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Development of a female at the age of fourteen years - Term Paper Example

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Considering what is normal I will consider the following observations as abnormal while examining a 14 year old girl…
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Development of a female at the age of fourteen years
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? Assignment Answer Before one starts to judge what is normal and what is abnormal one must have a clear understanding regarding the development of a female at the age of fourteen years. Physical: Normal physical development includes the following features: Development of breast buds. This happens between the ages of 7 to 13 years. This is closely followed by the development of rough, dark hair in the pubic region and in the underarms. The quantity of pubic hair increases The menstrual cycles starts about two to two and a half years after the start of breast development. The cycle can start between the ages of nine to 15 years. However, most girls do not have predictable cycles for a time period of up to two years. Majority of the girls bones are growing until 18 to 20 months have passed after the onset of menses. After this the girls bones stop growing and they reach their final adult heights (Durso, 2001). Usually during menses the spine tends to become curved. Voice becomes less hoarse and more refined. Build up of fat around hips, thighs and chest. Acne and strong body odor (“Understanding Puberty”, n.d). Considering what is normal I will consider the following observations as abnormal while examining a 14 year old girl: Appearance of facial hairs near the lips and on the lower part of the cheeks. This is something that should not happen in females but nowadays this has become quite common among girls. This should only happen in boys. Reason for considering this an alarming deviation: Normally girls do not have beards and moustaches but if they do then this means their bodies have male sex hormone called Testosterone. Voice becomes deep Reason for considering this a mildly alarming deviation: Most girls voice becomes softer and refined when they are fourteen. Voice becoming deeper happens in boys. Having deeper voice can make the girl feel less of a girl and more of a boy. One reason for having a deep voice can be due to the production of male sex hormones in a female’s body. However, having a deep voice can be hereditary as well. No periods at all since many months. Reason for considering this an alarming deviation: Girls in the same age group do have periods although they are unpredictable I some cases. Having no periods can be an indication of problems like polycystic ovaries. Detection of polycystic ovaries is possible using ultrasound. Polycystic ovaries can result in obesity also which can further create problems for any girl. The good news is that the condition is treatable. However, short-term irregularity in periods can be due to any of the reasons such as exhaustion, stress, and more than needed amount of exercise. No curvature in spine and little fat in thighs, hips and the chest. In other words lack of curvature in the body. Reason for considering this an alarming deviation: Most girls in this age group have a slightly curved spine, broad pelvis and noticeable amount of recent deposition of fat in the chest. However, it is always possible that the girl is naturally skinny like her other family members. Uterine or vaginal abnormalities Reason for considering this an alarming deviation: Later on in life this can result in premature labor, miscarriages, retained placenta and various other disturbing things during pregnancy or child birth (“Female Genital Abnormalities”,n.d).Now let’s consider the remaining key developmental areas. Psychological Other than the physical alterations that occur during puberty, psychological amendments also happen during teenage development. For instance, if a teen girl develops breasts before the other girls her age; she may experience humiliation with respect to her altering figure. This could influence her self-esteem as well. For some doctors such change in self-esteem can be an alarming observation. To help the girl cope with this she must be referred to a psychologist and she must be explained why her figure is changing and how is this perfectly normal. Teenagers frequently compare themselves with other people of their age and establish their personality on the basis of how others see them. Some develop eating disorders (like anorexia) because of the how they compare their bodies with their class fellows or film stars. Being even mildly overweight is considered unattractive to many teens. Acne might be a cause of shame to some teenage girls. If such things are shown by the fourteen year girl being examined then these are mildly alarming deviations but they do require serious attention otherwise they can become full-time habits during adulthood and ultimately ruin one’s life. Cognitive The following is the normal cognitive developmental change at puberty: Despite having a general inclination towards acting on impulse, humans belonging to the age group of 9 to 16 years have a more knowledge and cultured capability to justify decisions and to make opinions compared to children. If a 14 year old girl