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Professional Development for Strategic Managers - Assignment Example

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The paper "Professional Development for Strategic Managers" is a great example of a finance and accounting assignment. Human beings are the best resource ever in any organization. As a result, this resource ought to be managed with uttermost efficacy. Effective remains the most important tools, as a manager in any organization, one needs to develop his or her professionalism…
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Running Head: Professional Development for Strategic Managers Management Course Name Date Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Objectives 4 Main body 4 Motivating 5 Communicating 5 Valuing and supporting others 5 Practical methods for developing/ improving these skills 6 In depth interviewing using pictures 6 Creativity 7 Inspiration-motivation 7 Keeping current 7 Active listening 7 Consistency 7 Personal Skills Audit 8 The 5 skills of personal audit: 9 Professional Development Plan (PDP) 9 SWOT ANALYSIS 11 SMART Analysis 15 Recommendation 15 Conclusion 16 References 17 Professional Development for Strategic Managers Introduction Human beings are the best resource ever in any organization. As a result, this resource ought to be managed with uttermost efficacy. Effective remains the most important tools, as a manager in any organization, one needs to develop his or her professionalism. Professional and personal skills in leadership and management are pertinent tools a manager will need to be acquainted with in order to be fruitful. A Manager needs to develop a thorough research on the acquisition of personal skills for up to date strategic management. In the report we intend to take a close look at the, managerial framework and service delivery in its entirety and see how professional/ personal skills are important to any manager. In the paper, we take a close look at the different skills both in the professional and personal realms and get to analyse how we can improve the service delivery of the managers. As strategic managers the paper is meant to help in the development of personal and professional skills to be expended in daily execution of the passing out. Coupled with the above mentioned this paper also greatly contributes to development of leadership skills. The paper is meant to evaluate the personal and professional skills. In sync with this is the execution of a personal skills audit coupled with a personal development plan. To achieve this, objectives stated hereunder with have to be addressed in earnest. Objectives To identify practical methods for developing and improving personal and professional skills in strategic managers within a year To determine the effect of the international and the multicultural environment on the development of strategic manager. To identify the effect of personal and professional skills on leadership These encapsulate the following; inter alia, the understated, Setting objectives Evaluation Decision making Reflecting Time management Stress management Leadership Valuing and supporting others. Self-assessment Communicating Self appraisal Prioritizing Main body Time management. As a manager it is paramount to keep time since time is an important resource in management apart from people. Knowing when to arrive on job and what time to take thereon helps one become a better manager. Stress management. In any organization dealing with daily affairs, stress is an inevitable ingredient. Any manager worth his salt must be armed to the tool to combat stress at its emergence. Failure to manager stress as a manager will lead to an automatic organizational failure Motivating Pursuant to theory X of management, there are a number of employees who work best in pensive environment whist others prefer perpetual encouragement, support. Motivational incentives like package increments, promotion, special treatments etc. Communicating In any given organization, communication is an important aspect. Failure to communicate results in organizational breakdown; essentially, communication is the building block of any organization. Valuing and supporting others This is prerogative as it makes people to have a sense of belonging. With the sense of belonging, an employee is bound to deliver more than one without this aspect in consideration. Valuing employees and giving them necessary support gives them the audacity to belabour as a united front for the success of the business. Practical methods for developing/ improving these skills Practical methods for improving skills are essential towards the general understanding of the concept since graphics and audio messages get to the recipient with higher reception. Trainers’ manuals in management postulate the competency to train and propose the designing and delivery of a training mode that is effective. According to Pont (1996), the capability to effectively listen, is vested in verbal and non-verbal communicating. In a research by Rae carried out research based on the findings of Burgoyne and Stuart (1976).in the research, planned education and training play a vital role in development managerial skills and performance. Rae postulates that organizational knowledge, knowledge of management, training knowledge, program preparation skills, technological skills, people skills, creativity so as increases by using different ways of self-development, humour, and self confidence. Leigh (2006) postulated the building of enthusiasm in the trainers for their job, enthusiasm is he postulates is the prerequisite for success. Having a trainer/ coach for each employee is portrayed as an efficient practical way of learning. In depth interviewing using pictures Each person can perceive differently in any given environment with differential analytical capability. We use in-depth interviewing to obtain greater depth of info.