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How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society - Assignment Example

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The objective of the paper “How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society?” will be to illustrate the existing perspective of gender differences in the society of the UK. The impacts of media that have led to either minimize or maximize gender indifference will also be evaluated in the discussion below…
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How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society
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How Is Sexuality Viewed by the Society? 1.0. Introduction The term ‘heteronormative’ describes the distinctiveness existing between two genders in terms of masculinity and femininity commonly attributed as male and female. The theory of heteronormativity states that there are only two opposite genders existing in this world that are sexually attracted between the opposite genders. According to Cameron & Kulick (2003), heterosexuality can be termed as one of the prime players that ensure gender hierarchy which subordinates women to men. Traditionally, women were dominated by male genders in terms of works which especially required muscular strength or any other challenging activities involving life risks (Cameron & Kulick, 2003). For instance, in the earlier days, it was preconceived that women were the house-keepers and should be bestowed with the responsibility to maintain the activities of the household; whereas, men were categorised as the bread earners responsible to earn money for the living of the family. However, this concept has been abolished in the modern era by a certain extent where women are considered as almost equivalent to the men populace. One of the challenges experienced largely in the modern day society has been identified as the abnormal context of heteronormativity which represents male-bodied women and female-bodied men. This abnormality feature has been termed as ‘transgender’. Although normal genders tend to avoid transgender personalities in most of the societies such as in the UK, government authorities are implementing regulations to protect their rights. Furthermore, it has been observed that the impact of media has brought the transformation in the concepts related to male as well as female genders. Therefore, addressing to certain questions is necessary to understand the significance of gender inequality in terms that whether the differences in genders exist in the UK society along with elaborating on media influence over gender indifference within the society? Hereby, the objective of the paper will be to illustrate the existing perspective of gender differences in the society of UK. Furthermore, the impact of media that have led to either minimise or maximise gender indifference will also be evaluated in the discussion below. 2.0. How Is Sexuality Viewed By The Society? : An Impact of Media In the 20th century, it was observed that media plays a significant role on the assumptions believed within a society either negative or positive. It can be argued in this regards that media, being all around us, how it could not have an impact on the sexuality acceptance within a particular society when its impact and influence are in every aspects of life. Due to the effects of media, sex has been portrayed as an element that sells anything and everything. For instance, few commercial ads have used beautiful models with skimpy attire to sell fast food products, which is can be examined as not quite necessary for the effective establishment of the purpose. What has the model to do with the fast food products? It could have also made sense if the ad showed fast food products being enjoyed by family or children without illustrating heterosexuality behaviour. Therefore, to some extent it can be affirmed that media has an adverse effect on the society and created differences to the way gender diversity is viewed. 2.1 Men's Sexuality Prior to the Twentieth Century, male genders were considered the strongest, in terms of strength, courage and cleverness. Based on this assumption, men were assigned outdoor activities, while women were mostly assigned with indoor responsibilities such as taking care of the household, cooking, bringing up children and similar other tasks. In case of studies and preferences too, men were considered ahead of women. However, the arrival of 20th century has transformed this concept and women are considered equivalent to men in almost all aspects of life. This can be regarded as a positive effect of media which influenced society to allow them equal opportunities as that provided to men. However, in recent decades, it has been observed that the influence of media often attempted to use male figures in objectifying manners which were previously assigned for women. This particular exposure of men sexuality in media was further analysed to strongly influence the society encouraging greater ‘social assertiveness’ which was traditionally restricted for the women populace (Schooler & Ward, 2006). In recent days, due to the increasing popularity of action films and its representative’s body figure, men, in the society are more likely to have a muscular body with broad shoulders, developed arms and chest muscles but slim waists that represent a ‘v’ shaped body figure. Thus, it can be concluded that the vast exposure to media can increase dissatisfaction within the individuals, if he is not being able to attain the kind of figure desired and appreciated. Furthermore, the influence of media has made men believe the fact that women too will be attracted by the V-Shaped figure besides other qualities which can again be related with the assumptions of ‘heterosexual gender order’ (Wagner, 2008). It has further been observed that action and violence films have increased aggression and non-tolerance level in men within the UK society along with other social communities worldwide. Today’s generation has been identified to be facing several problems encountered during daily activities with the increasing complexities in the daily life. Therefore, due to the suppression and tolerance, frustration level tends to arise within the individuals, especially the male populace which results in increased aggression (Perse, 2001). In the societal context, it can be stated that