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The Gender Role in Children's Literature - Assignment Example

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The paper "The Gender Role in Children's Literature" tells that children’s books have a big role in society's effort to transmit society's culture in the children's lifestyle. Gender bias has been in existence in the language, content and illustrations in so many children’s books…
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Introduction Children’s books have a big role in the effort of the society trying to transmit the culture of the society in the lifestyle of the children. Literature for the children often depicts some social roles for females and males with an aim of promoting as well as highlighting the occurrences of asymmetrical (gender roles that are incongruent through female character) or symmetrical (gender roles that are congruent through the female character) (Fox, 2003). Gender bias has been in existence in the language, content and illustrations in so many children’s books. This has been shown by the gender that has been used as the main character as well as through the manner in which the roles of such a gender has been depicted. According to the main researches, the male role has been used more often for the main character’s role. A research by Kingston & Lovelace, (2008) showed that the male character was represented in the children’s books twice the times the female was used. Further, she noted that even in the books with a neutral name the role was played by a male. In addition, she found out that for the stories where girls were portrayed, they reflected the stereotypes of female and male roles. The analysis as per the questions posed to children 1. The differences in answers between the differing age groups The four children were of different gender and age. Ethan and Clare were of the same age while Sofia and Michael were of the same age when they read the story book. There answers were different but one thing was common and it was the manner in which the gender roles with reference to the main roles players in the books they read were presented. All of their answers also in a way were the same especially when answering a gender role related question. They seem to be very much oriented in a gender stereotype manner on the issue of roles of different genders in the society (Weitzman et el, 2002). 2. The difference in roles portrayed by females The answers given by the children with reference to the female showed that there is still an aspect of traditional gender role oriented mentality, this whereby most of the females have been portrayed as being helpless, weaker and delicate and in need of the help from their male counter part. The males who were the main characters were on the other hand presented as being very brave, strong, warriors, fighters and independent. One child claims that most of the female played right role because they presented themselves exactly the ay the society expects women to like helping their grand mothers, cleaning the house which is a female job and being rescued from danger like Tarzan was protecting the jungle being a man (Weitzman et el, 2002). 3. What different/incongruent gender roles are played by the main characters (reported) in books? The books show different roles played by the different main actors. Cinderella and sleeping beauty played the role of the helpless females who needed to be rescued. Usually the females are the weaker sex and they are expected to be dependent. Robins and jack have both been portrays as fighters since they has a plan to fight the Villains, they were also wild tree climbers which is associated with males, Tarzan together with Alladin are portrayed as very brave boys , very adventures and always getting into trouble which are gender roles associated with the males and not the females. 4. How do your findings support the text, research and chosen journal articles in relating to contexts of development? The women or girls have been associated with activities involving stayed indoors, service functions and passive while adult men are associated with activities like ruling, fighting, building and having adventure with the children. The answers also shows that one of the areas that has not changed in it representation for the gender roles is the personified animal characters. This is because the visible representation was not equal because the male animals are represented as being five times or more big than the females. Most of the children identify greatly with roles that are personified animals much more than the human characters. This in turn affects the attitudes of the children with reference to the gender roles (Weitzman et el, 2002) 5. How do your observations and the literature differ on the influence of these gender roles upon indigenous adolescents/adolescents from another cultural group? There is an increase in the presentation of females in the central titles, pictures and titles. Girls are also seen taking part in helping to solve problems, which are rather difficult for the males. The study was able to reveal that roles that are portrayed by children’s literature do not present accurate presentation of the behaviours and attitudes that are really in the society with reference to the genders. The analysis also insisted on the fact that the biasness on the gender roles can be of far-reaching effects especially on the development of the children’s perception of who they actually are. This means that the writer and publishers still need to put more effort in providing the children with a more realistic picture of the changing gender roles ( McArthur & Eisen, 2006). 6. Reflection Questions: a. What are you trying to accomplish? The main point I was trying to prove is that Children’s books have a big role in the effort of the society trying to transmit the culture of the society in the lifestyle of the children. b. Did you succeed? Yes I succeeded because according to the answers the children were giving, it was evidence that what they were reading was simply preparing them for what to expect as their roles with reference to their gender. In most books, the boys are represented as active while the girls as acted upon and not being active. This is whereby the girls are represented as being conforming, naïve and dependent while the boys as being adventurous, capable and independent. This is whereby the boys assume the role of fighting, rescuers and adventurers while girls are very passive in their roles of caretakers, princesses and desperately in need of rescue, mothers and roles that shows their support for the males (Kolbe & LaVole, 2001). The success of the role of a girl is showed by the help of other people while for