(Flick, 2006; Merriam, 1998). Different research disciplines have developed different devices for mining the unconscious mind so as to create real value for participants. The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) of McClelland (1973) entirely made use of the pictures in his test. The impact of the achievement, inclination and effect on the performance were studied. People are driven by these three motives, according to McClelland. The Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique’s (ZMET), device entailed use of metaphors that populate human aspect of life, (Zaltan and Zaltan, 2008). According to ZMET method, communication in human beings is primarily visual and non-verbal. People think in pictures that evoke emotions, according to ZMET findings. In essence, sensory images are a crucial media of communication according to Olson and Zaltman Associates, 2008. Creativity Creativity is a crucial means of passing across a message. Through the use of pictures tap, color and paste, it brings out humour and fun thus increasing understanding. Inspiration-motivation Employees perceive training sceptically because they have misguided impression of the need to attend professional training to fix motivation. It is important to instil confidence in employees.. Keeping current Training facilities should be designed with the responsibility of training professionals, according to Woods, H.asd Kalargyrou, V. (2009). Active listening It is significant to be a good listener and actively listen to peoples problems. This helps in getting their problems sorted. Consistency Training is an imperative method of acquiring skills. Training educates employees on philosophy, goal and mission statement in decision making. In this regard, it is pertinent that organizations assign crucial development goals and objectives to the personnel to enhance a committed and concerted effort in the quest to manage the affairs of the organization. Personal Skills Audit This refers to the review of a person’s existing skills vis-a-vis the skills that one will need both now and in future. It helps the manager to identify ones existing skills and identify the skills that one needs to execute in voluntary work, effectively planning, developing and improving the skills and knowledge required for future career development. Knowledge and skills which I consider to be important for my current voluntary activity Your Ability Rating (1-5) or strong / weak / somewhere in between Decision making 4 Time management 4 Setting objectives 5 Monitoring 4 Motivating 5 Planning 5 Learning 5 Communicating 5 Stress management 4 Knowledge and skills which I consider to be important for my future career Your Ability Rating (1-5) or strong / weak / somewhere in between Reflecting 2 Prioritizing 2 Obtaining feedback 2 Analysing 3 Reviewing 3 Evaluating 2 Flexibility 2 Delegating 1 Key 1= Current knowledge null or skill missing 2= there exists some level of awareness but not sufficiently competent to use it, 3= there is ability to use the knowledge or skill (some level of competency), 4= Proficient in the knowledge or skill and able to show others how to use it (High level of competency), 5= Expert with a high degree of skill and/or comprehensive knowledge (Fully competent) The 5 skills of personal audit: The outcomes from the performance appraisal and development meetings have resulted in: The career request from the employees or their learning and development capabilities, Based on the 360 appraisals or the survey of the staff, What the customers suggest on one. The challenges faced in recruitment, The policy of the company in requirements Professional Development Plan (PDP) Reflecting on the current activity or future activities as observed as above, we shall herein regard them as insights gained in a working environment with feedback from feed back , this hopefully makes one consciously aware of strengths that will boost conscious strategies in international settings. In the development plan, there is need to focus on being superbly effective in both international and multi-cultural environments. Area of strength Ways to use it more extensively Setting objectives Have well written down objectives. Continually review current objectives based on the unfolding of the business. Sing or appraise the past objectives that have made an impact. Motivation Giving incentives to performing employees Salary increment for the best performer. Organize for trainings and workshop Planning Plan for logical resource allocation. Follow through the strategic plan to enhance fruitful yield. Avoid mal performance through proper planning to achieve desired goals. Learning Learning skills is an important tool of management as it allows new skills to be acquired. Enhance creative learning in seminars to enhance 100% gaining on the employees. Introduce graphics in presentations to create appeal to the learners hence maximizing understanding. Area of development Ways to address it Flexibility Learn to attune to other people. Learn to change working environment with the performance being constant. Obtaining feedback. Establishing a customer satiability note for every person that enters into business with the organization. This involves filling in a small sheet and leaving it with the management. With the effective feedback processes, the employees see their progress and get motivation. Delegating Learning to delegate is an important having work done by the other people. SWOT ANALYSIS Positive Negative Internal Strength Weakness 1 Planning 1 Flexibility 2 Decision making 2 Delegate 3 Stress management 3 Review 4 Motivation 4 evaluating 5 learning 5 prioritizing 6 Setting objectives 6 7 monitoring 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 External Opportunities Threats 1 Goal setting. 