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Whether Australia Is Part of Asia - Coursework Example

"Whether Australia Is Part of Asia" paper analizes the arguments that Australia is part of Asia and that it is not part of Asia. Geographically it is not part of Asia but there are other aspects of its involvement with the continent that have made it automatically to be part of Asia…
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Australia is part of Asia Name Course Name and Code Instructor’s Name Date Australia is part of Asia Australia is a country that is officially referred to as commonwealth of Australia1. It is geographically located in the southern hemisphere and it comprise of the Australia continent mainland, smaller islands in Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean and Tasmania Island. It is rated as number in the countries with large total area2. The countries that are neighbouring it include Papua New Guinea, east Timor and Indonesia on the North, New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Solomon Island on the north east, and finally New Zealand on the southeast. The country is also rated thirteen among the developed countries and seventh among the countries with highest income per capita. The first inhibitors of the country arrived at around 48,000 years ago3. They were immigrants from South East Asia4. The country is separated from the Asia by two sea called Timor and Arafura. Australia is part of Asia There are countries, which are neither part of Australia, nor Asia but share the political, economic and social systems of both. There are three countries for instance which are inhabited by immigrant from Asia and Australia. These countries include Tuvalu, Samoa &cook island. The government of the country of Tuvalu promotes migration of the overseas. It has the greatest record of population growth in that per annum the growth rate is about 4.3% per annum5. Most of the immigrants come from the Asian and Australian countries but the majorities are Asians. This explains why most of the country’s political, social and economic issues are managed using the systems of Asia6. The country is associated with Australia in that mostly it is classified as being more of an Australian country. Ideally, the systems that run the country are Asia hence making it more of Asian and since it is part of Australia then, it makes Australia part of Asia. Significant numbers of people from Asia have migrated to live in the New Zealand country7. The migration has been of great help to the country in the sense that they have helped in the economic growth of the New Zealand. Most of the immigrants from Asian are skilled people who simply impart their skills to the people of New Zealand making the country more of Asian economic8. Some of these immigrants have even gone further to use their earnings to improve the social facilities for the sake of their children. Some of the facilities they major on include the schools and house which are the main facilities their children need for their survival. The government of Asian countries is also very much involved in funding some of these projects for having some of their people who are immigrants feel comfortable when in Australia9. This makes Australia country like of the Asian countries by the mere fact that most of the immigrants who have settled there are from Asia and they are ready to see to it that the country is economically and socially developed10. In addition, a great and valuable link has already been built between the two countries such that the people of New Zealand and Australia feels already like part of Asians11. This has been done by the fact that the government of Asian countries has reached out to the people who are in the villages. Most of the skilled personnel in the pacific country are from Asia. This explains why the country is more of Asian rather than Australia12. The Asian Governments has put so many efforts in ensuring there is development in the countries of the pacific, which are part of Australia to ensure there is development. Development can be defined in many ways depending on the field I is applicable but generally development refers to the process of growth or progress13. Development is associated with the process of making life better in one way or another and it encompasses the following; governance, healthcare, foreign aid, education, gender equality, poverty eradication, infrastructure, human rights, economics and disaster preparedness. The process of development entails great input of effort in terms of energy resources (human resource and finances), that creates inequality in terms of gender and education levels at individual level, and it makes all the difference between the developed and the developing countries14. These factors determine mostly the possibility of getting an opportunity for development. Poverty for instance can be a major cause of inequality in development in that it is a condition in which an individual, group, institution, organization or a country lacks the economic access to the fundamental needs. It can also be defined in terms of political or social insufficiency15. Institutes for development are aimed at recognizing inequality within or between nations and individuals that leads to poor living conditions and poverty like the economic growth important for the development but according to research, the poor are excluded in the benefits. This explains why education is one of the ways of alleviating the inequalities and imbalanced development16. The learning process in Australia has been improved in such a way that it involves a global perspective17. This is due to the collaboration that exists between the governments of Asia and Australia. The world is changing at a very high meaning that all the countries have a responsibility to include global awareness in the curriculum. The students are also frequently faced by issues that require a global perspective or focus a situation that has created a need for a global perspective in education18. Some of these issues include facing other students of different ethnic background, race, linguistics, gender and social background19. Other issues include different health issues, environmental issues, inequalities among the developed and developing countries, issues related to population and migration, economic and social differences20. There is a need therefore for the introduction of a global perspective in education. The production of global educated people who have high skills and technologies, broad knowledge in different disciplines with reference to the contemporary world will enable them to help in adaptability and flexibility21. The process of creating such global awareness to the students entail focusing, understanding as well as application of different dimensions that are combined with the perpetual elements and substantial skills. The choice of media materials by the teacher for the purpose of teaching are material that will create a conscious awareness of the issues of global