men are yet viewed as a dominant gender, as was in the case of the traditional views. Although the media have been successful in altering the sexuality views towards the female populace as perceived by the society, the views in respect to men have not changed by a large extent. They are yet believed to be the stronger gender possessing the capabilities of running a business with greater aggression and success in comparison to women. Furthermore, male genders are often the decision makers in regards to the family matters. They are often considered as the head of the family in the UK society and believed to take appropriate decisions regarding issues related to family. Thus, the conclusion derived, can be stated that men are yet enjoying the upper hand in the society as it had enjoyed in the traditional period. They have the greater freedom in the society compared to women and are thus termed as eligible to enjoy various rights which female genders are excluded from (Schooler & Ward, 2006). 2.2. Women's Sexuality A survey conducted by American Psychological Association reported that media, in the contemporary era acts as an element that has apparently influenced the emotional and physical health of women populace all around the world. This is being said considering the fact that overweight women are not very often seen on the television commercials or music videos. It is been witnessed rarely and thus, sends a negative vibe to the women that in order to be desirable in terms of heteronormative behaviours, she should be thin and in appropriate weight. Furthermore, the media does not represent world as a whole; rather, it focuses on single sectors differently in order to portray women sexuality and thus influence behaviours that can be accepted by that segment. Thus, in a few societies, the influence of media has been so strong that women are examined to intently desire to achieve the status of being attractive rendering maximum importance to their figure, such as maintaining minimum diet, cosmetic surgeries and rigorous exercises. Moreover, the music videos that are being broadcasted over the media have made teenage girls to look similar to them in order to attract the opposite sexes attention (Szymanski & et. al., 2011). In addition to physical influence, the role and activities of women have changed over time. In the UK as well as other regional media channels, films and programmes have portrayed women to be constantly challenging the men in terms of activities. For instance, few Hollywood films have befitted female genders in super women roles who have equal strengths and capabilities compared to men. Furthermore, the films have also portrayed women in hierarchical positions of a company suggesting that they have developed the abilities of a decision maker and thereby, can also take appropriate rational decisions. Although, in performing challenging and adventurous activities, men are yet given the greater preference; however, it has been observed that women are not too far behind. For instance, while covering news at extreme situations, such as at wars or natural calamity affected areas it has been witnessed that female reporters’ did not lack the confidence to perform the necessary activities contradicting the assumptions of the traditional periods. Rather, they were accompanying their male counterparts in every instance and were pictured to quite efficiently perform their job. Thus, it can be concluded that media has a positive effect on the views of the society when considered the women sexuality. It provides encouraging messages to the female genders and their parents about the abilities that modern women have developed over time (Rich, n.d.). 2.3. People's Sexuality People’s sexuality is referred to the differences in terms of the views perceived in various communities. Cultures vary from communities to communities and so do the views and thoughts. However, inequality in women and men is pretty much stronger in certain communities as that in the traditional UK society. The current state of UK society has been witnessed to be highly diverse emerging as a home to various ethnic groups who certainly perceives differing attitudes towards people’s sexuality. For instance, heterosexual relationships amid the British society outside marriages have been observed since long, but in terms of prostitution. However, with the inclusion of varied assumptions and values amid the UK society, pre-marital sexual relationships along with homonormative behaviours have become increasingly common within the culture. It is in this regards that the UK society can be witnessed to face a significant diversity in terms of sexual morality where greater concerns are provided by the younger generation towards personal choices, comparatively in greater proportion than that rendered to social acceptances (Church House Publishing, 2003). Another noteworthy feature of UK society that can be identified with reference to people’s sexuality in the modern day context, indicates the increasing need for sex education owing to the diversity as well as the altering view towards sexual morality amid the young generation to a large extent. Media, in this regards, can be identified to have an inevitable influence both in creating an impact over the society and causing significant alterations in terms of sexual morality as well as playing a crucial role in generating awareness by acting as a channel for sex education (Wilpers, 2010). In the currently developing scenario of the UK society, media channels including television, radio, news papers, magazines and majorly the internet, has developed its distinct role in the sex education process. As was reported by Williams (2012), “it’s no surprise that local authorities, primary care trusts and sexual health charities are increasingly turning to text services, apps and social media to provide advice and information to young people”. 