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Risk Management, Fire and Rescue Services - Assignment Example

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The paper "Risk Management, Fire and Rescue Services " is a good example of a finance and accounting assignment. Risk management is the management policies and strategies which are meant to reduce the chances of harm occurring in buildings or other dwelling places. Effective policies and strategies should be put in place in ensuring reduced and proper management of risks…
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Running Header: Risk Management Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Code & Name: Date of Submission: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Risk Management 3 Introduction 3 Fire Risk Assessment 4 Hazards and risks identification and evaluation 4 Identifying People at risk 7 Reducing fire risks 7 Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 10 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 11 Conclusion 12 References 14 Risk Management Introduction Risk management is the management policies and strategies which are meant to reduce chances of harm occurring in buildings or other dwelling places. Effective policies and strategies should be put in place in ensuring reduced and proper management of risks. Risk can be defined as the chances of injury or destruction occurrence at buildings, dwelling places or any other region occupied by human beings. Risk can take place mainly due to exposure to hazards. Hazard is anything that has a potential of causing harm in form of injuries, damage to properties and environment. Risk assessment aims at ensuring any hazards with potential of causing danger are dealt with before any harm occurs to human beings or occupants of various buildings. In trying to reduce fire hazards and risks, there is importance of coming up with a fire risk assessment plan which will assist in reduction of fire occurrences and risks associated with fire. Fire risk assessment has main objectives of identifying the fire hazards while minimizing fire hazards risks which are likely to cause harm to the people. Fire risk assessment also ensures efficient and effective physical fire precautions and management plans are taken and put into consideration to ensure reduced injuries and other kind of harms which might take place. Risk management helps in determining the chances of a fire occurring in premises as well as determining the risk it poses to those inside and outside the premises. Fire Risk Assessment British Standards Institution (2005, p. 87) maintains that Fire risk assessment is a planned and systematic evaluation of a premises or building and activities being carried out there. It also looks at the likelihood of a fire starting and the harm it can cause to people around and within the premises. In trying to identify fire hazards and people who are at risk as well as trying to reduce those hazards, risk assessment undergoes through various steps of the fire risk assessment. It is important to put in place various strategies to ensure fire incidences and risks are reduced. Various fire risk assessment strategic priorities aim at reducing number of fires as well as other emergency incidents. They also aim at reducing loss of life in fires and other related emergency incidences as well as reducing the severity and number of injuries in emergency and fire incidents. Fire risk assessment strategic priorities also aim at reducing emergency and fire impacts on commercial, economic and social aspects or factors. It also aims at securing value for money in trying to reduce the number of losses in damaged properties. The fire risk assessment process involves identifying the hazards, deciding who might be harmed and how, evaluating the risks and deciding on various precautions, recording the findings and implementing them and finally reviewing the assessment and updating them if is necessary. Hazards and risks identification and evaluation In trying to reduce number of fires occurring in accommodation centers for students, it is important to identify and analyze potential hazards and risks in the accommodation centers. Students’ lifestyles factors should be reduced and taking into consideration in ensuring that they are no potential hazards to the students and fire-fighters in case fire occurs. There should be such arrangement in such they are reduced occurrences of fire and other related injuries or hazards in case of fire. In identifying fire hazards, there are three major things that need to be analyzed which include sources of ignition, fuel, and oxygen. Failure to have one of these will not make fire to start hence reduced fire occurrence. They are various potential sources of ignition in buildings; there are usually possible heat sources that ignite materials that are found in buildings. Some of the ignition sources include naked flames like those of gas or liquid-fuelled open-flame equipment, candles and night lights. Smokers’ materials like lighters, matches and cigarettes as well as boilers and hot processes like welding through contractors are ignition sources. Other ignition sources include cooking activities, machinery with hot surfaces, lighting equipment which may be either movable