the boy it’s through perseverance. The genders have been demonstrated in the form of stereotype and the girl child has been presented being lesser than the boy child. c. What is the strongest aspect of this work? The research findings as well as the social theories emphasize on the fact that all children in their young age learns to do and believe what they hear and see, this why the gender roles in their mind are well established still in their young age. This explains why gender stereotype displayed books present the children with very restricted role models to the children hence contributing to the children’s growth with a biased behaviour that is gender stereotyped and it is not healthy for their growth. In most of these books, the girl child or a woman has been presented less in the pictures (Temple, 1993). Also the roles of these girls in the pictures are mainly watching, listening, waiting and helping while the boys are associated with activities like exciting activities, adventures and camaraderie. d. What aspect is most in need of reworking? Teachers in their choices of books for the children can be in a way that they promote the aspect of gender quality. The teachers must be able to recognize as well as articulate their personal perceptions or attitudes before they apply strategies to identify the gender stereotype as well as embark on the process of developing perception among the children that are gender equitable (Lawrence, 2005). The following are some of the strategies that can use to guide the children in overcoming gender stereotype: Should Collectively analyse the gender assumptions found in that text Raising some questions concerning the main characters and the way they are portrayed Asking their students to reverse the used genders of the individuals e.g., what if the robber was a girl? Asking the students to make a guess of the gender of the writer according to the stories they read Asking the students to use names that are gender neutral in writing a story and then asking them to read to the class aloud so that they can guess the gender of the protagonist in the story Making the student adopt point of views of the opposite sex on an issue that is gendered Description of the investigation (Incorporation of the information from the findings) Article reviews This section entails a review of two journal articles that are related to gender role portrayal and stereotyping in children’s literature. A. A journal of sex roles: gender role stereotype in children’s literature This journal was written to show if the biasness that is continually portrayed in the picture books of the children has reduced or is still going on. The main aim for the research was to determine if the frequency of the females and males in pictures as well as the characterization has in any way changed. According to the hundred and fifty books that were analysed, most of them show a change in the presentation of the males and females whereby the females are more presented and visible (Carole & Jack, 2003). This journal also reveals that there is a need for the writers, publishers and authors to produce literature for the children with a more close parallel in the roles of the females and males within the contemporary society. According to the result given by the analysis done through this journal, it was revealed that boys were characterized more often as being independent and vey instrumental in the roles that they play unlike the girls who were made to be very passive as well as dependent. The girls were also cast mostly in the roles of nurturing as compared to the boys. The boys also assumed the roles of authority and dominance when the two were cast together but the girls were seen to be helpless, not ambitious and incompetent but that was mostly in the 1980’s. It is however encouraging since currently there is a difference in the manner in which the females and males roles are indicated (Carole & Jack, 2003). B. Handbook of gender research [Special issue]. Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality, Children’s books especially the preschool books play a major role in gender socialization and teaching the children about behaviours and expectations as per the traditions. This journal explains that most of the pre-schools books have gender stereotype but there is a gradual increase in the female characters visibility. This particular journal has tried to show that there is a decrease in the gender stereotyping. This is due to the fact that recent writers have made the female characters much more visible in their writing hence making their work almost with an equal representation in most of the attributes as well as activities (Crandall, 1996). It should be noted that even with the decrease in the gender stereotype there some traditional expectations, which can not be done away with, and it is a fact that is still represented in the books. The pictures books for the children in the preschool have been a main source of information for the children about the gender roles and expectations. These books provide the children with social norms and goals appropriate and available for all the members of their own sex. The research findings as well as the social theories emphasize on the fact that all children in their young age learns to do and believe what they hear and see, this why the gender roles in their mind are well established still in their young age. This explains why gender stereotype displayed books present the children with very restricted role models to the children hence contributing to the children’s growth with a biased behaviour that is gender stereotyped and it is not healthy for their growth. In most of these books, the girl child or a woman has been presented less in the pictures (Crandall, 1996). Also the roles of these girls in the pictures are mainly watching, listening, waiting and helping while the boys are associated with activities like exciting activities, adventures and camaraderie. Conclusion Teachers must be very careful in choosing the books that the children should read in the classroom. This is because all the children books that are used in learning in classroom must have well balanced female and male characters and especially with reference to the roles each play. Many are the times the choice of the books by the teachers is influenced by factors like the cost whereby they go for the cheap ones, availability where they go for the books that are easily available or chose the books, which have been contributed, freely by the well wishers or the parents (Jett-Simpson & Masland, 1993). The teacher must choose book that actively portray women or girls role in a more positive way, active and dynamic. They should also ensure they avoid choosing books, which portray