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Gender Cognitive Skills and Stereotype Effect - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Gender Cognitive Skills and Stereotype Effect" describes historical background, proof position, proposition, refutation section, explores the effect of stereotype on gender performance in terms of achieving life time objectives and any affiliate programs that are linked either directly or indirectly to it. …
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Gender Cognitive Skills and Stereotype Effect
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Gender cognitive skills; stereotype effect Introduction The so-called stereotype has had adverse effects on gender and quality. As a result, it has led to the spread of a fallacy that is yet to ruin the mindset of the younger generation. It has established itself so deep such that it is now controlling the decision-making process of a normal human-being. The notion that the men are masculine and are capable to sail through hardships is the fallacy that this paper is talking about. The human race is all made up of the same mettle, and it is only an ignorant person who would believe that some positions or activities are meant for a certain group of people. Ranging from seasoned philosophers to the John Doe’s of the modern world, they possess a common feature that is time and life. These two provisions yield in the equality and sum up the discussions that have become more prevalent in the modern world. In defining stereotype, it is imperative to acknowledge certain factors that contribute towards the final explanation and background of the term. There is what the majority thinks about people of a certain class for instance and then there is the minority who in most occasions are the victims to stereotype. Therefore, when a person raises his voice and associates himself with a specific class, cards change hands. It is at this point that the people’s perceptions get aligned to a common school of thought that if the latter believes in such doctrines, then he must possess the characteristics that are evident in that specific class. From this observation, it is crystal clear that the normal relationship between humans is being compromised by the stereotype effect at a very fast rate. It is stereotype at its best when a person believes that someone has a particular character only because a fairly large number of people believe that someone of their class must be like them and not because they know anything about his or her personality. The situation that the world is in can be likened to the end-times. There are a lot of misguided assumptions and off the record perceptions that are in the air and have as a result affected the human relationship. For instance, the gap between the rich and the poor is propelled by such stereotype in that; the poor believe that the rich have taken what is rightfully theirs in order to be in their rich position. As Karl Marx once argued, “it is hard for a person to revolt against an informed mass.” The prevailing scenario will lead to a polarized society where we all know of the outcome in such a setting. This has formed the baseline of all discussions that revolve around gender. The stereotype is approximated to have risen to greater heights where scholars have sunk and dedicated their time in order to establish the cause of this evil. In this regard, this paper is going to excavate the truth from a wide range of scholarly arguments in order to set the record clear about stereotype effect on gender. Historical Background Stereotype, as discussed in my research paper, is a common occurrence in day to day discussions that involve gender and equality. This has become a common source of street debates to an extent of even attracting national attention. Stereotype in gender has escalated to higher levels where scholars who possess an in-depth knowledge on gender as a subject have been tasked with the role and mandate of informing the populace and ensuring that they keep the general public on the know. Sex differences have been identified as the lead topics that are well distributed in scholarly works. It is from these academic works that scholars have noted their arguments and highlighted the gaffes and approached the subject from a professional angle. In spite of cognitive performances of both genders overlapping to a similarly large extent, a number of meta-analyses confirm this to be true that on a normal occasion, men outperform women in various spatial related functional roles (Bee, Helen L, and Denise R. Boyd, 2010). However, this has been linked to a mental rotation that is related to the visual representation of such rotation within the human brain. Going by the traditional beliefs and customs, the female stereotypic role is to marry and have children. In literature, a woman is portrayed as a slave of her husband and should always be submissive and loyal to him. In addition, she is expected to be loving, caring, compassionate and sympathetic. Her role provides time for her to feel sexy and beautiful. On the contrary, the male stereotypic role is that of being the financial provider. Every man should be capable of addressing all the financial needs in his house. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the children learn gender stereotypes from their parents. Stereotypes can either be positive or negative, and one important observation is the inability to communicate accurate information. A critical and more salient socio-cultural factor is that which elaborates these cognitive differences. This factor revolves around gender stereotype and highlights the simplistic generalizations about gender; attributes, differences and similarities and distinct roles of individuals and groups on the extreme end. These generalizations also identify the possibility of adverse or benevolent effects on cognitive performance in both genders depending on the participant’s attitude towards cognitive performance. The stereotype effects in this case portray the perspectives or notions that people draw from poorly executed tasks because they are afraid of accepting the truth like, for instance, the truth about a personal groups alleged inferior abilities. As a result, this paper will seek to highlight qualitative data and identify people’s opinions that have been raised through interviews. In order to obtain a clear and concise result, we will compare these beliefs with the prevailing paradigm and cumulatively discuss the same beliefs with an aim of arriving at a consensus. Proposition The modern world is polarized with groups still holding onto what they think is right. In these groups, there is a number that has no stand and are referred to as the multitude. They are carried by any