or fixed as well as misused or faulty electrical equipment like computers, vending machines and electric blankets. Charred electrical sockets and plugs as well as cigarette burns are other important aspects which can assist in identifying potential hazards. It is important to identify ignition sources in any premises including accommodation premises or centers for students as it will assist in reducing fire occurrences. It will also assist in reducing injuries or fatalities to both the students and fire fighters. Denis and Chubb Company (2000, p. 90) maintains that another important aspect in risk assessment is identification of fuel sources in a premise. Fuel is anything which burn. There are various things which burn easily and are in most occasions in large quantity to provide fuel for a fire in a premise. The fuel makes the fire to spread quickly to other areas within the building if not checked. Common fuels found in the premises makes the fire spread easily and quickly to other areas of the building. Most common fuels are found in the sleeping or accommodation sections. They include furniture which may be permanently or temporary stored as well as textiles and soft furnishing like clothing displays and hanging curtains. Laundry materials like linen, towels, and beddings are other fuel sources in the house. Waste products including shredded papers and wood shavings, dust and off cuts are also fuel sources. Skips, refuse containers, and water storage as well as flammable-liquid-based products like paints, varnishes, adhesives and thinners are also sources of fuels. Flammable chemicals like cleaning products such as dry cleaning and photocopier chemicals which uses hydro-carbon solvents. Other includes flammable liquids based products which includes ethylated spirit, disposable cigarette lighters as well as cooking oil. Paper products, stationery, paper, packaging materials and books also form part of fuel sources. These are the main sources of fuel which are found in accommodation places for most students. Other major sources of fuel in students’ accommodation center include rubber and plastics like video tapes, polyurethane foam-filled furniture and students’ possessions. Others are wall and ceiling hangings in the accommodation shelters including carpet tiles and bought in materials which form a major part of students’ accommodation wall lining materials. Identification of fuel sources is important when analyzing fire risk assessment in order to know efficient ways of reducing the fire risks and effects. There is also need to identify sources of oxygen because it is another factor which contributes towards fire occurrence risks and related hazards. Oxygen sources may flow naturally into the building or may get into the building through mechanical air conditioning systems. However, they are other oxygen sources which include materials stored or used within the building. Some of the oxygen sources includes oxidizing materials in form of chemicals which can provide help the fire to burn. Other sources of oxygen are cylinder storage used for welding process. Pyrotechnics or fire works also have significant amounts of oxidizing materials which can make provide oxygen. Such oxygen sources should be eliminated or stored in areas where they are out of reach. Identifying People at risk Another vital aspect in fire risk assessment is identification of those people who may be at risk when there is fire within a building. This involves identification of those people occupying the premises that may include people working, students sleeping or even fire service workers. When people are asleep, they are usually disoriented and slow to respond in case of fire accidnet. Employees are other people who might be at risk in case fire occurs in a building. They include night staff, security staff or even cleaners. Others are those people who are unfamiliar with the premises or building and they include visitors, fire fighters, or new students. Others who may be at risk include students who may under the influence of drugs, medication or alcohol. People within the vicinity may as well be as risk of fire accident. Evaluating all people at risk will assist in ensuring they are reduced risks and fatalities. Assessing various categories of people at risk will assist in trying to reduce any form of risk that may be posed to the people who may inhabit the premise or building. Reducing fire risks According to Croner.CCH Group (2007, p. 124), chances of fire starting can be reduced if ignition sources and combustible materials are minimized or kept away. However, fire can start through three main ways which include accident, by an act or omission or deliberately through an arson attack. It is important to ensure all the factors that might contribute to accident are reduced. It is important to ensure smoking materials are extinguished properly with the lights being installed properly to ensure they do not get knocked down accidentally. All electrical equipments should be maintained properly without allowing accumulation of waste near the source of heat. External rubbish bins should not be placed too close to the buildings as this may attract the attention of the arsonist who may end up causing or starting fire. People at risk of fire mainly get affected