either of the gender in a stereotype manner. This should therefore get books which is gender neutral in: The individuals are shown with distinctive personality despite their gender The achievement of the characters are not portrayed through their gender Occupations are gender-free where any gender can assume a role in any profession Dressing is not described in the basis of gender but functions Males are not always stronger and les delicate than the females Emotions or logical of the individuals are not dependent on the gender but with the situation The language that is used must be gender-free also Reference Carole, M., & Jack, D. (2003). Gender role stereotyping in children’s Literature: an Update. Sex Roles, 28(314), 219-232. Crandall, R. (1996). Handbook of gender research [Special issue]. Journal of Social Behaviour and Personality, 11(5), 27-39. Fox, M. (2003). Men who weep, boys who dance: The gender agenda between the lines in children's literature. Language Arts, 70 (2), 84-88. Jett-Simpson, M., & Masland, S. (1993). Girls are not dodo birds! Exploring gender equity issues in the language arts classrooms. Language Arts, 70 (2), 104-108. Kingston, J., & Lovelace, T. (2008). Sexism and reading: A critical review of the literature. Reading Research Quarterly, 7(1), 133-161. Kolbe, R., & LaVole, J. C. (2001). Sex role stereotyping in preschool children's picture books. Social Psychology Quarterly, 7(44), 369-374. Lawrence, B. (2005). Teaching Ideas: Getting into gender issues. English Journal, 84 (3), 80-82. McArthur, L. Z., & Eisen, S. V. (2006). Achievements of male and female story book characters as determinants of achieving behaviour by boys and girls. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 6(33), 467-473. Temple, C. (1993). What if 'Beauty' had been ugly? Reading against the grain of gender bias in children's books. Language Arts, 70 (2), 89-93. Weitzman, L. J., Eifler, J., Hokada, E., & Ross, C. (2002). Sex-role socialization in picturebooks for preschool children. American Journal of Sociology, 5(77), 1125-1150 Appendices Questions answered by my 4 chosen children. (You have to use their answers in the report) 1. Name 4 story books, 2 where the main character is a boy and 2 where the main character is a girl that you have read in the past and tell me how old you were when you read these books? 2. Describe the main character in the story book (male or a female) for example, what this character did/how did this character behave? Was it appropriate? 3. What were the similarities and differences between the roles of male characters and female characters? 4. Were the main characters doing what their social roles suggest i.e. were boys/girls or young men/young women in the story doing what boys/girls or young men/young women generally do? 5. Do you think that their behaviour was appropriate? Why? Why not? Sofia (8 years old) 1. Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Jack and the Bean-stalk and Pinocchio. She was 5 years old when she read them. 2. Sleeping Beauty (Female), Cinderella (Female), Jack and the Bean-stalk (Male) and Pinocchio (Male). 3. Similarities: Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella are rescued by a prince. Jack and Pinocchio don’t fall in love with anyone. Differences: Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella live in castles whereas Jack and Pinocchio live in normal houses. Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Jack are real humans whereas Pinocchio is a boy made of wood at the beginning of the story. 4. Sleeping Beauty: No; Cinderella: Yes; Jack and the Bean-stalk: Yes; Pinocchio: No. 5. Sleeping Beauty: No because she was sleeping too much; Cinderella: Yes because women clean the house but the sisters did not help; Jack and the Bean-stalk: Yes because boys climb trees but that tree doesn’t exist; Pinocchio: No because you are not supposed to lie, anyway he was made of wood. Ethan (8 years old) 1. Robin Hood, Jack and the Bean-stalk, Little Red Riding Hood Wolf and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. He was 6 years old when he read them. 2. Robin Hood (Male), Jack and the Bean-stalk (Male), Little Red Riding Hood Wolf (Female) and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (Female). 3. Similarities: Robin and Jack had plans to fight the villans. Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White sang songs when happy or doing chores. Differences: Robin and Jack are more wild climbing trees and fighting whereas Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White are more peaceful. 4. Robin Hood: No; Jack and the Bean-stalk: Yes; Little Red Riding Hood Wolf: Yes; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: Yes. 5. Robin Hood: No because he was stealing; Jack and the Bean-stalk: Yes because he helped his mother; Little Red Riding Hood Wolf: Yes because she helped her grandmother; Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: Yes because she was living happily in the woods. Clare (12 years old) 1. Rapunzel, Thumbelina, Peter Pan and Beauty and the Beast. She was 6 years old when she read them. 2. Rapunzel (Female), Thumbelina (Female), Peter Pan (Male), and Beauty and the Beast (Male). 3. Similarities: Rapunzel and Thumbelina are cute. Peter Pan and the Beast are different from normal people. Differences: Thumbelina and Peter Pan are children whereas Rapunzel and the Beast are grown ups. 4. Rapunzel: No; Thumbelina: Yes; Peter Pan: No; Beauty and the Beast: No/Yes. 5. Rapunzel: No because you don’t grow such a long hair and let people climb on it; Thumbelina: Yes because she was living happily with her new mum; Peter Pan: No because he didn’t want to grow up, besides you can’t really fly; Beauty and the Beast: No because he was hiding from the rest of the people and Yes because he had his reason for it and he also had feelings like everybody else. Michael (12 years old) 1. Tarzan, Aladdin, Cinderella and Rapunzel. He was 5 years old when he read them. 2. Tarzan (Male), Aladdin (Male), Cinderella (Female) and Rapunzel (Female). 3. Similarities: Tarzan and Aladdin were brave protecting what they loved. Cinderella and Rapunzel didn’t have many friends. Differences: Tarzan and Aladdin are adventurous getting into trouble sometimes, they have free spirit whereas Cinderella and Rapunzel are staying at home doing what their stepmother and supposedly mother say. 4. Tarzan: Yes; Aladdin: Yes; Cinderella: No; Rapunzel: No. 5. Tarzan: Yes because he was the protector of the jungle; Aladdin: Yes because he was protecting Jasmine from danger; Cinderella: No because she was doing everything in the house and that was unfair; Rapunzel: No because she was like a prisoner in the house and she should had be doing things like other girls do. Read More