argument that comes their way. Not that they do not reason, but they lack the time to involve themselves in such discussions. The stereotype is attracted to the multitude. The thought of a certain personality is embraced and revered by all members who have subscribed to his school of thought. For instance, a man can confidently stand up and raise his voice high above the normal pitch to say that women are not meant for combat and that they fit not in the military because of their vulnerable nature. This somehow may be true but one should not let it out openly to the gender subject in discussion. On the same discussion, a woman can posit that men are idle beings who have no time for other important things but sports. Both are correct, aren’t they? The problem lies entirely with the method or criterion that they used to arrive at this argument. There is need to establish a universally accepted argument that is free from bias and speaks of nothing else but the truth. Correct findings are imperative in any discussion but when feelings or personal interests get attached, the findings are compromised. The truth is diluted when emotions are attached to findings while discussing issues like stereotype which are of national interest. My argumentative claim is based on proposing a solution to the prevailing stereotypic problems that have reigned for a long while now. Also, it will propose a change in policy that is expected to influence people’s thinking by quoting references that are acknowledged by a majority and approved by international standards of education. This argument will focus on stereotypic challenges and device ways that are likely to solve these challenges. The society should make decisions and judgment on gender bias on liberal grounds and not basing their arguments on stereotypes (Argument claim). The term gender bias is stereotypic on its own in that, the majority know of it when it is related to the discrimination of women not knowing that men can also be discriminated against. Gender bias is dangerous to the peaceful existence of men and women, and this urges for the need to device for ways that can address the prevailing challenges in the society because stereotypes are not always true. Gender biases not only define stereotyped traits of male and female genders but also set the rules and regulations with which the duo should operate from and abide by. It creates a paradigm that establishes a common school of thought with which the both parties are expected to subscribe to. Failure to observe these provisions, one is seen as an outcast and is slowly edged out of the society through discrimination. There are four types of gender stereotypes that have stormed the society with a lot of vengeances that has left a fairly large number of people infected with the platitude. They include personality traits, domestic behaviors, occupations and physical appearance stereotypes. Personality traits stereotypes argue depending on the characteristics of a specific gender. Like in the traditional context, women are expected to be submissive and loyal to their husbands while men are believed to be aggressive and self-confident. This is not true. Both are expected to possess all those character traits. Domestic behaviors are based in the mode of relationship that both men and women indulge in the case of a closed family set up. For instance taking care of the children is associated with the women while household repairs are best handled by the men. Let’s take this approach. In the event that the woman gets sick and is unable to perform any duties, will the husband let the child die of cold just because he is a man? This is food for thought. Occupations are the worst forms of gender stereotypes. Certain jobs such as constructions and secretarial positions were meant for specifics until late when homogeneity was embraced, and occupations such as nursing are now accommodating men. It is expected for a person to request for a change of nurse in a hospital after realizing that the nurse attending him is indeed a man. The modern world accommodates a diverse populace with divergent views and opinions on issues such as gender stereotype that is blamed for a number of societal problems. It is quite interesting to know that a fairly large number of people expect women to be small and graceful while the men should be tall and broad-shouldered. This stereotype defines the genders, and anyone who does not fit in the above category is considered a societal misfit or an outcast. Therefore, from this narrative, there is a great need to challenge these stereotypes in a bid to return normalcy and sanity in the society. One of the ways through which normalcy can be achieved is by pointing out gender stereotypes whenever you see them. Interestingly, the media is filled with all sorts of negative gender stereotypes ranging from the television, magazines to the film and internet. Engage friends, relatives and colleagues about these stereotypes and help others understand that we are all a target regardless of gender and that these stereotypes are out to hurt everybody. Walk the talk. Initiate discussions in areas where you have a chance to reach out to the society. Let people acknowledge you as a source of motivation to do well. Respect each and every person regardless of their character and personality. Be a role model to the society so that people can heed to your gospel of change and obliged to spread the gospel. If you come across someone who is cracking jokes that may have adverse effects on gender or sex, challenge them. Let no one hurt your feelings because of your sex or gender. Lastly, self-confidence is a virtual that is of great benevolent in a persons life. If you have a dream and are afraid of venturing into this dream just because it is not associated with your gender, give it a try. People who have changed the world were in your situation at a certain given time. Do not kill your ambitions. Proof Section Gender stereotypes have positive attributes even though they are over –generalized. This is explained by the fact that any of the two genders may fail on their part to perform what the society thinks that they can do. Such circumstances are defined when, for instance, a woman loses custody of children in court cases yet they are deemed to be excellent caretakers and givers than men. This among other reasons has motivated the writing of this paper. It is now confirmed that a good percentile of the gender stereotypes do not carry the truth at all. There is stereotype that exists in the men world that; women are not politicians. For instance, recently, the whole world was thrown aback when President Helen of Africa’s Liberia was voted in as the first African woman President. She was acknowledged by many people from