by fire as it spreads through various three main methods which include conduction, radiation and convection. Convection is most dangerous method of spreading fire which causes highest number of injuries and deaths. Conduction does not pose great risk mainly because its mode of fire or heat transfer is through a heated material as well as radiation which involve heat of air. Therefore, it is important to ensure care and precautions are taken into consideration so as to ensure there is total safety as people evade fire out of the building. It is crucial to know the exact place where the fire has started as it may end up affecting the escape routes for the people mainly on the upper floors. It is important to reduce the number of flammable substances that may be corrosive or toxic. Actions of removing or reducing the hazards or risks should not be substituted by other forms of risks or hazards. Potential ignition sources should be reduced in premises and other areas of residence. This can be achieved through operating a safe smoking policy through designating smoking areas as well as prohibiting smoking in restricted areas or sections. Naked flames and radiant heaters require to be replaced with fixed convector heaters or even central heating system. There should be a restrict movement of heating appliances. All mechanical, electrical and gas equipment should be installed, maintained, used and even protected according to the instructions from manufacturers. All electric fuses and circuit breakers should be at the correct rating and used for their suitable purposes. It is crucial to ensure electric sockets are not overloaded while checking all hot work as well as ensuring there are no ignition or smoldering materials which may cause fire. All precautions should be taken to ensure arson incidences are reduced especially in accommodation premises as well as removing any unnecessary heat sources while replacing them with safer ones. Sources of fuel should be removed or reduced as they will help in reducing risks which may occur. Combustible items including furniture, laundry, decorations should be kept away from other potential sources of ignition like boilers. Combustible materials like plastics and decorative products should be reduced especially in residential areas. Aerosols and newspapers should be cleared and cleaned out of the bedrooms and other areas including guests and residents houses. According to Adair (2006, p. 76), highly combustible wall and ceiling linings like carpet tiles or polystyrene should be removed or even treated to ensure there is reduced spread of fire across the surface. Flammable materials, gases and liquids should be kept to minimum with the remaining stock being kept at store rooms away from public. All the doors and windows should be closed in order to reduce oxygen supply as well as closing ventilation systems not functioning. Adequate fire precautions should be put in place to ensure people become aware of any risks which may occur and allow them escape quickly and safely. This will assist in reducing any risk to people in buildings or premises. Premises should have enough fire warning systems which utilize automatic fire detection equipments as well as a building with a layout which ensures reduced travel distances or simple escape routes. Removing combustible materials and ignition sources ensure reduced fire risks. Increased training of people on fire prevention ensures increased awareness and eventually reduced number of fire related injuries and deaths. Escape routes are a major factor that ensures reduced fatalities and injuries in case of fire accidents. Escape routes provides a way to move away from the fire to an area of total safety without necessary having help from rescuers. Escape routes should be such that they are accessible and clear for anyone confronted by fire can be able to move quickly and clearly to a reasonable safe place away from the building. People with special needs should be assisted or accommodated to ensure they are able to move to safer places. Escape routes should be managed in such a way that they remain usable and available all the time especially when building in occupied. Escape routes including stairways and corridors should be hazard free as well as clear from items which may disrupt the movements. Notices and signs also plays a great role in ensuring people escaping are able to know the direction to move out of the building. Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 According to Paul (2006, p. 87), the act 2004 of fire and rescue services replaces fire services act 1947 in ensuring fire and rescue services are able to meet 21st Century challenges. This 2004 act creates new duties for fire and rescue authorities towards promoting fire safety as well as other powers towards creation of safer communities. The act gives fire and rescue authorities clear authority towards equipping and responding to specific local risks and needs of various communities. The act puts into place that the need to save more lives as well as promoting fire safety. According to the 2004 Act, Government should provide strategic aims and support to the fire and rescue services. The act also comes up with new responsibilities as well as powers for fire and rescue services authorities