shows herself incapable of having opinions regarding various issues related to herself or fails to justify some major decisions like choosing which high school to attend then this is certainly a surprising observation and it refers towards mental problems (Baker,n.d). Emotional The following are the emotional developmental changes at puberty: Once puberty starts, the body starts making reproductive hormones that result in mood swings so frequently observed at this level of human growth. However, if the mood swings are such that the girl experiences one emotion (anger is an example) much more than another (happiness is a good example) for a long time period then this indicates that she is stressed out and needs help. As physical alterations happen, boys and girls start to like each other. Various psychological concerns might arise as teens begin dating. Some teens are disappointed when they do not get invited to social gatherings like school dances or when their love interests do not return their fondness. However if this disappointment turns into a desire to end one’s life this is highly alarming and if I see something like this then the girl must be immediately referred to a psychologist and her caretakers must be advised to watch her every move. Other girls may become sexually involved, which can result in a fall in self-respect, if the relationship results in a break-up. Therefore, it is possible to see a depressed fourteen years old girl just because she is not getting a boy’s attention (Baker,n.d). Social The following are things that are normal during puberty: A feeling of increased self-consciousness while social interaction comes at puberty. Puberty results in many physical amendments, and pubescent become conscious, for the first time, that these amendments are not only observable to themselves but also to others. Puberty is a period of self-finding and majority of pubescent encounter a wish to maintain distance from their parents. While this can prove to be irritating for their parents, the pubescent requires to be perceived. Answer 2 “Many think that nursing homes and retirement homes are places that the elderly should reside. This is not the case. If you just take a moment to see that you yourself can care for the elderly too.”(“How to Take Care of Elderly People”, n.d) There are various areas where one needs to be vigilant while taking care of the elderly one of these areas is the structural features of the place where the elderly person is living. By improving these structural features not only are the elderly people safer but also less attention needs to be paid by a caretaker. Setting water heaters at 120 degrees, installing Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors since elderly people are susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning and unlikely to realize if something is on fire because of weakened sense of smell and installing grab bars and anti-slip tiles in the bath room especially next to the toilet are essentials(Baldauf,2007). It is possible that the elderly person is restricted to a wheel chair and so the house must have inclined ramps on all passages used by the elderly person before he/she became restricted to the wheel chair. Such people can also have problems using the toilet and so their wheel chairs should include features to eliminate the need to go to a toilet. Being able to urinate without going to a washroom will provide the elderly with the opportunity to save energy and avoid injuries that can occur as a result of slipping in the bath room. This will help them a lot because often elderly people lack bladder control. However, not every elderly person is restricted to a wheelchair some are capable of walking and even jogging. If such is the case then they must be encouraged to exercise. It is best if they join a fitness centre along with their friends because in this way they will be able to live longer and better and also make more friends to give them the company they need. It's now known that regular exercise can protect older people against disease and make them functionally younger by 10 or 15 years (Baldauf, 2007). Secondly, elderly people must be visited frequently so that they do not feel lonely and depressed. Since elderly people are often physically incapable of participating in social gatherings others do assume that they need space and have lost interest in what is happening around them. On the contrary, they are very interested in how their friends and family are doing because now they do not have a nine to five job or young children to worry about. Thirdly, all elderly people must be encouraged and helped in using things like the digital meters for measuring blood pressure and measuring glucose. This will enable them to keep a check on their health and take medicines accordingly. Using such devices will also provide them with a sense of independence and the ability to know why they are feeling stressed out or partially conscious. Caretakers of elderly people must remind elders to take the right medicine in the right amount at the right time of the day. To enable elderly people to remember reminders with loud beeps can be stored in their mobile phones or a schedule can be prepared and put up on something that is frequently accessed by them such as a fridge door or even the door of the bathroom close to their bed room. Not