perspective in what they present to the students in the process of learning. According to David22, He tries to provide some kind of corrective in marking the regional integration in the continent of Asia. He first tries to make a distinction between the regionalization and regionalism whereby regionalization means multifaceted and integration of the socio-economic processes while regionalism means some form of construction a kin identity to nationalism. He further explains some degree of the history in effort to explain the recent development in Australia23. In His work he has substituted the name Asia with pacific. Since the year 1990, the study of the integration of Asia as a region has brought forth what is called regionalism. There is interlink between the political, economic and security dimensions. The terms regionalism and regionalization are economically used to show the construction of the Asian entities. The distinction between the two words explains in details the issue of Asian continent integration24. Regionalism, which is basically the identity development national boundary construction, is also conventionalized to be related to regionalization but of the international relations. Geographically, it is not correct to say that Australia is part of Asia but with the rat at which political and social relationship for both is growing; there is a realization that has been brought forth by Asia that Australia being a nation is on the edge of Asian Pacific rim geographically (Stewart, 29). In the Australia, the pattern of the migration has completely changed in the sense that many of the people that are migrating to Australia are no longer from Europe but from Asia. The federal government is said to have understood the fact that there is a need for the Australians to become Asian literate in the area of business, education and other industries25. The government has worked hard in conjunction with other territory governments and states in the production of goals meant to govern the schooling systems. One of the main goals has been to ensure the Asian languages are recognized in the Australian learning system or curriculum26. Irrespective of what the maps reads, in the football world, Australia is part of Asia. The football federation made a decision to move Australia from Oceania and be positioned in Asia as part of its states. The Socceroos have taken the opportunity to work towards the goals o the Asia continent27. This decision and move is a true confirmation that even the major federations like football recognize Australia as part of Asian which is one of the major steps to recognize the state as part of Asia. The team has been playing in the world cup for the Asian continent. The political system of Australia is identical to the political system in most of the Asian countries. Previously much of the activities of Australia have been controlled by US and Britain28. This is whereby there was a great dependency syndrome with Britain and America. It suffered an Aglo-American cultural isolation with the major influences it has been experiencing with the rate at which many people have been migrating and joining the country from Asia. It is through close engagement with Asia that Australia has built itself a very strong government. Previously most of the actual Australian executions in the foreign relations, security policy and trade industry but currently the country have signed so many treaties with the Asian countries such that much of its support and help in any sector comes from the Asian and not from the Europe or America anymore29. This shows that there is a great place for Australia in Asia even economically and that there is great influence existing between the two countries. Asia has been benefiting greatly from the relation, which shows the greater need for Asian to accommodate Australia. While Australia is one of the richest countries in the whole world, Asian is actually one of the poorest. Australia is also not densely populated unlike Asia, which is greatly and extremely populated30. Australia has however accommodated so much of the Asian culture. Basically, Australia used to give so much importance in binding agreements and the rule of law in its operations but has currently adopted some of the Asian system of ensuring it maintains social harmony especially in settlement of disputes31. Australia is also frequently affected by the activities that are taking place in Asia. This explains why the nations no longer play the role of a good neighbour to Asia but as an integral part of the Asia. In the year 1964 for the first time in history, Australia took part in the UNESCO conference as a member of the Asian southeast Librarian32. As a result, the outside world has since viewed Australia as part of south East Asia. America has also called forth the nation of Australia to build up strong community of the pacific as well as to play a greater role in the matters of regional affairs33. It is by the mere fact that Australia as an island is in the Asian ocean that makes it automatically Asian. This explains why the world has frequently demanded that it must not only take part in Asian activities only during special occasions but also Australia has also been greatly involved in the economic issues of the pacific, which is a treat for the America and Britain especially because of its potential in the business. This has also broadened the relationship between the nation of Australia and the pacific nations or countries both socially, economically and politically34. This explains why the deep relationship among those countries has created an impression to the world that Australia is part of Asia. They have signed many agreements to govern their economic relationships and especially in terms of trade and that have greatly encouraged a good correlation. This explains why the world has mainly viewed Australia as one of the Asian countries35. Stewrt36 argues that the idea of Australia settlement is a presentation of a cluster of the interconnected policies and political ideas, which have been greatly accepted as well as implemented, by the governments and the citizen after the departure of the federal government. He list three main components of the Australia settlement as state paternalism, sage arbitration, imperial benevolence, industrial protection and white Australia37. According to Him the possibility of Australia being linked with the pacific countries is due to those factors38. The white Australia is the aspiration to bring a purity and united race through the restrictions of the immigrations of the people of coloured. This was also aimed at protected the pacific citizens that are immigrants in the country from any form of discrimination39. It was one of the ways Australia used to solve the frequent evolving conflicts in the work industry. The state paternalism was a means that was provided by the state to promote individual happiness through the intervention of the government. The government took that intervention as a means of shaping the relationships of the nation