4. How do your findings support the text, research and chosen journal articles in relating to contexts of development? The women or girls have been associated with activities involving stayed indoors, service functions and passive while adult men are associated with activities like ruling, fighting, building and having adventure with the children. The answers also shows that one of the areas that has not changed in it representation for the gender roles is the personified animal characters. This is because the visible representation was not equal because the male animals are represented as being five times or more big than the females.

Most of the children identify greatly with roles that are personified animals much more than the human characters. This in turn affects the attitudes of the children with reference to the gender roles (Weitzman et el, 2002) 5. How do your observations and the literature differ on the influence of these gender roles upon indigenous adolescents/adolescents from another cultural group? There is an increase in the presentation of females in the central titles, pictures and titles. Girls are also seen taking part in helping to solve problems, which are rather difficult for the males.

The study was able to reveal that roles that are portrayed by children’s literature do not present accurate presentation of the behaviours and attitudes that are really in the society with reference to the genders. The analysis also insisted on the fact that the biasness on the gender roles can be of far-reaching effects especially on the development of the children’s perception of who they actually are. This means that the writer and publishers still need to put more effort in providing the children with a more realistic picture of the changing gender roles ( McArthur & Eisen, 2006). 6. Reflection Questions: a.

What are you trying to accomplish? The main point I was trying to prove is that Children’s books have a big role in the effort of the society trying to transmit the culture of the society in the lifestyle of the children. b. Did you succeed? Yes I succeeded because according to the answers the children were giving, it was evidence that what they were reading was simply preparing them for what to expect as their roles with reference to their gender. In most books, the boys are represented as active while the girls as acted upon and not being active.

This is whereby the girls are represented as being conforming, naïve and dependent while the boys as being adventurous, capable and independent. This is whereby the boys assume the role of fighting, rescuers and adventurers while girls are very passive in their roles of caretakers, princesses and desperately in need of rescue, mothers and roles that shows their support for the males (Kolbe & LaVole, 2001). The success of the role of a girl is showed by the help of other people while for the boy it’s through perseverance.

The genders have been demonstrated in the form of stereotype and the girl child has been presented being lesser than the boy child. c. What is the strongest aspect of this work? The research findings as well as the social theories emphasize on the fact that all children in their young age learns to do and believe what they hear and see, this why the gender roles in their mind are well established still in their young age. This explains why gender stereotype displayed books present the children with very restricted role models to the children hence contributing to the children’s growth with a biased behaviour that is gender stereotyped and it is not healthy for their growth.

In most of these books, the girl child or a woman has been presented less in the pictures (Temple, 1993). Also the roles of these girls in the pictures are mainly watching, listening, waiting and helping while the boys are associated with activities like exciting activities, adventures and camaraderie. d. What aspect is most in need of reworking? Teachers in their choices of books for the children can be in a way that they promote the aspect of gender quality.

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