1 Competition 2 Reflection. 2 Flexibility 3 Obtaining feedback. 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Sectors STRENGTHS Planning Using a team of scholars to plan and forecast for the company Analyzing the previous year’s development scope vis-à-vis the actual development. Decision Making Sound decision making policy Consultative decisions are made Stress Management Personnel to be subjected to periodic training on stress management modules Take a case study on stress in the organization with an aim of devising mitigation methodologies. Learning Upgrading seminars and workshops to be organized after every two months The organization to provide loans for members and allow for opportunities for personnel furthering their studies. Motivating Invitation of motivational speakers for a motivational wise crack to the personnel on period grounds Introduction of golden incentives to sterling performances Setting objectives The management shall adhere to the postulated objectives and act to the letter to ensure the realization of the company aim. Realizing the company mission is highly vested in the objectives therein. Relying on scientific methods of formulating the objectives that address the situational needs of the society. WEAKNESSES Flexibility In a multi cultural environment there exists the inability to cope with this setting. It is quite difficult to get a manager moving from one station to another without need for training on job to enhance acquaintance. Inability of a personnel manager to work in the accounting department will call for hiring the right personnel for the right job. Review For purposes of political coverage, incoming regimes dread reviewing the foregone reports for purposes of protection. The cost involved in the hiring of review commission renders the venture costly. Evaluating Carrying out organizational evaluation on is an involving and costly a venture that is bound to discourage attempt. Time factor in the evaluation Prioritizing Often it is horrendous prioritizing in the face of pressing sporadic challenges in the management. OPPORTUNITIES Goal setting THREATS Competition Impeding competition from neighbouring companies for qualified and performing managers is bound to act as a threat to the companies offering meagre remuneration. Need to establish better branding for the company as a manager so as to style up and measure up to the competition. Flexibility The rapid technological changes in the industry calls for a concerted update to the times and changes. Being rigid herein is bound to work against one in any line of production SMART Analysis S- Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable R -Reliable T-Time-bound. On the SMART analysis, we shall use this report to determine the practical methods of developing reliable professional and personal skills by the end of the financial year. Recommendation Managerial capability or prowess results from proper application of the professional and personal skills in the delivery of service. It is a noble recommendation that training and monitoring of the developments of management be executed often through practical and graphic methods to enhance understanding. From the swot analysis, the strengths ought to be upheld with weaknesses addressed to the letter to mitigate their retrogressive effect on managerial/ leadership skills. Conclusion It is therefore a foregone conclusion that leadership skills are greatly tailored in the personal and professional skills of the managerial team. To effectively work as a strategic manager, one needs to be braced with the practical managerial skills such as stress management, goal setting, decision making, policy implementation, motivating and so forth. As can be seen herein, personal skills and professional skills need to be inculcated in leadership skills for worthwhile strategic management. It is therefore prerogative that managers keep an updated file of the their swot analysis on personal development plot and generally develop personal development plan (PDP) as away of keeping a sound self assessment. References Burgoyne, J. and Stuart, R. (1976), “The nature, use and acquisition of managerial skills and other attributes”, Personnel Review, Vol. 5 No. 4, pp. 19-29 Flick, U. (2006), An Introduction to Qualitative Research, 3rd ed., Sage Publications, ThousandOaks, CA. Leigh, D. (2006), The Group Trainer’s Handbook: Designing and Delivering Training for Groups,Kogan Page, Philadelphia, PA. McClelland, D.C. (1973), “Testing for competence rather than for intelligence”, American Psychologist, Vol. 28 No. 1, pp. 1-14 Merriam, S. (1998), Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education, Jossey-Bass,San Francisco, CA. Olson and Zaltman Associates (2008), available at: (accessed12 September 2008). Pont, T. (1996), Developing Effective Training Skills, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, London.. Woods, H.R. and Kalargyrou, V. (2011), Wanted; training competencies for the twenty first century Vol. 23 No.3 Zaltman, G. (2003), How Customers Think, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA Zaltman, G. and Zaltman, L. (2008), Marketing Metaphoria: What Deep Metaphors Reveal about the Minds of Consumers, Harvard Business Press, Boston, MA. 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Professional Development for Strategic Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 Words.
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