2.4. People of Different Sexual Orientation Traditionally, differences in sexual orientations were quite likely to increase the frustration level and agonizing situations within the society. They used to suffer social and religious discriminations and were strictly isolated from the various economic activities. These were the consequences that have aroused from the ancient beliefs and myths that neglected different sexual orientations within the UK society. However, slowly and steadily the beliefs and myths are being abolished and people of the society are accepting every sexual orientation from an open perspective. For instance, UK has a diverse society where people from all sexual orientations, cultures and ethnic background exist. The people of the country believe that human beings are not same rather, differ in various ways. The current generation of the UK society have been increasingly identified to consider sexual diversity as one of the different ways of variation and thus, have embraced all the different sexual orientation in their society (Wilpers, 2010). It has been witnessed that media has played a significant role in making societies accept different sexual orientation as just another type of sexual diversity or gender. Many films and documentaries have been created to encourage people not to discriminate, rather accept sexual diversity in all aspects of life. Furthermore, the media initiatives have led to formation of newly developed anti-discrimination laws that prohibited people from segregating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender diversity. It is worth mentioning in this context that prior to the twentieth century, sexual orientations, other than the heterosexuality, were considered as a type of mental disorder. However, modern psychiatrists have developed the earlier concepts and proved that diverse sexuality is not any kind of mental disorder, but rather can be categorised as one of the aspects of nature itself as due to some hereditary succession or genes disorder diversity in sexual orientation develops. Thus, the introduction of modern concepts through media and other communication channels has prompted societies of various countries including UK to adopt a variety of sexual diversities; thus, reducing discrimination from different aspects of life (Stachurová, 2009). 2.5. People's Physical Traits Physical traits or characteristics are referred to the biological differences between males as well as females. However, due to the effects of various elements Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is being observed largely now-a-days. Peoples with BDD or disabilities in earlier times were considered as less competitive in comparison to the normal populace as alternative ways were not present to involve them in the society. They were devoid of basic activities and were believed to be of no use to the human mankind. However, modern technologies have helped the disable people’s involvement in the day-to-day activities of life (Advameg Inc, 2012). Although, technologies have been a great help for disable people, the UK media can be witnessed to restrictively include them in TV commercials or any other form of audio-visual commercials. Generally, television commercials does not portray any disabled people in promoting any of the products, as the society tends to believe that by portraying people with disability, the promo is quite likely to have an adverse effect on the consumers. However, from a rational point of view it can be affirmed that the truth does not lie here. Do people with disabilities does not consume health drink or nutritional food? Do they not wish to be a part of the social affairs? In some instances, it has been witnessed that disabled children have become a part in the media whether in films or documentaries. The disable children were portrayed in order to attract social emotion towards them while they were not neglected. Certain researchers have also proved that mental disorders can be cured if treated appropriately. It is evident that media is intending to create social awareness by portraying disable persons, thereby, encouraging parents of these children to think positively about their future. From a societal point of view, disable people are gaining confidence by appearing in almost all fields of life because of the facilities provided by the individual government of their native countries. The government is also trying to encourage people of different societies to join hands together in order to help the disable people from participating in all walks of life. Furthermore, charitable institutions and non profit organisations are taking up initiatives to provide the necessities required by the disable people. In order to abolish disabilities, such as ‘polio’ and other harmful diseases, the government is providing free vaccines for a certain period after birth which are frequently being channelized through media in the UK society (Wardle & et. al., 2009). Thus, it can be concluded that government along with media and people of the society can abolish discrimination of disables and support them from participating in social affairs. 2.6. People's Emotional State In the earlier years, television was not as common as it has become in every households today. The introduction of television has accompanied various types of media that have considerably influenced the general people. Moreover, the effect of competition in modern era has evolved fluctuating emotions that contributed to the existing issues that generated from various day-to-day activities. Furthermore, the social media that are portrayed through television broadcasts numerous kinds of programmes that influence the behaviour of different genders. For instance, the news channels while covering emotional issues pertaining to the society are often examined to prefer female reporters to cover-up the report. Whereas, crime based news are generally reported by male reporters. This discrimination is largely based on the type of behaviour possessed by both the genders. Contextually, men are considered to be able to provide rationality with greater significance than emotional values, where, on the other hand, women are considered to pursue higher degree of emotional attachments to the prevailing situations which in turn tends to have a significant impact on the media representations and likewise influence the assumptions of the society (Wardle & et. al., 2009). This particular notion can be apparently witnessed with the illustration that even in the modern societal contexts the emotional behaviours possessed by both the genders play a vital role in the major aspects of life. For instance, hospitality jobs are generally viewed as the best suited for women as emotional attachment is necessary. However, it has been observed that the male populace are also entering in the fields of hospitality with the increasing significance towards equality philosophy. Therefore, it can be concluded that from the perspectives of the society, the traditional views of gender diversity have changed a great deal in the UK society. