammatory properties. Black Cohosh contains phytoestrogens, which are plant based chemicals that act similar to estrogen in the body. Chasteberry This herb is known to minimize the unwanted estrogen, minimize inflammation, balance the hormonal levels and control the signs and symptoms of PMS. The action of Chasteberry is not similar to phytoestrogen instead it helps by balancing the women hormonal level. It restores the estrogen/progesterone balance. It acts by increasing the levels of luteinizing hormone and inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone to shift the ratio of estrogen to progesterone slightly in favor of progesterone.  Contradictions: Some of the possible side effects of using this product are nausea, dizziness, menstrual problems, skin changes and dryness, itchiness, irritability, vomiting, headaches. Women taking birth control pills, estrogen, progesterone or tamoxifen should talk to their physicians before using this product as these medications contain estrogen. This product may negatively affect hormone-related illnesses such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and endometriosis and may stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells. Pregnant women should avoid the use of this product as it can stimulate uterine contractions leading to miscarriage or early labor. Patients should consult their doctor before using this products if they are taking oral contraceptives, or on hormonal replacement therapy or if you are trying in-vitro fertilization to become pregnant. Dosage: Take I tablet once a day, preferably with food. Composition: Vitamin A: 25,000 international units Vitamin E: 400 international units Dong Quai: 1000 mg Black Cohosh: 80 mg Chasteberry: 20 mg What would you include on the label and why Name of the product: It is required for the end user to know what he is consuming and also that the product adheres to the prescription. Composition: To ensure that the composition is in adequate quantities and that it is as per RDA Indication: For the end user to know that the product is prescribed for the right medical condition or disorder or disease. Direction to use: This helps the end user to use the product in the correct way Mfg Lic no: Indicates that the product is genuine and possess a valid licence for its manufacturing Batch no: Helps to sort and identify the product. Can be helpful in recalling the product if a particular batch is found faulty. Mfg date: Required to know the date of manufacturing to evaluate the potency of the product Exp Date: Denotes the potency of the product is nil ad such a product should not be consumed. MRP: The maximum retail cost of the product Manufactured by: Brand recall value and credibility to the manufacturer Manufacturer’s address: To address complains and queries Customer Care Number: Helpline number to answer queries and report fraud, if any The uniqueness of this product is the wisely chosen combination of vitamins and herbs. This product is great news to a lot of people suffering from uterine fibroids. This holistic approach to the treatment has proven to be pretty effective. This product deals with the root cause of the fibroids rather than just addressing the fibroids symptoms. The advantage of using this product is that it works with the body to smoothly eradicate the problem of fibroids. Eliminate the pain and distress caused by uterine fibroids for good with the help of this natural product without resorting to a hysterectomy or some other expensive surgeries. Try out this product for uterine fibroids treatment and enhance the level of quality of your life. References: 1. University of Maryland Medical Center (n.d.). Black Cohosh. Retrieved from 2. Diagnose (23 April 2011). Vitex / Chasteberry. Retrieved from Read More
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