all walks of life who expressed their disbelief and shock indirectly through their congratulatory messages. For the first time in history and on record, the society had seen leadership qualities in a woman. This for sure has helped clear the stereotype that women cannot make it in the political arena and has as a result dethroned the reigning notion that such positions are only meant for the men. Have you ever entered into a hospital and then a male nurse dashes your way to check you up before being attended to by a female doctor? However weird it may seem, this is the reality and the absolute truth. The society is no longer governed and ruled by gender stereotypes. There are some of the people who would regret after such an experience but since we live in a diverse world, it is expected of them. Many of us who are okay with the above example should speak in a loud voice preaching peace and unity to the people who have refuted the gospel of change. As an informed mass, we should not let the younger generation to suffer because of our misleading beliefs. Science has it that children are born innocent but learn of gender stereotypes from their parents and other adults whom they interact with. In a mathematics class, there exists the stereotype that men are the best in the subject, unlike women who are the damsels in distress and are never heroes. This is a misplaced argument as we have seen quite a good number of women top in a class of mathematics. Unknown to the men, this stereotype motivates the women to work hard in the subject, a fact that explains their success in mathematics. On the contrary, the stereotype creates an assumption to the men that since their gender is best in mathematics, why should they read anyway? It is the high time that we get rid of the gender stereotypes because they discriminate equally and not selectively. Another common female stereotype is that women do not participate in sports. The best tennis title holder in the world is Venus and her counterpart Serena Williams. What does this tell you? Stereotypes are blocks to the achievement of one’s ambitions and goals in life. It is assumed that everyone fits in the category of either male or female and does not take into account what other people think about their category. It is therefore advised to stick by the beliefs that you have and not what the world or the society thinks you can do. REFUTATION SECTION Gender stereotype is propagated by a few people in the society who have a negative attitude towards some things and life in general. Stereotypes are said to be a standard of measure in life, but this is not true. What is true is that gender stereotypes are demoralizing and kill any ambitions, objectives and targets that a person may have towards life. There is a case study that refutes the stereotype that men have a positive attitude towards mathematical and scientific courses as compared to women. In a certain institution of higher learning, when women were informed that a math test produces sex differences they performed poorly as compared to men while there was no significant sex difference when the test was described as gender neutral (Spencer, Steele and Quinn 34). In the same institution, women scored lower in mental rotation tests when they were told that men generally perform better in spatial abilities (Moe 54; Moe and Pazzaglia 45; Wwraga, Helt, Jacobs and Sullivan 67). Therefore, it is imperative to note that the stereotype threat can either decrease or increase but in most cases, it decreases the cognitive skills and productivity levels due to the attitude that is developed by the stereotype. This highlights the issue of adversity in terms of effects and end results when it comes to gender. As a matter of fact, stereotype might be the reason behind the poor performance of females in a class of mathematics. Referring to the above case study, teachers are also to blame for the effects that arise from gender stereotypes. The teachers may at some have created the notion that mathematics is a hard subject, or the teacher is always hard on those who fail to understand the subject or even how the teachers goes about the subject. The students may develop a negative attitude because of the above character traits of the teacher. Conclusion Going by the discussion on gender stereotype, it is important to note a few elements that are critical in approaching the latter. Attitude has been highlighted as a pivotal factor while approaching a certain subject of discussion. The stereotype has also been identified to thrive in negative attitudes and is suffocated by the positive attitude. The science behind this is obvious that negative attitude is a killer to any ambitions, goals, objectives and targets that a person may have in life. There is a theory that explains why gender stereotype is always inclined towards the women and against the men. If anyone rises and initiates any discussion about discrimination, focus will shift towards the current state of women and totally forget about men, it is obvious. The fact that women are emotionally disturbed with ease unlike men who struggle to achieve their target goals should not be misinterpreted at any single time. The society should learn to distinguish between emotions and reality. This paper has explored the effect of stereotype on gender performance in terms of achieving life time objectives and any affiliate programs that are linked either directly or indirectly to it. It has gone to an extent of critically analyzing experiences and studies from real life experiences where there are strong cultural beliefs on gender roles and perspectives. These roles form the main bone of contention whenever the subject of gender and their contribution to the society comes into discussion. Attitude is the main weapon of mass destruction when gender stereotype and discrimination are brought into the limelight. Therefore, the society should embrace liberalism and desist from stereotype during decision-making processes. References Dee, Thomas S. Stereotype Threat and the Student-Athlete. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009. Internet resource. Lutz, Cristina C. The Effect of Stereotype Threat and Gender-Related Traits on Cognitive Abilities. , 1997. Print. Nguyen, Dawn F. The Effect of Sex, Stereotype Threat and Stereotype Lift on Intention to Lead., 2008. Print. Rayburn, Carole A. A Handbook for Women Mentors: Transcending Barriers of Stereotype, Race and Ethnicity. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger, 2010. Internet resource. Roe, Robert G. The Effect of the College Placement Process on Occupational Stereotype. Laramie: College of Commerce and Industry, University of Wyoming, 1973. Print. Read More
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