taking medicines on time can aggravate diseases. "Poor medication management is the No. 1 reason for leaving an independent living situation and going into supervised care," (Ginzler, n.d) Other than this if elderly people are driving then adjustments must be made to the car such as installing cameras to see behind while reversing the car. Such adjustments are necessary because as a person becomes old reaction time decreases, bodies become stubborn and general attention level falls. When driving becomes really difficult for the elderly they must be persuaded to leave it and instead keep a driver at their own or at the expense of their children. If there is a conflict, sign up with authorities like the parent's doctor or the DMV—failing a vision or driving test prevents license from getting rejuvenated. These are the issues one needs to deal with while taking care of the elderly. Answer 3 I) First let us consider how a 2 years old baby develops. Any 2 year old enjoys using his/her senses and motor abilities to discover the world and is very inquisitive regarding different things (“2 Years”,n.d). More importantly babies this age recognize most parts of speech to make full sentences although they have difficulty in pronouncing the words. Most are happy playing with other children, but frequently tend to be reserved. Managing feelings is still complex and so disappointment may initiate emotional meltdowns (“Child Developmental Tracker”,n.d). The baby in this case appears to be worried and clueless. She seems to be a victim of stress anxiety in which the child gets stressed out when he/she is abandoned by their caretaker (the mother in this case) (Separation Anxiety, 2011). I suspect stress anxiety is responsible because the child is not used to being left alone by her mother (proven by the fact that child only comes to daycare center during 2 days of the week). Furthermore, occasionally her mother does not come to pick her up hence reinforcing the idea in the child’s mind that the day care centre is an insecure environment where even her caretaker does not come to her rescue. As far as being always pale is concerned it can be due to various reasons such as Anemia, Leukemia, Vitiligo, illness or lack of exposure to the Sun (Bishop, 2011). I believe the paleness is a result of little exposure to the Sun the reason for believing so is that the baby is not taken outside and as a result she is not only afraid when left alone in a place other than home but also appears pale because of little exposure to the Sun. Paleness can also be a sign of being scarred. Not expressing sadness or happiness seems mildly alarming considering that children of this age do cry frequently and laugh at silly things. However, fear could have made the child reserved. Showing no signs of speech suggests that something is very wrong considering that children of this age do babble. II) The following are the duties of a communities social worker: Offer avoidance/early involvement benefits to children, adolescents and families: interact with families and local groups to form reliable relationships; offer precautionary early intervention and disaster counseling; employ the open fund to deal with the trivial emergency requirements of clients after interviewing them to know if they are eligible; Keep in touch with other social service agencies engaged with patron to supply information and get feedback on patrons’ overall development; Execute living aptitude workshops, drug abuse treatment programs, adolescent benefits programs Under the monitoring of social workers or medical experts; Help in assessing the usefulness of treatment programs by following clients' behavioral Modifications; Offer tragedy asylum services (“4212 Community and Social Service”,n.d). III) To fulfill my responsibilities I will first observe an experienced social worker interviews clients while deciding whether to provide them monetary assistance or not. I will also see them implement social programs. Doing so will help me when I decide to perform the same things. Before I get down to fulfilling my duties I will go through all rules and regulations of the welfare organization I am working for. Besides this I will not hesitate to refer a client to some other social organization if helping him/her is beyond the reach of the organization I work for. As far as maintaining contacts is concerned I will try to visit more social events so that I am able to come across a greater number of people related to social work. Answer 4 The following are the Erikson’s eight stages of development: 1. Infancy: From Birth till the age of 18 Months Self-image Development Outcome: Trust vs. Mistrust Basic strength: Motivation and Hope Major emphasis: is on the mother's positive and loving care for the child, with a big emphasis on visual contact and touch. Result: If one clears this level successfully, he will learn to trust that life is fundamentally alright and hope for the best. If one is ignored during this stage Significant relationship formed: with the mother or whoever has cared for us the most. 2. Early Childhood: 18 Months to 3 Years Self-image Development Outcome: Independence vs. disgrace Basic Strengths: Self-control, confidence, and determination Major emphasis on: Learn basic skills like using the toilet, walking, talking and eating. We are learning finer motor development. Result: Chance to increase self-esteem and autonomy as we gain more control over our bodies Learn to say "NO!" It is during this level, however, that one can be psychologically weakened. If one is laughed at while learning basic skills, one may feel disgraced and lose confidence (Harder, 2012). Most significant relationships: are with parents. 