with the pacific countries in the trade sector. The imperial benevolence is a process by which there is a belief that the prosperity of the Australia as a nation is dependent on the security that exist40. Trough the Australian democracy, the settlement in Australia has been referred to as operating within the boundaries of Australia. This has been very effective in protecting rights of every individual: who is referred to as citizen in the nation regardless of their origin41. Through that, there has been a good understanding and relationship between the nation of Australia and the pacific countries whose citizens have settled in large numbers in Australia. It has allowed the citizens all without any discrimination based on race to take part in democracy freely making them feel a sense of belonging in the nation. According to Alex42, there is evidence that the state of Australia is simply a state system of societies, which is made up of commonly agreed values, beliefs, rules and even institutions. According to the rules that have set up between Australia and Asian all the citizens have be en able to enjoy coexisting with each other despite their differences in origin. It is through that co existence harmony that the world had considered Australia to be part of Asia. Both countries have had an agreement of their political, social and economic interest with each other. This has also contributed greatly to the good relationship existing between the two nations43. According to Jarrod et el.44, many of the CEO’s from Asia and Australia have created an understanding to ensure there exist a good business relationship between both countries45. This is whereby they obtain economies of scale, increase in products, cost saving, synergies and rationalism in the process of distribution in favour of each other’s companies. The companies from both countries sell their companies if need be to each other for the purposes of retaining the customers. Through that, the countries have ensured that there is an existence of the same business agreements and guidelines for both of them46. The countries also through their trade agreement have come up with identified acquisitions for the following four reasons; to bring a transformation to both of the involved industries as well as to create a new synergized industry for both countries, to consolidate a mature industry, to bring geographical extensions and finally for the purposes of acquiring new products for the two countries47. On the other hand there are some discussions, which have differed in that, there is no way Australia can be part of Asia. This is because of the great disparities that exist between the two countries. Australia has also been viewing itself as one of the idle power in that it is capable of acting as the trustworthy broker in the international systems. It has also viewed itself as a country that is governed by liberal-democratic values, beliefs and traditions capable of acting in the concerts to bring about influence in the larger power48. Through that, Australia set out to start a relationship with Asia whereby it has been selling its goods to the continent. With time the Asian economy has been improving hence most of the Asians are able to purchase goods from Australia. This has brought about a close and deep relationship between the countries of which many have termed it as the two belonging together49. This explains why some theories explain that Australia is part of Asia but all what exists is a good interrelationship between the two of them. There are claims that Australia was far much richer than Asia but with time currently, the economy of Asia has greatly improved. This has Placed it is high platform economically. As a result, it has been said that Australia now wants to be part of Asia since the continent is now rich and economically stable50. The reason for Australia to want to belong to Asia is not only for the economic purposes but also due to the world threat of dividing the countries into economic blocs’ causes by disputes between Japan and the United States as well as United States and Europe. Conclusion There are both arguments that Australia is part of Asia and that it not part of Asia. According to the evidence that has been given, geographically it is not part of Asia but there are other aspects of its involvement with the continent that have made it automatically to be part of Asia. It has be en involved in many political, economic and social interactions and agreements, which have made them create a good interrelationship. The accommodation of Asian culture in the schooling curriculum is on the ways that Australia has been incorporated as being part of Asia. All those factors have presented an evidence for the reasons as to why the world refers to Australia as part of Asia. Works Cited Alex Bellamy, “Power, rules and argument: new approaches to humanitarian intervention,” Australian Journal of International Affairs vol 57, no .3, 2003, 499–512 Brendan Taylor, Australian as an Asian-pacific regional power: friendship in flux (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) Camroux David, “Asia . . . whose Asia? A ‘return to the future’ of a Sino-Indic Asian Community,” The Pacific Review, vol 20, no 4, 2007, 551–575. Chesterman Simon, Just Wars or Just Peace: Humanitarian Intervention and International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) Crawford Neta, Argument and Change in World Politics: Ethics, Decolonization and Humanitarian Intervention (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002) Docker John, Race, Colour and Identity in Australia and New Zealand (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000) Firt Stewrt, Australia in international politics: An introduction to Australian foreign (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011) Helen Ware, “Melanesian Seasonal Migration as a Potential Contribution to Security,” Journal of Global Change, Peace and Security vol 19, no 3, 2007, 222-242 Ian Shappiro, “The State of Democratic Theory,” Australian Journal of Political Science, vol 40, no 1,2003, 141–168. Jaensch Dean, The politics of Australia (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) Jarrod, McDonald, Max, Coulthard & Paul, Lange, “Planning for a successful merger or acquisition: lessons from an Australian study” Journal of Global Business and Technology, vol. 1, no 2, 2005, 1-11. Jon Altman, Culture crises: Anthropology and politics in Aboriginal Australia (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010) 304. Lawson Stephanie, Europe and the Asia-pacific: culture, identity and representation of region (London: Routledge, 2003) Stokes Geoffrey, “The ‘Australian Settlement’ and Australian Political Thought,” Australian Journal of Political Science vol 39, no 1, 2006, 5–22 Wah Kin & Michael Richardson, Australi- New Zealand & Southeast Asia Relations: an agenda for closer cooperation (Australia: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2004) Read More

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