to meet needs for modern services of fire and rescue organizations. The act also ensures effective and efficient service while updating previous powers in increasing efficiency and effectiveness. The act as well gives more powers to the government for it to purchase services and equipment towards promotion of economy, effectiveness and efficiency of fire and rescue authorities. The Act reserve powers in setting up new bodies that have independent chairs for negotiating conditions and pay for the employees. In investigation and information, the Act gives statutory powers of any authorized employee of a fire and rescue services authority to get into premises to get information as well as investigating fire occurrences. The act re-enacts while expanding previous powers for fire and rescue authorities to enter into various reinforcement schemes while working with others. It also re-enacts the provision which regards water supply. Fire and rescue authorities are re-enacted by the Act for provisions regarding water supply. The act re-enacts the fire service Act 1947 provision which makes it an offence if someone causes or even gives a false alarm fire. Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) This is a basic element of the corporate planning process which aligns the activities of fire and rescue authorities with priorities that is strategic in communities, Government and local Government as well as local fire authority. IRPM aims at making its services even more responsive to locally identified needs while securing more productive use of the resources of fire and rescue service. Hirschler (2008, p. 98) maintains that Lancashire fire and rescue service set up a strategic plan in March 2004 which covered a period of 2004-2009. This IRMP outlined the intentions of fire safety improvement in Lancashire. It also focused on shifting to a complementary approach that concentrates more on reducing and preventing emergencies while mitigating the consequences. IRMP has enabled improvement of deliver of services. Within IRPM period, this has been a general reduction of staff injuries, secondary fires, property, dwelling fire casualties and accident dwelling fires. Oxfordshire Fire Authority (2009, p. 142) argues that Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue service IRMP aims at being more responsive to the needs of the community while utilizing more use of fire and recue service resources. OxFordshire Fire & Rescue service will identify existing as well as potential risks to the community. It also determines standards and policies as well as resource requirements for intervention and prevention. IRMP also includes an action plan for implementation. Conclusion Fire & Rescue services ensure it assesses, evaluates, manages and measures the fire risk in the society. Risk management involves management policies and strategies which are meant to reduce chances of damage taking place in other dwelling places. Risk assessment has the main aim of ensuring any hazards with potential of causing risk are dealt with before any harm occurs to occupants of various buildings. Risk management assists in determining the chances of a fire occurring within a premises as well as determining the risk it poses to those inside and outside the premises. Fire risk assessment has main objectives of identifying the fire hazards while minimizing risks which are likely to cause harm to the people. Fire risk assessment also aims at reducing loss of life in fires and other related emergency incidences as well as reducing the severity and number of injuries in emergency and fire incidents. Fire risk assessment strategic priorities also aim at reducing emergency and fire impacts on commercial, economic and social factors. Sources of ignition, fuel, and oxygen are the major factors behind fire risks occurrence. Managing and minimizing or even eliminating one of them will ensure there is reduced fire risk or incidences within the society. Increased training of people on fire prevention ensures increased awareness will ensure reduced number of fire risks. The act 2004 of fire and rescue services replaces fire services act 1947 in ensuring fire and rescue services are able to meet 21st Century challenges and demands. Integrated Risk Management Plan aims at making services even more responsive to locally identified needs while securing more productive use of the resources of fire and rescue service. Proper fire and rescue services risk management will ensure overall risk management. References Adair, L 2006, Fire Risk Management in the workplace. A guide for employers, Bertrams Print On Demand, California. British Standards Institution 2005, Fire precautions act, The Stationary Office, London. Croner.CCH Group 2007, Fire risk management, Croner.CCH, Michigan. Denis C. & Chubb Company 2000, Fire risk assessment: a practical guide, Chubb Fire Ltd, New York. Hirschler, M 2008, Fire hazard and fire risk assessment, ASTM International, Oxford. Oxfordshire Fire Authority 2009, Oxfordshire Fire Authority integrated risk management plan & action plan, Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, London. Paul, M 2006, The Fire and Rescue Service: Session 2005-06, Stationery Office, London. Read More
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