3. Play Age: 3 to 5 Years Self-image Development Outcome: Ability to act on own vs. blame Basic Strength: Reason Major Emphasis on: During this time we encounter a wish to imitate the adults around us. One makes stories related to the adult version of the world using toys. Finding out why things are the way they are is also done. Result: Social role identification becomes possible. May experience guilt if one fails to meet basic needs or achieve some goals. The most significant relationship: is with the basic family (Harder, 2012). 4. School Age: 6 to 12 Years Self-image Development result: Industry vs. Feeling of being lower in rank. Basic Strengths: Method and Competence Major emphasis on: one learns various new skills and knowledge, hence forming a sense of industry. Result: An important social stage of development and if we feel inferior compared to our peers our self-esteem falls. Also, gaining new knowledge and skills helps in relating to people other than one’s own parents (Harder, 2012). Most significant relationship: is with the school and neighboring communities. Parents are no longer seen as the only people one is answerable to although they are still important. 5. Adolescence: 12 to 18 Years Self-image Development Result: Individuality vs. Role Confusion Basic Strengths: Loyalty and Fidelity Major emphasis is on: what we do. Life is becomes more sophisticated as one tries to search for their role in the society. This role can turn out to be unique from one’s family. Forming opinions regarding ethical issues also happens. Result: Unluckily some adolescents withdraw from responsibilities while they are finding their roles. Erikson calls this a "moratorium". In this same process one tends to think in terms of ideals, which appear to be free from worries. Finally, if one fails in finding his/her role confusion will happen. Most significant relationships: are with peer groups. 6. Young Adulthood: 18 to 35 Self-Image Development Result: Closeness and camaraderie vs. loneliness Basic Strengths: Attachment and romance Major emphasis is on: seeking one or more partners to love. One attempts to develop relationships, primarily through marriage and friends. Result: one generally also starts a family. If settling in this stage is a success, one can encounter immense closeness. If one is not successful, loneliness and becoming socially reserved can occur. In defense, one can feel better than others (Harder, 2012). Most significant relationships: are with love interests and friends (Harder, 2012). 7. Middle Adulthood: 35 to 55 or 65 Self-Image Development Outcome: Breadwinner vs. self-importance or lack of progress. Basic Strengths: Serving the people one loves Major emphasis on: work, issues regarding one’s family and one being a responsible leader and role-model for the children. Result: Children eventually abandon one’s home and relationships or aims change. Some people suffer from the mid-life crisis, a time when adults realize how little time remains in their lives to come to an end. If one does not clear this stage successfully, one can lose the will to progress any further. Significant relationships: are within the office one works at, the community and the family (Harder, 2012). 8. Late Adulthood: 55 or 65 to Death Self-image Development Result: Pride/ honor/integrity vs. feeling of hopelessness Basic Strengths: Wise decision making Major emphasis is on: what one has done in the past and has contributed towards the betterment of the society. Result: In this way one feels happy and proud. On the contrary, some adults may arrive at this stage and feel sad about what they went through in the past. One’s strength is derived from the belief that this world is extremely large and all things must come to an end including him/her. Significant relationship is: with almost all humans (Harder, 2012). References BabyCenter. (2011, August). Separation Anxiety. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Baker, H. (n.d) Psychological effects of puberty.Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Baldauf, S.(2007, November 2).Taking care of your parents: safeguarding their health and safety. Retrieved 8th April, 2012, from Bishop, W. (2011, March 8). Why my child is so pale. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Durso,B.(2001,September). Girls and puberty. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Employment Ontario. (n.d).Four two one two community and social service. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Workers Harder, A.(2012). Erikson’s eight stages of development. Retrieved 8th April, 2012, from Kids Health.(n.d).Understanding puberty. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from (n.d).Female Genital Abnormalities. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Pbsparents. (n.d).Child developmental tracker. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Wonder time. (n.d).Two years. Retrieved on 7th April 2012, from Read More
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