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1. Reasons for Selecting Materials The materials have been selected for conducting the analysis efficiently and in the most appropriate manner. Furthermore, the choices of materials were based on the accuracy of the data rendered in order to effectively analyse the sexuality representation in the UK society along with various other societies. Moreover, to understand the impact of media, recent reports and surveys have been reviewed. It is worth mentioning that the literatures and the already published reports and surveys have helped a great deal in analysing the different perspectives of heteronormative beliefs considered by various societies. 3.2. Representation of the Findings The findings derived state that the preconceived notions of the earlier days are being abolished in the modern era due to the impact of media, government and the society as a whole. In other words, it can be stated that media has played an imperative role in changing the views of different societies, while encouraging them to support and respect each individual irrespective of their gender, sexual orientation or physical disabilities. Furthermore, due to the influence of media, gender diversity has been narrowed by a considerable extent; thereby, providing equal opportunities to female and disabled persons in all sectors of life. Last but not the least; the governmental authorities have also been identified as initiating every possible way to create awareness among the people in the UK society concerning the assumptions of sexuality. Moreover, the authorities have introduced and developing various regulations and laws in order to protect the interests of each and every gender and therefore, discourage discrimination. 3.3. Absence of Facts Regarding Sexuality Identified Even in the current day context, when homosexual orientation is becoming increasingly accepted in the UK society, the absence of such people can be identified to be minimal in the British media. One of the reasons for such circumstances can be identified as the strong influence of the traditional beliefs concerning the heteronormative behaviours treating those as normal and the homonormative behaviours as abnormal. 3.4. Proliferation of Sexual Groups It has been largely witnessed that the proliferation of different sexual groups in the society of UK is apparently decreasing in this modern period. A part of the credit should be given to the media which is the medium of interconnecting each others’ views. Moreover, the citizens of the country have taken various initiatives to highlight the fact that all types of sexual orientations and disabled people should be considered as a part of the human mankind which has been frequently broadcasted by various films and documentaries that encourage people to support each others’ causes and respects, irrespective of the sexual differences. 3.5. Addressing the Outcomes It has been observed that media have helped to influence positive perspectives towards the sexuality; however, at times it has impacted negatively. For instance, children being exposed to media at an early age may develop various traits before the desired age. Therefore, the media should include more influential programmes that will help children grow better. Furthermore, the communities or genders that are being neglected by media should be encouraged in order to develop equality values within the society. 3.6. Concluding Remarks The above analysis concerning the different perceptions considered by the UK society and its views over gender diversity state that the dominated nature of men towards women, is narrowing day by day with major influences by the media. The societies have become overt towards the women and are encouraging them to compete against men. Furthermore, educational institutions are witnessing lesser gaps between the male and female population in all departments of the study. Moreover, various sexual orientation and physically disorder people are also being encouraged by society and government of individual countries such as in the case of UK (Gillum, 2010). References American Academy of Pediatrics & et. al., No Date. Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth. A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Advameg Inc, 2012. Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Human Diseases and Conditions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Australian Human Rights Commission, 2009. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: National Poll Shows Support For New Anti-Discrimination Laws. Media Releases. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Cameron, D. & Kulick, D., 2003. Language and Sexuality. Cambridge University Press. Church House Publishing, 2003. 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Psychology of Men & Masculinity, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 27–41. Stachurová, A., 2009. Media Coverage of Gay Life before and after the Stonewall Riots. Masaryk University. Sweney, M., 2009. Twiggy's Olay Ad Banned Over Airbrushing. The Guardian. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Szymanski, D. M. & et. al., 2011. Sexual Objectification of Women: Advances to Theory and Research. Major Section on Sexual Objectification of Women. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, 2012. Sexual Diversity. Sexual Health. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Wardle, C. & et. al., 2009. Media Coverage and Audience Reception of Disfigurement on Television. Cardiff University. Williams, R., 2012. How New Technology Is Helping Deliver Sexual Health Services. Young People's Sexual Health Matters. [Online] Available at: [Accessed July 11, 2012]. Wilpers, B., 2010. Teenage Pregnancies in the UK and Their Perception in the British Print Media. GRIN Verlag. Wagner, R. R., 2008. Body Image Perceptions of Adolescent Males. University of Wisconsin-Stout. Appendix Figure 1: People’s Sexuality and Physical Traits in UK Media Source: (Halls, 2012) Figure 2: People’s Sexuality in UK media Source: (Pentagon Prints, n.d.) Figure 3: Women Sexuality in the UK Media Source: (Sweney, 2009) Figure 4: People's Physical Traits in UK Media Source: (Ruddick, 2011) Read More
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